‘Independents’ and ‘moderates’…..what about Trump kept you from voting for and or supporting him?

Here's Trump just ten days before his inauguration: Trump Vows To Immediately Repeal, Replace ‘Imploding’ Obamacare

In his first press conference since the election, President-Elect Donald Trump called “Obamacare” a “total disaster” and vowed to repeal and replace it immediately.

Trump said a replacement for “Obamacare” will be offered with the confirmation of his health secretary.

Trump's health secretary, Tom Price, was confirmed on February 10, 2017: Tom Price Is Confirmed as Health Secretary

No sign of that repeal and replace has ever shown itself.

Trump: I'll replace ObamaCare with ‘something terrific’

Trump said he would strike "some sort of a really smart deal with hospitals” to cover costs.

Ryan vague on timeline for O-Care replacement

"I don’t want to be, you know, the dictator of the House. I’m the Speaker of the House.”

Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, on Thursday said Republicans will introduce a plan to replace Obamacare next year.

Speaker Ryan: GOP will introduce Obamacare replacement next year

The speaker said Republicans will lay out "a complete alternative to the left's agenda" next year

"There are many things to do, but most urgent is to repeal and replace Obamacare," he said in his first major address as speaker at the Library of Congress. "We think this problem is so urgent that, next year, we are going to unveil a plan to replace every word of Obamacare."

Cantor: House to vote on ObamaCare alternative in 2014

The majority leader did not endorse a specific GOP proposal at their annual retreat.

House Republicans will vote on an alternative to ObamaCare in 2014, Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) announced to members at their annual retreat Thursday morning.

"This year, we will rally around an alternative to ObamaCare and pass it on the floor of the House,” Cantor said during a presentation in which he outlined four areas — healthcare, jobs, helping the middle class and creating opportunities — where Republicans would offer “big, bold ideas.”

Republicans aim to undo health care law

Republicans leave no doubt of their first target: The new health care laws

"If our primary legislative goals are to repeal and replace the health spending bill, to end the bailouts, cut spending, and shrink the size and scope of government, the only way to do all these things is to put someone in the White House who won't veto any of these things," McConnell said in a speech Thursday to the Heritage Foundation, a right-leaning think tank.

I literally spent YEARS on this forum asking the pseudocon tard herd where the GOP's Obamacare replacement is. And then I spent years asking the same tards where Trump's replacement is.

It never failed to either draw blank mouth-breathing stares or ire.

To this very day, the tard herd cannot admit to themselves they were massively hoaxed.

And thanks to Trump's hoax, Obamacare is now immortal. Or at least until it is replaced with UHC, which Trump has made inevitable.
Hahaha…I’ll play along with the fools…there were fewer apprehensions because wetbacks knew it was a worthless cause to try and penetrate America….Trump, like ALL good real Americans didn’t want one more filthy wetback among us. They knew he’d punt their filthy asses back to where they belong.

It is also worth noting that Trump brow beat MEXICO into policing their side of the border, at least somewhat.
Your denial that his polices were policies is just you being the troll I prediced you would be.

Thanks for proving me right about you leftards, again.
Give..me..SOMETHING...that came from Donald John Trump directly.
Stop deflecting. Stop diverting.

Just state something!
B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

Is that all you got?

This is a topic which asked why we moderates and independents don't support Trump.

Try to keep up.
Trump's not in office, Biden is. Try to keep up.
I mention Obama because he's pulling his former VP's strings. Dementia Joe doesn't know where he is most of the time.

You obviously can't defend your own posts without using cut and paste.
Anyone that knows anything about situation at the border knows you have no fucking clue what you are saying.

There was a huge reduction in south border crossings during Obama's time in office.
Obama's policy was "Catch and Release." They were sent back to Mexico only to return again and again.
Biden's just turning them loose into the country with a court date and an Obama phone.
I already did. And you are denying, just like I predicted you would, troll boy.
No you didn't. Don't bother. Trump has no policy ideas of his own.
Honestly, how much did it take for you to give up your dignity, self-respect, integrity, and ability to think for yourself?

Did you really think this man was going to deliver your country back to you?
He was/is a fraud..and incompetent.

The real shame here is..you'll vote for him again.

Still haven't been able to give me ONE policy he actually fronted himself.
You know why Trump lies to you rubes every time he opens his mouth?

Because he knows you will bleev whatever he tells you to bleev. He knows you will parrot what he tells you to parrot. He knows you will defend his bullshit, no matter how blatantly he lies. And he knows you will NEVER hold him accountable for his hoaxes.

Crooked Donald must have nothing but total contempt for your credulity.

You rubes are so stupid, you are willing to sacrifice your mental health and your very lives on the altar of the Big Lie.

So the question should not be why people don't support Crooked Donald. The question will be asked for many decades to come how people could have been so stupid as to support him.
TRUMP: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese.

TARDS: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!

REPORTER: Mr. President, you don't actually believe the moon is made of cheese, do you?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people are saying it is!
Tell that to the person who started this topic, tard.

And Crooked Donald has been cock teasing you tards that he might run again in 2024, which makes him a legitimate topic of discussion.

All caught up now?
I'm replying to you not the OP.
You were trying to defend Biden but we both know you have nothing to defend with so you switch back to Trump, who is not a candidate at this point.
No you didn't. Don't bother. Trump has no policy ideas of his own.
Honestly, how much did it take for you to give up your dignity, self-respect, integrity, and ability to think for yourself?

Did you really think this man was going to deliver your country back to you?
He was/is a fraud..and incompetent.

The real shame here is..you'll vote for him again.

Still haven't been able to give me ONE policy he actually fronted himself.

Crafting American policy to serve AMERCIAN interests is not really something that anyone could claim as ORIGINALLY thier idea, as it is the expected NORM of any healthy society.

That it is offensive to people like you, is something wrong with people like you. Ie you are anti-American scum.

Did I THINK he would "deliver the country back to me"? No. I hoped he would represent my interests in national policy for the first time in my life.

That would have been plenty. ANd he did. So, that was a fine win for me.

You are a just a leftard troll.
Hahaha…I’ll play along with the fools…there were fewer apprehensions because wetbacks knew it was a worthless cause to try and penetrate America….T

...you have eyes, right? They are still connected to your brain, right?

Lets see if you can use them on the data you were given. Not only 2019 did not have fewer aprehensions, but in fact it was the most active border in a decade, falling off in 2020 due to Covid.

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Crafting American policy to serve AMERCIAN interests is not really something that anyone could claim as ORIGINALLY thier idea, as it is the expected NORM of any healthy society.

That it is offensive to people like you, is something wrong with people like you. Ie you are anti-American scum.

Did I THINK he would "deliver the country back to me"? No. I hoped he would represent my interests in national policy for the first time in my life.

That would have been plenty. ANd he did. So, that was a fine win for me.

You are a just a leftard troll.
But he didn't. And that's what you can't come to terms with. You can't deal with the fact that he hoodwinked you. He was just another "globalist" who sucked you and the rest of the lemmings into his lies.
There were those of us who knew this man was a fake. He has been for his entire adult life. A poser. An opportunist. You??..you saw a man who thought as you did. In the belief that your power would not be diluted.
Not be given over to those who didn't look like you and think like you. That he would prevent America from becoming the melting pot that the founding fathers envisioned. And that he'd stuff those "different" people
back into the closet they came from.

He played you. You got sold a bill of goods. And stuck with the check.
And you can't name ONE policy that actually came from his original brain thought...because he never had one.
...you have eyes right? They are still connected to your brain, right?

Lets see if you can use them and understand that not only 2019 saw fewer aprehensions, but in fat it was the most aprehensions in a decade.


I heard farmers whining like faggots over a shortage of mirgrant farm workers. Other than under Trump, when was that an issue?
But he didn't. And that's what you can't come to terms with. You can't deal with the fact that he hoodwinked you. He was just another "globalist" who sucked you and the rest of the lemmings into his lies.
There were those of us who knew this man was a fake. He has been for his entire adult life. A poser. An opportunist. You??..you saw a man who thought as you did. In the belief that your power would not be diluted.
Not be given over to those who didn't look like you and think like you. That he would prevent America from becoming the melting pot that the founding fathers envisioned. And that he'd stuff those "different" people
back into the closet they came from.

He played you. You got sold a bill of goods. And stuck with the check.
And you can't name ONE policy that actually came from his original brain thought...because he never had one.

The rise in lower end wages, said otherwise. And again, you prove my point btw. YOu dismiss my answers and spend you time filling the thread with leftard spam.

I see though you. YOu are a simple creature, stimulus, response. That is the extent of your inner world, your hopes and dreams.

Distrubing to see it in somethign shaped like a man.
The rise in lower end wages, said otherwise. And again, you prove my point btw. YOu dismiss my answers and spend you time filling the thread with leftard spam.

I see though you. YOu are a simple creature, stimulus, response. That is the extent of your inner world, your hopes and dreams.

Distrubing to see it in somethign shaped like a man.
What rise in lower end wages, Correll?? That started under OBAMA!

Trump was a steward. And all he had to do was NOT fuck it up..which he did the very moment his presidency was tested.
Why??..because he was incompetent.

You are a lemming. It's sad to see your devotion to this man.
You need to start providing links with your claims here. I dismiss your answers because you don't back them up.
You believe. That's it.
I heard farmers whining like faggots over a shortage of mirgrant farm workers. Other than under Trump, when was that an issue?
Who the hell else is going to work on a farm during low unemployment? Besides, many of them are LEGAL H2-A migrant workers.

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