In the centuries to come humanity will have a darker and darker skin tone. Why do you care?

My family is my family. They don’t have to share the same skin tone, hair color, eye color, nose shape.

Bullshit. LEt one of them join the Proud Boys and you'd never speak to them again.

Joining the Proud Boys (I had to look it up) is a behavior, not a physical attribute.

But tell me more about how I would treat my family.....

It is a choosing of culture and a celebration of heritage.

One that you do not agree with and would not fit well with you.
Not the eradication, the amalgamation. Humans will live; bloodlines will survive. What’s the problem?

If the characteristics of a bloodline, and in this case the culture associated with that bloodline are gone after the "amalgamation",

then that bloodline has NOT survived.

So do you think melanin causes culture?

That is a nice strawman you have there. I respectfully decline your request to join you in playing with it.

It is yours and has nothing to do with me.

My point stands.

If the characteristics of a bloodline, and in this case the culture associated with that bloodline are gone after the "amalgamation",

then that bloodline has NOT survived.

How is it a strawman?

Do you think the color of a branch of the family tree makes the culture?

I’m trying to understand.

I think people self identify, to a great extend, based on their physical appearance.

What was Obama's biography named?

Was is

a. Dreams of my Father and MOther?


b. Dreams of my Father?

Don't look it up, just choose.


It’s not like he disowned the white side of his family.

If anything, he was more influenced by them.
If the characteristics of a bloodline, and in this case the culture associated with that bloodline are gone after the "amalgamation",

then that bloodline has NOT survived.

So do you think melanin causes culture?

That is a nice strawman you have there. I respectfully decline your request to join you in playing with it.

It is yours and has nothing to do with me.

My point stands.

If the characteristics of a bloodline, and in this case the culture associated with that bloodline are gone after the "amalgamation",

then that bloodline has NOT survived.

How is it a strawman?

Do you think the color of a branch of the family tree makes the culture?

I’m trying to understand.

I think people self identify, to a great extend, based on their physical appearance.

What was Obama's biography named?

Was is

a. Dreams of my Father and MOther?


b. Dreams of my Father?

Don't look it up, just choose.


It’s not like he disowned the white side of his family.

If anything, he was more influenced by them.

What do you base that conclusion on?
I always hear stuff from the alt-right about preserving the white race. How exactly do you do that in the long game, and why bother worrying about it at all? It won't mean we have gone extinct when there are no more white people. It will just mean our descendants have darker skin than we did. They'll still be related to us. Our genetics will live on and humanity will continue to prosper. What's the problem? Why is it so important that people continue to have white skin? Do you really think humanity will descend into chaos without white people on top of society?
You hate being white don’t you?
So do you think melanin causes culture?

That is a nice strawman you have there. I respectfully decline your request to join you in playing with it.

It is yours and has nothing to do with me.

My point stands.

If the characteristics of a bloodline, and in this case the culture associated with that bloodline are gone after the "amalgamation",

then that bloodline has NOT survived.

How is it a strawman?

Do you think the color of a branch of the family tree makes the culture?

I’m trying to understand.

I think people self identify, to a great extend, based on their physical appearance.

What was Obama's biography named?

Was is

a. Dreams of my Father and MOther?


b. Dreams of my Father?

Don't look it up, just choose.


It’s not like he disowned the white side of his family.

If anything, he was more influenced by them.

What do you base that conclusion on?

He spent more time with his mom and his grandparents on her side. His dad left.
My family is my family. They don’t have to share the same skin tone, hair color, eye color, nose shape.

Bullshit. LEt one of them join the Proud Boys and you'd never speak to them again.

Joining the Proud Boys (I had to look it up) is a behavior, not a physical attribute.

But tell me more about how I would treat my family.....

It is a choosing of culture and a celebration of heritage.

One that you do not agree with and would not fit well with you.

So now you’re twisting it that my family’s actions could make them not my family.

But the first premise here seemed to be that if your physical attributes aren’t passed on, then your heritage is lost.
I always hear stuff from the alt-right about preserving the white race. How exactly do you do that in the long game, and why bother worrying about it at all? It won't mean we have gone extinct when there are no more white people. It will just mean our descendants have darker skin than we did. They'll still be related to us. Our genetics will live on and humanity will continue to prosper. What's the problem? Why is it so important that people continue to have white skin? Do you really think humanity will descend into chaos without white people on top of society?

You unfortunately do not understand alt-right at all.

It's not about skin color, it's about securing your genetic legacy. If you think that the differences stop at skin color, you are wrong. No one gives a fuck about skin color, well no one that is thinking at least.
I always hear stuff from the alt-right about preserving the white race. How exactly do you do that in the long game, and why bother worrying about it at all? It won't mean we have gone extinct when there are no more white people. It will just mean our descendants have darker skin than we did. They'll still be related to us. Our genetics will live on and humanity will continue to prosper. What's the problem? Why is it so important that people continue to have white skin? Do you really think humanity will descend into chaos without white people on top of society?

You unfortunately do not understand alt-right at all.

It's not about skin color, it's about securing your genetic legacy. If you think that the differences stop at skin color, you are wrong. No one gives a fuck about skin color, well no one that is thinking at least.

So you personally don't mind if your descendants have darker skin than you? Good! Props.
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I always hear stuff from the alt-right about preserving the white race. How exactly do you do that in the long game, and why bother worrying about it at all? It won't mean we have gone extinct when there are no more white people. It will just mean our descendants have darker skin than we did. They'll still be related to us. Our genetics will live on and humanity will continue to prosper. What's the problem? Why is it so important that people continue to have white skin? Do you really think humanity will descend into chaos without white people on top of society?

You unfortunately do not understand alt-right at all.

It's not about skin color, it's about securing your genetic legacy. If you think that the differences stop at skin color, you are wrong. No one gives a fuck about skin color, well no one that is thinking at least.

So you personally don't mind of your ancestors have darker skin than you? Good! Props.

My ancestor somewhere might not only have been black, but a black sea creature. Or some furry black, totally imbecile monkey. I don't give a fck, this is not relevant.

I have never heard ANYONE worry about what you posted, so perhaps you should re-evaluate your "worries".

Indeed, alt-right is talking about preserving the white RACE, roughly 6-8% of world's population, not the white skin color. Now, the leftists are more worried about preserving some eel creature. I think preserving one of the most legendary evolutionary creations that invented civilization is more important. But that's just my preference.
The future looks bright...


What series was that?

'UFO' -- from Gerry and Sylvia Anderson
I fully intend that my child will inherit it and I will be quite cross if my likely eventual grandchildren made is clear to me that they don't give a fuck.

"No, no, no, my grandchild. That beautiful, intelligent Asian person who treats you like gold? No, you can't marry that person because they aren't white."


Yeah, good luck with that.
I always hear stuff from the alt-right about preserving the white race. How exactly do you do that in the long game, and why bother worrying about it at all? It won't mean we have gone extinct when there are no more white people. It will just mean our descendants have darker skin than we did. They'll still be related to us. Our genetics will live on and humanity will continue to prosper. What's the problem? Why is it so important that people continue to have white skin? Do you really think humanity will descend into chaos without white people on top of society?
The problem of inherent racial inequality will still bedevil the world. Hues may change, but lighter skinned whites and East-Asians will always be far more successful. Successful people procreate with other successful people and they're are not enough hip hop, basketball and football stars to make miscegenation the norm.

It has been the way of things and will be forever more.
"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mould them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."
"A Racial Program for the 20th Century" (1912)

dumbcon quotes a hoax


Big surprise.
Yes, just look at where white people live, no war. Look at Africa and the Middle East, brown people and slightly less brown people, in total kaos. Asians have their shit somewhat together, but even they don't want to be yellow.

The history of Europe is war.

And the alt-right wants to tear down the one institution dedicated to preventing war amongst Europeans.
Successful people will breed with successful people and unsuccessful people will breed with unsuccessful people. This is a given and will not bring about the "one race" you naively envision.

I lectured at an HBU. A few of the students went on to become billionaires.

That doesn't jive with the lowlife crackers on this thread worrying about white anhilaition.
I always hear stuff from the alt-right about preserving the white race. How exactly do you do that in the long game, and why bother worrying about it at all? It won't mean we have gone extinct when there are no more white people. It will just mean our descendants have darker skin than we did. They'll still be related to us. Our genetics will live on and humanity will continue to prosper. What's the problem? Why is it so important that people continue to have white skin? Do you really think humanity will descend into chaos without white people on top of society?
The first humans (homo sapiens) were Black people. Thats supported by science and the bible. Whites are just a recessive genetic mutation that appeared about 10k years ago.

Here’s How Europeans Quickly Evolved Lighter Skin | Smart News | Smithsonian
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