Indiana Pizza Fundraiser...not what conservatives think.

Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.
To be completely honest, I find their gleeful pride about it to be very disconcerting and kind of gross.

The cultish behavior of this small group of Americans flocking to some crazy rightwing scheme like this is just more evidence that this portion of the right is in fact a cult.

The right is a cult?

holy smoke, that made my crawl . dang

Yet NYCarbineer says those on the right act like a cult.

Since Obama especially, I've found they have a need to project onto others what they themselves are...They can't live themselves if they didn't. lol
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.

you know what. you people don't have to do business with them you are so outraged.

you see that FREEDOM of choice goes both frkken ways
GoFundMe gets something like an 8% commission off this. That's what? 70 grand right off the top?

There's your other winner, lol.

You turds are trying so desperately to turn this into a win for the queers that it's positively hilarious.
To be completely honest, I find their gleeful pride about it to be very disconcerting and kind of gross.

The cultish behavior of this small group of Americans flocking to some crazy rightwing scheme like this is just more evidence that this portion of the right is in fact a cult.
You constantly polishing Obama's knob is a cult. Even when he lies to you constantly.

Who are you? Like, Benjamin Buttons? You get less mature with every post.
You really don't know who you are. A reporter ask a woman, would you cater a gay wedding. She says no, the thing is they don't offer catering to weddings. The reporter was looking for a gotcha moment. You blow a gasket. Now a reporter asks a muslim baker to bake a cake for his gay wedding . He said he won't and to go down the street. You say nothing to see here. You don't have a clue what you believe in, just what the talking points tell you what to believe.
To be completely honest, I find their gleeful pride about it to be very disconcerting and kind of gross.

The cultish behavior of this small group of Americans flocking to some crazy rightwing scheme like this is just more evidence that this portion of the right is in fact a cult.

The right is a cult?

holy smoke, that made my crawl . dang

Yet NYCarbineer says those on the right act like a cult.

Since Obama especially, I've found they have a need to project onto others what they themselves are...They can't live themselves if they didn't. lol


Speaking of the low IQ, now in English please
GoFundMe gets something like an 8% commission off this. That's what? 70 grand right off the top?

There's your other winner, lol.

You turds are trying so desperately to turn this into a win for the queers that it's positively hilarious.

no kidding, they've run out of using everyone is now everyone is a bigot

the same as all of them
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.

Could you link us to the "public announcement?" The only announcement I heard was that would serve gay or straight in the same manner, they just had a problem with supporting a ceremony to which they disagree. Besides the whole thing being predicated on a lie. Wedding pizza, what a whopper of a lie.
Everyone is now just looking at them as boring childish mean spirited whiners now

this is soooooooooooooooooo over
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.
They don't offer catering, the serve queers in their restaurant. So what's your outrage? They don't agree with you? Well tough shit.
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to being with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

They are still a distinct minority....

A new poll conducted by Rasmussen has the breakdown -

Two-out-of-three Americans still believe the central tenets of Christianity, that Jesus Christ was the son of God who was resurrected on Easter Day.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 78% of American Adults believe the person known to history as Jesus Christ actually walked the earth about 2,000 years ago. Eleven percent (11%) do not believe that’s true, and another 11% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Sixty-seven percent (67%) believe Jesus was the son of God who came to earth to die for our sins. Nineteen percent (19%) don’t share that belief. Fourteen percent (14%) are undecided.

Sixty-six percent (66%) of Americans believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Twenty-one percent (21%) do not. Thirteen percent (13%) are not sure.

Who are the "they" you believe to be in a minority? Gays and their supporters and allies are Christian too you know.

If you really want to see who is in the minority...


(someone bump this to make sure LSG sees it...she claims to have me on ignore, the chickenshit. It's because I don't attack with ad homenims. She seems to prefer those)
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.
They don't offer catering, the serve queers in their restaurant. So what's your outrage? They don't agree with you? Well tough shit.

can you believe gawd...I'm shocked these people are adults...if so they are damn scary
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to being with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

They are still a distinct minority....

A new poll conducted by Rasmussen has the breakdown -

Two-out-of-three Americans still believe the central tenets of Christianity, that Jesus Christ was the son of God who was resurrected on Easter Day.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 78% of American Adults believe the person known to history as Jesus Christ actually walked the earth about 2,000 years ago. Eleven percent (11%) do not believe that’s true, and another 11% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Sixty-seven percent (67%) believe Jesus was the son of God who came to earth to die for our sins. Nineteen percent (19%) don’t share that belief. Fourteen percent (14%) are undecided.

Sixty-six percent (66%) of Americans believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Twenty-one percent (21%) do not. Thirteen percent (13%) are not sure.

Who are the "they" you believe to be in a minority? Gays and their supporters and allies are Christian too you know.

If you really want to see who is in the minority...


(someone bump this to make sure LSG sees it...she claims to have me on ignore, the chickenshit. It's because I don't attack with ad homenims. She seems to prefer those)

go get hitched who the hell cares. Happy divorce like the 52% in this country. what will attack once you get that? phonys
To be completely honest, I find their gleeful pride about it to be very disconcerting and kind of gross.

The cultish behavior of this small group of Americans flocking to some crazy rightwing scheme like this is just more evidence that this portion of the right is in fact a cult.
You constantly polishing Obama's knob is a cult. Even when he lies to you constantly.

Who are you? Like, Benjamin Buttons? You get less mature with every post.
You really don't know who you are. A reporter ask a woman, would you cater a gay wedding. She says no, the thing is they don't offer catering to weddings. The reporter was looking for a gotcha moment. You blow a gasket. Now a reporter asks a muslim baker to bake a cake for his gay wedding . He said he won't and to go down the street. You say nothing to see here. You don't have a clue what you believe in, just what the talking points tell you what to believe.

I blew a gasket?
The cultish behavior of this small group of Americans flocking to some crazy rightwing scheme like this is just more evidence that this portion of the right is in fact a cult.

The right is a cult?

holy smoke, that made my crawl . dang

Yet NYCarbineer says those on the right act like a cult.

Since Obama especially, I've found they have a need to project onto others what they themselves are...They can't live themselves if they didn't. lol


Speaking of the low IQ, now in English please

Don't blame the one sending the message for you low IQ.
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.
They don't offer catering, the serve queers in their restaurant. So what's your outrage? They don't agree with you? Well tough shit.

Your language alone is a good case we need laws to get you people under control.
The Op is so stupid that he more thanlikely still believes in man made global warming and I will bet he has bought carbon credits from al gore's company that sells them.

Can someone please post al gore's networth increase since he went into that racket?

The op is so stupid that he probably fully believed and believes to this second that Michael Brown was a poor innocent gentle giant even though we all know that was another deliberate lie by the left wing media to perpetuate the narrative in order to control the minds of their stupid moronic constituency.

Their own people even flat out stated how stupid they are. Reference Gruber.

I am on my way to piss on a liberals grave. It good the other night when I did it. It feels so good.

Please someone post how much money gore has the left wing idiots.

Lol at the op.
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to being with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

They are still a distinct minority....

A new poll conducted by Rasmussen has the breakdown -

Two-out-of-three Americans still believe the central tenets of Christianity, that Jesus Christ was the son of God who was resurrected on Easter Day.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 78% of American Adults believe the person known to history as Jesus Christ actually walked the earth about 2,000 years ago. Eleven percent (11%) do not believe that’s true, and another 11% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Sixty-seven percent (67%) believe Jesus was the son of God who came to earth to die for our sins. Nineteen percent (19%) don’t share that belief. Fourteen percent (14%) are undecided.

Sixty-six percent (66%) of Americans believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Twenty-one percent (21%) do not. Thirteen percent (13%) are not sure.

Who are the "they" you believe to be in a minority? Gays and their supporters and allies are Christian too you know.

If you really want to see who is in the minority...


(someone bump this to make sure LSG sees it...she claims to have me on ignore, the chickenshit. It's because I don't attack with ad homenims. She seems to prefer those)

And ironically the white fundies are the ones who bitch the most about their own rights being stepped on.
To be completely honest, I find their gleeful pride about it to be very disconcerting and kind of gross.

The cultish behavior of this small group of Americans flocking to some crazy rightwing scheme like this is just more evidence that this portion of the right is in fact a cult.
You constantly polishing Obama's knob is a cult. Even when he lies to you constantly.

Who are you? Like, Benjamin Buttons? You get less mature with every post.
You really don't know who you are. A reporter ask a woman, would you cater a gay wedding. She says no, the thing is they don't offer catering to weddings. The reporter was looking for a gotcha moment. You blow a gasket. Now a reporter asks a muslim baker to bake a cake for his gay wedding . He said he won't and to go down the street. You say nothing to see here. You don't have a clue what you believe in, just what the talking points tell you what to believe.

I blew a gasket?
You calling people that don't agree with the queer lifestyle, without knowing them haters. You come on here daily outraged about what the talking points tell you to be outraged. You believe everything Obama tells you even though he cannot tell the truth. Your right you don't have a gasket to blow. You're just a dumbass.

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