Inaugural benediction: Pray that “white will embrace what is right”

Originally Posted by AllieBaba
Likewise take a stroll through a black innercity neighborhood wearing a rolex and flashing your money around and see how far you get.

LOL!! Spoken like the country bumpkin that you are.

While this offends you, there is alot of truth in that statement, as we all full well know. Maybe thats WHY it offends you so much.
I think the benediction is what started it. There was no need to make the remark. Maybe to some old liberals that were around back in the day it was cute or clever or whatever but... we're not back in the day anymore, there's a new context. So either he wasn't aware of how racist his remark was because he doesn't get the new context, or he believes that whites do not yet embrace what it right.

If you ask me the whole phrase is wrong in it's logic...

Yellow (Asian) people do not need to me mellow any more than anyone else does. WTF are yellow people doing that needs chilling? I'm not aware of a problem.

Red (Indian?) people need to get ahead... um, ok if they work hard they deserve the reward of getting ahead JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE.

When White will embrace what's right... ok, I'm white and I don't know if I've embraced what is right. How can you tell? I don't think I've ever oppressed anyone. I've been intimidated by plenty of people, does that count for anything? I try to leave black people alone so they won't think I'm trying to do anything to them, and mostly they leave me alone too. I just don't get this, I don't think I'm doing anything wrong and this guy is saying I haven't embraced what is right yet.

I'm afraid it's up to whites to continually try to guess what's "right" because I cant' get a straight answer on what truth it is that whites have not seen or any kind of recommendation regarding something special I should be doing for blacks that I don't already do.
I'm confused.

Here is what you said in a recent post:

"It's the moronic liberal whites who are so white they're transparent who are the worst racists (self-hating racism) here."

Are there specific posts you're referring to?

Those would be the dildoes who have admitted to being white, and who most frequently spout anti-white idiocies.

Shogun is no longer with us, but his long ridiculous diatribes against the whites in north america "stealing" the land from the Indians (who didn't recognize ownership of land to begin with) was one of them.

Let me see. Ravi is another who on occasion likes to accuse fellow whites of racism because they won't accord special privileges and allowances to people of color.

Mmmm....Oh Santurridiot. He hasn't owned up to being white, but I'd bet my lunch that he is. His fantastical rants about slavery are just too sanctimonious and prissy for him to have any actual blood connection to minorities. They'd laugh him out of the room.
I think it's much ado about nothing.

It was a problem, due to the fact that Obama claims to be a uniter. Paraphrasing..."There is no white America or black America only the United States of America".
The person delivering his benediction makes a statement that drives a wedge between the races. That is the problem, as I view it.
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Go back to my post, you'll find, in spite of Willow's following nonsense, that I was saying the WJ was on par with those minorities that also hate.

what nonsense would that bee Annie?? you gonna get specific or what?
It was a problem, due to the fact that Obama claims to be a uniter. Paraphrasing..."There is no white America or black America only the United States of America".
The person delivering his benediction makes a statement that drives a wedge between the races. That is the problem, as I view it.

and the obamalama nods smiling
It was a problem, due to the fact that Obama claims to be a uniter. Paraphrasing..."There is no white America or black America only the United States of America".
The person delivering his benediction makes a statement that drives a wedge between the races. That is the problem, as I view it.

I suppose it's a problem if it's viewed or percieved as a problem. That poem was not universally percieved as problematic. That's what art and poetry are about. They reflect our society and comment on it. Some were offended by it. Some were not.

The speaker was 87 years old. His choice of reference to a historical poem may be more in keeping with his own life experience.

This doesn't seem like a huge problem. But if you expect Obama and any person connected to him to be perfect, it's a problem.

The expectations for President Obama are high. I think he'll rise to the challenge and make us all proud to be Americans doing the right thing. Bush was NOT doing the right thing for America.
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I suppose it's a problem if it's viewed as a problem. It's a problem when it's percieved as a problem. That poem was not universally percieved as problematic. That's what art and poetry are about. They reflect our society and comment on it. Some were offended by it. Some were not.

The speaker was 87 years old. His choice of reference to a historical poem may be more in keeping with his own life experience.

This doesn't seem like a huge problem. But if you expect Obama and any person connected to him to be perfect, it's a problem.

The expectations for President Obama are high. I think he'll rise to the challenge and make us proud to be Americans.

No one expects perfection. No one is burning the town down. The comment in the benediction just got a discussion going about racism here. There's no crisis but you didn't really expect the fact that we elected a black president to go unnoticed did you ? I hope to God the country doesn't get bogged down in it. There are too many other important fish to fry.
No one expects perfection. No one is burning the town down. The comment in the benediction just got a discussion going about racism here. There's no crisis but you didn't really expect the fact that we elected a black president to go unnoticed did you ? I hope to God the country doesn't get bogged down in it. There are too many other important fish to fry.

We elected a bi-racial President. He is half-white, half black. I don't think the country will get bogged down on it.

I expect Obama's political enemies to take every opportunity to attack him and question him.

Too bad, the attacks focus on his race.
I suppose it's a problem if it's viewed as a problem. It's a problem when it's percieved as a problem. That poem was not universally percieved as problematic. That's what art and poetry are about. They reflect our society and comment on it. Some were offended by it. Some were not.

The speaker was 87 years old. His choice of reference to a historical poem may be more in keeping with his own life experience.

This doesn't seem like a huge problem. But if you expect Obama and any person connected to him to be perfect, it's a problem.

The expectations for President Obama are high. I think he'll rise to the challenge and make us all proud to be Americans doing the right thing. Bush was NOT doing the right thing for America.

Just curious, do you think that Obama's staff reviewed the speaker's comments in advance? If so, then the contraversial comments should have never been uttered. Can we agree on that?
Just curious, do you think that Obama's staff reviewed the speaker's comments in advance? If so, then the contraversial comments should have never been uttered. Can we agree on that?
I don't think they did. They interviewed the poet on NPR a few days ago and she claimed no one pre-approved her poem.
Do you think black people are more likely to be lawbreakers than any other racial group because they are black?

No, I think they are more likely to be law breakers because a higher percentage of them come from poor single parent households and crappy neighborhoods.

Illegitimacy rate among blacks is 68%, that's ridiculous.

I watched 20/20 years ago where they followed a group of forth graders in NYC and later found them when they were 20. Some of them were in jail, many of the girls were single moms, only two of the kids could be what we term "successful". When asked what it was they thought made the difference, overwhelmingly the answer was "A father in the home".
White is the color of the majority.

When white embraces what is right is when white people accept that racism is wrong.

History is what he is speaking of, you can pretend it was not part of the American experience but you would be dead wrong.

No one is pretending anything. When will Jeremiah Wright or Louis Farakkan embrace what is right?

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