Inaugural benediction: Pray that “white will embrace what is right”

I haven't been here long enough to use links yet. More than half of all violent crimes are committed by non-hispanic whites yet only one fourth of the prison population is white.

See Tim Wise' book: White Like Me, Reflections on Race from a Priveleged Son

Justice dept. statistics about black on white race violence

A subsequent United States Department of Justice report which surveyed homicide statistics between 1974 and 2004 stated that of the crimes surveyed for which the identity of the offender could be determined, 52.1% of the offenders were Black, 45.9% were White, and 2% were Other Races. Of the victims in those same crimes, 51% were White, 46.9% were Black, and 2.1% were Other Races. The report further noted that, "most murders are intraracial", with 86% of White murders committed by Whites, and 94% of Black murders committed by Blacks.[10] It should be noted that the document does not provide any details concerning what races or ethnicities are included in the designations "White", "Black", or "Other Races".

A February 1997 report on rape and sexual-based crime published by the United States Department of Justice stated that of the crimes surveyed, 56% of arrestees were White, 42% were Black, and 2% were of other races; though it should be noted that "Hispanic" was not recognized as a racial category, with Hispanics predominantly being grouped together with Non-Hispanic Whites. The report additionally noted that "victims of rape were about evenly divided between whites and blacks; in about 88% of forcible rapes, the victim and offender were of the same race."[11] For both 2004 and 2005, the percentage of incidents of rape or sexual assault with a white perpetrator and a black victim was 0.0, an estimate based on 10 or fewer sample cases. In contrast, in 2005, in cases where the victim was white, 33.6% of the perpetrators were black. In 2004, only 8.3% of the perpetrators were black.[12][13]

Crime in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interesting dont you think?
Is your feeling that blacks are by nature more criminal as human beings than whites?

God no. The color of a persons skin has nothing to do with moral values. Its a cultural problem which almost certainly stems from poverty. Why is there so much poverty in the black community? Its a difficult question to answer in a few words, but i dont think anything more then a miniscule fraction of their problems can be blamed on racist white people, and i think its counter productive when thats the only excuse coming from the black community (generally speaking). Ultimately i would say that there has been a degeneration of black culture in America that took place during the past 30-40 years, and this led to their current problems with drugs, crime, fatherless households, etc.

Unfortunately its difficult to be critical of black people without making people think you are a racist. I get it and i dont fault you for it. If the situation was reversed, i would probably assume the same thing, but i also cant let that stop me from speaking my mind on any given touchy subject, particularly when its done over the internet, where as a discussion like this might not be appropriate in most social settings. Where else can people have these discussions?
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No one knows what race commit more crimes. It's just who gets prosecuted. Nobody should get a pass that commit crime. A lot of people do. Who even gives a rats ass until it involves them.

And the majority? What percentage? Give me a real number. Can you tell me how many get shot assuming the position? You have no clue "brother."

YOu know as well as any semi-intelligent human being that our prisons are filled to overflowing with blacks and hispanics. There isn't a big whitey conspiracy to throw innocent black darlings behind bars. They're criminals. Go spend some time in lockdown with them if you're so certain they're being unjustly convicted. I dare you.

Likewise take a stroll through a black innercity neighborhood wearing a rolex and flashing your money around and see how far you get. Spare me your fucking whining about the poor black man being unfairly prosecuted.
I've never seen a black person in a Starbucks either. I'm in the Kansas City area where blacks are not in short supply.
Where I live (Ft. Lauderdale) there are always black people in Starbucks. Maybe we just have a more affluent city?
God no. The color of a persons skin has nothing to do with moral values. Its a cultural problem which almost certainly stems from poverty. Why is there so much poverty in the black community? Its a difficult question to answer in a few words, but i dont think any more then a miniscule fraction of their problems can be blamed on racist white people, and i think its counter productive when thats the only excuse coming from the black community (generally speaking). Ultimately i would say that there has been a dengeneration of black culture in America during the past 30 years, and this led to their current problems with drugs, crime, fatherless households, etc.

Unfortunately its difficult to be critical of black people without making people think you are a racist. I get it and i dont fault you for it. If the situation was reversed, i would probably assume the same thing, but i also cant let that stop me from speaking my mind on any given touchy subject, particularly when its done over the internet, where as a discussion like this might not be appropriate in most social settings.

THere are a couple of reasons poverty is prevalent in the black community. One is they are relatively new members of our capitalist society in that they were not able to accrue wealth en masse until well into this century. That puts them behind the curve when it comes to establishing a stable economic and cultural foundation for their communities.

The second huge problem and what has kept them right where so many of them are is the attitude that they shouldn't have to work to get ahead, and we should shoulder the responsibility of feeding, housing, and providing medicine for them while adopting a tolerant attitude regarding criminal or dysfunctional behavior. We shouldn't be telling black women that having sex is okay and raising kids without a job or an education is A-ok. We shouldn't be telling black boys that it's only natural that they turn criminal when the whole world is against them. They need to get the message from their own community that they are responsible for themselves, and no excuses for behavior which keeps the community in the gutter.
Really? How many blacks, latinos, asians, and native americans with 'vitriol toward whites' post here?

How does anyone know what color any of us are?
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I hope you are realizing few agree with you. Indeed the majority condemn the minorities that like you, sow hatred. I think you act out of fear, they out of anger and you're all wrong.

Few say what I say OUT LOUD, most think it INSIDE. I don't "sow hatred," people of all races don't really love each other -- and blacks are usually more upfront about it than whites. Whites are all trained to hate themselves and kneel before everyone else. I consider myself a coach in getting them to stand up.
No one knows what race commit more crimes. It's just who gets prosecuted. Nobody should get a pass that commit crime. A lot of people do. Who even gives a rats ass until it involves them.

And the majority? What percentage? Give me a real number. Can you tell me how many get shot assuming the position? You have no clue "brother."

Ditto Allie Baba. Blacks commit far more crime than whites. Google "The Color Crime," a report that uses FBI stats. That's a fact. The anti-whites don't even want to face facts.
For black people, the drug of choice is crack, and its not only very illegal, its very easy to spot a crackhead, and all you have to do is follow one for a little while before you find a crack house. They form lines in some places. Easy pickings for inner city police.

Now, I know that you are just trying to start something.

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