....well, the Select Committee is about to step into the batter's box...

That's a strange and remarkable assertion.
To which I demur.
Can you offer the forum vetting on it?
A source other than your own personal opinion or similar personal opinions of such caliber?

FWIW, I thought my avatar was clear that the Committee's most beneficial function is to give America...and the world.....a clear description and accounting of the players, the decisions, and the impacts....not to mention, the events that were so alarmingly evident to those of us who watched that deplorable attack on the telly in real-time.

America wants to know who decided what, said what, directed what, and what the players did.....either putting the attack in motion, or clubbing down an officer with a hammer. We want to know.

And I would submit, patriotic responsible Americans need to know.

To paraphrase Stalin:


what matters who asks the questions, and the questions they ask.

and there is little doubt who is asking the questions, what the questions will be, and what answers they expect to those questions.
I'd actually be fully satisfied if they just present the facts to the historical record. We need to at least know what actually happened. If what those people tried to do isn't important enough to Americans, then we deserve what we get.

My bigger question is what the DOJ plans, if anything. But the same rule applies: If we're going to let them get away with this, we deserve what we get.

And let the DOJ do their jobs to decide if they think they have a case to prosecute.

I said this over a year ago that Trump was fully wrong about what Pence could do because there is no power listed in the constitution to allow it Pence should be given a big thank you for not following that idiotic plan Trump and his stupid legal advisors had advocated.

Show trials are stupid and divisive.
"....that might be used to smear him."
Go see what poster 'Mac' says in post #76:

We need to at least know what actually happened.
Yeah, that.
What is so difficult for some to understand that knowledge of that terrible day is not a wrong thing?

Are their elements of January 6th that some uber-partisan types wish to hide? If anything?
And if so, why?
To paraphrase Stalin:

View attachment 654320

what matters who asks the questions, and the questions they ask.

and there is little doubt who is asking the questions, what the questions will be, and what answers they expect to those questions.

This is so obvious that a person has to be a total nutter not to see this!!
What is so difficult for some to understand that knowledge of that terrible day is not a wrong thing?
Are their elements of January 6th that some uber-partisan types wish to hide? If anything?
And if so, why?
Well, this is one of the many questions I have. There are some in the GQP who are willing to admit that this was a terrible day. There are others who will never admit anything and are fine with it. And then there are some who want to see the world burn to satiate their rage and paranoia.

But certainly most of them will continue to mock and downplay all of this, even if the DOJ gets involved. They'll just claim conspiracy regardless. He and they are always the innocent victims, always.
Well, this is one of the many questions I have. There are some in the GQP who are willing to admit that this was a terrible day. There are others who will never admit anything and are fine with it. And then there are some who want to see the world burn to satiate their rage and paranoia.

But certainly most of them will continue to mock and downplay all of this, even if the DOJ gets involved. They'll just claim conspiracy regardless. He and they are always the innocent victims, always.


Thanks for confirming that you are a total nutter.
Stalin could've used your salad logic!!
what matters who asks the questions, and the questions they ask.
and there is little doubt who is asking the questions, what the questions will be, and what answers they expect to those questions.

Poster Furst, are you in the wrong thread?
We all know who will ask the questions. That's been known for months.
Indeed, 'there is little doubt'. Duh!
As far as what they will ask......time will tell.
I ain't a lawyer, I don't know all the questions. I ain't anticipatin' anybody's answers. How could you?
I know some questions I would like to see asked...under penalty of oath and law.

My free advice to your avatar...and worth every penny.....is to actually watch the televised hearings.
If they are, as I fervently hope, informational, revealing, educational, and 'historical'.....well, that would be a good thing for America. No?
Well, this is one of the many questions I have. There are some in the GQP who are willing to admit that this was a terrible day. There are others who will never admit anything and are fine with it. And then there are some who want to see the world burn to satiate their rage and paranoia.

But certainly most of them will continue to mock and downplay all of this, even if the DOJ gets involved. They'll just claim conspiracy regardless. He and they are always the innocent victims, always.

It was a terrible day.

But it doesn't hold a candle to the weeks of rioting and damage suffered by citizens in St Louis, Baltimore, Portland, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Kenosha County, etc.

Poster Furst, are you in the wrong thread?
We all know who will ask the questions. That's been known for months.
Indeed, 'there is little doubt'. Duh!
As far as what they will ask......time will tell.
I ain't a lawyer, I don't know all the questions. I ain't anticipatin' anybody's answers. How could you?
I know some questions I would like to see asked...under penalty of oath and law.

My free advice to your avatar...and worth every penny.....is to actually watch the televised hearings.
If they are, as I fervently hope, informational, revealing, educational, and 'historical'.....well, that would be a good thing for America. No?

The Dimm's do very, very little good for America anymore. And this is just one more.
It was a terrible day.

But it doesn't hold a candle to the weeks of rioting and damage suffered by citizens in St Louis, Baltimore, Portland, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Kenosha County, etc.
Yes, that's the talking point.

I don't remember a historic, violent attempt to stop the peaceful constitutional transition of American presidential power and dozens of national elected officials hiding for their lives in those cities, but maybe I just missed it. I guess I should watch FOX more.
That's a strange and remarkable assertion.
To which I demur.
Can you offer the forum vetting on it?
A source other than your own personal opinion or similar personal opinions of such caliber?

FWIW, I thought my avatar was clear that the Committee's most beneficial function is to give America...and the world.....a clear description and accounting of the players, the decisions, and the impacts....not to mention, the events that were so alarmingly evident to those of us who watched that deplorable attack on the telly in real-time.

America wants to know who decided what, said what, directed what, and what the players did.....either putting the attack in motion, or clubbing down an officer with a hammer. We want to know.

And I would submit, patriotic responsible Americans need to know.
Your avatar doesn’t exist. Your username is not you. Your own words advise us about your position.

The balance of your post, as is so usually the case, is more of your prissy platitudes.

Sure, Americans would probably like to know and might benefit from knowing if any of the criminal behavior of 1/6 at our Capitol was orchestrated by anyone in the government. But you know that’s not the agenda of this partisan committee. Fuck, we all know that.

And to the extent that some participants, there, did engage in criminal behavior, like assaulting any police officers, most Americans are probably comfortable with criminal prosecutions. Interesting fact along those lines: that criminal justice system process is already well under way. We don’t need Congressional partisan committees to do that work of the other branches.

So, once again, Chilliconfuzed, give your constant pretentiousness a rest. Say what you actually mean. But try just speaking forthrightly. Thanks in advance.
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They clearly have enough to Prosecute with it what is holding them back?
What is your hurry?
Statute of Limitations?
Whatever they have....if it is indictable....well, let all of us patriotic Americans hope that the accused and eventually convicted criminals pay a price.

But, I am not sure that 'indictments' is a goal, or the only goal of such a committee. As they have repeatedly stated....hell, if you had read your subscription to WaPo this morning you would know......what they have said is America deserves a full accounting.

I ain't a lawyer, but perhaps.....quick indictments, trials, and stiff sentencing....could NOT give America the full accounting we need.
After all, we don't want that merde' to happen again. So let's have a full bore autopsy.

Yes, that's the talking point.

I don't remember a historic, violent attempt to stop the peaceful constitutional transition of American presidential power and dozens of national elected officials hiding for their lives in those cities, but maybe I just missed it. I guess I should watch FOX more.

It was only a Capital riot. :itsok::itsok::itsok:

Get over it!!
435 congressmen times 5 minutes of time to speechify their case, divided by 60 minutes in an hour.

equals 36.25 hours.

not what I'd call a 'lot of discussion' over an impeachment.
Why bother when the indicted had already been through one lengthy impeachment? Who cares?

Go see what poster 'Mac' says in post #76:

Yeah, that.
What is so difficult for some to understand that knowledge of that terrible day is not a wrong thing?

Are their elements of January 6th that some uber-partisan types wish to hide? If anything?
And if so, why?
We could benefit from knowing what happened. If you think this partisan hack committee is the tool to serve that purpose, you’re either dishonest or deluded. And no. You Uber-partisan hacks don’t wish to hide much of anything except maybe what really did happen versus your endless false portrayals of what happened.

The rest of us are probably satisfied already that this partisan hack committee isn’t seeking any such facts or truth. Their predetermined conclusion is as good as written and I suspect even you know it. Regardless of the reality, they will “conclude” that the bad orange man tried to undermine “our democracy” in a nefarious plot to use the citizen “mob” to “overturn” the election.

Watch. Wait. Read. Learn. But I just gave you the spoiler.

Poster Furst, are you in the wrong thread?
We all know who will ask the questions. That's been known for months.
Indeed, 'there is little doubt'. Duh!
As far as what they will ask......time will tell.
I ain't a lawyer, I don't know all the questions. I ain't anticipatin' anybody's answers. How could you?
I know some questions I would like to see asked...under penalty of oath and law.

My free advice to your avatar...and worth every penny.....is to actually watch the televised hearings.
If they are, as I fervently hope, informational, revealing, educational, and 'historical'.....well, that would be a good thing for America. No?
We all know who will ask the questions. That's been known for months.

yup, like

Zoe Lofgren​

served as an impeachment manager during then-President Donald Trump's first impeachment trial, in 2020.

Adam Schiff​

lead impeachment manager for Trump's first impeachment trial

Jamie Raskin​

lead House impeachment manager during Trump's second impeachment trial,

Pete Aguilar​

Believes "One-hundred forty Capitol Police officers were injured, some of them permanently, [on Jan. 6],"

Liz Cheney​

Outspoken critic of Trump.

Adam Kinzinger​

also an Outspoken critic of Trump.

What is your hurry?
Statute of Limitations?
Whatever they have....if it is indictable....well, let all of us patriotic Americans hope that the accused and eventually convicted criminals pay a price.

But, I am not sure that 'indictments' is a goal, or the only goal of such a committee. As they have repeatedly stated....hell, if you had read your subscription to WaPo this morning you would know......what they have said is America deserves a full accounting.

I ain't a lawyer, but perhaps.....quick indictments, trials, and stiff sentencing....could NOT give America the full accounting we need.
After all, we don't want that merde' to happen again. So let's have a full bore autopsy.


The Show trial isn't justice at all but a partisan based show that will actually hurt the democrats more because people want true accountability which is done through prosecution.

I like what Mac1958 wrote:

"I'd actually be fully satisfied if they just present the facts to the historical record. We need to at least know what actually happened. If what those people tried to do isn't important enough to Americans, then we deserve what we get."

Why don't you?

What is preventing the DOJ from Prosecuting it?

Second time I bring this up which YOU and others keeps ignoring.

They clearly have enough to Prosecute with it what is holding the DOJ back?

After TWO years of political partisanship and ocean full of media prevarications wouldn't a true prosecution drive be the way to settle the controversy?
Yes, that's the talking point.

I don't remember a historic, violent attempt to stop the peaceful constitutional transition of American presidential power and dozens of national elected officials hiding for their lives in those cities, but maybe I just missed it. I guess I should watch FOX more.
I guess I should watch FOX more.

Guess that means you watch it more than I do.

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