In the centuries to come humanity will have a darker and darker skin tone. Why do you care?

With enough interracial mating and breeding we can eventually eliminate different races and the problems that go along with them.

Homogenization will be the end of racial tensions. It's a good thing for humanity, as you've implied.
At long last. You’ve finally come out and revealed the great lie. The oh so tolerant, multiculturalist left, does not embrace, and cherish diversity. But rather; seeks to eradicate it from the face of the earth. With the heavy push for miscegenation. And an almost cult like belief in their own vision of the future. All readers would do well to understand what these people are really all about...
They despise your heritage, and their own. They fancy themselves genetic engineers, stumping their faith, for the “betterment of humanity”. Eugenesists, without regard to self determination, and free will. They recoil from the notion that one can take pride in being a member of something unique, and greater than themselves. And stand in direct opposition of any efforts to perpetuate it.
Remember this the next time one of these Leftist, mindlessly drones on about diversity being a strength. Then watch as everything they aim to do seeks to destroy that diversity. The truth is... They despise diversity; and would give anything to see it destroyed.
Last edited:
With enough interracial mating and breeding we can eventually eliminate different races and the problems that go along with them.

Homogenization will be the end of racial tensions. It's a good thing for humanity, as you've implied.
At long last. You’ve finally come out and revealed the great lie. The oh so tolerant, multiculturalist left, does not embrace, and cherish diversity. But rather; seeks to eradicate it from the face of the earth. With the heavy push for miscegenation. And an almost cult like belief in their own vision of the future. All readers would do well to understand what these people are really all about...
They despise your heritage, and their own. They fancy themselves genetic engineers, stumping their faith, for the “betterment of humanity”. Eugenesists, without regard to self determination, and free will. They recoil from the notion that one can take pride in being a member of something unique, and greater than themselves. And stand in direct opposition of any efforts to perpetuate it.
Remember this the next time one of these Leftist, mindlessly drones on about diversity being a strength. Then watch as everything they aim to do seeks to destroy that diversity. The truth is... They despise diversity; and would give anything to see it destroyed.
"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mould them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."
"A Racial Program for the 20th Century" (1912)
I always hear stuff from the alt-right about preserving the white race. How exactly do you do that in the long game, and why bother worrying about it at all? It won't mean we have gone extinct when there are no more white people. It will just mean our descendants have darker skin than we did. They'll still be related to us. Our genetics will live on and humanity will continue to prosper. What's the problem? Why is it so important that people continue to have white skin? Do you really think humanity will descend into chaos without white people on top of society?
Yes, just look at where white people live, no war. Look at Africa and the Middle East, brown people and slightly less brown people, in total kaos. Asians have their shit somewhat together, but even they don't want to be yellow.
With enough interracial mating and breeding we can eventually eliminate different races and the problems that go along with them.

Homogenization will be the end of racial tensions. It's a good thing for humanity, as you've implied.
At long last. You’ve finally come out and revealed the great lie. The oh so tolerant, multiculturalist left, does not embrace, and cherish diversity. But rather; seeks to eradicate it from the face of the earth. With the heavy push for miscegenation. And an almost cult like belief in their own vision of the future. All readers would do well to understand what these people are really all about...
They despise your heritage, and their own. They fancy themselves genetic engineers, stumping their faith, for the “betterment of humanity”. Eugenesists, without regard to self determination, and free will. They recoil from the notion that one can take pride in being a member of something unique, and greater than themselves. And stand in direct opposition of any efforts to perpetuate it.
Remember this the next time one of these Leftist, mindlessly drones on about diversity being a strength. Then watch as everything they aim to do seeks to destroy that diversity. The truth is... They despise diversity; and would give anything to see it destroyed.

It’s not a hatred of heritage, as far as I’m concerned. It’s an exhaustion of fighting against views that make race such a bigger issue than it should be. For me, it’s a fervent wish that, since humans can’t seem to learn any better, these skin-deep differences become eradicated.

Go love who you love. Be proud of accomplishments, not accidents of birth.
Keep your funny button handy ricechickie. That won’t be the last thing I post that makes you uncomfortable...
With enough interracial mating and breeding we can eventually eliminate different races and the problems that go along with them.

Homogenization will be the end of racial tensions. It's a good thing for humanity, as you've implied.
At long last. You’ve finally come out and revealed the great lie. The oh so tolerant, multiculturalist left, does not embrace, and cherish diversity. But rather; seeks to eradicate it from the face of the earth. With the heavy push for miscegenation. And an almost cult like belief in their own vision of the future. All readers would do well to understand what these people are really all about...
They despise your heritage, and their own. They fancy themselves genetic engineers, stumping their faith, for the “betterment of humanity”. Eugenesists, without regard to self determination, and free will. They recoil from the notion that one can take pride in being a member of something unique, and greater than themselves. And stand in direct opposition of any efforts to perpetuate it.
Remember this the next time one of these Leftist, mindlessly drones on about diversity being a strength. Then watch as everything they aim to do seeks to destroy that diversity. The truth is... They despise diversity; and would give anything to see it destroyed.

It’s not a hatred of heritage, as far as I’m concerned. It’s an exhaustion of fighting against views that make race such a bigger issue than it should be. For me, it’s a fervent wish that, since humans can’t seem to learn any better, these skin-deep differences become eradicated.

Go love who you love. Be proud of accomplishments, not accidents of birth.
If the differences were only skin deep; it’s unlikely we’d be having these conversations...
With enough interracial mating and breeding we can eventually eliminate different races and the problems that go along with them.

Homogenization will be the end of racial tensions. It's a good thing for humanity, as you've implied.
At long last. You’ve finally come out and revealed the great lie. The oh so tolerant, multiculturalist left, does not embrace, and cherish diversity. But rather; seeks to eradicate it from the face of the earth. With the heavy push for miscegenation. And an almost cult like belief in their own vision of the future. All readers would do well to understand what these people are really all about...
They despise your heritage, and their own. They fancy themselves genetic engineers, stumping their faith, for the “betterment of humanity”. Eugenesists, without regard to self determination, and free will. They recoil from the notion that one can take pride in being a member of something unique, and greater than themselves. And stand in direct opposition of any efforts to perpetuate it.
Remember this the next time one of these Leftist, mindlessly drones on about diversity being a strength. Then watch as everything they aim to do seeks to destroy that diversity. The truth is... They despise diversity; and would give anything to see it destroyed.

It’s not a hatred of heritage, as far as I’m concerned. It’s an exhaustion of fighting against views that make race such a bigger issue than it should be. For me, it’s a fervent wish that, since humans can’t seem to learn any better, these skin-deep differences become eradicated.

Go love who you love. Be proud of accomplishments, not accidents of birth.
If the differences were only skin deep; it’s unlikely we’d be having these conversations...

Oh, but they are.

The only reason there are cultural differences between races is because humans insist on tribalism. Geographical cultural differences, I understand; racial cultural differences are a result of geographical, educational, and social segregation. Take that away, and race culture disappears..... slowly, but surely. Interracial relationships are proof of that.
I always hear stuff from the alt-right about preserving the white race. How exactly do you do that in the long game, and why bother worrying about it at all? It won't mean we have gone extinct when there are no more white people. It will just mean our descendants have darker skin than we did. They'll still be related to us. Our genetics will live on and humanity will continue to prosper. What's the problem? Why is it so important that people continue to have white skin? Do you really think humanity will descend into chaos without white people on top of society?
Well, Neanderthals didn't build rockets to the moon. Is it racism to notice ..? Well, non whites just want to fuck everything, slaughter each other and blame "white racism" for their failure to thrive. Yeah, color me a tad bit skeptical on this issue.

So you think homogenization will make future humans dumber than the humans of today?
That is pretty obvious.

In what way?
He doesn’t know. But he has nothing to say.
With enough interracial mating and breeding we can eventually eliminate different races and the problems that go along with them.

Homogenization will be the end of racial tensions. It's a good thing for humanity, as you've implied.
At long last. You’ve finally come out and revealed the great lie. The oh so tolerant, multiculturalist left, does not embrace, and cherish diversity. But rather; seeks to eradicate it from the face of the earth. With the heavy push for miscegenation. And an almost cult like belief in their own vision of the future. All readers would do well to understand what these people are really all about...
They despise your heritage, and their own. They fancy themselves genetic engineers, stumping their faith, for the “betterment of humanity”. Eugenesists, without regard to self determination, and free will. They recoil from the notion that one can take pride in being a member of something unique, and greater than themselves. And stand in direct opposition of any efforts to perpetuate it.
Remember this the next time one of these Leftist, mindlessly drones on about diversity being a strength. Then watch as everything they aim to do seeks to destroy that diversity. The truth is... They despise diversity; and would give anything to see it destroyed.

It’s not a hatred of heritage, as far as I’m concerned. It’s an exhaustion of fighting against views that make race such a bigger issue than it should be. For me, it’s a fervent wish that, since humans can’t seem to learn any better, these skin-deep differences become eradicated.

Go love who you love. Be proud of accomplishments, not accidents of birth.
If the differences were only skin deep; it’s unlikely we’d be having these conversations...

Oh, but they are.

The only reason there are cultural differences between races is because humans insist on tribalism. Geographical cultural differences, I understand; racial cultural differences are a result of geographical, educational, and social segregation. Take that away, and race culture disappears..... slowly, but surely. Interracial relationships are proof of that.
Well... No one gave that memo to the rest of nature...
From skeletal structure, genetic sequence, to head lice, diseases, even the different bacteria that thrive in the mouths of different people... They disagree with your premise. If you believe a pair of contacts, some hair dye, and a paint job would render members of the various races indistinguishable from one another... You’re incredibly naive. And even were you to believe... The rest of the natural world would continue to carry on. Oblivious to your demonstrably false faith.
This is one of those posts I told you was coming. It’s okay... You can funny it... I understand.
Last edited:
Homogenization will be the end of racial tensions. It's a good thing for humanity, as you've implied.
At long last. You’ve finally come out and revealed the great lie. The oh so tolerant, multiculturalist left, does not embrace, and cherish diversity. But rather; seeks to eradicate it from the face of the earth. With the heavy push for miscegenation. And an almost cult like belief in their own vision of the future. All readers would do well to understand what these people are really all about...
They despise your heritage, and their own. They fancy themselves genetic engineers, stumping their faith, for the “betterment of humanity”. Eugenesists, without regard to self determination, and free will. They recoil from the notion that one can take pride in being a member of something unique, and greater than themselves. And stand in direct opposition of any efforts to perpetuate it.
Remember this the next time one of these Leftist, mindlessly drones on about diversity being a strength. Then watch as everything they aim to do seeks to destroy that diversity. The truth is... They despise diversity; and would give anything to see it destroyed.

It’s not a hatred of heritage, as far as I’m concerned. It’s an exhaustion of fighting against views that make race such a bigger issue than it should be. For me, it’s a fervent wish that, since humans can’t seem to learn any better, these skin-deep differences become eradicated.

Go love who you love. Be proud of accomplishments, not accidents of birth.
If the differences were only skin deep; it’s unlikely we’d be having these conversations...

Oh, but they are.

The only reason there are cultural differences between races is because humans insist on tribalism. Geographical cultural differences, I understand; racial cultural differences are a result of geographical, educational, and social segregation. Take that away, and race culture disappears..... slowly, but surely. Interracial relationships are proof of that.
Well... No one gave that memo to the rest of nature...
From skeletal structure, genetic sequence, to head lice, diseases, even the different bacteria that thrive in the mouths of different people... They disagree with your premise. If you believe a pair of contacts, some hair dye, and a paint job would render members of the various races indistinguishable from one another... You’re incredibly naive. And even we’re you to believe... The rest of the natural world would continue to carry on. Oblivious to your demonstrably false faith.
This is one of those posts I told you was coming. It’s okay... You can funny it... I understand.

What do any of those physical differences have to do with culture?

No one is suggesting “paint jobs, hair dyes, or contacts.” The fact is, there’s more interracial breeding. So even the differences you speak of will disappear.
At long last. You’ve finally come out and revealed the great lie. The oh so tolerant, multiculturalist left, does not embrace, and cherish diversity. But rather; seeks to eradicate it from the face of the earth. With the heavy push for miscegenation. And an almost cult like belief in their own vision of the future. All readers would do well to understand what these people are really all about...
They despise your heritage, and their own. They fancy themselves genetic engineers, stumping their faith, for the “betterment of humanity”. Eugenesists, without regard to self determination, and free will. They recoil from the notion that one can take pride in being a member of something unique, and greater than themselves. And stand in direct opposition of any efforts to perpetuate it.
Remember this the next time one of these Leftist, mindlessly drones on about diversity being a strength. Then watch as everything they aim to do seeks to destroy that diversity. The truth is... They despise diversity; and would give anything to see it destroyed.

It’s not a hatred of heritage, as far as I’m concerned. It’s an exhaustion of fighting against views that make race such a bigger issue than it should be. For me, it’s a fervent wish that, since humans can’t seem to learn any better, these skin-deep differences become eradicated.

Go love who you love. Be proud of accomplishments, not accidents of birth.
If the differences were only skin deep; it’s unlikely we’d be having these conversations...

Oh, but they are.

The only reason there are cultural differences between races is because humans insist on tribalism. Geographical cultural differences, I understand; racial cultural differences are a result of geographical, educational, and social segregation. Take that away, and race culture disappears..... slowly, but surely. Interracial relationships are proof of that.
Well... No one gave that memo to the rest of nature...
From skeletal structure, genetic sequence, to head lice, diseases, even the different bacteria that thrive in the mouths of different people... They disagree with your premise. If you believe a pair of contacts, some hair dye, and a paint job would render members of the various races indistinguishable from one another... You’re incredibly naive. And even we’re you to believe... The rest of the natural world would continue to carry on. Oblivious to your demonstrably false faith.
This is one of those posts I told you was coming. It’s okay... You can funny it... I understand.

What do any of those physical differences have to do with culture?

No one is suggesting “paint jobs, hair dyes, or contacts.” The fact is, there’s more interracial breeding. So even the differences you speak of will disappear.
Oh, I funnied your post because it seems to mean so much to you.
I’m touched...
At long last. You’ve finally come out and revealed the great lie. The oh so tolerant, multiculturalist left, does not embrace, and cherish diversity. But rather; seeks to eradicate it from the face of the earth. With the heavy push for miscegenation. And an almost cult like belief in their own vision of the future. All readers would do well to understand what these people are really all about...
They despise your heritage, and their own. They fancy themselves genetic engineers, stumping their faith, for the “betterment of humanity”. Eugenesists, without regard to self determination, and free will. They recoil from the notion that one can take pride in being a member of something unique, and greater than themselves. And stand in direct opposition of any efforts to perpetuate it.
Remember this the next time one of these Leftist, mindlessly drones on about diversity being a strength. Then watch as everything they aim to do seeks to destroy that diversity. The truth is... They despise diversity; and would give anything to see it destroyed.

I just don't have a problem with how things are playing out. I don't have an agenda. If it was looking like the whole world would eventually be white I would be fine with that too. I don't place so much importance on skin color.
At long last. You’ve finally come out and revealed the great lie. The oh so tolerant, multiculturalist left, does not embrace, and cherish diversity. But rather; seeks to eradicate it from the face of the earth. With the heavy push for miscegenation. And an almost cult like belief in their own vision of the future. All readers would do well to understand what these people are really all about...
They despise your heritage, and their own. They fancy themselves genetic engineers, stumping their faith, for the “betterment of humanity”. Eugenesists, without regard to self determination, and free will. They recoil from the notion that one can take pride in being a member of something unique, and greater than themselves. And stand in direct opposition of any efforts to perpetuate it.
Remember this the next time one of these Leftist, mindlessly drones on about diversity being a strength. Then watch as everything they aim to do seeks to destroy that diversity. The truth is... They despise diversity; and would give anything to see it destroyed.

I just don't have a problem with how things are playing out. I don't have an agenda. If it was looking like the whole world would eventually be white I would be fine with that too. I don't place so much importance on skin color.
Your composition of this very thread contradicts your claim...
At long last. You’ve finally come out and revealed the great lie. The oh so tolerant, multiculturalist left, does not embrace, and cherish diversity. But rather; seeks to eradicate it from the face of the earth. With the heavy push for miscegenation. And an almost cult like belief in their own vision of the future. All readers would do well to understand what these people are really all about...
They despise your heritage, and their own. They fancy themselves genetic engineers, stumping their faith, for the “betterment of humanity”. Eugenesists, without regard to self determination, and free will. They recoil from the notion that one can take pride in being a member of something unique, and greater than themselves. And stand in direct opposition of any efforts to perpetuate it.
Remember this the next time one of these Leftist, mindlessly drones on about diversity being a strength. Then watch as everything they aim to do seeks to destroy that diversity. The truth is... They despise diversity; and would give anything to see it destroyed.

I just don't have a problem with how things are playing out. I don't have an agenda. If it was looking like the whole world would eventually be white I would be fine with that too. I don't place so much importance on skin color.
Your composition of this very thread contradicts your claim...

I don't think it does. I'm trying to get to the root of the alt-right's obsession with race and skin color. I don't give a hoot about what happens with skin color.
At long last. You’ve finally come out and revealed the great lie. The oh so tolerant, multiculturalist left, does not embrace, and cherish diversity. But rather; seeks to eradicate it from the face of the earth. With the heavy push for miscegenation. And an almost cult like belief in their own vision of the future. All readers would do well to understand what these people are really all about...
They despise your heritage, and their own. They fancy themselves genetic engineers, stumping their faith, for the “betterment of humanity”. Eugenesists, without regard to self determination, and free will. They recoil from the notion that one can take pride in being a member of something unique, and greater than themselves. And stand in direct opposition of any efforts to perpetuate it.
Remember this the next time one of these Leftist, mindlessly drones on about diversity being a strength. Then watch as everything they aim to do seeks to destroy that diversity. The truth is... They despise diversity; and would give anything to see it destroyed.

I just don't have a problem with how things are playing out. I don't have an agenda. If it was looking like the whole world would eventually be white I would be fine with that too. I don't place so much importance on skin color.
Your composition of this very thread contradicts your claim...

I don't think it does. I'm trying to get to the root of the alt-right's obsession with race and skin color. I don't give a hoot about what happens with skin color.
Perhaps you’ve overplayed the notion that; at its core, it’s really about “skin color”. Perhaps you underestimated, or discounted altogether, that there is much more to it.
At long last. You’ve finally come out and revealed the great lie. The oh so tolerant, multiculturalist left, does not embrace, and cherish diversity. But rather; seeks to eradicate it from the face of the earth. With the heavy push for miscegenation. And an almost cult like belief in their own vision of the future. All readers would do well to understand what these people are really all about...
They despise your heritage, and their own. They fancy themselves genetic engineers, stumping their faith, for the “betterment of humanity”. Eugenesists, without regard to self determination, and free will. They recoil from the notion that one can take pride in being a member of something unique, and greater than themselves. And stand in direct opposition of any efforts to perpetuate it.
Remember this the next time one of these Leftist, mindlessly drones on about diversity being a strength. Then watch as everything they aim to do seeks to destroy that diversity. The truth is... They despise diversity; and would give anything to see it destroyed.

I just don't have a problem with how things are playing out. I don't have an agenda. If it was looking like the whole world would eventually be white I would be fine with that too. I don't place so much importance on skin color.
Your composition of this very thread contradicts your claim...

I don't think it does. I'm trying to get to the root of the alt-right's obsession with race and skin color. I don't give a hoot about what happens with skin color.
Perhaps you’ve overplayed the notion that; at its core, it’s really about “skin color”. Perhaps you underestimated, or discounted altogether, that there is much more to it.

Well that's why we're having a discussion about it, no? Unlike most I am open to having my mind changed. You'd be wrong if you lumped me in with brainwashed left wing partisan hacks.
At long last. You’ve finally come out and revealed the great lie. The oh so tolerant, multiculturalist left, does not embrace, and cherish diversity. But rather; seeks to eradicate it from the face of the earth. With the heavy push for miscegenation. And an almost cult like belief in their own vision of the future. All readers would do well to understand what these people are really all about...
They despise your heritage, and their own. They fancy themselves genetic engineers, stumping their faith, for the “betterment of humanity”. Eugenesists, without regard to self determination, and free will. They recoil from the notion that one can take pride in being a member of something unique, and greater than themselves. And stand in direct opposition of any efforts to perpetuate it.
Remember this the next time one of these Leftist, mindlessly drones on about diversity being a strength. Then watch as everything they aim to do seeks to destroy that diversity. The truth is... They despise diversity; and would give anything to see it destroyed.

I just don't have a problem with how things are playing out. I don't have an agenda. If it was looking like the whole world would eventually be white I would be fine with that too. I don't place so much importance on skin color.
Your composition of this very thread contradicts your claim...

I don't think it does. I'm trying to get to the root of the alt-right's obsession with race and skin color. I don't give a hoot about what happens with skin color.
Perhaps you’ve overplayed the notion that; at its core, it’s really about “skin color”. Perhaps you underestimated, or discounted altogether, that there is much more to it.

What more is there to it?

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