Debate Now Incivility

Check all that apply. IMO, people are generally uncivil because:

  • 1. They don't know any better.

  • 2. It is fun and/or feels good.

  • 3. Idiots deserve to be put down.

  • 4. It is the only way to be taken seriously.

  • 5. They don't want to be seen as a goody two shoes.

  • 6. Because everybody else does it.

  • 7. It is a way to relieve their frustrations.

  • 8. They are social misfits.

  • 9. To cover up their ignorance or insecurities.

  • 10. Other (and I'll explain in my post)

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Now, dear Gracie, let's show them how incivility looks. Shall I start, or can you throw a really nasty left hook?

Only if you hurt me. Then I tend to hit back as hard as I can. However...even then, I won't cross certain lines. Control over myself, Stat. Something many can't seem to conquer. Myself included at times.


Only if I Yurt you?

Oh, "hurt" you.

Sorry, was a long day, my eyes are tired, you know....

Ohhhh man, if this thread wasn't supposed to be civil, I could make some jokes. :p

That is, of course, the beauty of another zone.

I will give a hint:

It rhymes with "Plame Phone"


Too much drama. Too many drama queens. :wink_2:

What, in the plame phone?
I can also tend to be uncivil when I know a person I am trying to debate with is being dishonest. I get angry sometimes. :mad-61: I think one of the issues that I get the most worked up over is the 2nd amendment. I don't even own a gun. Lol! I just feel like it is imperative and extremely important to preserve each and every one of our rights.
That just agreeing to disagree and not really personal. Innit? There can be heated debate, sure. But when it gets to where it goes personal BECAUSE of those differences..that is what is uncivil. And just flat out being mean. Period. Right?
You may agree to disagree with that. I won't mind. :)

What? No, flat out lying is uncivil. I'm not talking about legitimate debate.
I'm not talking about debating. I'm talking about general convos. Every time I ask Mr Gracie what he wants for dinner and he wants steak and I want chicken, we are not debating the pros and cons of each. We are discussing what each of us are in the mood for. If he wants steak..then I will fix him one. And I will fix me a chicken leg. Problem solved.
And, how can lies be uncivil?

"Do I look fat in this"?
"No dear. You look lovely". (lied, but didn't want to hurt feelings).

Is very civil until the moment where you overhear him mentioning to his best bud that that dress was loose on you just two years ago....


No, Gracie, not the frying pan, anything but the frying pan!!!
lol. In that situation, all she has to say is he isn't as spry as he used to be either and smile real big. Then pee in his shoe when he goes to bed. :rofl:
One word: Liberalism. This growing trend to liberalism, the relaxation of standards, the lowering of expectations because ...not everybody can play, even on a even playing field. Now we got troll internet bullies, Bad drivers and road rage. Illegal aliens dictating immigration policies. Nut cases with guns dictating gun laws....This country is lost. Nobody has the guts to stand against the decline of standards and expect Americans to do better.

Well that is definitely a recap of the complaint set down in the OP, Mary, but IMO this is not one of those things we can blame on liberalism. I don't think we can point to liberals for the road rage or incivility on the internet etc. I see much incivility being demonstrated by folks on the right. And I'm sure the side most guilty is always going to be a subject of controversy based on any one person's perception.

But we used to be a nation where good manners were valued and expected. You don't think we can get back to that?

Ahhh, I think we are getting clarity here. Thank you very much.

Derideo_Te comments about incivility and mentions the Right and you flip out and tell him he is committing an ad hom sin, but when Mary attacks Liberalism that's not an ad hom sin!!!

I just love the double sided nature of this!!!

If you don't see the difference between the way Mary phrased it and the way DT phrased it--Mary was not addressing any specific group or persons with her comment - DT WAS addressing a specific group or person--then I doubt I have the communications skills that would convince you.

Oh, but Foxfyre, attacking an entire ideology is logically also attacking all who adhere to it.

But ok, I take it that's ok. Alrighty, then, I can take your ball and run with it!!

Using your logic I will now present my well thought out argument and say that Conservativism is the major reason for incivility all over the planet. With a "fuck you, get off my lawn, you Mexican bastards, me first, me first" mentality, the rage that Conservativism unleashes in millions of unwashed, unkempt, unread, illiterate and unteachable Conservatives has led to an impenetrable wall of incivility. I guess the only way to treat the rabid dogs is to put them down. Time for a trip to the vet!

There. How did I do?


You did fine if your intention was to come across as a left wingnut with a chip on his shoulder and an agenda and who has no intention of discussing the topic but just wants to spew a lot of shit. You however violated Rule #1 when you moved from conservatism to conservatives. Mary did not move from liberalism to liberals. Anybody can embrace aspects of conservatism or liberalism or components of both, so using one of these terms is not necessarily ad hominem. It is not specific to any particular person or group. It becomes ad hominem when it is attached to a specific person or group to describe such group.

Since I know your post was intended to be taken tongue-in-cheek, I will accept it as such. But you still have missed the point being made.
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One word: Liberalism. This growing trend to liberalism, the relaxation of standards, the lowering of expectations because ...not everybody can play, even on a even playing field. Now we got troll internet bullies, Bad drivers and road rage. Illegal aliens dictating immigration policies. Nut cases with guns dictating gun laws....This country is lost. Nobody has the guts to stand against the decline of standards and expect Americans to do better.

Well that is definitely a recap of the complaint set down in the OP, Mary, but IMO this is not one of those things we can blame on liberalism. I don't think we can point to liberals for the road rage or incivility on the internet etc. I see much incivility being demonstrated by folks on the right. And I'm sure the side most guilty is always going to be a subject of controversy based on any one person's perception.

But we used to be a nation where good manners were valued and expected. You don't think we can get back to that?

Ahhh, I think we are getting clarity here. Thank you very much.

Derideo_Te comments about incivility and mentions the Right and you flip out and tell him he is committing an ad hom sin, but when Mary attacks Liberalism that's not an ad hom sin!!!

I just love the double sided nature of this!!!

If you don't see the difference between the way Mary phrased it and the way DT phrased it--Mary was not addressing any specific group or persons with her comment - DT WAS addressing a specific group or person--then I doubt I have the communications skills that would convince you.

Oh, but Foxfyre, attacking an entire ideology is logically also attacking all who adhere to it.

But ok, I take it that's ok. Alrighty, then, I can take your ball and run with it!!

Using your logic I will now present my well thought out argument and say that Conservativism is the major reason for incivility all over the planet. With a "fuck you, get off my lawn, you Mexican bastards, me first, me first" mentality, the rage that Conservativism unleashes in millions of unwashed, unkempt, unread, illiterate and unteachable Conservatives has led to an impenetrable wall of incivility. I guess the only way to treat the rabid dogs is to put them down. Time for a trip to the vet!

There. How did I do?


You did just fine if you want to come across as a wingnut with no intention of discussing the topic and who just wants to demonstrate incivility
One word: Liberalism. This growing trend to liberalism, the relaxation of standards, the lowering of expectations because ...not everybody can play, even on a even playing field. Now we got troll internet bullies, Bad drivers and road rage. Illegal aliens dictating immigration policies. Nut cases with guns dictating gun laws....This country is lost. Nobody has the guts to stand against the decline of standards and expect Americans to do better.

Well that is definitely a recap of the complaint set down in the OP, Mary, but IMO this is not one of those things we can blame on liberalism. I don't think we can point to liberals for the road rage or incivility on the internet etc. I see much incivility being demonstrated by folks on the right. And I'm sure the side most guilty is always going to be a subject of controversy based on any one person's perception.

But we used to be a nation where good manners were valued and expected. You don't think we can get back to that?

Ahhh, I think we are getting clarity here. Thank you very much.

Derideo_Te comments about incivility and mentions the Right and you flip out and tell him he is committing an ad hom sin, but when Mary attacks Liberalism that's not an ad hom sin!!!

I just love the double sided nature of this!!!

If you don't see the difference between the way Mary phrased it and the way DT phrased it--Mary was not addressing any specific group or persons with her comment - DT WAS addressing a specific group or person--then I doubt I have the communications skills that would convince you.

Oh, but Foxfyre, attacking an entire ideology is logically also attacking all who adhere to it.

But ok, I take it that's ok. Alrighty, then, I can take your ball and run with it!!

Using your logic I will now present my well thought out argument and say that Conservativism is the major reason for incivility all over the planet. With a "fuck you, get off my lawn, you Mexican bastards, me first, me first" mentality, the rage that Conservativism unleashes in millions of unwashed, unkempt, unread, illiterate and unteachable Conservatives has led to an impenetrable wall of incivility. I guess the only way to treat the rabid dogs is to put them down. Time for a trip to the vet!

There. How did I do?


You did fine if your intention was to come across as a left wingnut with a chip on his shoulder and an agenda and who has no intention of discussing the topic but just wants to spew a lot of shit. You however violated Rule #1 when you moved from conservatism to conservatives. Mary did not move from liberalism to liberals. Anybody can embrace aspects of conservatism or liberalism or components of both, so using one of these terms is not necessarily ad hominem. It becomes ad hominem when it is attached to a specific person or group to describe such group.

Since I know your post was intended to be taken tongue-in-cheek, I will accept it as such. But you still have missed the point being made.

Ahhh, I see that that subtle point is very important to you. So, are you saying that ideologies exist without people to actually enact the purpose of said ideologies?

Oh, and is not calling someone a "left wingnut" a violation of your own rule??

Of couse, you already know this is poppycock.

You guys should just say what you really feel all at once downstairs and get it over with. Life's too short.

As for incivility, it's sort of like burning bridges. I wouldn't recommend it. At the hospital where I work I strive to keep my own feelings in check, and not call anyone any names ever. And I take it a step further, by not even trying to be subtle or snarky, because it's disrespectful and unprofessional. I'm busy. I don't have time for petty crap, and what really matters is getting the job done and being happy. There is no time for getting so wrapped up in a forum that you allow yourself to get embroiled with enemies. There's no time. You have more important things to do, and getting attached to negative people is just gonna drain you, so it's just a waste of time.

There's no 'one-size-fits-all' reason why people are bad towards others. There are a lot of different reasons. Some feel more justified than others, but there's really no excuse, because people should be expected to have some sort of self-control and work on it. Also, you're never, ever, ever going to change anyone's mind by yelling or insulting people. It's just not going to work. Sooner or later you just wind up tangled in a toxic web in an embittered struggle with equally despondent people who want to hurt you. Why waste your time. If anything, people should find reasons to speak good about people, whether from in front or behind, and withhold your angry feelings and let them slowly evaporate away.

I bet with some actual practice people could get pretty good at treating other people well.
I can also tend to be uncivil when I know a person I am trying to debate with is being dishonest. I get angry sometimes. :mad-61: I think one of the issues that I get the most worked up over is the 2nd amendment. I don't even own a gun. Lol! I just feel like it is imperative and extremely important to preserve each and every one of our rights.
That just agreeing to disagree and not really personal. Innit? There can be heated debate, sure. But when it gets to where it goes personal BECAUSE of those differences..that is what is uncivil. And just flat out being mean. Period. Right?
You may agree to disagree with that. I won't mind. :)

What? No, flat out lying is uncivil. I'm not talking about legitimate debate.
I'm not talking about debating. I'm talking about general convos. Every time I ask Mr Gracie what he wants for dinner and he wants steak and I want chicken, we are not debating the pros and cons of each. We are discussing what each of us are in the mood for. If he wants steak..then I will fix him one. And I will fix me a chicken leg. Problem solved.
And, how can lies be uncivil?

"Do I look fat in this"?
"No dear. You look lovely". (lied, but didn't want to hurt feelings).

Is very civil until the moment where you overhear him mentioning to his best bud that that dress was loose on you just two years ago....


No, Gracie, not the frying pan, anything but the frying pan!!!
lol. In that situation, all she has to say is he isn't as spry as he used to be either and smile real big. Then pee in his shoe when he goes to bed. :rofl:

Or place his hand in a nice pan of warm water while he is sleeping.
Oy. Labels. Libs, conservs, lefts, rights, innies, outties.
When it turns political labels..I'm gone.
So....carry on.

I'm off to chant, hum beethoven, wander around.
Nee, not at all. I like my avi just as it is right now. Just didn't realize this thread was about my avi. Hmmmm...

Hey, how is your vagina doing today? Is it upside down, and if so, how do you feel about it?



You see, you are one of the uncivil ones on the left. Thanks for putting that on display for everyone to see. Good job.

Not at all.

Quite the opposite.

You tried to pose a question to bait me, but it had no effect on me.

I then used a technique to show you how ridiculous it was, what you did, in the first place.

For you see, attacking my avatar has nothing to do with this thread, just like talking about your vagina would have nothing to do with this thread.

You are quite welcome for this wholesome learning experience.

My vagina is a personal part of my anatomy. Your avatar is NOT. Now, perhaps you would have more luck with the ladies if you were less uncivil?

Your question would only make sense were you privy to my private life, which you will never be, and even then, I believe you would be very surprised at the answer. Of course, that question of yours was also uncivil, but I can live with it. Righty incivility is always tolerated in USMB. :D

My question was about your public forum avatar. I asked nothing about your private life and I never have, and I don't care to know. Also, in order to be civil, you could have said that you didn't wish to divulge such information, but you had to go "there" like you always do. You are the epitome of incivility here on the forum in my opinion of course. :biggrin:

Okay Chris. I gotta call you out now on a Rule #1 violation. Your post is ad hominem and illegal re your opinion of Stat. Just as his was a violation accusing you of some kind of motive for inquiring about his avatar.

So let's back off here and address the comments posted everybody, and leave opinions about each other personally out of it.
I guess I was mistaken. I thought this was a thread about civility, but I guess after looking at the title again, it is a thread about incivility. As you were...
One word: Liberalism. This growing trend to liberalism, the relaxation of standards, the lowering of expectations because ...not everybody can play, even on a even playing field. Now we got troll internet bullies, Bad drivers and road rage. Illegal aliens dictating immigration policies. Nut cases with guns dictating gun laws....This country is lost. Nobody has the guts to stand against the decline of standards and expect Americans to do better.

Well that is definitely a recap of the complaint set down in the OP, Mary, but IMO this is not one of those things we can blame on liberalism. I don't think we can point to liberals for the road rage or incivility on the internet etc. I see much incivility being demonstrated by folks on the right. And I'm sure the side most guilty is always going to be a subject of controversy based on any one person's perception.

But we used to be a nation where good manners were valued and expected. You don't think we can get back to that?

Ahhh, I think we are getting clarity here. Thank you very much.

Derideo_Te comments about incivility and mentions the Right and you flip out and tell him he is committing an ad hom sin, but when Mary attacks Liberalism that's not an ad hom sin!!!

I just love the double sided nature of this!!!

If you don't see the difference between the way Mary phrased it and the way DT phrased it--Mary was not addressing any specific group or persons with her comment - DT WAS addressing a specific group or person--then I doubt I have the communications skills that would convince you.

Oh, but Foxfyre, attacking an entire ideology is logically also attacking all who adhere to it.

But ok, I take it that's ok. Alrighty, then, I can take your ball and run with it!!

Using your logic I will now present my well thought out argument and say that Conservativism is the major reason for incivility all over the planet. With a "fuck you, get off my lawn, you Mexican bastards, me first, me first" mentality, the rage that Conservativism unleashes in millions of unwashed, unkempt, unread, illiterate and unteachable Conservatives has led to an impenetrable wall of incivility. I guess the only way to treat the rabid dogs is to put them down. Time for a trip to the vet!

There. How did I do?


You did fine if your intention was to come across as a left wingnut with a chip on his shoulder and an agenda and who has no intention of discussing the topic but just wants to spew a lot of shit. You however violated Rule #1 when you moved from conservatism to conservatives. Mary did not move from liberalism to liberals. Anybody can embrace aspects of conservatism or liberalism or components of both, so using one of these terms is not necessarily ad hominem. It becomes ad hominem when it is attached to a specific person or group to describe such group.

Since I know your post was intended to be taken tongue-in-cheek, I will accept it as such. But you still have missed the point being made.

My, that was unbelievably civil of you!!!!

I am thinking of making a haiku out of "spew a lot of shit". You know me: lemons into lemonade!!!
You see, you are one of the uncivil ones on the left. Thanks for putting that on display for everyone to see. Good job.

Not at all.

Quite the opposite.

You tried to pose a question to bait me, but it had no effect on me.

I then used a technique to show you how ridiculous it was, what you did, in the first place.

For you see, attacking my avatar has nothing to do with this thread, just like talking about your vagina would have nothing to do with this thread.

You are quite welcome for this wholesome learning experience.

My vagina is a personal part of my anatomy. Your avatar is NOT. Now, perhaps you would have more luck with the ladies if you were less uncivil?

Your question would only make sense were you privy to my private life, which you will never be, and even then, I believe you would be very surprised at the answer. Of course, that question of yours was also uncivil, but I can live with it. Righty incivility is always tolerated in USMB. :D

My question was about your public forum avatar. I asked nothing about your private life and I never have, and I don't care to know. Also, in order to be civil, you could have said that you didn't wish to divulge such information, but you had to go "there" like you always do. You are the epitome of incivility here on the forum in my opinion of course. :biggrin:

Okay Chris. I gotta call you out now on a Rule #1 violation. Your post is ad hominem and illegal re your opinion of Stat. Just as his was a violation accusing you of some kind of motive for inquiring about his avatar.

So let's back off here and address the comments posted everybody, and leave opinions about each other personally out of it.

Well, he started it! :p He needs to stop thinking about the ladies' vaginas.

Okay. I'll be good. I promise! :eusa_angel:
Not at all.

Quite the opposite.

You tried to pose a question to bait me, but it had no effect on me.

I then used a technique to show you how ridiculous it was, what you did, in the first place.

For you see, attacking my avatar has nothing to do with this thread, just like talking about your vagina would have nothing to do with this thread.

You are quite welcome for this wholesome learning experience.

My vagina is a personal part of my anatomy. Your avatar is NOT. Now, perhaps you would have more luck with the ladies if you were less uncivil?

Your question would only make sense were you privy to my private life, which you will never be, and even then, I believe you would be very surprised at the answer. Of course, that question of yours was also uncivil, but I can live with it. Righty incivility is always tolerated in USMB. :D

My question was about your public forum avatar. I asked nothing about your private life and I never have, and I don't care to know. Also, in order to be civil, you could have said that you didn't wish to divulge such information, but you had to go "there" like you always do. You are the epitome of incivility here on the forum in my opinion of course. :biggrin:

Okay Chris. I gotta call you out now on a Rule #1 violation. Your post is ad hominem and illegal re your opinion of Stat. Just as his was a violation accusing you of some kind of motive for inquiring about his avatar.

So let's back off here and address the comments posted everybody, and leave opinions about each other personally out of it.

Well, he started it! :p He needs to stop thinking about the ladies' vaginas.

Okay. I'll be good. I promise! :eusa_angel:

Dear esteemed USMB colleague,

I can assure you that I, as a red-blooded human male, will never stop thinking about ladies vaginas. To demand that I not think about said vaginas is as unreasonable as demanding that the sun set in the East or that women give up purses, lipstick and sugar packets or confine their shoe shopping ventures to a time limit under 6 hours.

But I want to commend you on your desire to "be good"!

Well that is definitely a recap of the complaint set down in the OP, Mary, but IMO this is not one of those things we can blame on liberalism. I don't think we can point to liberals for the road rage or incivility on the internet etc. I see much incivility being demonstrated by folks on the right. And I'm sure the side most guilty is always going to be a subject of controversy based on any one person's perception.

But we used to be a nation where good manners were valued and expected. You don't think we can get back to that?

Ahhh, I think we are getting clarity here. Thank you very much.

Derideo_Te comments about incivility and mentions the Right and you flip out and tell him he is committing an ad hom sin, but when Mary attacks Liberalism that's not an ad hom sin!!!

I just love the double sided nature of this!!!

If you don't see the difference between the way Mary phrased it and the way DT phrased it--Mary was not addressing any specific group or persons with her comment - DT WAS addressing a specific group or person--then I doubt I have the communications skills that would convince you.

Oh, but Foxfyre, attacking an entire ideology is logically also attacking all who adhere to it.

But ok, I take it that's ok. Alrighty, then, I can take your ball and run with it!!

Using your logic I will now present my well thought out argument and say that Conservativism is the major reason for incivility all over the planet. With a "fuck you, get off my lawn, you Mexican bastards, me first, me first" mentality, the rage that Conservativism unleashes in millions of unwashed, unkempt, unread, illiterate and unteachable Conservatives has led to an impenetrable wall of incivility. I guess the only way to treat the rabid dogs is to put them down. Time for a trip to the vet!

There. How did I do?


You did just fine if you want to come across as a wingnut with no intention of discussing the topic and who just wants to demonstrate incivility
Well that is definitely a recap of the complaint set down in the OP, Mary, but IMO this is not one of those things we can blame on liberalism. I don't think we can point to liberals for the road rage or incivility on the internet etc. I see much incivility being demonstrated by folks on the right. And I'm sure the side most guilty is always going to be a subject of controversy based on any one person's perception.

But we used to be a nation where good manners were valued and expected. You don't think we can get back to that?

Ahhh, I think we are getting clarity here. Thank you very much.

Derideo_Te comments about incivility and mentions the Right and you flip out and tell him he is committing an ad hom sin, but when Mary attacks Liberalism that's not an ad hom sin!!!

I just love the double sided nature of this!!!

If you don't see the difference between the way Mary phrased it and the way DT phrased it--Mary was not addressing any specific group or persons with her comment - DT WAS addressing a specific group or person--then I doubt I have the communications skills that would convince you.

Oh, but Foxfyre, attacking an entire ideology is logically also attacking all who adhere to it.

But ok, I take it that's ok. Alrighty, then, I can take your ball and run with it!!

Using your logic I will now present my well thought out argument and say that Conservativism is the major reason for incivility all over the planet. With a "fuck you, get off my lawn, you Mexican bastards, me first, me first" mentality, the rage that Conservativism unleashes in millions of unwashed, unkempt, unread, illiterate and unteachable Conservatives has led to an impenetrable wall of incivility. I guess the only way to treat the rabid dogs is to put them down. Time for a trip to the vet!

There. How did I do?


You did fine if your intention was to come across as a left wingnut with a chip on his shoulder and an agenda and who has no intention of discussing the topic but just wants to spew a lot of shit. You however violated Rule #1 when you moved from conservatism to conservatives. Mary did not move from liberalism to liberals. Anybody can embrace aspects of conservatism or liberalism or components of both, so using one of these terms is not necessarily ad hominem. It becomes ad hominem when it is attached to a specific person or group to describe such group.

Since I know your post was intended to be taken tongue-in-cheek, I will accept it as such. But you still have missed the point being made.

Ahhh, I see that that subtle point is very important to you. So, are you saying that ideologies exist without people to actually enact the purpose of said ideologies?

Oh, and is not calling someone a "left wingnut" a violation of your own rule??

Of couse, you already know this is poppycock.


Having trouble following the discussion? I did not call you a left wingnut. But I will insist that we discuss the topic. Can you do that?
Not at all.

Quite the opposite.

You tried to pose a question to bait me, but it had no effect on me.

I then used a technique to show you how ridiculous it was, what you did, in the first place.

For you see, attacking my avatar has nothing to do with this thread, just like talking about your vagina would have nothing to do with this thread.

You are quite welcome for this wholesome learning experience.

My vagina is a personal part of my anatomy. Your avatar is NOT. Now, perhaps you would have more luck with the ladies if you were less uncivil?

Your question would only make sense were you privy to my private life, which you will never be, and even then, I believe you would be very surprised at the answer. Of course, that question of yours was also uncivil, but I can live with it. Righty incivility is always tolerated in USMB. :D

My question was about your public forum avatar. I asked nothing about your private life and I never have, and I don't care to know. Also, in order to be civil, you could have said that you didn't wish to divulge such information, but you had to go "there" like you always do. You are the epitome of incivility here on the forum in my opinion of course. :biggrin:

Okay Chris. I gotta call you out now on a Rule #1 violation. Your post is ad hominem and illegal re your opinion of Stat. Just as his was a violation accusing you of some kind of motive for inquiring about his avatar.

So let's back off here and address the comments posted everybody, and leave opinions about each other personally out of it.

Well, he started it! :p He needs to stop thinking about the ladies' vaginas.

Okay. I'll be good. I promise! :eusa_angel:

I hate to say it, but you'll never get men to stop thinking about vaginas, that is, unless you can invent a gay pill.
I guess I was mistaken. I thought this was a thread about civility, but I guess after looking at the title again, it is a thread about incivility. As you were...

Don't leave orogenic. Some like to see how far they can push the rules to derail a thread. They can be ignored and I need more folks participating like you here--people who actually understand and who are interested in the topic. I would like for you to stay.
Seems the damage has been done, unless someone can figure out how to pick up the pieces and move on.
One angle is if there's a scientific component to it.

I mean, we have pharmacological drugs that affect anxiety, motivation, mood, you name it.
You guys should just say what you really feel all at once downstairs and get it over with. Life's too short.

As for incivility, it's sort of like burning bridges. I wouldn't recommend it. At the hospital where I work I strive to keep my own feelings in check, and not call anyone any names ever. And I take it a step further, by not even trying to be subtle or snarky, because it's disrespectful and unprofessional. I'm busy. I don't have time for petty crap, and what really matters is getting the job done and being happy. There is no time for getting so wrapped up in a forum that you allow yourself to get embroiled with enemies. There's no time. You have more important things to do, and getting attached to negative people is just gonna drain you, so it's just a waste of time.

There's no 'one-size-fits-all' reason why people are bad towards others. There are a lot of different reasons. Some feel more justified than others, but there's really no excuse, because people should be expected to have some sort of self-control and work on it. Also, you're never, ever, ever going to change anyone's mind by yelling or insulting people. It's just not going to work. Sooner or later you just wind up tangled in a toxic web in an embittered struggle with equally despondent people who want to hurt you. Why waste your time. If anything, people should find reasons to speak good about people, whether from in front or behind, and withhold your angry feelings and let them slowly evaporate away.

I bet with some actual practice people could get pretty good at treating other people well.

I'm tempted to give this one the Post of the Day award, Thank you, Wake.

But the bottom line is: how do you get people to practice who are determined to be uncivil?
Having trouble following the discussion? I did not call you a left wingnut. But I will insist that we discuss the topic. Can you do that?

Hmmm, fascinating. Ok, let's re-run that film:

You did fine if your intention was to come across as a left wingnut with a chip on his shoulder and an agenda ...

alrighty, then!!

I congratulate you. You did fine if your intention was to come across as a smug, self-righteous right-wingnut with delusions of grandeur on the scale of Napoleon....

But just to make the record clear here, I did not, I repeat, I did NOT call you a Right-Wingnut!!!

Thanks, Foxy!!!


Now, back to the topic: INCIVILITY

Perhaps the best way to defuse uncivil, unseemly,odorous individuals would be simply to ask why they word some things the way they do.

Sometimes, a simple question can disarm someone very quickly.

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