In Re: Lindsey Graham

Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Either way, I like it. I just wonder where it was a couple years ago when he was opposing DT?

Under the influence of "hero" and saboteur John McCain.
Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?
The only thing I see Sweet Lindsay as, is a bottom.

He's somebody's bottom bitch.

Seem's like he's getting his kicks from taking it in the rear from Trump.

He likes it.
No COLLUSION!! No OBSTRUCTION!! Impeach or stfu!!

Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Trump's VP will be Pence, same as before.

That Graham is sometimes showing some spine, is all to the good.
Anyone with any integrity would cringe at the thought of defending Trump who's been a slimeball his entire life. And nothing changed on 1/20/17. Trump must really have the goods on these fuckers.

He spoke for those who had been ignored by the system for far too long.

You hate him because you hate those he spoke for.

You are the hater here.
Sounds like you belong to The DJT- Hook Line and Sinker Victims Association. He hasn't done squat for the folks that have been "ignored by the system for far too long." He shows his bright orange ass to all the poor, uneducated white folks that voted for him and they revel in it as if it is some kind of red badge of courage. A win, we got the liberals back! In the meantime, he raided the treasury (what's left of it), started boneheaded tariff wars putting hard working Americans out of business, neglected the border and immigration reform, and alienated long standing much needed allies. You and folks like you have been hoodwinked into the Trump Tribe.
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"Don’t get me wrong, it’s great @LindseyGrahamSC is getting so fired up at the Barr hearings but wouldn’t it be great if he got that fired up about the illegal immigration invasion crisis...." - Sexy Tomi Lahren
Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?
The only thing I see Sweet Lindsay as, is a bottom.

He's somebody's bottom bitch.

Seem's like he's getting his kicks from taking it in the rear from Trump.

He likes it.
Are you a homophobe or just fantasizing ?
Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Lindsey Graham has no cred left: He ran against Trump during the primary & stated facts about Trump that put Trump is a terrible light.

Graham however did a 180 & lost his marbles.

Now (post inauguration) Graham sees fit to kowtow to Trump on basically every issue in an attempt to be Trump's token gay boi attack dog.

I say Trump should keep Lindsey on a pretty tight chain (leash), dress Graham up in some rainbow colored outfits, and allow Graham to sniff at every tree & fire hydrant Graham encounters on their daily walks as they traipse off into the political sunset together ........

The Establishment republicans revealed themselves to be corrupt dogs.

Trump whipped them and Graham has adapted to the new reality.

That you fault him for that is just sour grapes on your part.

Oh really? Thanks so much for your opinion, it is so valuable I can't come up with any means to reward you.


I made a point, and you did not like it, but could not challenge it in any way.

Got it.
Why, because he's not going to sit back and allow some pious snot to editorialize and smear the AG, when it's her turn to ask him questions?

My topic sentence, "Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years",
had little or nothing to to do with the event today.

I always knew you've had your head up your ass, little did I know when dressed you put it elsewhere:

View attachment 258887

You made a reference to "today" and he guessed at to what specifically you were referring to. He even used a question mark, to make his statement a query, not a definitive statement.

For you to slam him as putting his head in the sand, for that, is not reasonable on your part.

Mea culpa, the photo of him with his head in the sand is a metaphor for his lack of honesty, lack of integrity and career as an idiot-gram tagger. His head is always up his ass.

THe irony of you making such a claim, on such weak justification...
Watching and listening to Sen. Graham, today and over the past couple of years, it seems to me Graham is seeking to be Trump's pick Vice President if Trump is once again nominated for POTUS.

VP Pence is a lap dog, but Sen. Graham will be an attack dog, as he demonstrated today.

Anyone else see ambition, not patriotism, in his demeanor today?

Trump's VP will be Pence, same as before.

That Graham is sometimes showing some spine, is all to the good.
Anyone with any integrity would cringe at the thought of defending Trump who's been a slimeball his entire life. And nothing changed on 1/20/17. Trump must really have the goods on these fuckers.

He spoke for those who had been ignored by the system for far too long.

You hate him because you hate those he spoke for.

You are the hater here.
Sounds like you belong to The DJT- Hook Line and Sinker Victims Association. He hasn't done squat for the folks that have been "ignored by the system for far too long." He shows his bright orange ass to all the poor, uneducated white folks that voted for him and they revel in it as if it is some kind of red badge of courage. A win, we got the liberals back! In the meantime, he raided the treasury (what's left of it), started boneheaded tariff wars putting hard working Americans out of business, neglected the border and immigration reform, and alienated long standing much needed allies. You and folks like you have been hoodwinked into the Trump Tribe.

Everything you said was wrong.

I will pick ONE of the easier of the many low hanging fruit you put out there.

Trump strongest base is white without college education.

Without college is not the same as "uneducated", you arrogant prick.

AND the contempt and even enmity people like you show to working class whites, all the while attacking them for doubting that you would be the ones to champion their interests,

reveal that you are the stupid ones.
Well, that is correct.

It was your inability to understand why your homophobic use of accusations of homosexuality, was bigoted, that demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are utterly clueless.
So you're telling me that Sweet Lindsay is YOUR model of a man? Is that how you'd want your son to talk, act and look?

I mean, if that's the case, then that's cool, I guess.

So tell me, is that the case?
Are you a homophobe or just fantasizing ?
All these lying Republican sons-of-bitches are forever disparaging Rachel Maddow for her sexuality. And/or they sit silently and contently when their fellow USMBers do it.

But watch them all now PRETEND to be CHAMPIONS of the gay movement to defend their favored political hack of the moment, Sweet Lindsay.


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You cannot have a discussion about Sweet Lindsay w/o discussing his in-the-closet status.

Especially considering his voting record.

It truly is amazing how bigoted you progressives are.

It is no longer amazing that you and others of your set are so dishonest.

And yet all evidence that actually exists says it is you and yours who are the lying scumbags.

It's easy to make allegations, suppose you work a bit and provide evidence that I am a "lying scumbag"; evidence which is at least probative and not an echo of others whose sole response is a personal attack.

You've claimed in your post that "all of the evidence that actually exists says it is you and yours who are lying scumbags".

The rational reader who has read you opinion expects all of that evidence be produced, and your failure to do so is beyond a reasonable doubt, that is it you who are the liar and the scumbag, not me.
OP should be concerned about the failed coup that his lib party attempted.

As usual a post from the right which lacks substance and original thinking. Educated posters would know that a coup is, "a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government".

Such are the mistakes when one echoes propaganda and ignores Reagan's admonition to trust but verify.
OP should be concerned about the failed coup that his lib party attempted.

As usual a post from the right which lacks substance and original thinking. Educated posters would know that a coup is, "a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government".

Such are the mistakes when one echoes propaganda and ignores Reagan's admonition to trust but verify.

As usual, a post from a poster who refuses to see the corruption in his own party and their hidden agenda ie shadow govts, entrenched within the lawful govt. This poster is blind and a partisan hack to the fullest extent and will defend his leeches to the ends of the universe. It is amazing to watch.
OP should be concerned about the failed coup that his lib party attempted.

As usual a post from the right which lacks substance and original thinking. Educated posters would know that a coup is, "a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government".

Such are the mistakes when one echoes propaganda and ignores Reagan's admonition to trust but verify.

As usual, a post from a poster who refuses to see the corruption in his own party and their hidden agenda ie shadow govts, entrenched within the lawful govt. This poster is blind and a partisan hack to the fullest extent and will defend his leeches to the ends of the universe. It is amazing to watch.

Prove this claim that a Deep State exists, and is corrupt and controlled by Democrats. Even if this conspiracy theory has a modicum of truth you would have some evidence, and be able to name the names of its leadership..

The truth is all you have are echoes of propaganda and the BIG LIES promulgated by the right.

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