In the centuries to come humanity will have a darker and darker skin tone. Why do you care?

If you want to understand how Nazi Germany managed to convince the german population that discrimination and ethnic cleansing (not even genocide, only forced removal) of ethnic/racial minorities was socially acceptable you just have to read the OP and observe 21th century America in general.

You have 320 million multiracialist zombies openly, shamelessly advocating, celebrating and sometimes even mocking the genocide of an entire racial group.

You can't make this shit up.

I don't want more useless poor people from south of our border in the United States. I just accept that because of ease of travel and fusion of cultures humanity will eventually homogenize its skin color. I don't see it as scary or bad, just as an inevitability. White won't be the only skin color that disappears. If you use your brain and listen to what scientists are saying about it you'll see that it's really not something that can be avoided, not permanently anyway.

Your culture and your descendants are not at risk. They'll just be a bit different than you, as it has always been, and there's nothing wrong with that. Fighting change is an exercise in futility.

What if, in 50 years, we are able to engineer the racial attributes of ourselves and/or our children?

I suppose that's possible. I think something like that might extend the timeline somewhat, but ultimately the result will be the same in my opinion.

Do you think that we will ever move to into space? Or was the Apollo program a silly one off?

Will we put a colony on Mars eventually? I see that as likely. Will we put humans on a planet orbiting another star? I don't know. I like to think it's possible. Underestimating humanity is usually a losing game.

Spreading across planetary distances, or more, that impacts the idea of genetic fusion.

Has that been taken into account in your prediction?
I don't want more useless poor people from south of our border in the United States. I just accept that because of ease of travel and fusion of cultures humanity will eventually homogenize its skin color. I don't see it as scary or bad, just as an inevitability. White won't be the only skin color that disappears. If you use your brain and listen to what scientists are saying about it you'll see that it's really not something that can be avoided, not permanently anyway.

Your culture and your descendants are not at risk. They'll just be a bit different than you, as it has always been, and there's nothing wrong with that. Fighting change is an exercise in futility.

What if, in 50 years, we are able to engineer the racial attributes of ourselves and/or our children?

I suppose that's possible. I think something like that might extend the timeline somewhat, but ultimately the result will be the same in my opinion.

Do you think that we will ever move to into space? Or was the Apollo program a silly one off?

Will we put a colony on Mars eventually? I see that as likely. Will we put humans on a planet orbiting another star? I don't know. I like to think it's possible. Underestimating humanity is usually a losing game.

Spreading across planetary distances, or more, that impacts the idea of genetic fusion.

Has that been taken into account in your prediction?

It's really not my prediction. I suppose there could be a mostly white colony on Mars for a while. I still think it's a losing race against time, though.
That's inevitable. Given a large enough timeline we will all be forgotten. Eventually all of the hydrogen in the universe will burn up and leave nothing but darkness. Who will remember us then? Why does it matter?

"Given enough time" is a cop out.

I've seen supposedly Catholic Universities, where liberalism is the new religion, and those that worked and sacrificed to build the university are forgotten and their hopes and dreams are utterly rejected by those that benefit from their good works.

Why? Because they were foolish enough to be open to others, instead of insisting on religious and ideological discrimination.

Why is it important to you to be revered and remembered after you're dead? Humanity and culture changes dude. It's the way of the world. I don't feel your example involving universities in entirely relevant. We're talking about the long term change in skin tone that humanity will inevitably undergo. Why is it a big deal and how do you stop it?

Some people care about the future, especially the future they leave their descendants, whether literal biological descendants or figurative "identified with" descendants.

Indeed, I think this is likely the normal and healthy person's viewpoint on the issue.

You seem to not share this. In the context of this thread, that is fine.

All you need to do is understand that many people are different than you, and respect that.

My descendants will have my blood, even if they don’t have my skin color. To think only skin tone reflects my heritage is shallow thinking.

If my grandson looks like this,


what are the odds, he will have my Scottish Coat of Arms hanging on his wall?

Why wouldn’t he?
That's inevitable. Given a large enough timeline we will all be forgotten. Eventually all of the hydrogen in the universe will burn up and leave nothing but darkness. Who will remember us then? Why does it matter?

"Given enough time" is a cop out.

I've seen supposedly Catholic Universities, where liberalism is the new religion, and those that worked and sacrificed to build the university are forgotten and their hopes and dreams are utterly rejected by those that benefit from their good works.

Why? Because they were foolish enough to be open to others, instead of insisting on religious and ideological discrimination.

Why is it important to you to be revered and remembered after you're dead? Humanity and culture changes dude. It's the way of the world. I don't feel your example involving universities in entirely relevant. We're talking about the long term change in skin tone that humanity will inevitably undergo. Why is it a big deal and how do you stop it?

Some people care about the future, especially the future they leave their descendants, whether literal biological descendants or figurative "identified with" descendants.

Indeed, I think this is likely the normal and healthy person's viewpoint on the issue.

You seem to not share this. In the context of this thread, that is fine.

All you need to do is understand that many people are different than you, and respect that.

My descendants will have my blood, even if they don’t have my skin color. To think only skin tone reflects my heritage is shallow thinking.

If my grandson looks like this,


what are the odds, he will have my Scottish Coat of Arms hanging on his wall?
It depends where he stole it. ;)
they will not remember or revere us.

That's inevitable. Given a large enough timeline we will all be forgotten. Eventually all of the hydrogen in the universe will burn up and leave nothing but darkness. Who will remember us then? Why does it matter?

"Given enough time" is a cop out.

I've seen supposedly Catholic Universities, where liberalism is the new religion, and those that worked and sacrificed to build the university are forgotten and their hopes and dreams are utterly rejected by those that benefit from their good works.

Why? Because they were foolish enough to be open to others, instead of insisting on religious and ideological discrimination.

Why is it important to you to be revered and remembered after you're dead? Humanity and culture changes dude. It's the way of the world. I don't feel your example involving universities in entirely relevant. We're talking about the long term change in skin tone that humanity will inevitably undergo. Why is it a big deal and how do you stop it?

Some people care about the future, especially the future they leave their descendants, whether literal biological descendants or figurative "identified with" descendants.

Indeed, I think this is likely the normal and healthy person's viewpoint on the issue.

You seem to not share this. In the context of this thread, that is fine.

All you need to do is understand that many people are different than you, and respect that.

So what's the plan for stopping white people from becoming less and less common over time?
Normalizing white pride and demonizing anti-white racism.

You act like the playing field is level in the racial debate when that couldn’t be further from the truth.

The double standards are a BIG reason for our decline.
I always hear stuff from the alt-right about preserving the white race. How exactly do you do that in the long game, and why bother worrying about it at all? It won't mean we have gone extinct when there are no more white people. It will just mean our descendants have darker skin than we did. They'll still be related to us. Our genetics will live on and humanity will continue to prosper. What's the problem? Why is it so important that people continue to have white skin? Do you really think humanity will descend into chaos without white people on top of society?
Well, Neanderthals didn't build rockets to the moon. Is it racism to notice ..? Well, non whites just want to fuck everything, slaughter each other and blame "white racism" for their failure to thrive. Yeah, color me a tad bit skeptical on this issue.

So you think homogenization will make future humans dumber than the humans of today?
That is pretty obvious.
I always hear stuff from the alt-right about preserving the white race. How exactly do you do that in the long game, and why bother worrying about it at all? It won't mean we have gone extinct when there are no more white people. It will just mean our descendants have darker skin than we did. They'll still be related to us. Our genetics will live on and humanity will continue to prosper. What's the problem? Why is it so important that people continue to have white skin? Do you really think humanity will descend into chaos without white people on top of society?
Well, Neanderthals didn't build rockets to the moon. Is it racism to notice ..? Well, non whites just want to fuck everything, slaughter each other and blame "white racism" for their failure to thrive. Yeah, color me a tad bit skeptical on this issue.

So you think homogenization will make future humans dumber than the humans of today?
That is pretty obvious.

In what way?
I always hear stuff from the alt-right about preserving the white race. How exactly do you do that in the long game, and why bother worrying about it at all? It won't mean we have gone extinct when there are no more white people. It will just mean our descendants have darker skin than we did. They'll still be related to us. Our genetics will live on and humanity will continue to prosper. What's the problem? Why is it so important that people continue to have white skin? Do you really think humanity will descend into chaos without white people on top of society?
Sounds to me like you're the one who cares. You're the one that keeps yapping about race...

Thanks for your participation in the discussion. Political correctness mandates that you get a trophy.


No, remember I'm white, and therefore cannot allow any recognition of my historical contributions.

If being proud of your whiteness is all you’ve got, then that’s all you’ve got. Sorry for you.
I always hear stuff from the alt-right about preserving the white race. How exactly do you do that in the long game, and why bother worrying about it at all? It won't mean we have gone extinct when there are no more white people. It will just mean our descendants have darker skin than we did. They'll still be related to us. Our genetics will live on and humanity will continue to prosper. What's the problem? Why is it so important that people continue to have white skin? Do you really think humanity will descend into chaos without white people on top of society?
Sounds to me like you're the one who cares. You're the one that keeps yapping about race...

Thanks for your participation in the discussion. Political correctness mandates that you get a trophy.


No, remember I'm white, and therefore cannot allow any recognition of my historical contributions.

If being proud of your whiteness is all you’ve got, then that’s all you’ve got. Sorry for you.

Not at all. Historical contributions are not skin-based.

Koshergrl seems to think they are.
To answer OP, I do not care one way or the other. People will still be who they are.
I thought such thoughts when I was a sophomore, too.

At the end of the day, however, it isn't skin color that matters, but culture. Celebrating the death of all the various cultures of white people is as racist as it is childish. People have been trained to see nothing good about these cultures despite their delivering so much positive to the world. Meanwhile, they have been trained to act in deference to those cultures that deliver only squalor.

The fear of being called racist has resulted in a perverse dynamic that one has to be such in order to avoid being called it, and we are hell bent on throwing away all the wonderful things about our own cultures out of such misplaced deference.

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