In VIRGINIA gun related deaths down; gun sales through the roof


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
In Virginia gun-related homicides and injuries continue to trend downward while sales of firearms have skyrocketed.
Virginia’s Office of the Chief Medical Examiner releases data yearly about deaths in the Commonwealth and that data shows that gun-related deaths and injuries on a per-capita basis dropped an amazing 37% in Virginia since 2005.
Also, for the first time, the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner broke out homicides by so-called 'assault weapons'. In the latest report, the total homicides and injuries by these sporting firearms, which make up the majority of new sales, was .... one. A single solitary case."
the more pos's shot, the better. Can't do that without more guns and more Consitutional
Carry states. We've got 5 now. :) great stuff.
The relatively under reported worst school shooting in US history in Va. Tech Blacksburg a couple of years ago was a result of several factors. Virginia decided that the privacy factor of psychiatric patients was more important than the safety of citizens so the name check necessary to purchase a weapon did not include court ordered psychiatric records. Local police in college towns pretty much work for the colleges and professors who represent important political offices. The monster who gunned down about 30 people on campus was well known to the local police but they were instructed by the university not to arrest a student and scar their records with a police record. The monster continued to terrorize the college and was ordered to undergo psychiatric evaluation for stalking college co-eds. I think Va. and the rest of the Country has revised it's privacy standards for psychiatric patients regarding weapons purchases.

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