Inauguration Day letter Obama left for Trump


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘"We are just temporary occupants of this office," Obama wrote. "That makes us guardians of those democratic institutions and traditions -- like rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection and civil liberties -- that our forebears fought and bled for."

"Regardless of the push and pull of daily politics, it's up to us to leave those instruments of our democracy at least as strong as we found them," he said.

That passage, read seven months after Trump took office, appears prescient. Trump has been accused of flouting rule of law in his broadsides against federal judges and his own attorney general. His verbal assaults on Congress have led to charges that he's disregarding the constitutionally enshrined separate but equal branches of government.’

Read the Inauguration Day letter Obama left for Trump - CNNPolitics

Prescient, indeed.
LOL , words the Hussein himself certainly didn't follow.

He sure likes to sound like a great statesman, but his actions and inactions proved otherwise.
No, he set them back because of idiots like you that think Black people can not survive without the welfare you use to buy their votes and keep them subservient.
Obama set race relations 50 years back, the worst president ever.
Yeah he set then back because that group of whites like you, believe that Black people should forever be subservient to you...
That boat has sailed far away.
thats only part of the reason.....the other part was obama was not very good at bringing those who did not agree with him to give him the benefit of the doubt.....
Obama set race relations 50 years back, the worst president ever.
Yeah he set then back because that group of whites like you, believe that Black people should forever be subservient to you...
That boat has sailed far away.
It should have been expected that electing a black President would lead to a surge in white supremacy/Nazi ideology in the U.S. We thought we were passed that. We were wrong.
Obama set race relations 50 years back, the worst president ever.
Yeah he set then back because that group of whites like you, believe that Black people should forever be subservient to you...
That boat has sailed far away.
It should have been expected that electing a black President would lead to a surge in white supremacy/Nazi ideology in the U.S. We thought we were passed that. We were wrong.
No, Obama was a divider not a uniter. Another lie he told.
‘"We are just temporary occupants of this office," Obama wrote. "That makes us guardians of those democratic institutions and traditions -- like rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection and civil liberties -- that our forebears fought and bled for."

"Regardless of the push and pull of daily politics, it's up to us to leave those instruments of our democracy at least as strong as we found them," he said.

That passage, read seven months after Trump took office, appears prescient. Trump has been accused of flouting rule of law in his broadsides against federal judges and his own attorney general. His verbal assaults on Congress have led to charges that he's disregarding the constitutionally enshrined separate but equal branches of government.’

Read the Inauguration Day letter Obama left for Trump - CNNPolitics

Prescient, indeed.
Nice letter

Too bad it is wasted on Trump
No, he set them back because of idiots like you that think Black people can not survive without the welfare you use to buy their votes and keep them subservient.
Actually more whites are on welfare than anyone else in the country...that fact makes you look like an idiot.

I didn't say there weren't. Try reading my post again. Your response proves you're an idiot.
No, he set them back because of idiots like you that think Black people can not survive without the welfare you use to buy their votes and keep them subservient.
Actually more whites are on welfare than anyone else in the country...that fact makes you look like an idiot.

I didn't say there weren't. Try reading my post again. Your response proves you're an idiot.
Actually the only proof of idiocy is you interjecting welfare and Black people into a conversation where it has no relevant meaning...
Once again you show your ignorance. When you realize you were wrong you try to deflect. Back to moms basement for you.
Look idiot, my comment did not say whites don't get welfare. I said “idiots like you that think Black people can not survive without the welfare you use to buy their votes and keep them subservient.” In order to refute my comment you need to point out the person or groups that feel whites can't succeed without welfare in order to buy their votes etc. Since you can't do that you continue to look like a fool.
Look idiot, my comment did not say whites don't get welfare. I said “idiots like you that think Black people can not survive without the welfare you use to buy their votes and keep them subservient.” In order to refute my comment you need to point out the person or groups that feel whites can't succeed without welfare in order to buy their votes etc. Since you can't do that you continue to look like a fool.
I understand that the concept of relevance escapes you because you are a stupid person...however, as proven by post#5, you were the stupid individual that tried to bring in the well worn racist stereotype of Black people and welfare.
Up until that point no racist bullshit was a part of the thread until you introduced it.

BOOM!!! and checkmate!!!
Now go spout your racist vitriol on one of the hundreds of racist websites on the web.
If you look back, my initial comment was in direct response to your racist comment about whites. You then wandered off and started name calling because you had nothing intelligent to say. Debating with you is like playing chess with a pigeon. They knock over all the pieces, crap on the board, and then strut around like they won. I have no more time for such foolishness. Come back and strut all you want. I see no reason to continue to try and school someone with such a limited intellect.
OMG Hobama being concerned about "rule of law, separation of powers, equal protection and civil liberties" .....those are all of the things that Obama abused. This just proves once again that Obama is a total psycho.

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