In Wisconsin, many nursing homes had voter turnout between 95% and 100%. Relatives of these patients say they were too sick to vote.

Well, yes.

The guy in the OP's link says so.

Which is clearly not a case of him believing something because someone said so because....


Well, because he wrote it down and it took a lot of pages. That's the ticket.
The link showed that Biden got the fraudulent votes?
The one who believes the lies is you. You are listening to the same people who have lied to you for the last six years. They have been caught numerous times.
I’m not believing anybody. I’m just telling you what they are saying. They are the same people that gave trump all his intel.

In Wisconsin, many nursing homes had voter turnout between 95% and 100%. Relatives of these patients say they were too sick to vote.​

Oh please, we all know relatives just drop off their grandparents and leave them to rot in the homes. They have no idea if they are too sick to vote or not - they haven't visited or called in 3 years.
I would say that most all people in nursing homes are to sick to vote----So who filled out their ballots, signed their names, and dropped them off at the illegal ballot boxes is the question.
You haven't shown anything to show that Joe got the the votes and not Trump

You haven't shown anything showing otherwise. And you will not.

You don't know who I hear it from... And who really isn't important. Whats important is that they are saying it. Can you prove that they are wrong?

You hear it from the voices in your head.

It was crooked alright… but did you hear? The fraudulent votes mostly all went to Trump! Crazy huh. He tried to cover up his own fraud by blaming it on the Dems. I’d ask if you can even believe it but of course I know the answer is yes.

Look, we all get it: you are a seagull. You simply keep regurgitating the same shit until people stop responding, then proclaim victory when people get tired of replying to the same tired old shit for the thirtieth time.
It puts 92,000 votes in question. Elections are not supposed to be run leaving any questions. This election has been proven to have no integrity. Therefore given the margin of victory was 20,000 votes this election should be decertified.
It's Trump that has no integrity, not the election.
The elderly vote more repub. Probably trump votes
Not when they are illegal votes...

Someone filled out the ballot, signed the names, and sent in the ballots. Someone received the ballots----where were this ballots mailed to--who filled them out...
People living in nursing homes do so because their bodies and minds are gone.
I would say that most all people in nursing homes are to sick to vote----So who filled out their ballots, signed their names, and dropped them off at the illegal ballot boxes is the question.
We should see quite a few of them in the spring. Lots of videos coming.
There is no such thing as junk mail ballots.

That's a lie.

He filed a very long report. Why are you lying?

Because he is a disciple of Goebbels: busybee favors The Big Lie. Repeat it enough and it becomes accepted as fact.

There is nothing wrong with ballot harvesting. You and the Republicans are the crooked ones.


150 page report on his progress. You are uninformed like usual.

No, he is a dishonest follower of Goebbels.

Yes, he present evidence of suspected fraud. He left out the part where the fraud was mostly in favor of trump.

He also left out the evidence that the election was influenced by Martians, that Kamala Harris is a replicant attempting to summon Cthulu, that the Earth is flat, and that the Easter Bunny was picked up by Elvis, flying a spaceship hidden inside Haley's Comet and commanded by the alien Zorglehorble of the planet Frimmerbee.

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