Zone1 In the battle of good vs evil, how much more prominent is evil in this world?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
A depressing statement perhaps, but if anyone truly disagrees state so. One need not look even beyond a particular range within our own orbit to know that evil is winning, globally it's clear that the good is in decline. Is it 75% evil to good.raio? 60%, 80%? How can humanity recover unless actions usurp belief alone? We need more good people to ensure that evil is stymied but the numbers aren't in Goods favor. Actions seem to be beaten by belief or even worse, by non-belief.
A depressing statement perhaps, but if anyone truly disagrees state so. One need not look even beyond a particular range within our own orbit to know that evil is winning, globally it's clear that the good is in decline. Is it 75% evil to good.raio? 60%, 80%? How can humanity recover unless actions usurp belief alone? We need more good people to ensure that evil is stymied but the numbers aren't in Goods favor. Actions seem to be beaten by belief or even worse, by non-belief.
I'm not a fan of the term "evil" myself, but in context: Perhaps your success in fighting "evil" depends on how you go about doing it.

As with anything else, the goal itself may not be the problem. Perhaps the problem is the way the goal is addressed. Maintaining and operating from simplistic, binary notions like "good" and "evil" might be something to examine, to begin with.
A depressing statement perhaps, but if anyone truly disagrees state so. One need not look even beyond a particular range within our own orbit to know that evil is winning, globally it's clear that the good is in decline. Is it 75% evil to good.raio? 60%, 80%? How can humanity recover unless actions usurp belief alone? We need more good people to ensure that evil is stymied but the numbers aren't in Goods favor. Actions seem to be beaten by belief or even worse, by non-belief.

What is "evil"?
One need not look even beyond a particular range within our own orbit to know that evil is winning,

so claims the practitioner of the desert religions in defense of their collective histories of persecution and victimization of the innocent from their beginnings to the present day.

- as their demise would be anything but a triumph of good vs evil. as the ray of hope the o p subliminally knows is occurring if only time permitting - is the true issue.


what the desert religions claim as their paradise to keep holy - their sabbath they have created.
What is "evil"?
Canadas Security.Industrial Complex. It is so bad that even after someone is killed by.a foreign government on Canadian soil, Canada has a difficult time rallying allies to our side. We have destroyed.our reputation and many U.S agencies have assisted us. Why would you harm your own nation such?
Canadas Security.Industrial Complex. It is so bad that even after someone is killed by.a foreign government on Canadian soil, Canada has a difficult time rallying allies to our side. We have destroyed.our reputation and many U.S agencies have assisted us. Why would you harm your own nation such?

I doubt that is the definition of "evil".
I doubt that is the definition of "evil".
Maybe not in a dictionary but in practice, oh yes definitely. I guarantee your intelligence services know this already. Whst we.need to do as citizens is help someone up when they are down, give to charity etc,.not be like the evil that is found here in Ontario.
Maybe not in a dictionary but in practice, oh yes definitely. I guarantee your intelligence services know this already. Whst we.need to do as citizens is help someone up when they are down, give to charity etc,.not be like the evil that is found here in Ontario.

Jeez, we're getting crackpot replies all over today.
Jeez, we're getting crackpot replies all over today.
You see,.there is no middle.ground on this issue when you debate it. You either know too much or are fully ignorant. Look to.Canada because that is your.future. As with the previous statement, you are either happily contributing to your emulation of Canada or you idly.sit by as it happens. It is happening though, just as I called it for years.

Actions seem to be beaten by belief or even worse, by non-belief.

There is not enough rational theism in the way that Washington Adams Jefferson Madison Franklin Paine Ethan Allen and thousands more came together in one place at one time dedicated to the protection of mankind’s highest value - the liberty of conscience { see post nf.22.10.03 #537 }

Rational Theism took hold in 1776 and its revolution was highly successful. But it lasted only as long as the founding generation that conceived it and lived it. { see post nf.22.10.03 #537 }

The brightest light of secular rational humankind was eclipsed by irrational theism when commercial people began marketing irrational theism as the way to victory for good to win over evil.

In other words the God of the desert people devoured Natures’s God whom Jefferson referred to in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson’s Rational Theism started to pass away on Cane Kentucky in 1801. By the end of the Civil War rational theism was dead. { see post nf.22.10.03 #537 }

See the following thread if you have intellectual curiosity about such things

America Founded as a Christian Nation

Search this thread using “Cane Ridge” or “NFBW” for all relevant posts about the death of rational theism and the birth of commercialized irrational theism under the superstition of original sin and relief through the purchase of knowledge of the only godly being who can save us from it, { see post nf.22.10.03 #537 }

nf.22.10.03 #537 And from the most populated new state and former colony of New York (my favorite)

Article XXXVIII. And whereas we are required, by the benevolent principles of the rational liberty,not only to expel civil tyranny, but also to guard against that spiritual oppression and intolerance wherewith the bigotry and ambition of weak and wicked priests and princes have scourged mankind, this convention doth further, in the name and by the authority of the good people of this state, ordain, determine, and desire, that the free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without discrimination or preference, shall be forever hereafter be allowed, within this state, to all mankind: PROVIDED That the liberty of conscience, hereby granted, shall not be so construed as to excuse acts of licentiousness, or justify practices inconsistent with the peace or safety of this state. New York Constitution 1777 END2210030725​

The “REVIVAL” at Csne Ridge Kentucky is why Some States want to force full term gestation on women as a rebuke of liberty of conscience which is evil if you like to use that word.

see Post nf.23.06.29 #9,451 and all of the following to see how this alm tied together.

1 shckdcndn 23.03.21 #1
2 nf.23.06.28 #9,444
3 bckvgn.23.06.28 #9,446
4 nf.23.06.29 #9,448
5 bvvgl.23.06.29 #9,449 to #9,446
6 evgle.22.06.26 #2
7 evgle.14.06.21 #31
8 evgle.23.05.15 #3,399 to #3,398

nf.23.09.22 #11
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A depressing statement perhaps, but if anyone truly disagrees state so. One need not look even beyond a particular range within our own orbit to know that evil is winning, globally it's clear that the good is in decline. Is it 75% evil to good.raio? 60%, 80%? How can humanity recover unless actions usurp belief alone? We need more good people to ensure that evil is stymied but the numbers aren't in Goods favor. Actions seem to be beaten by belief or even worse, by non-belief.
Lol, people live dirty laundry. Eliteslove to control with fear. The news and people like to shove the worst of news in your face 24/7. No it is not as bad as you are led to believe.
A depressing statement perhaps, but if anyone truly disagrees state so. One need not look even beyond a particular range within our own orbit to know that evil is winning, globally it's clear that the good is in decline. Is it 75% evil to good.raio? 60%, 80%? How can humanity recover unless actions usurp belief alone? We need more good people to ensure that evil is stymied but the numbers aren't in Goods favor. Actions seem to be beaten by belief or even worse, by non-belief.
If evil were more powerful than good, none of us would be alive, or if we were, it would torture us 24/7 giving us no peace whatsoever.
No doubt about it, there is a great deal more evil than there used to be. However, common grace is still everywhere. Do you have air to breathe, water to drink, food to eat? Thank God. Do you have a loved one? Thank God. Can you move your limbs, and reason well? Thank God. That's all common grace, given to us all.


Yet you will subjugate and persecute pregnant women you know nothing about if they do not live by your irrational insistence that brainless womb beings have more rights over her body than she does.

nf.23.09.22 #14, not pro-murder. Once a child is forned it has Rights.
Of course, EVIL is in the driver's seat.

Always has been.

Always will be.

Human beings are the most evil animals on this planet.

They will never change fundamentally.

They can't.

They are what they are.
Well given that most of the civilized world is in a tailspin due to Pathocracy I'd say evil has the upper hand.

I'd not mind so much if it was confined to the nut-job blue areas where you expect sush shit but it has permeated into national politics, thus infecting us all.

I think I'd prefer Idiocracy at this point but it seems we passed it at ludicrous speed and went right to bat-shit crazy.

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