Incredible! Trump Shatters All Fundraising Records After Biden’s FBI Raids Mar-a-Lago

Lib please even Hispanics and Asians are fleeing your party in droves let alone independents. RIP Dem party.

With a Democrat president, a Democrat-led House and a Democrat-led Senate, Hispanics now enjoy a record low unemployment rate. You think that's going to turn them to Republicans?
With a Democrat president, a Democrat-led House and a Democrat-led Senate, Hispanics now enjoy a record low unemployment rate. You think that's going to turn them to Republicans?
They hate Dems guts like everyone else. Go change a climate or whatever useless things you people do.
Yep, our majority is growing all the time. Asian Americans are sick of being attacked by blacks in lib cities that won't do a thing about it. Hispanics are not like blacks. They can't be bought off like blacks can. The voting Hispanics are against illegal immigration like any other group of people. And you can't call them "tacos" or tell them you carry hot sauce in your purse to buy their votes.

Great, so when is a Republican candidate for president gonna get more votes from Americans than their Democratic opposition?

Do you have any proof at all that Trump tried to orchestrate a coup, Konradv? I mean other that you'd been told that's what happened by the Jan 6th committee who are STILL desperately trying to show a connection between Trump and the riot?

Of course Trump tried to pull off a coup. By trying to get his VP to unilaterally declare him the winner of the election he lost.
With a Democrat president, a Democrat-led House and a Democrat-led Senate, Hispanics now enjoy a record low unemployment rate. You think that's going to turn them to Republicans?
Keep doing your critical thinking.
I'll cite the polls and post-election results.
For a minor crime that a president isnt likely to be charged with, that the FBI didnt even find the evidence for? :abgg2q.jpg:
Given the idiot Democrats; recent track record with head-hunting, you may be right...

Still, my half-a$$eD Spidey-Sense tells me that there is probably something pretty damned big in the works...

We'll know soon enough.

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