Incredible! Trump Shatters All Fundraising Records After Biden’s FBI Raids Mar-a-Lago

Neither you nor I know that yet... patience... patience... :cool:

Correct, I don't know that, but I'll tell you what I do know: The Democrat party is scared to death of this guy. In fact the most fearful I've seen, and I've been watching politics for a long time. Another thing I know is since DumBama, the Left-BI has been just as much of an arm of the Democrat party as the MSM. The DOJ not much better.

Hundreds of billions of our tax dollars going to green bullshit and 87,000 new IRS agents is not popular with most Americans, so the timing of all this is pretty suspicious as well.

They don't want to see Trump in prison, but what they do want is to make sure he can never run again because he is the biggest threat to their party.
...The Democrat party is scared to death of this guy...
Fear, or revulsion? He is a dormant autocrat and therefore, it is believed, an existential threat to American representative democracy. I tend to agree.

Mind you, the Dems are certainly worried that if he got back in again, that he'd lock things down so tight that they'd never regain power, and lose their agenda.

Nolo contendre... no contest... but one has to still have a democratic republic in order to worry about such things... and that, too, seems to be at risk with him.

Scared of him? Yes. But revolted, more. And unwilling to concede the doom of the Republic... not that I trust the Dems much more.

The goddamned Dems are dangerous too, in different ways, but at least - so far - they have not refused to step down when they lose an election.
Listen up, dumbass! If they tried anything like that, it would be a short trip to a federal courthouse to prevent any and all such actions undertaken without proper authority. If they rule against you, you just appeal.

I lived in KY until recently. Our entire local, county, and state government had ONE Democrat in office and he was the governor. Our Republican Attorney General had no problem bitch slapping him when it was needed,
Fucking hilarious.
It's obvious you weren't following the shit show going in either NYS or other States during COVID.
I agree with a lot of what you say in general but you sure have a long stick up your ass when it comes to particulars that actually happened.
Fear, or revulsion? He is a dormant autocrat and therefore, it is believed, an existential threat to American representative democracy. I tend to agree.

Mind you, the Dems are certainly worried that if he got back in again, that he'd lock things down so tight that they'd never regain power, and lose their agenda.

Nolo contendre... no contest... but one has to still have a democratic republic in order to worry about such things... and that, too, seems to be at risk with him.

Scared of him? Yes. But revolted, more. And unwilling to concede the doom of the Republic... not that I trust the Dems much more.

The goddamned Dems are dangerous too, in different ways, but at least - so far - they have not refused to step down when they lose an election.

Trump contested the election. Perfectly legal. Trump went looking for votes and fraud. Perfectly legal. Commies saying he was trying to overthrow the government. A total lie.

They fear Trump for one reason and one reason only, he can put this country back on track again. He doesn't cower to the media, his social network will grow like crazy, he's going to look under every rock to find corruption by the Communists and not only tell everybody, but his party will pursue legal recourse on each and every one of them no matter how long it takes.
Trump contested the election. Perfectly legal. Trump went looking for votes and fraud. Perfectly legal. Commies saying he was trying to overthrow the government. A total lie.

They fear Trump for one reason and one reason only, he can put this country back on track again. He doesn't cower to the media, his social network will grow like crazy, he's going to look under every rock to find corruption by the Communists and not only tell everybody, but his party will pursue legal recourse on each and every one of them no matter how long it takes.
Cool story, bro.

"The Democrats - more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they're going to have a natural disadvantage and Trump's going to take advantage of it - that's our strategy. He's gonna declare himself a winner. So when you wake up Wednesday morning, it's going to be a firestorm. You're gonna have antifa crazy, the media crazy, the courts are crazy. And Trump's gonna be sitting there mocking, tweeting shit out, 'You lose. I'm the winner. I'm the king.' And he'll be all over. He'll be going, 'Where's Hunter? Is Hunter on a crack pipe?' I mean, no, he'll be - because then it doesn't matter. Remember. Here's the thing. After then, Trump never has to go to a voter again. He's going to fire Wray, the FBI director. He's going to say, 'Fuck you! How about that?' Because he's never going to - he's done his last election. Oh he's going to be off the chain. He's gonna be crazy.

"Also, if Trump - if Trump is losing by 10 or 11 o'clock at night, it's going to be even crazier. No, because he's gonna sit right there and say, 'They stole it. I'm directing the Attorney General to shut down all ballot places in all 50 states.' It's gonna be no, he's not going out easy. If Trump - if Biden is winning, Trump is going to do some crazy shit."

Smoking. Gun.

The game plan for the coup was all laid out before the election.
The DOJ and FBI has ignited a firestorm in America for what they did. Now they are causing Americans to donate to Trump with no end in sight. They are pissed and rightly so.

of course he did. That's why he leaked it!!! That's why he told you about the sealed he could milk you of your hard earned money! Never let a crisis go by, without milk money!!! That should be his new MOTTO!

HOW long will you let yourselves be played like a fiddle??? Or should I say, how long will you let yourselves be milked like a cow?
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Cool story, bro.

"The Democrats - more of our people vote early that count. Theirs vote in mail. And so they're going to have a natural disadvantage and Trump's going to take advantage of it - that's our strategy. He's gonna declare himself a winner. So when you wake up Wednesday morning, it's going to be a firestorm. You're gonna have antifa crazy, the media crazy, the courts are crazy. And Trump's gonna be sitting there mocking, tweeting shit out, 'You lose. I'm the winner. I'm the king.' And he'll be all over. He'll be going, 'Where's Hunter? Is Hunter on a crack pipe?' I mean, no, he'll be - because then it doesn't matter. Remember. Here's the thing. After then, Trump never has to go to a voter again. He's going to fire Wray, the FBI director. He's going to say, 'Fuck you! How about that?' Because he's never going to - he's done his last election. Oh he's going to be off the chain. He's gonna be crazy.

"Also, if Trump - if Trump is losing by 10 or 11 o'clock at night, it's going to be even crazier. No, because he's gonna sit right there and say, 'They stole it. I'm directing the Attorney General to shut down all ballot places in all 50 states.' It's gonna be no, he's not going out easy. If Trump - if Biden is winning, Trump is going to do some crazy shit."

Smoking. Gun.

The game plan for the coup was all laid out before the election.
And, Bannon made that statement on his show, less than one hour... A few minutes after he had an 11 minute conversation with Trump, according to the meta data phone records the 1/6 committee obtained.
Good luck with running on the Biden/Dem shit show. Sky high inflation. Skyrocketing interest rates. Biggest tax increase in decades. Attacks on parents. Jacked up gas prices for 'climate change'. Bunch of freaks who don't know what f'ing gender they are.

You people are living in a bubble and are about to get bitch slapped by voters.

No admin in history has been this terrible and made no effort to improve.
It's almost as if they know that the elections won't matter.
Trump definitely needs to announce his run, like, tonight! Go Trump Go!

It has to be timed to follow election laws.
President Trump is very meticulous about following the law.

He was the most popular person in the USA before Monday.

Monday solidified his next Presidency.

Even the DOJ spokesperson said - yeah that was a spectacular backfire.

Immediately Hunter and the 10% jumped on a plane and went on vacation.

Garland is nowhere to be found.

Honest people see the massive abuse of power and understand that the country is at a turning point.
of course he did. That's why he leaked it!!! That's why he told you about the sealed he could milk you of your hard earned money! Never let a crisis go by, without milk money!!! That should be his new MOTTO!

HOW long will you let yourselves be played like a fiddle??? Or should I say, how long will you let yourselves be milked like a cow?

A better question: how long will you people on the left keep shifting blame from Biden to anybody and everything but Biden?
Does anyone know how much President Trump has made $$$$ since the raid Monday? Feel the love....He has plenty of supporters :)
Trump contested the election. Perfectly legal. Trump went looking for votes and fraud. Perfectly legal. Commies saying he was trying to overthrow the government. A total lie.

They fear Trump for one reason and one reason only, he can put this country back on track again. He doesn't cower to the media, his social network will grow like crazy, he's going to look under every rock to find corruption by the Communists and not only tell everybody, but his party will pursue legal recourse on each and every one of them no matter how long it takes.

I'm sure you realize it -
The kondor person has an alternate reality that no one is really going to reach
Trump contested the election. Perfectly legal. Trump went looking for votes and fraud. Perfectly legal. Commies saying he was trying to overthrow the government. A total lie.

They fear Trump for one reason and one reason only, he can put this country back on track again. He doesn't cower to the media, his social network will grow like crazy, he's going to look under every rock to find corruption by the Communists and not only tell everybody, but his party will pursue legal recourse on each and every one of them no matter how long it takes.

You're a complete idiot. No one fears Trump under the guise he can put the country back on track. He's feared because he's displayed the desire for staying in power in terms contrary to the Constitution. The bigger fear lies in his cult who have expressed no hesitation to support and protect such a dictatorship. Y'all have lost your fucking minds and your way.

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