Debate Now Incivility

Check all that apply. IMO, people are generally uncivil because:

  • 1. They don't know any better.

  • 2. It is fun and/or feels good.

  • 3. Idiots deserve to be put down.

  • 4. It is the only way to be taken seriously.

  • 5. They don't want to be seen as a goody two shoes.

  • 6. Because everybody else does it.

  • 7. It is a way to relieve their frustrations.

  • 8. They are social misfits.

  • 9. To cover up their ignorance or insecurities.

  • 10. Other (and I'll explain in my post)

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I didn't choose any options because I would have to choose them all. I think the reason depends upon the person and circumstances.

Well the poll did allow people to choose all that apply. I chose several when I answered on it. And if you change your mind about something during the course of the discussion, there is an option to change your choices :)

Okay, I chose all of them. I also chose other for mental illness, alcoholism, drug addiction. I think we've all seen posts from those people too. ;)

There is a certain entertainment value to the sludge that comes from some, but with time, it gets very, very old.
And even a discussion about civility turns uncivil. Why am I not surprised.

Well moving that to a philosophical discussion rather than specifics, the trick is not to participate in it. Hard to do sometimes. Even harder when some seem to be doing their damndest to provoke a fight and evenmoreso when they collaborate on how to accomplish it. But that is all illustrative of the whole topic of incivility. At some point, I think we as a society have to decide to be the adults in the room and not allow others to determine how we will behave.

In fact that is probably the key to the whole problem of incivility. Choosing to be the adults in the room and not allow others to determine how we will behave. One of those occasions Luddly and I see eye to eye on something, :)

But how do we teach that?
I tend to chant mantras now. :lol:
Oh, and listening to Beethoven #9 is supposed to lower blood pressure...or so I read on a website somewhere. They even did a study on it and proved it to be true. The tempos and whatnot are insinc with the heartbeat...or something. All I know is..when I feel it or see it comin'...I chant. Or youtube Beethoven. Then I am all rainbows and unicorns again. ;)
If only people could get along and respect each other in spite of their differences.

It does get old.
I can also tend to be uncivil when I know a person I am trying to debate with is being dishonest. I get angry sometimes. :mad-61: I think one of the issues that I get the most worked up over is the 2nd amendment. I don't even own a gun. Lol! I just feel like it is imperative and extremely important to preserve each and every one of our rights.
One word: Liberalism. This growing trend to liberalism, the relaxation of standards, the lowering of expectations because ...not everybody can play, even on a even playing field. Now we got troll internet bullies, Bad drivers and road rage. Illegal aliens dictating immigration policies. Nut cases with guns dictating gun laws....This country is lost. Nobody has the guts to stand against the decline of standards and expect Americans to do better.

I am sure that Foxfyre will be by any moment to let you know that that's an ad hominem in her opinion, but it's ok, yer a Conservative, you'll get a pass!!!


Especially since the most "uncivil" posters here are all RWs.

Yes, ALL.

Libs tend to stick to the topic while RWs hide behind the worst language and insults.

The question is, why?

Yeah, we all know the answer to that.

I disagree. I have been attacked viciously by people on both sides. Neither of your sides is innocent.
So what is more uncivil: breaking the stated rules or enforcing the stated rules? Coming onto a thread with the intent of derailing it and/or starting a fight or asking such people to find something else to do?

Disagreeing with somebody or getting in a huff because somebody dared disagree?

If enforcing the stated rules and/or giving people who don't want to follow them other options is to be interpreted as incivility, then so be it. I don't see it that way and probably never will.

If a rule was broken you would have my 100% support but you have not proven it was broken. That is an example of incivility


What does it mean when your avatar is upside down? A sign of distress? A type of SOS?
Is this thread suddenly about my avatar? Wow, cool!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Just curious. A little defensive? :D Some of you are SUPER sensitive about avatars, huh?

Nee, not at all. I like my avi just as it is right now. Just didn't realize this thread was about my avi. Hmmmm...

Hey, how is your vagina doing today? Is it upside down, and if so, how do you feel about it?


I can also tend to be uncivil when I know a person I am trying to debate with is being dishonest. I get angry sometimes. :mad-61: I think one of the issues that I get the most worked up over is the 2nd amendment. I don't even own a gun. Lol! I just feel like it is imperative and extremely important to preserve each and every one of our rights.
Thats just agreeing to disagree and not really personal. Innit? There can be heated debate, sure. But when it gets to where it goes personal BECAUSE of those differences..that is what is uncivil. And just flat out being mean. Period. Right?
You may agree to disagree with that. I won't mind. :)
If a rule was broken you would have my 100% support but you have not proven it was broken. That is an example of incivility


What does it mean when your avatar is upside down? A sign of distress? A type of SOS?
Is this thread suddenly about my avatar? Wow, cool!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Just curious. A little defensive? :D Some of you are SUPER sensitive about avatars, huh?

Nee, not at all. I like my avi just as it is right now. Just didn't realize this thread was about my avi. Hmmmm...

Hey, how is your vagina doing today? Is it upside down, and if so, how do you feel about it?



You see, you are one of the uncivil ones on the left. Thanks for putting that on display for everyone to see. Good job.
I can also tend to be uncivil when I know a person I am trying to debate with is being dishonest. I get angry sometimes. :mad-61: I think one of the issues that I get the most worked up over is the 2nd amendment. I don't even own a gun. Lol! I just feel like it is imperative and extremely important to preserve each and every one of our rights.
That just agreeing to disagree and not really personal. Innit? There can be heated debate, sure. But when it gets to where it goes personal BECAUSE of those differences..that is what is uncivil. And just flat out being mean. Period. Right?
You may agree to disagree with that. I won't mind. :)

What? No, flat out lying is uncivil. I'm not talking about legitimate debate.
Ultimately however, YOU are in control of your own responses.
This ^

Yes. Absolutely.

Gracie, let's show them how civility looks.

How are you today? Nice to see you here!

(your turn)
I was gonna do that anyway after my chant ended. :tongue:


Now, dear Gracie, let's show them how incivility looks. Shall I start, or can you throw a really nasty left hook?

Only if you hurt me. Then I tend to hit back as hard as I can. However...even then, I won't cross certain lines. Control over myself, Stat. Something many can't seem to conquer. Myself included at times.

What does it mean when your avatar is upside down? A sign of distress? A type of SOS?
Is this thread suddenly about my avatar? Wow, cool!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Just curious. A little defensive? :D Some of you are SUPER sensitive about avatars, huh?

Nee, not at all. I like my avi just as it is right now. Just didn't realize this thread was about my avi. Hmmmm...

Hey, how is your vagina doing today? Is it upside down, and if so, how do you feel about it?



You see, you are one of the uncivil ones on the left. Thanks for putting that on display for everyone to see. Good job.

Not at all.

Quite the opposite.

You tried to pose a question to bait me, but it had no effect on me.

I then used a technique to show you how ridiculous it was, what you did, in the first place.

For you see, attacking my avatar has nothing to do with this thread, just like talking about your vagina would have nothing to do with this thread.

You are quite welcome for this wholesome learning experience.
Ultimately however, YOU are in control of your own responses.
This ^

Yes. Absolutely.

Gracie, let's show them how civility looks.

How are you today? Nice to see you here!

(your turn)
I was gonna do that anyway after my chant ended. :tongue:


Now, dear Gracie, let's show them how incivility looks. Shall I start, or can you throw a really nasty left hook?

Only if you hurt me. Then I tend to hit back as hard as I can. However...even then, I won't cross certain lines. Control over myself, Stat. Something many can't seem to conquer. Myself included at times.


Only if I Yurt you?

Oh, "hurt" you.

Sorry, was a long day, my eyes are tired, you know....
What does it mean when your avatar is upside down? A sign of distress? A type of SOS?
Is this thread suddenly about my avatar? Wow, cool!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Just curious. A little defensive? :D Some of you are SUPER sensitive about avatars, huh?

Nee, not at all. I like my avi just as it is right now. Just didn't realize this thread was about my avi. Hmmmm...

Hey, how is your vagina doing today? Is it upside down, and if so, how do you feel about it?



You see, you are one of the uncivil ones on the left. Thanks for putting that on display for everyone to see. Good job.

Not at all.

Quite the opposite.

You tried to pose a question to bait me, but it had no effect on me.

I then used a technique to show you how ridiculous it was, what you did, in the first place.

For you see, attacking my avatar has nothing to do with this thread, just like talking about your vagina would have nothing to do with this thread.

You are quite welcome for this wholesome learning experience.

I tried to bait you? :lol: I asked you why you had your avatar upside down? A legitimate question out of curiosity. I'm sorry if you are paranoid.
What does it mean when your avatar is upside down? A sign of distress? A type of SOS?
Is this thread suddenly about my avatar? Wow, cool!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Just curious. A little defensive? :D Some of you are SUPER sensitive about avatars, huh?

Nee, not at all. I like my avi just as it is right now. Just didn't realize this thread was about my avi. Hmmmm...

Hey, how is your vagina doing today? Is it upside down, and if so, how do you feel about it?



You see, you are one of the uncivil ones on the left. Thanks for putting that on display for everyone to see. Good job.

Not at all.

Quite the opposite.

You tried to pose a question to bait me, but it had no effect on me.

I then used a technique to show you how ridiculous it was, what you did, in the first place.

For you see, attacking my avatar has nothing to do with this thread, just like talking about your vagina would have nothing to do with this thread.

You are quite welcome for this wholesome learning experience.

My vagina is a personal part of my anatomy. Your avatar is NOT. Now, perhaps you would have more luck with the ladies if you were less uncivil?

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