Indiana Governor signs bill allowing citizens to kill cops that enter illegally

In re: Intense post number 17.

Yeah, but even if they do screw up, you're better off just letting the steam wear off and dealing with it later.

Then you move out of the state and sue their asses.


Yep, we are conditioned that way. In NYC, big time. Best to not resist at all, and keep your mouth shut when the vibe is bad. However we are not all from places like NYC, nor do we all live in places like this. I've been through plenty of places where the Cop's are Very Respectful, especially NRA States.
In re: Intense post number 17.

Yeah, but even if they do screw up, you're better off just letting the steam wear off and dealing with it later.

Then you move out of the state and sue their asses.


Yep, we are conditioned that way. In NYC, big time. Best to not resist at all, and keep your mouth shut when the vibe is bad. However we are not all from places like NYC, nor do we all live in places like this. I've been through plenty of places where the Cop's are Very Respectful, especially NRA States.

I've known and dealt with many cops. Most are decent people but when they are on the job they are frigging arrogant. I understand that they have to be to maintain control of the situation, but I have this thing against arrogance. It pisses me off which is one big reason I don't like our national leaders. I can't think of a one that is not an arrogant prick.

I've known and dealt with many cops. Most are decent people but when they are on the job they are frigging arrogant. I understand that they have to be to maintain control of the situation, but I have this thing against arrogance. It pisses me off which is one big reason I don't like our national leaders. I can't think of a one that is not an arrogant prick.


I completely agree. The hubris of some of our leaders is disturbing. I mean, I know you have to think highly of yourself to run for high office, but that doesn't mean you need to be arrogant.

We need a humble leader. We need a humble people. Our pride is leading to our fall.
Back in ought of '74 I heard a loud crash and looked up in time to see my front door get busted up real good. In marched the Sheriff, 3 Deputies, a photographer, and a U.S. Postal inspector.

And there I sat- without a gun. If I had a gun, I sure as fuck would not have reached for it.

They visited me with search warrant in hand, albeit obtained under false pretense. I was cuffed and carted off to jail.

I don't mind playing by the rules even if it may temporarily infringe upon my rights.

The truth does not always play out in the courts, but the truth is always yours to hold.

I don't fear authority, I don't fear courts of justice... but I fear the day that I doubt myself and my resolve to speak the truth without fear.
LOL, that could make someone's day if a whole swat team came busting through the wrong front door. :flameth: Do I smell fried bacon? :lol:
Republicans want everyone to have guns, and no one to have health care.

We don't want the government forcing you to buy guns, though, do we?

You want to chip in for my ammo? I could use a couple cases of .308's and a thousand rounds of .50 cal, belted.
How exactly does a bill that allows people to shoot police entering their house keep police safe? Maybe Im missing something here. It just doesnt make any sense.

If cops know there is a possibility that they will pay the ultimate price for breaking into my home, they are less apt to put themselves in the line of fire.
I've known and dealt with many cops. Most are decent people but when they are on the job they are frigging arrogant. I understand that they have to be to maintain control of the situation, but I have this thing against arrogance. It pisses me off which is one big reason I don't like our national leaders. I can't think of a one that is not an arrogant prick.


I completely agree. The hubris of some of our leaders is disturbing. I mean, I know you have to think highly of yourself to run for high office, but that doesn't mean you need to be arrogant.

We need a humble leader. We need a humble people. Our pride is leading to our fall.

I suspect that I need to be a lot more humble myself first, but why should I be when I know the next guy just doesn't give a crap as he's walking all over me?

I've known and dealt with many cops. Most are decent people but when they are on the job they are frigging arrogant. I understand that they have to be to maintain control of the situation, but I have this thing against arrogance. It pisses me off which is one big reason I don't like our national leaders. I can't think of a one that is not an arrogant prick.


I completely agree. The hubris of some of our leaders is disturbing. I mean, I know you have to think highly of yourself to run for high office, but that doesn't mean you need to be arrogant.

We need a humble leader. We need a humble people. Our pride is leading to our fall.

I suspect that I need to be a lot more humble myself first, but why should I be when I know the next guy just doesn't give a crap as he's walking all over me?


Because those who are humble are blessed by God. When we make an effort to build Christ like characteristics, even if others don't, the hand of Divine Providence will be active in our lives and events will work together for our good.

We are humble for ourselves and for God. Not for others. We shouldn't let the bad behavior of others justify our own.

Sometimes we need to be the one who makes the change, because if we don't why should anyone else?
tbh, with the police brutality and all of these dirty cops everywhere, it finally puts some power back into the citizens.

If You See Something, Film Something (Recording The Police is Dangerous, but Necessary!) - YouTube

North Port man arrested for videotaping police - WWSB ABC 7 MySuncoast Florida

Student Charged After Taking Cop Photos

Not to forget countless unwarranted searches.

I'm 60 years old. I've known a good many policemen in my lifetime personally. Just where are all of these "dirty" cops and those that abuse their authority? Maybe I've led a sheltered life but I've never encountered any of them.

I've smoked dope and broken a few other laws with some pretty fucked up cops in my day. Gotten the shit kicked out of me by a few others. These days, I hang with a few decent ones, and generally have respect for them and what they do.
Do I expect a cop to bust through my door at 3 AM tomorrow morning? Hell no, but if one does for no good reason, he's toast.
About this law - In theory, I like it - as the anti-establishment pseudo-anarchist that I am.

In the real world though, this is a recipe for disaster. People will needlessly die.
About this law - In theory, I like it - as the anti-establishment pseudo-anarchist that I am.

In the real world though, this is a recipe for disaster. People will needlessly die.

cops will learn their lesson after the first couple times.

maybe they will think twice before no-knocking at the wrong house or acting like assholes (their normal mode of operation) on other people's property
About this law - In theory, I like it - as the anti-establishment pseudo-anarchist that I am.

In the real world though, this is a recipe for disaster. People will needlessly die.

cops will learn their lesson after the first couple times.

maybe they will think twice before no-knocking at the wrong house or acting like assholes (their normal mode of operation) on other people's property

Or perhaps they will come in ready to shoot at the first person they see that is not face first on the ground?

So now a policeman/woman who is told to forcefully enter a house because a criminal is in there can legally be shot by the criminal? Cant wait for the shootouts to start. A return to the wild wild west.
Of course if that citizen is wrong, they get the death penalty or life in prison.
"Of course if that citizen is wrong, they get the death penalty or life in prison. "

Agreed. Only problem is its too late once the trigger is pulled.
So now a policeman/woman who is told to forcefully enter a house because a criminal is in there can legally be shot by the criminal? Cant wait for the shootouts to start. A return to the wild wild west.

Like an Armed Criminal in Pursuit of, is not going to be firing back without this Law to protect Him, which would not apply anyway. ;) I bet He want's you on His Jury, should He live long enough. :)
So now a policeman/woman who is told to forcefully enter a house because a criminal is in there can legally be shot by the criminal? Cant wait for the shootouts to start. A return to the wild wild west.

Supposedly the law is written to avoid that problem. If you read the text of the law there is a lot about reasonableness. That won't stop someone who has shot a cop that legally entered his home from claiming he was reasonably defending his home or children.


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