Incredible! Trump Shatters All Fundraising Records After Biden’s FBI Raids Mar-a-Lago

Tried to cheat? What f’ing planet are you on? Are you stupid enough to believe Xiden received legitimately 81 MM votes campaigning from his basement?
Who are the puppet masters pulling Xiden’s strings? That’s what you should be focusing on!!
Your hatred for President Trump is a f’ing JOKE!!
Just admit it now, you endorse communism, you sick POS!!
Trump is a shitty, corrupt human being. The piss poor worst *pResident in a lifetime. But, then again, I don't live on planet magaturd.
Trump hinted in his rant that he may invoke the Fifth Amendment in a litany of other investigations he is currently facing (including federal probes), stating that he plans to “utilize” the Constitution “to the fullest extent to defend myself against this malicious attack by this administration, this Attorney General’s Office, and all other attacks on my family, my business, and our Country.”

Never more than now Trump is relying on the gullibility of his cult.
Well, the rubes donated a quarter of a billion dollars to Trump's fake "election defense fund" so I'm sure they are lining up to be defrauded again.

Trump knows his audience.
Trump is going to have the most prison commissary ever...

Remember that oh well when we get back in charge. You'll be on here...........

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Why write "Sane people" at the beginning?

It's emotional nonsense. It's the same as saying "We're the good guys, they're the bad guys".

The reality is the US political system is shit. Beyond shit.

Both sides are doing politics rather than running the country. It's the only reason someone like Trump could ever get elected in the first place. Trump's a symptom of a failing system. People realizing it doesn't matter much who's in place, it's all the same. Except Trump took it to another level. The next fucking clown that gets in is going to rip the constitution a new asshole.

Do you think any of this shit matters? If you ACTUALLY CARE about your own country, you'd be looking at the real reasons for all this nonsense. The electoral system.

It's not normal to only have two political parties. Look at all the other countries with democracy.

Canada - five political parties.
The UK - 10 political parties (and even then they're having problems with a Trump type tosser)
Germany - 6 political parties.
I could go on, and I think I'd struggle to find proper democracy with only two parties. Singapore has two political parties, and it has elections... but it's kind of a dictator democracy.
You should start a political party...

... call it the Weirdo Party...

... you could singlehandedly decimate the Democrats ranks.
When was this ask for money posted? I don't see any law suite against CNN posted any where?
Personally don't give money to billionaires, to many good places to donate too that help kids and people in need.

It's what Trump blasted people on his email list after his property was raided. And he knows his suckers; he made a boatload off of them for being raided.
Trump is a shitty, corrupt human being. The piss poor worst *pResident in a lifetime. But, then again, I don't live on planet magaturd.
You have to understand what the comment is before you should reply, I realize it went over your head and around it 50,000 times and you still missed the largest scam played on humanity in recorded time…
The DNC and a ever growing part of the RNC are corrupt bureaucrats that do not give 2 shits about you or the American people, but you continue to support their lies basically because you are easily led around with hate and contempt for anyone who has more than you…get off your ass and earn something, maybe then you will understand what is going on, but I am afraid all you will manage to do is continue to remain brainwashed and prop up the conversion of a communist state…
Impotent threat. There's nothing going to happen to me whether you win or not.

It wasn't meant as any kind of threat. It's just when you look at the mood of the country you understand most know we're heading in a terrible direction. Your party is pissing off people in nearly ever faction of our society and I believe this phony show raid by the Left-BI is pushing the rest over the edge. They think they're winning votes this way but November will show their antics had the opposite effect.

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