In the centuries to come humanity will have a darker and darker skin tone. Why do you care?

At long last. You’ve finally come out and revealed the great lie. The oh so tolerant, multiculturalist left, does not embrace, and cherish diversity. But rather; seeks to eradicate it from the face of the earth. With the heavy push for miscegenation. And an almost cult like belief in their own vision of the future. All readers would do well to understand what these people are really all about...
They despise your heritage, and their own. They fancy themselves genetic engineers, stumping their faith, for the “betterment of humanity”. Eugenesists, without regard to self determination, and free will. They recoil from the notion that one can take pride in being a member of something unique, and greater than themselves. And stand in direct opposition of any efforts to perpetuate it.
Remember this the next time one of these Leftist, mindlessly drones on about diversity being a strength. Then watch as everything they aim to do seeks to destroy that diversity. The truth is... They despise diversity; and would give anything to see it destroyed.

I just don't have a problem with how things are playing out. I don't have an agenda. If it was looking like the whole world would eventually be white I would be fine with that too. I don't place so much importance on skin color.
Your composition of this very thread contradicts your claim...

I don't think it does. I'm trying to get to the root of the alt-right's obsession with race and skin color. I don't give a hoot about what happens with skin color.
Perhaps you’ve overplayed the notion that; at its core, it’s really about “skin color”. Perhaps you underestimated, or discounted altogether, that there is much more to it.

What more is there to it?
The ways in which the cumulative differences manifest themselves within societies, and the ways various peoples conduct themselves within societies not homogeneous to their own kind.
The fear is that whites will become a persecuted minority. Which, to be honest, would not really surprise me. Humans are disgusting creatures. It's in their nature to abhor and destroy whatever is different than them, even on a superficial level.
The fear is that whites will become a persecuted minority. Which, to be honest, would not really surprise me. Humans are disgusting creatures. It's in their nature to abhor and destroy whatever is different than them, even on a superficial level.

All the more reason to mix the races. Although, it didn’t work so well for black people did it? The “one drop rule”......
The fear is that whites will become a persecuted minority. Which, to be honest, would not really surprise me. Humans are disgusting creatures. It's in their nature to abhor and destroy whatever is different than them, even on a superficial level.

White people are scared they'll receive treatment similar to the way they have treated minorities in history. Yeah, I agree. Luckily for us the world has come a long way since then. It won't happen.
The fear is that whites will become a persecuted minority. Which, to be honest, would not really surprise me. Humans are disgusting creatures. It's in their nature to abhor and destroy whatever is different than them, even on a superficial level.

White people are scared they'll receive treatment similar to the way they have treated minorities in history. Yeah, I agree. Luckily for us the world has come a long way since then. It won't happen.

How do you figure?
At long last. You’ve finally come out and revealed the great lie. The oh so tolerant, multiculturalist left, does not embrace, and cherish diversity. But rather; seeks to eradicate it from the face of the earth. With the heavy push for miscegenation. And an almost cult like belief in their own vision of the future. All readers would do well to understand what these people are really all about...
They despise your heritage, and their own. They fancy themselves genetic engineers, stumping their faith, for the “betterment of humanity”. Eugenesists, without regard to self determination, and free will. They recoil from the notion that one can take pride in being a member of something unique, and greater than themselves. And stand in direct opposition of any efforts to perpetuate it.
Remember this the next time one of these Leftist, mindlessly drones on about diversity being a strength. Then watch as everything they aim to do seeks to destroy that diversity. The truth is... They despise diversity; and would give anything to see it destroyed.

I just don't have a problem with how things are playing out. I don't have an agenda. If it was looking like the whole world would eventually be white I would be fine with that too. I don't place so much importance on skin color.

And yet you keep carping about it.
The fear is that whites will become a persecuted minority. Which, to be honest, would not really surprise me. Humans are disgusting creatures. It's in their nature to abhor and destroy whatever is different than them, even on a superficial level.

White people are scared they'll receive treatment similar to the way they have treated minorities in history. Yeah, I agree. Luckily for us the world has come a long way since then. It won't happen.
There will be no future because insane liberals are turning all the children into faggots.
The fear is that whites will become a persecuted minority. Which, to be honest, would not really surprise me. Humans are disgusting creatures. It's in their nature to abhor and destroy whatever is different than them, even on a superficial level.

White people are scared they'll receive treatment similar to the way they have treated minorities in history. Yeah, I agree. Luckily for us the world has come a long way since then. It won't happen.
There will be no future because insane liberals are turning all the children into faggots.

As usual, brilliant commentary from Miketx. I've often said you're the dumbest person on these boards, and you never let me down, chief.
The fear is that whites will become a persecuted minority. Which, to be honest, would not really surprise me. Humans are disgusting creatures. It's in their nature to abhor and destroy whatever is different than them, even on a superficial level.

White people are scared they'll receive treatment similar to the way they have treated minorities in history. Yeah, I agree. Luckily for us the world has come a long way since then. It won't happen.
There will be no future because insane liberals are turning all the children into faggots.

As usual, brilliant commentary from Miketx. I've often said you're the dumbest person on these boards, and you never let me down, chief.
Can sumwon till me whut tis meens?
The fear is that whites will become a persecuted minority. Which, to be honest, would not really surprise me. Humans are disgusting creatures. It's in their nature to abhor and destroy whatever is different than them, even on a superficial level.

White people are scared they'll receive treatment similar to the way they have treated minorities in history. Yeah, I agree. Luckily for us the world has come a long way since then. It won't happen.
There will be no future because insane liberals are turning all the children into faggots.

Please, mike. It’s 2018. You can come out as a homosexual without claiming to be “turned.”
they will not remember or revere us.

That's inevitable. Given a large enough timeline we will all be forgotten. Eventually all of the hydrogen in the universe will burn up and leave nothing but darkness. Who will remember us then? Why does it matter?

Hydrogen does not "burn up".

Well, you say that ...

they will not remember or revere us.

That's inevitable. Given a large enough timeline we will all be forgotten. Eventually all of the hydrogen in the universe will burn up and leave nothing but darkness. Who will remember us then? Why does it matter?

Hydrogen does not "burn up".

Well, you say that ...


When it burns, it forms water, so it is still there, so it doesn't burn up.

Also, just as a point of fact, that was highly flammable paint used to paint the Hindenburg and not the hydrogen burning.
they will not remember or revere us.

That's inevitable. Given a large enough timeline we will all be forgotten. Eventually all of the hydrogen in the universe will burn up and leave nothing but darkness. Who will remember us then? Why does it matter?

Hydrogen does not "burn up".

Well, you say that ...


When it burns, it forms water, so it is still there, so it doesn't burn up.

Also, just as a point of fact, that was highly flammable paint used to paint the Hindenburg and not the hydrogen burning.

It's true that H2 can't burn by itself, it can only react with O2 to produce heat + H2O. But, you have to admit, that's a very cool picture.
they will not remember or revere us.

That's inevitable. Given a large enough timeline we will all be forgotten. Eventually all of the hydrogen in the universe will burn up and leave nothing but darkness. Who will remember us then? Why does it matter?

Hydrogen does not "burn up".

Well, you say that ...


When it burns, it forms water, so it is still there, so it doesn't burn up.

Also, just as a point of fact, that was highly flammable paint used to paint the Hindenburg and not the hydrogen burning.

Stars burn hydrogen. There's a finite amount of hydrogen in the universe for stars to use as fuel.

"Hydrogen fusion (nuclear fusion of four protons to form a helium-4 nucleus) is the dominant process that generates energy in the cores of main-sequence stars. It is also called "hydrogen burning", which should not be confused with the chemical combustion of hydrogen in an oxidizing atmosphere."
I always hear stuff from the alt-right about preserving the white race. How exactly do you do that in the long game, and why bother worrying about it at all? It won't mean we have gone extinct when there are no more white people. It will just mean our descendants have darker skin than we did. They'll still be related to us. Our genetics will live on and humanity will continue to prosper. What's the problem? Why is it so important that people continue to have white skin? Do you really think humanity will descend into chaos without white people on top of society?
Sounds to me like you're the one who cares. You're the one that keeps yapping about race...

Thanks for your participation in the discussion. Political correctness mandates that you get a trophy.


No, remember I'm white, and therefore cannot allow any recognition of my historical contributions.

If being proud of your whiteness is all you’ve got, then that’s all you’ve got. Sorry for you.

Nothing she said, justifies that snarky bullshit.
What if, in 50 years, we are able to engineer the racial attributes of ourselves and/or our children?

I suppose that's possible. I think something like that might extend the timeline somewhat, but ultimately the result will be the same in my opinion.

Do you think that we will ever move to into space? Or was the Apollo program a silly one off?

Will we put a colony on Mars eventually? I see that as likely. Will we put humans on a planet orbiting another star? I don't know. I like to think it's possible. Underestimating humanity is usually a losing game.

Spreading across planetary distances, or more, that impacts the idea of genetic fusion.

Has that been taken into account in your prediction?

It's really not my prediction. I suppose there could be a mostly white colony on Mars for a while. I still think it's a losing race against time, though.

What about serious life extension? There are a lot of technologies on the horizon that could lead to significant life extension.

You look ahead a single generation, and that could increase by an order of magnitude.

My potential grandchildren could live centuries.

Does your op's prediction take that into account?

And what does that do to your, what does it matter position?

Presumably I will meet and come to care greatly about my grandchildren. They could be there when the timeframe of your prediction comes to pass.

That gives me a real vested interest.
"Given enough time" is a cop out.

I've seen supposedly Catholic Universities, where liberalism is the new religion, and those that worked and sacrificed to build the university are forgotten and their hopes and dreams are utterly rejected by those that benefit from their good works.

Why? Because they were foolish enough to be open to others, instead of insisting on religious and ideological discrimination.

Why is it important to you to be revered and remembered after you're dead? Humanity and culture changes dude. It's the way of the world. I don't feel your example involving universities in entirely relevant. We're talking about the long term change in skin tone that humanity will inevitably undergo. Why is it a big deal and how do you stop it?

Some people care about the future, especially the future they leave their descendants, whether literal biological descendants or figurative "identified with" descendants.

Indeed, I think this is likely the normal and healthy person's viewpoint on the issue.

You seem to not share this. In the context of this thread, that is fine.

All you need to do is understand that many people are different than you, and respect that.

My descendants will have my blood, even if they don’t have my skin color. To think only skin tone reflects my heritage is shallow thinking.

If my grandson looks like this,


what are the odds, he will have my Scottish Coat of Arms hanging on his wall?

Why wouldn’t he?

Because we can see that minorities with European heritage do not generally identify as with their European ancestors.

Was Obama's biographic titled, "Dreams of my Father and Mother?"

Hint: The answer is no.
I always hear stuff from the alt-right about preserving the white race. How exactly do you do that in the long game, and why bother worrying about it at all? It won't mean we have gone extinct when there are no more white people. It will just mean our descendants have darker skin than we did. They'll still be related to us. Our genetics will live on and humanity will continue to prosper. What's the problem? Why is it so important that people continue to have white skin? Do you really think humanity will descend into chaos without white people on top of society?
Sounds to me like you're the one who cares. You're the one that keeps yapping about race...

Thanks for your participation in the discussion. Political correctness mandates that you get a trophy.


No, remember I'm white, and therefore cannot allow any recognition of my historical contributions.

If being proud of your whiteness is all you’ve got, then that’s all you’ve got. Sorry for you.

Nothing she said, justifies that snarky bullshit.

Calm down.
Sounds to me like you're the one who cares. You're the one that keeps yapping about race...

Thanks for your participation in the discussion. Political correctness mandates that you get a trophy.


No, remember I'm white, and therefore cannot allow any recognition of my historical contributions.

If being proud of your whiteness is all you’ve got, then that’s all you’ve got. Sorry for you.

Nothing she said, justifies that snarky bullshit.

Calm down.

I'm calm. And my point remains. Nothing she said, justifies that snarky bullshit.

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