Incredible tweet from Trump: He won't let Biden enter the White House as President

It's all meaningless as there is nothing he can do but yes someone needs to take his phone or tablet or whatever away from him.
That would be enough. He can have this meltdown behind closed doors, but this is out in public where everyone can see, including our adversaries.

They're probably not all that surprised, though.
Here is the problem. We do not believe you. With every fiber of my being...I want blued cities blown up. And ther are so many more like me....Tell Keith Olbermann. He knows. Deep State shill...
Leave blue cities alone and let antifa and burn loot murder blow them up. Democrats should be welded into their homes so they can't escape their own arsonists.
I voted for Trump, and I was pretty surprised that he lost to Biden. I still believe that, mentally, Biden's woefully ill-prepared for the job.

I'm also willing to accept that Trump lost to Biden. Most Trump supporters I know are. This idea that Trump supporters support his lawsuits and recounts is nothing but a fucking fairy tale.

I was listening to our local talk radio station the other day, which is very pro-Trump. I think it was the Brian Kilmeade show, and he had a guest, also a conservative and some sort of "expert" on elections, who was discussing the recounts.

The guest said that in the history of recounts, no election result has ever been changed as a result of one. The largest change in the number of votes in a State (and I forget which State it was) was 1,200; far from being enough to change the results.

I'm a conservative Independent; probably bordering on Libertarian. But it's time for Trump to suck it up and admit defeat. Recounts and lawsuits aren't going to change the result, and ridiculous tweets like "Biden can only enter the White House if..." don't help his case. Biden doesn't have to enter the White House before he's sworn in and, once he is, Trump's no longer in a position to keep him out.

I fully supported Trump the candidate, and I fully supported Trump the President. But the soon-to-be former President Trump is proving to be desperate.

I remember hearing Don Jr. say once "My Dad doesn't need this job. Not even a little bit."

It's time for Don Sr. to demonstrate that. Run again in 2024 if you want, but it's really time to accept reality...

No thanks...there's plenty of nutless cowards willing to take in the ass from Democrats.
Literally every single good, real core American I know plans to "RESIST" this almost dead dudes presidency...ALL conservatives should finally locate their ballsacks and do the same, we should all DEMAND that Republicans on the hill make every single tiny little thing difficult for the pieces of shit. This is full blown war, fuck bipartisanship and fuck Democrats!

You know, I don't really disagree with you.

I'm not suggesting that Republicans should make it easy for Biden. In fact, I hope they make his Presidency as difficult as democrats did Trump's.

But the reality is that, when all is said and done, Biden will be sworn into office in January. Trump needs to stop being a distraction. He needs to move aside and let the GOP start working on how they're going to defeat Harris in 2024...
I think he/she means that REAL Americans don’t vote for almost dead, barely coherent men backed up by pissed off fake black leftist whores with UnAmerican names.

You probably should go to anger management classes.
The GOP really needs to step in here. Somebody needs to deal with the fact that this person is not well:

This isn't funny, it's dangerous.

Remember boys and girls----It's ILLEGAL to kick someone out of their house that they are living on especially now with covid going on-----------Even if the corrupt FBI tried to evict Trump---Trump would be able to sue them all. This gets funnier and funnier all the time with the what if possibilities.
Not understanding, think there misinformed, limited life experience, brain washed, cult follower, uneducated, commie, Nazi. all these labels. Some how this lets you hate & wish dead your neighbors because they belong to a different political party?????????????????? ,
The GOP really needs to step in here. Somebody needs to deal with the fact that this person is not well:

This isn't funny, it's dangerous.


I can't agree with you more.

I read about that yesterday and just shook my head.

trump actually believes he's a dictator or king. He actually believes he decides who is president and who can assume that office. He is out of control and becoming more and more of a danger to our nation and democracy by the day.

The man is making a fool of himself and laughing stock of America.

Biden doesn't have to prove anything. He will be sworn in on January 20th. He and Jill will move into the White House and he will take the office of the presidency on that day.

There is absolutely nothing trump or anyone can do to stop it.
The good news is that the bar is so low now, that improvements won't be impossible.


Maybe so but I don't expect republicans to even look like they will work with Biden and the democrats.

No we have not hit rock bottom with trump.

I realized in the bush boy years that republican presidents have progressively gotten worse since Eisenhower. In that time I knew the next republican president would be worse than the bush boy. I just didn't want to find out what that was. We now know what is worse than the bush boy.

What should get every American to vote in every election is the fact that the next republican president will be worse than trump.

Personally, I don't want to find out what is worse than trump but I know I will.
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It's all meaningless as there is nothing he can do but yes someone needs to take his phone or tablet or whatever away from him.
That would be enough. He can have this meltdown behind closed doors, but this is out in public where everyone can see, including our adversaries.

They're probably not all that surprised, though.
Here is the problem. We do not believe you. With every fiber of my being...I want blued cities blown up. And ther are so many more like me....Tell Keith Olbermann. He knows. Deep State shill...

with every fiber of your being you want to murder liberals and democrats?

you should be locked up
The cultists have gone over the edge. Not exactly a shock. They've been driven there by the usual suspects.
The GOP really needs to step in here. Somebody needs to deal with the fact that this person is not well:

This isn't funny, it's dangerous.


I can't agree with you more.

I read about that yesterday and just shook my head.

trump actually believes he's a dictator or king. He actually believes he decides who is president and who can assume that office. He is out of control and becoming more and more of a danger to our nation and democracy by the day.

The man is making a fool of himself and laughing stock of America.

Biden doesn't have to prove anything. He will be sworn in on January 20th. He and Jill will move into the White House and he will take the office of the presidency on that day.

There is absolutely nothing trump or anyone can do to stop it.
The good news is that the bar is so low now, that improvements won't be impossible.


Maybe so but I don't expect republicans to even look like they will work with Biden and the democrats.

No we have no hit rock bottom with trump.

I realized in the bush boy years that republican presidents have progressively gotten worse since Eisenhower. In that time I knew the next republican president would be worse than the bush boy. I just didn't want to find out what that was. We now know what is worse than the bush boy.

What should get every American to vote in every election is the fact that the next republican president will be worse than trump.

Personally, I don't want to find out what is worse than trump but I know I will.
Well, I'm hopeful, anyway. Much further down and the country is in serious, real, existential trouble.
The GOP really needs to step in here. Somebody needs to deal with the fact that this person is not well:

This isn't funny, it's dangerous.
WE don't have a problem dealing with Trump in office. The ongoing verbalized threats to the health and life of our President are matters for the United States Secret Service. The false impeachment and rigged election were treasonous, and consitute an attempted coup d'état, which will be rejected with all appropriate and necessary force. The work of liberty that Trump has begun in office must continue, and not be undone by a Democrat imposter raising his fist in a mock gesture of Adolf Hitler.
I don't know if Trump won or not. But he should not, under ANY circumstances, concede until the electorals are counted and Biden is deemed winner. Period.

And those who say they should, would not be saying the same thing if their kid was tied with another kid in winning a match but half tell the supposed losing kid to concede. You don't quit on hearsay and you don't quit until all the votes are in. PERIOD.
Literally every single good, real core American I know plans to "RESIST" this almost dead dudes presidency...
Oh shut up, pussy. You are going to whine for 4 years and then vote, just like everyone else.
Just like you did last 4 years. A wail a day about Russians or some other hoax bullshit .
Paybacks are never fun-be prepared.

View attachment 422646

it sure is fun saying ^^^THAT!^^^

Potty mouth flag of surrender
You’ve got some payback coming so try and take it like a man or cuckold
I voted for Trump, and I was pretty surprised that he lost to Biden. I still believe that, mentally, Biden's woefully ill-prepared for the job.

I'm also willing to accept that Trump lost to Biden. Most Trump supporters I know are. This idea that Trump supporters support his lawsuits and recounts is nothing but a fucking fairy tale.

I was listening to our local talk radio station the other day, which is very pro-Trump. I think it was the Brian Kilmeade show, and he had a guest, also a conservative and some sort of "expert" on elections, who was discussing the recounts.

The guest said that in the history of recounts, no election result has ever been changed as a result of one. The largest change in the number of votes in a State (and I forget which State it was) was 1,200; far from being enough to change the results.

I'm a conservative Independent; probably bordering on Libertarian. But it's time for Trump to suck it up and admit defeat. Recounts and lawsuits aren't going to change the result, and ridiculous tweets like "Biden can only enter the White House if..." don't help his case. Biden doesn't have to enter the White House before he's sworn in and, once he is, Trump's no longer in a position to keep him out.

I fully supported Trump the candidate, and I fully supported Trump the President. But the soon-to-be former President Trump is proving to be desperate.

I remember hearing Don Jr. say once "My Dad doesn't need this job. Not even a little bit."

It's time for Don Sr. to demonstrate that. Run again in 2024 if you want, but it's really time to accept reality...

No thanks...there's plenty of nutless cowards willing to take in the ass from Democrats.
Literally every single good, real core American I know plans to "RESIST" this almost dead dudes presidency...ALL conservatives should finally locate their ballsacks and do the same, we should all DEMAND that Republicans on the hill make every single tiny little thing difficult for the pieces of shit. This is full blown war, fuck bipartisanship and fuck Democrats!

You know, I don't really disagree with you.

I'm not suggesting that Republicans should make it easy for Biden. In fact, I hope they make his Presidency as difficult as democrats did Trump's.

But the reality is that, when all is said and done, Biden will be sworn into office in January. Trump needs to stop being a distraction. He needs to move aside and let the GOP start working on how they're going to defeat Harris in 2024...
It would be no less than what you deserve. I will laugh my ass off.
Well sure, that's what you pussies do. You sit around and cheer violence for your own perverse entertainment. Not a one of you fat ass losers is actually going to do anything.
I know you have admitted that you get a lot of info from and run a lot of your feelings by your mom but is she aware of how full of nasty mouth bravado her boy is?
Once the election is certified, that will be all the proof Biden will need.

Trump must follow the rules all presidents have always followed. He can scream all he wants, but in the end he'll have to step aside for fossil Biden.
And he will. He said he will. But not until the end.
It would be no less than what you deserve. I will laugh my ass off.
Well sure, that's what you pussies do. You sit around and cheer violence for your own perverse entertainment. Not a one of you fat ass losers is actually going to do anything.
I know you have admitted that you get a lot of info from and run a lot of your feelings by your mom but is she aware of how full of nasty mouth bravado her boy is?
You're the pussy hoping there will be blood. Yet we both know you wont be peeling your fat ass off the couch to participate.
The GOP really needs to step in here. Somebody needs to deal with the fact that this person is not well:

This isn't funny, it's dangerous.

its so unamerican but his supporters dont care...they are drinking the kool aid and worshiping their orange man
There is no excuse for the fact that no one is putting a stop to this, none.
It's all meaningless as there is nothing he can do but yes someone needs to take his phone or tablet or whatever away from him.
That would be enough. He can have this meltdown behind closed doors, but this is out in public where everyone can see, including our adversaries.

They're probably not all that surprised, though.
trump doesnt have the right, power or authority to do this.
Yep, the point of the thread. You'll notice the Trumpsters here are ignoring that. Their standards for him are so low that they can't even bring themselves to see something this obvious, this disturbing, this delusional.

All they know to do is trot out the regular Newsmax talking points and deflections.

The group pathology continues, and Trump feeds on it.
The GOP really needs to step in here. Somebody needs to deal with the fact that this person is not well:

This isn't funny, it's dangerous.

No what is not funny and what is dangerous is your narrative to what he said and what it meant.
No wonder you bought the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA hoax.
View attachment 422520
I did?

Prove it. Use the search function. Back up your words.

Oh, that's right. You're a Trumpster. You don't have to back up your words.

Deflection, failed.
The GOP really needs to step in here. Somebody needs to deal with the fact that this person is not well:

This isn't funny, it's dangerous.

No what is not funny and what is dangerous is your narrative to what he said and what it meant.
No wonder you bought the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA hoax.
View attachment 422520
I did?

Prove it. Use the search function. Back up your words.

Oh, that's right. You're a Trumpster. You don't have to back up your words.

Deflection, failed.
Many of your posts just this year have been Russia Russia Russia. Post #5 Oct 1, 2020 Forum: Media
Quote; "Trump has delegitimized the presidency, our elections, and the country. As Russia and China toast to their good luck."
Nov 3, 2020 +Nov 7, 2020 RUSSIA Russia Russia with a side of China.

Now, show everyone the date of me exposing the Ruse as nothing but a slight of hand by Obama to help the DNC spy on their rival's campaign.
Can you read the date.
So you can't produce a quote of mine in which I buy into the Russia conspiracy theory.

Thank you for admitting your lie. You may now play your juvenile games with someone else.
The GOP really needs to step in here. Somebody needs to deal with the fact that this person is not well:

This isn't funny, it's dangerous.


President Donald Trump said for the first time Thursday he will leave office if the Electoral College votes for President-elect Joe Biden but made clear he's not prepared to concede.
"Certainly I will, and you know that," Trump said when asked by a reporter about leaving the White House if Biden is declared the winner on December 14. "I will and, you know that."

Election is over. There is no reason whatsoever for you to continue on this way. That was on CNN. You are no longer a part of the solution. You are a part of the problem.
I assume you're talking to Trump and his Trumpsters, right?
The GOP really needs to step in here. Somebody needs to deal with the fact that this person is not well:

This isn't funny, it's dangerous.


President Donald Trump said for the first time Thursday he will leave office if the Electoral College votes for President-elect Joe Biden but made clear he's not prepared to concede.
"Certainly I will, and you know that," Trump said when asked by a reporter about leaving the White House if Biden is declared the winner on December 14. "I will and, you know that."

Election is over. There is no reason whatsoever for you to continue on this way. That was on CNN. You are no longer a part of the solution. You are a part of the problem.
I assume you're talking to Trump and his Trumpsters, right?

Holy crap. Are you NOT READING the MANY posts here from Trumpsters who still think he won and will remain in office?

Are you NOT PAYING ATTENTION to what TRUMP HIMSELF is saying, or what his media is saying, or what his lawyers are saying?

You must be as deluded as he is.
The GOP really needs to step in here. Somebody needs to deal with the fact that this person is not well:

This isn't funny, it's dangerous.


President Donald Trump said for the first time Thursday he will leave office if the Electoral College votes for President-elect Joe Biden but made clear he's not prepared to concede.
"Certainly I will, and you know that," Trump said when asked by a reporter about leaving the White House if Biden is declared the winner on December 14. "I will and, you know that."

Election is over. There is no reason whatsoever for you to continue on this way. That was on CNN. You are no longer a part of the solution. You are a part of the problem.
I assume you're talking to Trump and his Trumpsters, right?

Holy crap. Are you NOT READING the MANY posts here from Trumpsters who still think he won and will remain in office?

Are you NOT PAYING ATTENTION to what TRUMP HIMSELF is saying, or what his media is saying, or what his lawyers are saying?

You must be as deluded as he is.

You initiated this thread. You clearly were not aware of the above or, worse yet, you are promoting a conspiracy theory. Why would you do that?
I assume this is some kind of joke.

WOW...I’ve extended you far too much credit, I figured you to be much wiser.
Look no further than four years of...

Were you really expecting anything different? You can’t be that retarded.

You forgot one.

One Term Orange Man.

That’s clever but that hasn’t been the case for the last four years. Pay attention Kunta Kinte.
You must be elated by the idea of getting back in them shackles on yo Massa’s plantation...huh?
You probably hated that Trump tore yo peeps from the welfare tit and forced you to lace up work boots for once in yo life huh?

Damn JB Stoner, is that the best you've got.

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