Inaugural benediction: Pray that “white will embrace what is right”

He's just hoping all white people will embrace Obama. Not a bad thing to say.

No, he's saying that whites are currently embracing what is wrong and it's a racist statement. NOt to mention divisive and condescending as well.

We've become the new minority. It's accepted behavior for people of color to say any insulting, demeaning and racist thing about us that they want, and we're expected to agree and not react defensively.

FUck that.
Bull shit sonny. I've spent enough time around black people to know. Some make no qualms about it, they'll come right out and tell you how racist they are. I also worked in a prison, and the blacks called the whites "the blue eyed devils." So don't try and cook this into something it's not. I know better, as does anyone that's sensible enough to admit the truth.

Yeah, go ahead and google it. Start at the FBI's website and check out their violent crime stats, then get back to me. It reads like a war.

I bet that sounded hard on the prison yard "fuck you, you blue eyed devil" :lol: whitey must have shit himself:lol:
puzzled are we? or just playing your strong hand which is ignorance?

not that that's such a bad thing...for a moron

I know you don't want to answer it-----it's too revealing. Fun watching you do the anguille squirm tho. :lol:
there is nothing to answer. unless of course you have a link to a quote about something

get those glasses on Del----I've posted it several times now.

What is the reality that whites need to wake up to about blacks ?
get those glasses on Del----I've posted it several times now.

What is the reality that whites need to wake up to about blacks ?

Might wanna ask if you can borrow those glasses.. That's not Del. That's Dev.
Its puzzling to me, that in this day of age, black people make absurd claims about rampant racism and intolerance in the white community. This is obviously NOT true, but black people have no propblem saying these vile racist things about whites.

I would ask the black people in the US, where is YOUR tolerance? In what way are YOU an example of tolerance? There is no embrace of the other races coming from the black community. Blacks dont mass by the thousands in the defenense of any other race for any reason. Blacks arent accepting of gays, or people who who report crimes to police, nor are they good to women in general, and apparently they even hate their own kind if they are smart and do well in school.

Before the black community starts complaing about tolerance, dont you think they ought to at least stop being the most INTOLERANT race in the US. Cant you even become the second most intolerant race before you point your hypocritical finger at white people?
All I know is you'd better give up your place in line at Starbucks to the black guy behind you, or you may be accused of racism.

Next week: Different lines for whites only.

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