‘Independents’ and ‘moderates’…..what about Trump kept you from voting for and or supporting him?

Show us cause and effect…which of the Kenyans policies led to an economy on steroids?
Was it the one that put 8 million more on the taxpayer tit or the one that added 2.5 million lowlife illiterate illegals to the population?

Obama deported more illegals than Trump.
That was actually a play off Ronald Reagan's campaign slogans. Not an original.

America has always been first. Under Democrats. Under Republicans.
It was a nationalistic dog whistle.

Joe is a career politician. Successes....Failures. But a steady hand. Not a riffing, corrupt, incompetent a-hole who doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself.

Deal with it.

Just one statement from Biden shows logical, rational people what a dumb ass we have for a president:
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

What a stupid statement if YOU WANT gas prices to decrease and here is the proof of this idiot's ignorance!
U.S. Will Never Build Another Oil Refinery, Chevron CEO Says
My personal view is there will never be another new refinery built” on U.S. soil, said Wirth. “You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’

But idiots like you and Biden don't seem to see the connection!
There were other times of low unemployement. BUt only under Trump, was there a shortage of cheap Third World labor. Strong evidence of a more secure border

Source? Or do you just say whatever you wish was true?

For example here is 2015 article about shortages:
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Here’s more of that pesky truth getting in your way.

Second line in your link: Pace slower than under Bush

You can go ahead and compare it to numbers of illegals joining population under Trump. Double dare you.
His "flock" are normal, healthy Americans, and the way that you people need to pretend otherwise, is you being assholes.
Absolutely....His supporters are my bar customers in the summer, and there's absolutely nothing "cultish" or "sheep-like" about them.
Source? Or do you just say whatever you wish was true?

For example here is 2015 article about shortages:

Impressive find. I heard nothing at the time. Or any other time.

The fact remains, never heard any whining from farmers about shortage of illegals, till Trump. Strong evidence of a more secure border.
The big question is what in the freaking world prompted alleged independents and "moderates" to vote for a guy who had two brain embolisms and seemed to be mentally impaired? How did the mainstream media manage to convince Americans that voting against their own interests was a good idea?
I won't vote for an Uber wealthy person. Does that answer your question? Therefore I sat out the last election. I will do the same again. If trump runs on securing and strengthening social security and Medicare I might hold my nose with cold sweats and vote for him.
Trump had no policies. He had no values. No ideas. No beliefs. His ideas came from other people. He gave generously to Democrat causes for years. Identified as liberal.
Then, he saw an opening with the pliant lemmings on the right wing and he ran as a Republican in 2015...and struck once in a million gold.

Please state for the class, what policies...did Trump talk up and believe in prior to stepping off the golden escalator??
What the heck are you talking about?????

You obviously paid no attention.

He promised to renegotiate bad trade deals, build a Wall, stop letting people from countries which wish to harm us from entering the US, bring manufacturing jobs back, renegotiate the Iran deal, recognize Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel, reduce taxes, destroy Isis.....

I could continue forever, and he arguably did accomplish most of these things.
What the heck are you talking about?????

You obviously paid no attention.

He promised to renegotiate bad trade deals, build a Wall, stop letting people from countries which wish to harm us from entering the US, bring manufacturing jobs back, renegotiate the Iran deal, recognize Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel, reduce taxes, destroy Isis.....

I could continue forever, and he arguably did accomplish most of these things.

Jack knows that. He is just talking shit.
What the heck are you talking about?????

You obviously paid no attention.

He promised to renegotiate bad trade deals, build a Wall, stop letting people from countries which wish to harm us from entering the US, bring manufacturing jobs back, renegotiate the Iran deal, recognize Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel, reduce taxes, destroy Isis.....

I could continue forever, and he arguably did accomplish most of these things.
And all he did was be a fuckup.
There is a lot you haven't heard, so when you say something as fact maybe you should try to look it up first.

The point I made was about the scale of the issue at the time(s). Under TRump, the issue grew to a point where it was part of the national Conventional Wisdom. Which, as was teh point, is evidence of a more secure border. And him at least making a good faith attempt at a campaign promise.

Which, is the most any supporter of any candidate can hope for.

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