Inaugural benediction: Pray that “white will embrace what is right”

Its puzzling to me, that in this day of age, black people make absurd claims about rampant racism and intolerance in the white community. This is obviously NOT true, but black people have no propblem saying these vile racist things about whites.

I would ask the black people in the US, where is YOUR tolerance? In what way are YOU an example of tolerance? There is no embrace of the other races coming from the black community. Blacks dont mass by the thousands in the defenense of any other race for any reason. Blacks arent accepting of gays, or people who who report crimes to police, nor are they good to women in general, and apparently they even hate their own kind if they are smart and do well in school.

Before the black community starts complaing about tolerance, dont you think they ought to at least stop being the most INTOLERANT race in the US. Cant you even become the second most intolerant race before you point your hypocritical finger at white people?

Dude, you watch too much TV. You speak of the few news magazine reports and heresay. Why do "people" continue to associate a few with the whole? The majority of blacks are tolerant. They embrace gays (black families have gays too). No black person I know cries about rampant racism. But I know many that do cry racism. Why don't black people like others to report crime? Maybe because the black people you refer to are black criminals! We are not good to women and smart black people? Really, do you even know any black people?
I know you don't want to answer it-----it's too revealing. Fun watching you do the anguille squirm tho. :lol:
Hey dilloduck-and-weave, when are you going to embrace the lesson I am trying to impart to you? :razz:

Assuming people are going to call you racist or anti-Semite and whining about it before it even happens doesn't get you anybody's respect. It doesn't help your own outlook on the situation either.
Just because Jill the Pill and her stooges called you anti-Semite in the past doesn't mean DevNell and Ravi and the the rest of us are calling you a racist. Or even intend to call you one. It says more about you than us.

Now take my example and look at how I've handled Jill the Pill. In her latest swipe at me she left out her trademark "anti-Semite" and confined herself to only saying I do "pro-terrorist propaganda". This is an improvement in her attitude and will in time lead to a full rehabilitation of her mental faculties. If you expect the best from people, they often live up to your expectations. Likewise with the expecting the worst.

Like our President says, chose hope over fear..... white boy.
All I know is you'd better give up your place in line at Starbucks to the black guy behind you, or you may be accused of racism.

Next week: Different lines for whites only.
I'd give up my place in line to you, you babbling fool, I find it's best to just back away from the crazies.
How about this .. African-Americans have been in America for nearly 400 years and have only been RELATIVELY FREE for 42 years.

Blacks still do not have the same freedoms as whites .. any questions see the war on drugs, otherwise known as the war on black people, the criminal injustice system, and the murders of unarmed black men by police who pay no penalty for their crimes.

America has only been a country for 232 years. Blacks have every right to succeed in this country, for example, see the President. When blacks, whites, reds, yellows or any other race breaks the law in this country they have to face the music.
If blacks are the ones who are involved in illegal activity, then they are going to get prosecuted just like anyone else. I guess we should give the dealers and smugglers a pass because they're black. Crime rates are high on reservations, too. It's not because their own cops are discriminating against them, it's because they commit more crimes, genius.

And the majority of those "unarmed" black men who are getting mowed down are running from the cops. They don't shoot them when they get down on the ground and assume the position. They shoot them when they're running. Teach your brothers to fucking stop in their tracks and cooperate when a cop tells them to, to pull their fucking hijacked cars over when a cop is chasing them, and I imagine you'lll be seeing fewer of them nailed in the back.
If blacks are the ones who are involved in illegal activity, then they are going to get prosecuted just like anyone else. I guess we should give the dealers and smugglers a pass because they're black. Crime rates are high on reservations, too. It's not because their own cops are discriminating against them, it's because they commit more crimes, genius.

And the majority of those "unarmed" black men who are getting mowed down are running from the cops. They don't shoot them when they get down on the ground and assume the position. They shoot them when they're running. Teach your brothers to fucking stop in their tracks and cooperate when a cop tells them to, to pull their fucking hijacked cars over when a cop is chasing them, and I imagine you'lll be seeing fewer of them nailed in the back.

No one knows what race commit more crimes. It's just who gets prosecuted. Nobody should get a pass that commit crime. A lot of people do. Who even gives a rats ass until it involves them.

And the majority? What percentage? Give me a real number. Can you tell me how many get shot assuming the position? You have no clue "brother."
No one knows what race commit more crimes. It's just who gets prosecuted. Nobody should get a pass that commit crime. A lot of people do. Who even gives a rats ass until it involves them.

And the majority? What percentage? Give me a real number. Can you tell me how many get shot assuming the position? You have no clue "brother."

So again we assume a majority of white prosecutors are racist? Because afterall more black people get prosecuted than white people. Did it ever occur to you the reason more get prosecuted is because more are breaking the law?
Do you think black people are more likely to be lawbreakers than any other racial group because they are black?
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So again we assume a majority of white prosecutors are racist? Because afterall more black people get prosecuted than white people. Did it ever occur to you the reason more get prosecuted is because more are breaking the law?[/QUOTE]

Do you think black people are more likely to be lawbreakers than any other racial group because they are black?

I don't know, to be honest, I am only going by the assumption that was already stated. Maybe you could post some stats that would enlighten everyone on here?
I haven't been here long enough to use links yet. More than half of all violent crimes are committed by non-hispanic whites yet only one fourth of the prison population is white.

See Tim Wise' book: White Like Me, Reflections on Race from a Priveleged Son
I haven't been here long enough to use links yet. More than half of all violent crimes are committed by non-hispanic whites yet only one fourth of the prison population is white.

Obviously white people commit less crime per capita. While i dont know if your claim is true that half of all violent crimes were commtied by whites, it would make sense, given they make up 76% of the population. However, if you are suggesting that your figure of over half of the violent crimes committed by whites is counting even the ones that get away, thats preposterous, because you cant count crimes that werent confirmed in a court of law, and if it was confirmed, then that person would go to prison.

You make it sound like white people get away with tons of violent crimes and only a small portion of them (when compared to the other races) are going to prison for it. This simply is untrue.

When a police officer responds to a 911 call, he goes and catches the criminal regardless of what color they are, and the cops arent being told by the dispatcher what the color of the perp is 9 times out of 10, that is if you are suggesting that the police ignore "white crime" calls. Please tell me this is not the case.
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Maybe its because a high percentage of crimes comitted by caucasians are misdemeanoirs rather than felonies, Simple assault comes quickly to mind. Or maybe its bacause their is a higher rate of recidivism among whites. The latter seems likely given my own life experiences.
So again we assume a majority of white prosecutors are racist? Because afterall more black people get prosecuted than white people. Did it ever occur to you the reason more get prosecuted is because more are breaking the law?

Who said that prosecutors were racist?
Maybe its because a high percentage of crimes comitted by caucasians are misdemeanoirs rather than felonies, Simple assault comes quickly to mind. Or maybe its bacause their is a higher rate of recidivism among whites. The latter seems likely given my own life experiences.

Your terms are problematic. We cannot know how many crimes are committed by whites or blacks--we can know how many are arrested or convicted of crimes.

The National Institute of Drug Abuse estimated that while 12 percent of drug users are black, they make up nearly 50 percent of all drug possession
arrests in the U.S.

According to the National Drug Strategy Network, although African Americans make up less than one-third of the population in Georgia, the black arrest
rate for drugs is five times greater than the white arrest rate.

Bureau of Justice Statistics is a good source for comparison.
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According to the National Drug Strategy Network, although African Americans make up less than one-third of the population in Georgia, the black arrest
rate for drugs is five times greater than the white arrest rate.

Thats because they commit more crime and end up in situations where they get caught with drugs on them.

The National Institute of Drug Abuse estimated that while 12 percent of drug users are black, they make up nearly 50 percent of all drug possession
arrests in the U.S.

While on its own, this might be a very compelling arguement to some people, which is the reason you cant always make assumptions about statistics without knowing the full picture. Among white people, the drug of choice is prescription drugs, which is almost always gained through legal channels, i.e., pharmacist, so theres no reason for them to be arrested, because there was never a crime committed.

For black people, the drug of choice is crack, and its not only very illegal, its very easy to spot a crackhead, and all you have to do is follow one for a little while before you find a crack house. They form lines in some places. Easy pickings for inner city police.
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All I know is you'd better give up your place in line at Starbucks to the black guy behind you, or you may be accused of racism.

Next week: Different lines for whites only.

How many black people have you ever seen in line at Starbucks?

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