In the Absence of God; Human rights cannot exist.

Of course this member again fails to establish a valid basis for their assertion.

It seems as though, Publius, you don't have to offer any defense as to why YOUR position is right. Instead, you only critique others, much like creationist fundamentalists when arguing against the idea of evolution. It's bogus man. I mean, you're whole argument is derived from a single book, which offers to you, a sufficient concept of God. What gives that book so much credibility aside from it's obvious service to you? Can you deny that you're entire stance is based on faith, derived from the Holy Bible, and the God described therein, presupposing that doctrine is the correct one? I feel like this is where the real argument should take place, because like arguing with creationist fundamentalists, no amount of logic or evidence will do any good. They simply do not listen. Although they may be very intelligent and have many good talking points, their system of logic is not grounded in the same fundamental principles. Therefore, their tactic is simply the continual rejection of all opposing opinions as utterly false, and the assertion of their ideas and values as being all-true. I'm not knocking faith, or God. Only, the fundamentalist creed that seems to justify to them, their ability to tell others what is, and what isn't real. That is why, in my opinion, fundamentalist Christian thought is so compatible with the republican ideology.
It seems as though, Publius, you don't have to offer any defense as to why YOUR position is right. Instead, you only critique others, much like creationist fundamentalists when arguing against the idea of evolution. It's bogus man. I mean, you're whole argument is derived from a single book, which offers to you, a sufficient concept of God. What gives that book so much credibility aside from it's obvious service to you? Can you deny that you're entire stance is based on faith, derived from the Holy Bible, and the God described therein, presupposing that doctrine is the correct one? I feel like this is where the real argument should take place, because like arguing with creationist fundamentalists, no amount of logic or evidence will do any good. They simply do not listen. Although they may be very intelligent and have many good talking points, their system of logic is not grounded in the same fundamental principles. Therefore, their tactic is simply the continual rejection of all opposing opinions as utterly false, and the assertion of their ideas and values as being all-true. I'm not knocking faith, or God. Only, the fundamentalist creed that seems to justify to them, their ability to tell others what is, and what isn't real. That is why, in my opinion, fundamentalist Christian thought is so compatible with the republican ideology.

Its people like you that refer to Chrisitians as fundamentalist that cripple our cause period, atheist evolutionist shoot creationist down, because of their hatred for GOD, they will still go headlong into foolishness when they blatently see the facts are against them...this day and age we cant afford gray areas of compromise the time for compromise is over friend...
I'll chop you up a bit later Pub and I'll also dispose of big's arguments, such as they are. Bit busy now, will do so later.

Well I hear ya Duir... you'll pardon me if I don't hold my breath. But you're done sport... you've no where to go and this despite your instinct fr ideological survival sending you to flail wildly hoping to avoid your inevitable demise.

But I'll be here, when you're ready.
Its people like you that refer to Chrisitians as fundamentalist that cripple our cause period, atheist evolutionist shoot creationist down, because of their hatred for GOD, they will still go headlong into foolishness when they blatently see the facts are against them...this day and age we cant afford gray areas of compromise the time for compromise is over friend...

I was not referring to Christians as fundamentalists. I was refering only to those Christians that happen to be fundamentalists, or any fundamentalists in any religion. Understand what you're reading. Further, please do not assume to know what I think of God. I find that infinitely offensive. I am not about to start a debate on Creationism.
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It seems as though, Publius, you don't have to offer any defense as to why YOUR position is right.

Patently false... I've repeatedly laid out my reasoning...

Instead, you only critique others, much like creationist fundamentalists when arguing against the idea of evolution. It's bogus man.

I simply show where the reasoning of the secular humanist is fatally flawed and this rationalization of yours is simply a means to avoid that certainty.

I mean, you're whole argument is derived from a single book, which offers to you, a sufficient concept of God. What gives that book so much credibility aside from it's obvious service to you?

Well it's been in publication for thousands of years... it's out sold all others and to date has never lead anyone astray. The principles which it advances have a 100% efficacy rate and that's a fairly strong selling point. Now this in comparison to the competition which has a 100% failure rate...

Can you deny that you're entire stance is based on faith, derived from the Holy Bible, and the God described therein, presupposing that doctrine is the correct one?

Can you quote me advancing Doctrine? I don't believe I have, but I will pre-suppose that it's possible until a reasonable period of time has passed and you've failed to source me having done so. Now how's that for 'fair'?

I feel like this is where the real argument should take place, because like arguing with creationist fundamentalists, no amount of logic or evidence will do any good. They simply do not listen.

Frankly, if I could find a secular humanist advancing any amount of logic or evidence, I'd be encouraged... but in my 35 years of debating this issue, I have to admit, that I've yet to see it. Naturally, I'll pre-suppose that you're going to get around to it eventually, and perhaps you won't be offended by my noting that thus far you're short any trace of either.

Although they may be very intelligent and have many good talking points, their system of logic is not grounded in the same fundamental principles.

So you're position is rooted in Principle? Excellent... perhaps you'll cite one in example. As noted above however, to this point you're short any discernable trace of a founding principle.

Therefore, their tactic is simply the continual rejection of all opposing opinions as utterly false, and the assertion of their ideas and values as being all-true.

Would you think me rude, if I pointed out that the entirety of your little screed here is nothing is NOT a simple, but continual rejection of your oppositions argument, absent any actual basis in reasoning beyond what amounts to a long winded "nuh-uh"?

I'm not knocking faith, or God.

Well in point of fact that's exactly what you're doing... it's ALL you're doing, in that you've offered nothing else except to imply that you disagree and resent the arguments which rest upon the ultimate authority of Nature's God as being the unavoidable and essential root of human rights.

Only, the fundamentalist creed that seems to justify to them, their ability to tell others what is, and what isn't real. That is why, in my opinion, fundamentalist Christian thought is so compatible with the republican ideology.

So you're a advocate of the fundamentalist creed are ya? I mean you must be given that you are clearly working on the impression that you've the ability to tell people what is and isn't real, despite your clear inability to support that impression in any way, beyond vacuous projections which bear no discernable correlation to reality. And FTR: you last sentence is a classic non sequitur. Now take some time to look that up and should you find that you ultimately disagree, then you'll no doubt be able to correlate your opinion that Christian Fundies are unique in their impression that they should have a say a say in the standards of behavior as well as the bedrock principles that determine the course that guides the culture in which they live... and with any luck, perhaps you'll present your argument through a well reasoned, logically valid, intellectually sound construct which would establish that your perspective is something beyond these flaccid little platitudes on which you're presently resting.
I was not referring to Christians as fundamentalists. I was refering only to those Christians that happen to be fundamentalists, or any fundamentalists in any religion. Understand what you're reading. Further, please do not assume to know what I think of God. I find that infinitely offensive. I am not about to start a debate on Creationism.
Atheist put all Christians in the same catagory and you nor anyone dont ever want to get into a creationism debate with me, ask Diuretic he knows i can box. And furthermore where in hell did you get the idea that i assume anything you think of GOD, lol your offence, amounts to a big rat turd to me or the equivocal comments made by many of the atheist on these post...understand this BRO???
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For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 1:18
it is utterly incredible that in this day and age... people still quote the Bible as some sort of authority..... utterly incredible.
Patently false... I've repeatedly laid out my reasoning...

I simply show where the reasoning of the secular humanist is fatally flawed and this rationalization of yours is simply a means to avoid that certainty.

Well it's been in publication for thousands of years... it's out sold all others and to date has never lead anyone astray. The principles which it advances have a 100% efficacy rate and that's a fairly strong selling point. Now this in comparison to the competition which has a 100% failure rate...

Can you quote me advancing Doctrine? I don't believe I have, but I will pre-suppose that it's possible until a reasonable period of time has passed and you've failed to source me having done so. Now how's that for 'fair'?

Frankly, if I could find a secular humanist advancing any amount of logic or evidence, I'd be encouraged... but in my 35 years of debating this issue, I have to admit, that I've yet to see it. Naturally, I'll pre-suppose that you're going to get around to it eventually, and perhaps you won't be offended by my noting that thus far you're short any trace of either.

So you're position is rooted in Principle? Excellent... perhaps you'll cite one in example. As noted above however, to this point you're short any discernable trace of a founding principle.

Would you think me rude, if I pointed out that the entirety of your little screed here is nothing is NOT a simple, but continual rejection of your oppositions argument, absent any actual basis in reasoning beyond what amounts to a long winded "nuh-uh"?

Well in point of fact that's exactly what you're doing... it's ALL you're doing, in that you've offered nothing else except to imply that you disagree and resent the arguments which rest upon the ultimate authority of Nature's God as being the unavoidable and essential root of human rights.

So you're a advocate of the fundamentalist creed are ya? I mean you must be given that you are clearly working on the impression that you've the ability to tell people what is and isn't real, despite your clear inability to support that impression in any way, beyond vacuous projections which bear no discernable correlation to reality. And FTR: you last sentence is a classic non sequitur. Now take some time to look that up and should you find that you ultimately disagree, then you'll no doubt be able to correlate your opinion that Christian Fundies are unique in their impression that they should have a say a say in the standards of behavior as well as the bedrock principles that determine the course that guides the culture in which they live... and with any luck, perhaps you'll present your argument through a well reasoned, logically valid, intellectually sound construct which would establish that your perspective is something beyond these flaccid little platitudes on which you're presently resting.

I'm not here to try and figure out the nature of everything. I'm just here to point out the obvious. You can pick apart everything I said, but you still haven't proven me wrong. By the way, you have an unbelievable ability to spin things, by pulling apart any flaws in my arguement, and inserting what you think I might be trying to say. This isn't a philosophers board. I'm not even going to comment on half, or any of the things you say, because it's too mind-numbing to try and figure all of the fallable logic and presupposition you insert in your critiques. It would take me a while, and quite frankly, I have better things to do, and it would be much like doing homework, which I haven't done for years, so I'm not about to start today.

Further, if I was to get down and dirty, I would be giving into your trap, because behind all of your rhetoric, fancy words, and exquisite explanations, still lies a flawed base of logic, because it is based on no logic at all, only a belief, which apparently can't be argued with, because by circular reasoning, it is correct. The bible is correct, therefore everything you say or believe is true... because the bible is correct. ??? See my point? All of your jargon doesn't really impress or intimidate me. I can see through it. The more people respond and get mesmerized by your logical proofs, the more they are falling into your trap, and giving you the satisfaction you desire, to see people squirm in your pool of logic, which you spin very well, I might add. Honestly, I'm not studied enough in philosophy in order to debate you on your level, but, like I said, I don't need to. Just because you can make more complex sounding sentences, doesn't make you right, contrary to what you may have learned. Just because a lawyer wins a case because he can make a better arguement, does that make him right? Does it represent truth? No.

Atheist put all Christians in the same catagory and you nor anyone dont ever want to get into a creationism debate with me, ask Diuretic he knows i can box. And furthermore where in hell did you get the idea that i assume anything you think of GOD, lol your offence, amounts to a big rat turd to me or the equivocal comments made by many of the atheist on these post...understand this BRO???

I'm not an Athiest, first of all. I am not, nor have I ever, or even implied to have put all Christians in the same category, but you can believe that if it will help you feel better. I believe there are many honorable, decent-minded Christians out there, and I do not believe that Christianity is fundamentally a bad religion. I believe it is a good religion, along with all others, in that it provides faith, which is a beautiful thing. I believe people are bad.

I don't really care that you can 'box.' You're position requires no proof of you're own position, because it relies on pure faith, and can't be 'disproved.' It's not even worth the energy, because there really is no point. It's like playing soccer against a team that doesn't believe it's a goal when they are scored on, only when they score on you. Where did I get the idea that you assume to know what I think of God:

Its people like you that refer to Chrisitians as fundamentalist that cripple our cause period, atheist evolutionist shoot creationist down, because of their hatred for GOD
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I'm not here to try and figure out the nature of everything. I'm just here to point out the obvious. You can pick apart everything I said, but you still haven't proven me wrong. By the way, you have an unbelievable ability to spin things, by pulling apart any flaws in my arguement, and inserting what you think I might be trying to say. This isn't a philosophers board. I'm not even going to comment on half, or any of the things you say, because it's too mind-numbing to try and figure all of the fallable logic and presupposition you insert in your critiques. It would take me a while, and quite frankly, I have better things to do, and it would be much like doing homework, which I haven't done for years, so I'm not about to start today.

Further, if I was to get down and dirty, I would be giving into your trap, because behind all of your rhetoric, fancy words, and exquisite explanations, still lies a flawed base of logic, because it is based on no logic at all, only a belief, which apparently can't be argued with, because by circular reasoning, it is correct. The bible is correct, therefore everything you say or believe is true... because the bible is correct. ??? See my point? All of your jargon doesn't really impress or intimidate me. I can see through it. The more people respond and get mesmerized by your logical proofs, the more they are falling into your trap, and giving you the satisfaction you desire, to see people squirm in your pool of logic, which you spin very well, I might add. Honestly, I'm not studied enough in philosophy in order to debate you on your level, but, like I said, I don't need to. Just because you can make more complex sounding sentences, doesn't make you right, contrary to what you may have learned. Just because a lawyer wins a case because he can make a better arguement, does that make him right? Does it represent truth? No.

I'm not an Athiest, first of all. I am not, nor have I ever, or even implied to have put all Christians in the same category, but you can believe that if it will help you feel better. I believe there are many honorable, decent-minded Christians out there, and I do not believe that Christianity is fundamentally a bad religion. I believe it is a good religion, along with all others, in that it provides faith, which is a beautiful thing. I believe people are bad.

I don't really care that you can 'box.' You're position requires no proof of you're own position, because it relies on pure faith, and can't be 'disproved.' It's not even worth the energy, because there really is no point. It's like playing soccer against a team that doesn't believe it's a goal when they are scored on, only when they score on you. Where did I get the idea that you assume to know what I think of God:

I dont know why you are responding to Pubus.... no one takes him seriously here.

He is a pseudo pseudo intellectual...with a very limited education.

Its impossible to argue with the brainwashed/mentally ill ... which all religious people must be.
Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
So now that we've establish the origins of evil. We will examine why indeed GOD created EVIL. See GOD created all things with the desire of freewill to serve him or reject him, mankind and the angels alike. Satan(meaning blackness or darkness) or the Devil as some call him was also created by GOD before the fall of 1/3 of the angelic host of heaven, Satans GOD given name was Lucifer. Lucifer was one of 2 archangels or the top generals, the other being of course Michael. Lucifer was the top dog, music was his main gig,(the BIBLE says Lucifers pipes sounded beautiful) GOD also called Lucifer the morning star the most beautiful of all GODs creations. However Lucifer like all the other angels was created with freewill to love and serve our creator or reject. Lucifer saw his reflection one day and became prideful, arrogant and envious, soon all these desires over came him to the point that he desired the THRONE OF GOD. So Lucifer had a secret town meeting of revolt with all the angelic host of the heavens to over throw GOD, and revolt they did. The Bible says that Michael and his army fought Lucifer and the 1/3rd fallin, and did cast them out of the heavens...The prophet John of Patmos believe to have written most of the book of Revelation, says that he saw Satan the evil one fall like lightning from the heavens woe be unto the inhabitants of the earth...Lucifers countenance changed to darkess thus given over to the name SATAN(it was his choice). Even after all Satan had done GOD still saw a use for him, GOd called him the destroyer.
GOD used SATAN to test Joel, one day Satan going to and fro thru the earth was bored, so Satan decides to pay GOD a visit and ask GOd do you not have one that i cant break or decieve, for i have decieved most all in the land. GOd eccentially says yes have you considered my servent Joel?? you can test him all you like, but you cannot take his life. So Satan did, he took eveything Joel had, Joel was rich and had a very large family. Satan took everything Joel had and struck Joel with diseases that dogs didnt even want to lick on, and killed all of Joels family, Joels wife even told him why dont you just curse GOD and die!! but Joel said no i will not forsake GOD tho he slay me i will still trust him. In the end GOD told Satan to back off, and all was totally restored to Joel everything... In another instance Jesus(GOD come in the flesh) told Peter(the head apostle) that Satan wants to sift him like wheat, in other words to see if Peter really was the servent he claimed he was, or put him thru the ringer like he did with Joel 1500 years pryor. In short Evil was created by GOD to seperate the rams from the goats, or the wheat from the chaff, those that except Jesus the Christ into their life, are marked by the blood of the lamb, those that arent are marked by the numbers of the beast. Its entirely up to us weather we decide to hold fast under all circumstanes to the love of Christ or give in to evil, plain and simple, hope this helps you in your vain quest of refuting morality as a GOD thing.......ALL THINGS ARE CREATED BY GOD INCLUDING EVIL.......................

Watch out for poor young widows.
I'm not here to try and figure out the nature of everything. I'm just here to point out the obvious. You can pick apart everything I said, but you still haven't proven me wrong.

Oh... Now that's so sad... you missed the best part.

It's not so much that you're opposition needs to prove you wrong, sis... and this is such a simple point for those of us that pride ourselves on well reasoned, logically valid and intellectually sound argument... I mean that was you that pronounced that no matter HOW MUCH LOGIC AND EVIDENCE IS ADVANCED, that your opposition just won't accept your conclusions, wasn't it? Well anywho... let's no get bogged down in that again. The point here is THAT IT IS YOUR JOB TO PROVE THAT YOUR POSITION IS RIGHT!~

By the way, you have an unbelievable ability to spin things, by pulling apart any flaws in my arguement, and inserting what you think I might be trying to say.

And no doubt by projecting the notion of 'spin' you hope to distance the flaws exposed in your reasoning from any level of accountability? And to ensure some measure of success, advance the fallacious strawman, declaring that your point was misrepresented... and doing so with absolutely NO explanations as to the specifics regarding your intended point and that which was returned to misrepresent it. BRILLIANT!

This isn't a philosophers board.

Great Point! Well it would be if this board wasn't entitled: Religion and Ethics: Religion, Philosophy and the discussion of right and wrong...

I'm not even going to comment on half, or any of the things you say, because it's too mind-numbing to try and figure all of the fallable logic and presupposition you insert in your critiques.

Yeah... Reason can be very painful to those who are incapable of it. I completely understand. But I would like to congratulate you on the delusion you've created here where you admit to being incapable of forming an effective rebuttal and close with vague references to unspecified flaws in my reasoning... ROFL... CLASSIC! :clap2:

It would take me a while, and quite frankly, I have better things to do, and it would be much like doing homework, which I haven't done for years, so I'm not about to start today.

Well I'd say it's been longer than that, given the total absence of any discernable trace of you ever having possessed such skills... and I agree that you're not about to start today; and I would think it unlikly tomorrow or the next day, as you seem quite content with impotent projections... they're so much easier and will rarely test the intellect of those advancing or reading them. Great call...

Further, if I was to get down and dirty, I would be giving into your trap, because behind all of your rhetoric, fancy words, and exquisite explanations, still lies a flawed base of logic, because it is based on no logic at all, only a belief, which apparently can't be argued with, because by circular reasoning, it is correct.

MAN! That is some sentence... I can't quite place the syntax... it seems to be a dialect common to the state of denial.

First, you're setting your own traps... All I'm doing is pointing out the snare. Second, which words do you feel are the fanciest? Third, you really don't have a clue what logic is do you? Yet you seem determined to prove it with almost every post... Now towards being a good neighbor, I'd like to help you out on this score. As a general rule, if you're going to flag an argument or a point as being logically flawed, it is customary that you indicate the specific flaw... For instance your initial comment in this post which demanded that your position remained whole because your opposition had not proven you wrong, is an example of argumentum ad ignorantiam... or the appeal to ignorance. This is where you need to distract from your arguments failure by appealing to the information that has not been advanced; in effect taking comfort from the void (ignorance) created by the absence of information which would otherwise prove you wrong; this in the place of a valid argument where you would otherwise advance data, evidence or sound reasoning which would prove your position right. The rest of your argument is pretty much a straight up straw man, where in your response is to re-create the oppositions argument and create in its place, that which you feel you're more able to handle... its a funtion of rhetorical delusion. On the whole you're entire position is a farce. You'd have been better served to have joined in with some vague one or two word rejoinder indicating your disagreement, but sufficiently vague to prevent anyone from realizing that you're patently clueless.

The bible is correct, therefore everything you say or believe is true... because the bible is correct. ??? See my point?

Yeah... I see ... It looks to me like you've read some nutjob secularist rant at some point, maybe Chomsky, but probably just some idiot leftist blog or a collection of random screeds... but it was a while back and you can't really remember what you felt at the time were the really solid points... so you just sorta ramble along trying to stop, but can't... because you don't really understand it yourself, so you just sort of keep typing in some desperate search of a point.

Here's the thing... I haven't to the best of my recollection sourced the Bible at all, except where someone may have required a specific scriptural reference.

My argument rests upon the reasoning inherent in the natural order and the certainty that mankind was created distinct from other earthly life and that the human life, by virtue of its existance, establishes the certainty that it wasn't created by humans, thus was created by a force other than human, thus life was a gift endowed upon each individual member of humanity by that which is beyond human; that this gift was provided for a reason and that it follows that the reason was that the gift entitled humans to use that life to pursue its fulfillment; furthermore that this individual right (entitlement) came with responsibilities that each individual was to pursue the fulfillment of their own lives in such a way that they do not prevent other individuals from pursuing the fullfillment of their own lives; and what's more that to ensure that their right is maintained or 'earned' that it is the duty of each individual to defend notonly their own right from any power that would usurp the means to exercise it, but to defend the right of their NEIGHBORS... as well.

All of your jargon doesn't really impress or intimidate me.

Then I guess we'll just never know why you seem so determined o indicte that you're both impressed and intimidated. Yet another puzzler for the ages...

The more people respond and get mesmerized by your logical proofs, the more they are falling into your trap, and giving you the satisfaction you desire, to see people squirm in your pool of logic, which you spin very well, I might add.

See what I mean?

Honestly, I'm not studied enough in philosophy in order to debate you on your level, but, like I said, I don't need to.

Yes God is merciful that way, never heaping on us, more than we can stand.

Just because you can make more complex sounding sentences, doesn't make you right, contrary to what you may have learned.

Indeed... what makes me right is the logically valid construct of my calculations which are intrinsically tied to sound reasoning.

Just because a lawyer wins a case because he can make a better arguement, does that make him right? Does it represent truth? No.

Well you're leaping to a conclusion that isn't valid. You're reasoning states that because the Lawyer had a better argument, this does not mean his argument was truthful... again, you appeal to ignorance... in this case you do so while jumping to an unsupported conclusion... that because his argument won, that it carried the day for reasons other than it deserved to win on the merits inherent in it. Again, your reasoning is ludicrous.

I'm not an Athiest, first of all. I am not, nor have I ever, or even implied to have put all Christians in the same category, but you can believe that if it will help you feel better.

Great... and rest assured I don't care what you are... all I know is you're mans to advance a valid argument are non-existant and thus far you're only advocacy here, is in support of secular humanism... beyond that you have little chance to eever realize just how little I care.

I believe people are bad.

There's something you and Christ have in common... humanity is prone towards evil... thus the existance of Christ. Good for you.

I don't really care that you can 'box.' You're position requires no proof of you're own position, because it relies on pure faith, and can't be 'disproved.'

This is the third time you've cruised over this area, so it follows that this is the extent of the aforementioned secular bilge that you CAN recall...

Your problem is that while I am most decidedly a Christian, and my belief is based upon my faith... my argument here is based upon incontestable reasoning. That you can't find the intellectual means to address that reasoning and instead need to obssess on that which is not at issue, is your problem and despite your desperate need for this to be relevant... sadly (for you) it is not.

It's not even worth the energy, because there really is no point.

Said in the highest tradition of retreaters everywhere... So few ever invested so much to demand that something had so little meaning as those who know so little about so much that they profess to know everything, by their innate rejection of those that claim know nothing... Publius Infinitum. 2008
the endowment by their creator, the unalienable right to their gift of life; a gift from Nature's God.

A classic quote derived at from human imagination. It supports my contention that humans invent and define such notions as god, good, and evil.

Yeah yeah... We get it girls... Human brains thought it up and because a thought flowed through a human mind, it's origins had to be human... IT's BRILLIANT, as fallacious reasoning goes. The entire thesis is one stringy ad hoc fallacy.

Is there ANYONE on your side of the ideological universe who has the intellectual depth greater than that of a shadow?
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Yeah yeah... We get it girls... Human brains thought it up and because a thought flowed through a human mind, it's origins had to be human... IT's BRILLIANT, as fallacious reasoning goes. The entire thesis is one stringy ad hoc fallacy.

Is there ANYONE on your side of the ideological universe who has the intellectual depth greater than that of a shadow?

Stick to your Harry Potter guide to life Pubus.... it is your level.
Just cause you were left out of the loop doesnt mean its not so, that's whats incredible.......

I was brought up as a Catholic.... however by the time that I was about 11...I realised that it was a pile of sh%t.

All religion was invented to control simple peasant minds.... yourself, pubus etc are prime examples of this.

Religion died in Europe several decades ago... once education was available for all. The only reason that religion has lingered in the US ... is because of the dumbing down... intentional government tactics.
I was brought up as a Catholic.... however by the time that I was about 11...I realised that it was a pile of sh%t.

All religion was invented to control simple peasant minds.... yourself, pubus etc are prime examples of this.

Religion died in Europe several decades ago... once education was available for all. The only reason that religion has lingered in the US ... is because of the dumbing down... intentional government tactics.
Your delusional bro go get them meds youll be ok

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