In re: Orlando : The Pachyderm in the Room

Terrorists are drawn to countries with guns.

True story.


In Switzerland the Swiss are required to bear arms.

No attacks against Switzerland.

Could it be that Switzerland is fucking NEUTRAL?

Could it be that Switzerland has not joined the Coalition of the fucked up and has not participated in destroying middle eastern countries?
They don't have the money.


Switzerland has a stable, prosperous and high-tech economy and enjoys great wealth, being ranked as the wealthiest country in the world per capita in multiple rankings. In 2011 it was ranked as the wealthiest country in the world in per capita terms (with "wealth" being defined to include both financial and non-financial assets), while the 2013 Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report showed that Switzerland was the country with the highest average wealth per adult in 2013.[74][75][76] It has the world's nineteenth largest economy by nominal GDP and the thirty-sixth largest by purchasing power parity. It is the twentieth largest exporter, despite its small size. Switzerland has the highest European rating in the Index of Economic Freedom2010, while also providing large coverage through public services.[77] The nominal per capita GDP is higher than those of the larger Western and Central European economies and Japan.[78] If adjusted for purchasing power parity, Switzerland ranks 8th in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank and IMF (ranked 15th according to the CIA Worldfactbook[78])

Move to Switzerland then.

The Swiss don't fight wars. They don't take sides. We defend them from outside aggression. They don't have to pay for a massive army to protect themselves.

Do me a favor and stop wasting my time.

Sounds like an excellent advise.

Before 1935 the US was also neutral reason, war criminal FDR was compelled to manipulate Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor.
True story......

In Switzerland the Swiss are required to bear arms.

No attacks against Switzerland.

Could it be that Switzerland is fucking NEUTRAL?

Could it be that Switzerland has not joined the Coalition of the fucked up and has not participated in destroying middle eastern countries?
They don't have the money.


Switzerland has a stable, prosperous and high-tech economy and enjoys great wealth, being ranked as the wealthiest country in the world per capita in multiple rankings. In 2011 it was ranked as the wealthiest country in the world in per capita terms (with "wealth" being defined to include both financial and non-financial assets), while the 2013 Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report showed that Switzerland was the country with the highest average wealth per adult in 2013.[74][75][76] It has the world's nineteenth largest economy by nominal GDP and the thirty-sixth largest by purchasing power parity. It is the twentieth largest exporter, despite its small size. Switzerland has the highest European rating in the Index of Economic Freedom2010, while also providing large coverage through public services.[77] The nominal per capita GDP is higher than those of the larger Western and Central European economies and Japan.[78] If adjusted for purchasing power parity, Switzerland ranks 8th in the world in terms of GDP per capita, according to the World Bank and IMF (ranked 15th according to the CIA Worldfactbook[78])

Move to Switzerland then.

The Swiss don't fight wars. They don't take sides. We defend them from outside aggression. They don't have to pay for a massive army to protect themselves.

Do me a favor and stop wasting my time.

Sounds like an excellent advise.

Before 1935 the US was also neutral reason, war criminal FDR was compelled to manipulate Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor.
True story......

.......true story

Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not

I Told You So And It Makes Me Sick

See, let’s not forget that it was the United States government that started this whole mess by playing footsies with these people in the first place. Why? Because they came up with this foolish idea that ousting Assad from the control of Syria would somehow manifest a democracy over there. To that end, they armed people without the decent background checks they insist on for American citizens that aren’t trying to topple a government. Now here goes the government saying we need more background checks on firearm purchases by American citizens over here. Excuse me, but where were the background checks when this same government was handing out TOW anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft guns, and 12.7mm machine guns to these Syrian “moderates” that mutated into ISIS?
Basically this guy says, rather than dealing with the muslim problem, let's have a holocaust 2.0.

Great plan!
Basically this guy says, rather than dealing with the muslim problem, let's have a holocaust 2.0.

Great plan!

The only problem is that the Muslims are the victims of Holocaust 2.0. And since the US is completely and totally responsible Americans have become the targets of the jihadists.

What’s happening in Syria is just one more manifestation of what the national-security state and the philosophy of foreign empire and interventionism are doing to our country (and to the world). Not only are they leading our nation to bankruptcy, owing to the out-of-control federal spending and borrowing to fund all this destructive nonsense, they are also making the world ever more unsafe for the American people

The playbook we’ve been using since the 1940s isn’t going to cut it anymore. We still seem to think the Middle East can be managed if we curry favor with local autocrats, back Israel to the hilt, constantly reiterate the need for U.S. “leadership,” and when all else fails, blow some stuff up. But this approach is manifestly not working, and principles that informed U.S. policy in the past are no longer helpful.

The playbook we’ve been using since the 1940s isn’t going to cut it anymore. We still seem to think the Middle East can be managed if we curry favor with local autocrats, back Israel to the hilt, constantly reiterate the need for U.S. “leadership,” and when all else fails, blow some stuff up. But this approach is manifestly not working, and principles that informed U.S. policy in the past are no longer helpful.
Excellent thread!

The author of this article is pretty clueless though. Not once does he examine Israel's role in shaping the events in the Middle East.

The playbook we’ve been using since the 1940s isn’t going to cut it anymore. We still seem to think the Middle East can be managed if we curry favor with local autocrats, back Israel to the hilt, constantly reiterate the need for U.S. “leadership,” and when all else fails, blow some stuff up. But this approach is manifestly not working, and principles that informed U.S. policy in the past are no longer helpful.
Excellent thread!

The author of this article is pretty clueless though. Not once does he examine Israel's role in shaping the events in the Middle East.


And most Americans can't handle the truth.
Why did the White House just humiliate Loretta Lynch?


Idiotic: That’s the only word for the Obama administration’s move to scrub references to Islam or ISIS from the transcripts of Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen’s calls.

Under an avalanche of ridicule, the Justice Department on Monday relented and released the full transcripts. But what was the point? Everyone already knew that he’d pledged allegiance to ISIS and its “caliph.”

Fine: President Obama wants to make this about gun control, not terrorism — but ham-handed editing only calls attention to what you’re deleting, and to Obama’s peevish rules against uttering terms like “radical Islam.”
A 2008 Army War College report revealed that “widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security.” The 44-page report goes on to warn that potential causes for such civil unrest could include another terrorist attack, “unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters.”

So fedgov is not motivated to cease and desist interfering in the internal affairs of other nations because in the event of another attack they will simply declare martial law.



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