In the name of Islam

Innocent Muslims are not guilty of this crime.

Then why bring them up? Why, as the OP did, start a thread that implicates all of Islam in the act of one individual?

You don't get it. If you state that all Muslims are not evil and don't want to kill Christians, you are clearly coming to he defense of this guy who tried to kill that cop. It's obvious. Right?

Within a very short time the San Bernardino attack occurred 'in the name of Islam', and the Planned Parenthood attack occurred 'in the name of Christianity'.

Find me all the people who called the SB attack Islamic terrorism who also called the PP attack Christian terrorism.

So far zero? Hmmmm.

Yes, shocking isn't it? When a mooooooslem does it, it's terrorism. When a Christian does it, it's "mental health".

Then why bring them up? Why, as the OP did, start a thread that implicates all of Islam in the act of one individual?

You don't get it. If you state that all Muslims are not evil and don't want to kill Christians, you are clearly coming to he defense of this guy who tried to kill that cop. It's obvious. Right?

Within a very short time the San Bernardino attack occurred 'in the name of Islam', and the Planned Parenthood attack occurred 'in the name of Christianity'.

Find me all the people who called the SB attack Islamic terrorism who also called the PP attack Christian terrorism.

So far zero? Hmmmm.

Yes, shocking isn't it? When a mooooooslem does it, it's terrorism. When a Christian does it, it's "mental health".
As with most other things, there is hypocrisy from both ends of the spectrum. The Left behaves the same way, and on this topic.
Why is it, if the perpetrator is Muslim you automatically disregard mental illness?

I'll direct you to a statement he made to police at the time of his arrest.

"police bend laws that are contrary to the teachings of the Quran"

Coyote, that's not mental illness, that's a motive. Premeditation. I will hear no more of this "he was mentally ill" nonsense. Why is it, ma'am, that when it's a Muslim, you rush to defend him/her, and insist on mental illness instead?

If you actually bothered to read what I post instead of assuming you will see that many times when people commit these sort of atrocities and there is a thread discussion, mental illness is often a factor and regardless of the person's religion - I point that out. It's a serious problem yet you seem to want to ignore it if the finger can be pointed at Islam. A person who acts irrationally, and hears voices, is usually seriously ill and it's extremely hard to get treatment for an adult if he is unwilling and if he has not yet acted in a threatening manner. You just want to sweep it under the carpet because it suits your desire, SIR, to make it about religion. Was the recent Planned Parenthood killer acting on religion or was he menatlly ill? While his religion might colored his thinking his actions and the way he viewed the world were heavily affected by mental illness (and there were clear signs). Many religious people, of all religions, commit no violence. When mental illness does not seem to be a factor (San Bernadino) - I don't say anything about it.
But I expect better from you.

People always tell me to think less in terms of black and white and more of the grey in between, but when I do I get this in response. I used the video and the statements the man made to police as my evidence. When someone outrightly attempts to dismiss the presented evidence, it makes me suspicious.

Maybe suspiciousness is my weakness. She hasn't rebutted my claims, nor has she disputed any of my accusations. What am I supposed to do? Accept all of this at face value?

This was 1:35am. I had gone to bed.

Then why bring them up? Why, as the OP did, start a thread that implicates all of Islam in the act of one individual?

You don't get it. If you state that all Muslims are not evil and don't want to kill Christians, you are clearly coming to he defense of this guy who tried to kill that cop. It's obvious. Right?

Within a very short time the San Bernardino attack occurred 'in the name of Islam', and the Planned Parenthood attack occurred 'in the name of Christianity'.

Find me all the people who called the SB attack Islamic terrorism who also called the PP attack Christian terrorism.

So far zero? Hmmmm.

Yes, shocking isn't it? When a mooooooslem does it, it's terrorism. When a Christian does it, it's "mental health".

Show where these "Christians" are claiming the name of Jesus when they commit the act..
Then why bring them up? Why, as the OP did, start a thread that implicates all of Islam in the act of one individual?

You don't get it. If you state that all Muslims are not evil and don't want to kill Christians, you are clearly coming to he defense of this guy who tried to kill that cop. It's obvious. Right?

Within a very short time the San Bernardino attack occurred 'in the name of Islam', and the Planned Parenthood attack occurred 'in the name of Christianity'.

Find me all the people who called the SB attack Islamic terrorism who also called the PP attack Christian terrorism.

So far zero? Hmmmm.

Yes, shocking isn't it? When a mooooooslem does it, it's terrorism. When a Christian does it, it's "mental health".

Show where these "Christians" are claiming the name of Jesus when they commit the act..

Pretty much every anti-abortion terrorist has.
You don't get it. If you state that all Muslims are not evil and don't want to kill Christians, you are clearly coming to he defense of this guy who tried to kill that cop. It's obvious. Right?

Within a very short time the San Bernardino attack occurred 'in the name of Islam', and the Planned Parenthood attack occurred 'in the name of Christianity'.

Find me all the people who called the SB attack Islamic terrorism who also called the PP attack Christian terrorism.

So far zero? Hmmmm.

Yes, shocking isn't it? When a mooooooslem does it, it's terrorism. When a Christian does it, it's "mental health".

Show where these "Christians" are claiming the name of Jesus when they commit the act..

Pretty much every anti-abortion terrorist has.

See how the far left drones claim something that they can not back up!
Since there's no audio in the video, what "evidence" of this man's religion did you get from it? His robe?

Also, where do you think "LesGrossman2015" got those videos to post on YouTube, if not from the "news media"?

Alas, I didn't go straight to oh, places like "Breitbart" or "The Blaze" for the video. That robe is a "thawb" or "thobe", a piece of clothing unique to the religion of Islam. The source is not the "news media" but from a camera and a police chief.

Well, no - the robe he's wearing is not a "thawb", which are full robes and not slit up the sides as this guy's robe is.



This guy:


See the individual on the far left?


None of those people have slits down the sides of their robes.

I see two guy holding them all bunched up to keep them out of the sand, though.

Okay, if not that, then here is a split leg version of a thawb. And before you go after the color, I'm sure they come in white, too. :


NOTE: This is in fact called a "Kurta." However, it is Muslim attire nonetheless.

It's actually not "muslim attire" - it's regional - Kurta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That's what Edward Archer stated as he tried to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer in his marked police car just before midnight on Thursday. They Mayor denied any connection to Islam.

Jim Kenney on Twitter

But if you're saying it wasn't "in the name of Islam" I challenge you to prove otherwise.

A gunman claiming allegiance to Islamic State militants shot and seriously wounded a Philadelphia police officer, saying he ambushed his patrol car "in the name of Islam," the city's police commissioner said on Friday.

Edward Archer of Philadelphia approached Officer Jesse Hartnett, 33, shortly before midnight and fired 11 rounds, three of which hit the officer in his arm, authorities said. Police released still images from surveillance video that showed the gunman dressed in a long white robe walking toward the car and firing, eventually getting close enough to shoot at point-blank range through the window.

Hartnett chased Archer, who was arrested by responding officers and later confessed to the attack, police officials told reporters.

"He has confessed to committing this cowardly act in the name of Islam," Ross told a press conference, adding that the 30-year-old assailant also referenced Islamic State militants.

Philadelphia Police Captain James Clark added, "He said he pledges his allegiance to Islamic State, he follows Allah and that was the reason he was called on to do this."

Gunman ambushes Philadelphia policeman 'in the name of Islam'

The man heard voices. He was mentally ill. He never attended a mosque.
He told police he was doing it in the name of Islam. If a Christian shot up an abortion clinic and said he was doing it in the name of Christ, would you turds claim it wasn't done in the name of Christ? Why of course you would. You just recently did.

Leftwing double standards are so pathetically obvious.

Not if it were mental illness.
That's what Edward Archer stated as he tried to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer in his marked police car just before midnight on Thursday. They Mayor denied any connection to Islam.

Jim Kenney on Twitter

But if you're saying it wasn't "in the name of Islam" I challenge you to prove otherwise.

A gunman claiming allegiance to Islamic State militants shot and seriously wounded a Philadelphia police officer, saying he ambushed his patrol car "in the name of Islam," the city's police commissioner said on Friday.

Edward Archer of Philadelphia approached Officer Jesse Hartnett, 33, shortly before midnight and fired 11 rounds, three of which hit the officer in his arm, authorities said. Police released still images from surveillance video that showed the gunman dressed in a long white robe walking toward the car and firing, eventually getting close enough to shoot at point-blank range through the window.

Hartnett chased Archer, who was arrested by responding officers and later confessed to the attack, police officials told reporters.

"He has confessed to committing this cowardly act in the name of Islam," Ross told a press conference, adding that the 30-year-old assailant also referenced Islamic State militants.

Philadelphia Police Captain James Clark added, "He said he pledges his allegiance to Islamic State, he follows Allah and that was the reason he was called on to do this."

Gunman ambushes Philadelphia policeman 'in the name of Islam'

The man heard voices. He was mentally ill. He never attended a mosque.

And I doubt you far left drones have ever been to the DNC head quarters, but you carry out your religious narratives day in and day out without question or hesitation..

Just like the narrative you just posted!
Just as you are carrying out yours.... No difference. Coyote is just stating facts. There are plenty of valid jihadists out there--if you need to stir more hatred of every Muslim in this country, try using one of them as your example. That's all I'm asking.
That's what Edward Archer stated as he tried to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer in his marked police car just before midnight on Thursday. They Mayor denied any connection to Islam.

Jim Kenney on Twitter

But if you're saying it wasn't "in the name of Islam" I challenge you to prove otherwise.

A gunman claiming allegiance to Islamic State militants shot and seriously wounded a Philadelphia police officer, saying he ambushed his patrol car "in the name of Islam," the city's police commissioner said on Friday.

Edward Archer of Philadelphia approached Officer Jesse Hartnett, 33, shortly before midnight and fired 11 rounds, three of which hit the officer in his arm, authorities said. Police released still images from surveillance video that showed the gunman dressed in a long white robe walking toward the car and firing, eventually getting close enough to shoot at point-blank range through the window.

Hartnett chased Archer, who was arrested by responding officers and later confessed to the attack, police officials told reporters.

"He has confessed to committing this cowardly act in the name of Islam," Ross told a press conference, adding that the 30-year-old assailant also referenced Islamic State militants.

Philadelphia Police Captain James Clark added, "He said he pledges his allegiance to Islamic State, he follows Allah and that was the reason he was called on to do this."

Gunman ambushes Philadelphia policeman 'in the name of Islam'

The man heard voices. He was mentally ill. He never attended a mosque.

And I doubt you far left drones have ever been to the DNC head quarters, but you carry out your religious narratives day in and day out without question or hesitation..

Just like the narrative you just posted!
Just as you are carrying out yours.... No difference. Coyote is just stating facts. There are plenty of valid jihadists out there--if you need to stir more hatred of every Muslim in this country, try using one of them as your example. That's all I'm asking.

No coyote is stating a far left drone religious narrative..

Even you are running a narrative..

And the far left drones make comments that they will not back up!

The burden of proof is on the one making the comment, it is known far left drone tactic to make statements that have been debunked and expect others to prove them wrong!

Learn what a discussion is and what a debate is, because this far left drone mod surely does not know what one is..
That's what Edward Archer stated as he tried to assassinate a Philadelphia police officer in his marked police car just before midnight on Thursday. They Mayor denied any connection to Islam.

Jim Kenney on Twitter

But if you're saying it wasn't "in the name of Islam" I challenge you to prove otherwise.

These people committed crimes in the name of god...I guess they were, right?

God Told Me To Do It

Teacher Says 'Higher Power' Told Him To Attack Kid With Skateboard

Mom Allegedly Tries To Drown Son In Puddle Because Jesus Told Her To

Man Allegedly Stabs Grandma, Blames Archangel Michael

Nurse Thinks Grandmother Was Possessed, Beats Her To Death: Cops

Suspect: "Jesus And Mary Told Me To Kill Him Because He Is Satan's Spawn!"

Do the names Deana Laney and Andrea Yates ring a bell? God told them to kill their children, and they did.
Christians are supposed to emulate Jesus Christ and therefore not commit murder. These people, regardless of what they tell themselves, are therefore not Christians, they are evil, psychotic or both. Muslims are supposed to emulate Mohammed. Mohammed murdered, raped captives, enslaved them and had sex with children. See the difference?

Yes and what scriptures tell them to do that?

Come on far left drone!

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan
The Libtards have a convenient cover. You can't separate a muzzie's ideology from his religion. So if his religion is attacked the Libtards cover with ideology. If you attack ideology they cover with religion. None of it makes sense but they are convinced they are on the right side of fairness...and that makes them feel good...about themselves. They don't give a shit about justice.

Yes and what scriptures tell them to do that?

Come on far left drone!

"164 Jihad Verses in the Koran -- Passages in the Quran about Islamic Holy War" compiled by Yoel Natan

The problem with religion and mental illness is that you can find plenty of passages in both the bible and quran to support deviant behavior with requiring any indepth understanding of the religion.

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