Income Inequailty Rhetoric is Class Warfare


VIP Member
Oct 24, 2013
Question why does a income gap need to be closed to bring people out of poverty?
Income inequality is a hollow rhetoric that its only purpose is to promote class warfare and income redistribution
Wealth is not finite it can be created there is not one pie that needs to be divided evenly

I will give an example how income inequality is a failed argument
lets say the poverty level is 20,000 per year. you have an individual who makes 15k a year and you want to bring him out of poverty. You have another individual who makes 100k a years so you have a 85k a year income gap between the two. Here is the question
is it better to take 10k from the 100k a year individual and give it to the 15k a year individual there for bring him out of poverty and establishing a 65k income gap, or is it better for the 15k a year individual create his own wealth and make 10k more a year to bring him up to 25k.
According to using a closure of a income gap as a measure of success it is best to take away from the 100k a year individual then to have the 15k individual create his own wealth because you would have an income gap of 65K instead of the 75k that you would have if he created his own wealth

You see why Income inequality/income gap is a hollow rhetoric a useless statistic that does nothing but create class envy and warfare
Is the issue under the "Equality" sound-bite really "Opportunity"?
I think the "Equality" sound-bite is a Right-Wing tactic to call attention away from "Opportunity".
Is the issue under the "Equality" sound-bite really "Opportunity"?
I think the "Equality" sound-bite is a Right-Wing tactic to call attention away from "Opportunity".

You got it backwards. Conservatives are about Opportunity, Liberals are about Equality.
Is the issue under the "Equality" sound-bite really "Opportunity"?
I think the "Equality" sound-bite is a Right-Wing tactic to call attention away from "Opportunity".

You got it backwards. Conservatives are about Opportunity, Liberals are about Equality.

I presume you separate between Republicans and Conservatives.
Name me 5 Conservative non-politicians who actively represent Opportunity.
You don't have to include Donald Trump because I already know he only hires American citizens and not Business-Visas.
I mean MNC guys/gals, not the 99cent store guy/gal down the street.
How can the poor and middle class be the ones perpetuating class warfare when the elite in our Nation are in control of all of the dough? Im not worried about a class war, except the kind of class you learn things in.
Question why does a income gap need to be closed to bring people out of poverty?
Income inequality is a hollow rhetoric that its only purpose is to promote class warfare and income redistribution
Wealth is not finite it can be created there is not one pie that needs to be divided evenly

I will give an example how income inequality is a failed argument
lets say the poverty level is 20,000 per year. you have an individual who makes 15k a year and you want to bring him out of poverty. You have another individual who makes 100k a years so you have a 85k a year income gap between the two. Here is the question
is it better to take 10k from the 100k a year individual and give it to the 15k a year individual there for bring him out of poverty and establishing a 65k income gap, or is it better for the 15k a year individual create his own wealth and make 10k more a year to bring him up to 25k.
According to using a closure of a income gap as a measure of success it is best to take away from the 100k a year individual then to have the 15k individual create his own wealth because you would have an income gap of 65K instead of the 75k that you would have if he created his own wealth

You see why Income inequality/income gap is a hollow rhetoric a useless statistic that does nothing but create class envy and warfare

What if the guy who earns $100K a year earns it by means of a monopoly on gasoline and charges the $15K guy $20 for a gallon?

Perhaps this will clue you in to the difference between a natural concentration of wealth and an unnatural one. What we have today is an unnatural concentration of wealth.

And the REAL income gap is much, much more than $85K.
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When wealthy powerful corporate interests fight to lower the minimum wage, is that class warfare?
Is the issue under the "Equality" sound-bite really "Opportunity"?
I think the "Equality" sound-bite is a Right-Wing tactic to call attention away from "Opportunity".

You got it backwards. Conservatives are about Opportunity, Liberals are about Equality.

I presume you separate between Republicans and Conservatives.
Name me 5 Conservative non-politicians who actively represent Opportunity.
You don't have to include Donald Trump because I already know he only hires American citizens and not Business-Visas.
I mean MNC guys/gals, not the 99cent store guy/gal down the street.

Can you define what you mean by "represent opportunity" so we can tell if you're just yanking our chain or actually proposing something?
When wealthy powerful corporate interests fight to lower the minimum wage, is that class warfare?

No. When wealthy powerful unions fight to raise the min wage, and thereby shut out new workers, that is class warfare.
What if the top earners used to take home 200k to the average machinists/accountants/small business owners $50k

And now hes taking home $8 million to the average machinists/accountants/small business owners STILL $50K?

are they poor lazy scumbags who are failures at life because the elite who own the cesspool of $$ in the Country decided to start compensating themselves at higher and higher and higher rates while doing nothing different and also not compensating employees at the rate of (at least) inflation?

Yea, theres a class war. But the people you think are waging it arent who you think they are. Dupes.
Continuing with the gasoline analogy, imagine all the ways the government can aid and abet the gasoline oligarch.

The government could lease oil-rich lands to the oligarch for pennies. The government could give tax breaks to the oligarch. Hell, the government could give subsidies to the oligarch, too.

The government could create a morass of nuisance regulations, helpfully written by the oligarch for the government, which make it extremely difficult for a competitor to break into the field.

The government could withhold all the tax breaks, subsidies, and R&D funds from alternative sources of energy that it gives to the oligarch.

All of these would create what Thomas Jefferson called "an inequality in property", and anyone of integrity would demand they be corrected. Only a fool would blow it all off, dismissing the artificially created income gap as so much vapor. An entirely different fool would believe they could be corrected by raising taxes.
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This thread is about the ancient battle between the "Haves" and the "Have Nots". There is a lot of history.

When the representatives of the Have Nots get control, and get their way, for awhile you have Socialism...until the money runs out...and then it collapses.

Always has; always will. Most recent prominent examples---U.S.S.R and Detroit.
You got it backwards. Conservatives are about Opportunity, Liberals are about Equality.

I presume you separate between Republicans and Conservatives.
Name me 5 Conservative non-politicians who actively represent Opportunity.
You don't have to include Donald Trump because I already know he only hires American citizens and not Business-Visas.
I mean MNC guys/gals, not the 99cent store guy/gal down the street.

Can you define what you mean by "represent opportunity" so we can tell if you're just yanking our chain or actually proposing something?

Quality education which includes areas having law enforcement, textbooks, technology and teachers.
A quality education and law enforcement leads to business loans and a more upwardly mobile life.
The opportunity for a US citizen to submit a resume, be interviewed and screened for a position without regards to ethnicity or religion.
The wage is to be determined by the requisition, not by the threat of a protest.

Now I need 5 Conservative business people I can research.
Nutters sure have a hard time grasping this issue. Maybe if we had some charts that we could post to show them a timeline of wealth inequality and how it corresponds with the overall economic health of the nation?

If only such a thing existed!!!!
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Continuing with the gasoline analogy, imagine all the ways the government can aid and abet the gasoline oligarch.

The government could lease oil-rich lands to the oligarch for pennies. The government could give tax breaks to the oligarch. Hell, the government could give subsidies to the oligarch, too.

The government could create a morass of nuisance regulations, helpfully written by the oligarch for the government, which make it extremely difficult for a competitor to break into the field.

The government could withhold all the tax breaks, subsidies, and R&D funds from alternative sources of energy that it gives to the oligarch.

All of these would create what Thomas Jefferson called "an inequality in property", and anyone of integrity would demand they be corrected. Only a fool would blow it all off, dismissing the artificially created income gap as so much vapor.
that is exactly whats occuring and its a bipartisan effort
Continuing with the gasoline analogy, imagine all the ways the government can aid and abet the gasoline oligarch.

The government could lease oil-rich lands to the oligarch for pennies. The government could give tax breaks to the oligarch. Hell, the government could give subsidies to the oligarch, too.

The government could create a morass of nuisance regulations, helpfully written by the oligarch for the government, which make it extremely difficult for a competitor to break into the field.

The government could withhold all the tax breaks, subsidies, and R&D funds from alternative sources of energy that it gives to the oligarch.

All of these would create what Thomas Jefferson called "an inequality in property", and anyone of integrity would demand they be corrected. Only a fool would blow it all off, dismissing the artificially created income gap as so much vapor.
that is exactly whats occuring and its a bipartisan effort

Indeed! In several business sectors, but particularly in the financial sector.
This thread is about the ancient battle between the "Haves" and the "Have Nots". There is a lot of history.

When the representatives of the Have Nots get control, and get their way, for awhile you have Socialism...until the money runs out...and then it collapses.

Always has; always will. Most recent prominent examples---U.S.S.R and Detroit.

And when representatives of the Haves get control, you have an oligarchy. And then it collapses.

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