Indiana Pizza Fundraiser...not what conservatives think.

Libs and homos are just upset they didn't get $840,000.

Gays got their rights codified into Indiana law out of this. You lost big time. One guy hitting the lottery doesn't make you any less of a loser.

Yes, that was truly a setback for all mankind.

No it was a permanent setback for all the dinosaurs like you left in the world.
Yeah, like the bankrupting of Chi fil a, and the arrest and imprisonment of Phil Robertson.
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.
They did not demand to be interviewed, hence they did not demand to be "involved".
So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.
They don't offer catering, the serve queers in their restaurant. So what's your outrage? They don't agree with you? Well tough shit.

They don't offer cater at all or just to "queers"?

Well if it was you who came in. I wouldn't either. so go to the store buy you damn pizza

Trust me won't find me in your lunch line. And don't you mean "your damn pizza"?

What if the store won't sell to the "queers" either Steph?
The pizza parlor owners welcomed queers in their establishment, as did the baker. They don't believe queers should be married, so the queers get their panties in a wad over an opinion.

They want to treat the "queers" differently than they treat the straights.

Hey, the restaurants let the blacks eat at their establishment...they just didn't think they were fully human and should be at the table with the Civil Rights Act was passed.
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.

Could you link us to the "public announcement?" The only announcement I heard was that would serve gay or straight in the same manner, they just had a problem with supporting a ceremony to which they disagree. Besides the whole thing being predicated on a lie. Wedding pizza, what a whopper of a lie.
To be completely honest, I find their gleeful pride about it to be very disconcerting and kind of gross.

The cultish behavior of this small group of Americans flocking to some crazy rightwing scheme like this is just more evidence that this portion of the right is in fact a cult.
You constantly polishing Obama's knob is a cult. Even when he lies to you constantly.

Who are you? Like, Benjamin Buttons? You get less mature with every post.
You really don't know who you are. A reporter ask a woman, would you cater a gay wedding. She says no, the thing is they don't offer catering to weddings. The reporter was looking for a gotcha moment. You blow a gasket. Now a reporter asks a muslim baker to bake a cake for his gay wedding . He said he won't and to go down the street. You say nothing to see here. You don't have a clue what you believe in, just what the talking points tell you what to believe.

I blew a gasket?
It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.
They don't offer catering, the serve queers in their restaurant. So what's your outrage? They don't agree with you? Well tough shit.

They don't offer cater at all or just to "queers"?
They don't offer catering to anyone, and anyone can eat at their establishment, they don't discriminate against queers, they just believe marriage should be between a man and a woman. For that OPINION queers are threatening to kill them. That's true hatred.

No, that's not the very public statement they made (inviting the negative attention).

Memories Pizza refuses to cater gay weddings or celebrations. Crystal's father Kevin O'Connor defended his position: "I choose to be heterosexual. They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?"
If they had made a public statement saying "we don't cater weddings", that would be a different situation and story. Nobody would have cared and they wouldn't be grifting off the haters. Nope, instead they told a reporter that they would not cater a gay wedding. Not that they would not cater weddings, but gay weddings.

So in you little world you get to choose what people have to believe in order to be believed. Doesn't that make you the same as those you so like to vilify?
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.
They don't offer catering, the serve queers in their restaurant. So what's your outrage? They don't agree with you? Well tough shit.

Your language alone is a good case we need laws to get you people under control.
There you go, fuck the Bill of Rights, or imprison those who disagree with you.

I am wondering, how many divisions can the gays field if it comes to street war?
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.
They don't offer catering, the serve queers in their restaurant. So what's your outrage? They don't agree with you? Well tough shit.

Your language alone is a good case we need laws to get you people under control.
There you go, fuck the Bill of Rights, or imprison those who disagree with you.

I am wondering, how many divisions can the gays field if it comes to street war?

I am thinking they could field a few pirates.
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.
They did not demand to be interviewed, hence they did not demand to be "involved".

They could have said "no comment"...not "no queer weddings for our pizza!". They wanted the attention. Attention whores getting paid perhaps?
They don't offer catering, the serve queers in their restaurant. So what's your outrage? They don't agree with you? Well tough shit.

They don't offer cater at all or just to "queers"?

Well if it was you who came in. I wouldn't either. so go to the store buy you damn pizza

Trust me won't find me in your lunch line. And don't you mean "your damn pizza"?

What if the store won't sell to the "queers" either Steph?
The pizza parlor owners welcomed queers in their establishment, as did the baker. They don't believe queers should be married, so the queers get their panties in a wad over an opinion.

They want to treat the "queers" differently than they treat the straights.

Hey, the restaurants let the blacks eat at their establishment...they just didn't think they were fully human and should be at the table with the Civil Rights Act was passed.

oh oh oh, cry us all a river sea. waaa waaa waa. they want to treat us different. but it's ok for us (your words: queers) to shit all over them

knock it off. you just like a whiner nowzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I can't stomach anymore...have at it
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.

Could you link us to the "public announcement?" The only announcement I heard was that would serve gay or straight in the same manner, they just had a problem with supporting a ceremony to which they disagree. Besides the whole thing being predicated on a lie. Wedding pizza, what a whopper of a lie.
The cultish behavior of this small group of Americans flocking to some crazy rightwing scheme like this is just more evidence that this portion of the right is in fact a cult.
You constantly polishing Obama's knob is a cult. Even when he lies to you constantly.

Who are you? Like, Benjamin Buttons? You get less mature with every post.
You really don't know who you are. A reporter ask a woman, would you cater a gay wedding. She says no, the thing is they don't offer catering to weddings. The reporter was looking for a gotcha moment. You blow a gasket. Now a reporter asks a muslim baker to bake a cake for his gay wedding . He said he won't and to go down the street. You say nothing to see here. You don't have a clue what you believe in, just what the talking points tell you what to believe.

I blew a gasket?
So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.
They don't offer catering, the serve queers in their restaurant. So what's your outrage? They don't agree with you? Well tough shit.

They don't offer cater at all or just to "queers"?
They don't offer catering to anyone, and anyone can eat at their establishment, they don't discriminate against queers, they just believe marriage should be between a man and a woman. For that OPINION queers are threatening to kill them. That's true hatred.

No, that's not the very public statement they made (inviting the negative attention).

Memories Pizza refuses to cater gay weddings or celebrations. Crystal's father Kevin O'Connor defended his position: "I choose to be heterosexual. They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?"
If they had made a public statement saying "we don't cater weddings", that would be a different situation and story. Nobody would have cared and they wouldn't be grifting off the haters. Nope, instead they told a reporter that they would not cater a gay wedding. Not that they would not cater weddings, but gay weddings.

So in you little world you get to choose what people have to believe in order to be believed. Doesn't that make you the same as those you so like to vilify?

I'm sorry, how does that relate to the post you responded to?
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.
They don't offer catering, the serve queers in their restaurant. So what's your outrage? They don't agree with you? Well tough shit.

Your language alone is a good case we need laws to get you people under control.
There you go, fuck the Bill of Rights, or imprison those who disagree with you.

I am wondering, how many divisions can the gays field if it comes to street war?
Tolerance is jail time now I guess. You disagree with our sick sexual deviancy and off to prison you go.

I don't know how many divisions theey could put together but the pink outfits and jewelry and glitter isn't much good for camo. But I'm guessing they would all want to fight from a starbucks anyway.
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.
They did not demand to be interviewed, hence they did not demand to be "involved".

They could have said "no comment"...not "no queer weddings for our pizza!". They wanted the attention. Attention whores getting paid perhaps?

Have you ever ordered a cake or a pizza? there is no questionnaire to be filled out, except saying I want 10 pizzas with anchovies. No questions about if it is for a gay marriage or a marriage between two people who were married before. Maybe these people don't equate divorce with homosexuality, but apparently you do.
It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.
They don't offer catering, the serve queers in their restaurant. So what's your outrage? They don't agree with you? Well tough shit.

They don't offer cater at all or just to "queers"?
They don't offer catering to anyone, and anyone can eat at their establishment, they don't discriminate against queers, they just believe marriage should be between a man and a woman. For that OPINION queers are threatening to kill them. That's true hatred.

No, that's not the very public statement they made (inviting the negative attention).

Memories Pizza refuses to cater gay weddings or celebrations. Crystal's father Kevin O'Connor defended his position: "I choose to be heterosexual. They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?"
If they had made a public statement saying "we don't cater weddings", that would be a different situation and story. Nobody would have cared and they wouldn't be grifting off the haters. Nope, instead they told a reporter that they would not cater a gay wedding. Not that they would not cater weddings, but gay weddings.
Why did the reporter ask the question? Knowing they don't cater weddings? Why don't you mention the muslim baker that refused catering to a queer wedding, and told him to go down the street? You and your kind are hypocrites.
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.
They don't offer catering, the serve queers in their restaurant. So what's your outrage? They don't agree with you? Well tough shit.

Your language alone is a good case we need laws to get you people under control.
There you go, fuck the Bill of Rights, or imprison those who disagree with you.

I am wondering, how many divisions can the gays field if it comes to street war?

Where's the right to violate the civil rights of others in the Bill of Rights?
Not sure I see what the point of the Op is other then to start a thread as a sounding board for liberal hate.

The money was donated by folks, doesn't really matter who started the process.

What is hilarious is the liberal reaction to the video of Mulims refusing to make a "gay" cake. They defend those bakeries with excuses such as the man lied, he didn't, that he wasn't really gay, didn't see him say he was gay, or that the Mulims were fooled. YET they get their panties in a wad over a reporter doing the exact same thing they accuse the video maker of. Was the reporter gay? Don't know but doubtful. Was service denied, no. Was the reporter up front and honest, absolutely not. One big lie after the other. Good for Beck to raise so much money for a middle class family business that may have been ruined by liberal lies.

It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.
They did not demand to be interviewed, hence they did not demand to be "involved".

They could have said "no comment"...not "no queer weddings for our pizza!". They wanted the attention. Attention whores getting paid perhaps?
What YOU could have done is simply decided not to go there to buy a pizza and STFU. But you chose not to take that common sense step and throw all your hatred at them instead.
They don't offer cater at all or just to "queers"?

Well if it was you who came in. I wouldn't either. so go to the store buy you damn pizza

Trust me won't find me in your lunch line. And don't you mean "your damn pizza"?

What if the store won't sell to the "queers" either Steph?
The pizza parlor owners welcomed queers in their establishment, as did the baker. They don't believe queers should be married, so the queers get their panties in a wad over an opinion.

They want to treat the "queers" differently than they treat the straights.

Hey, the restaurants let the blacks eat at their establishment...they just didn't think they were fully human and should be at the table with the Civil Rights Act was passed.

oh oh oh, cry us all a river sea. waaa waaa waa. they want to treat us different. but it's ok for us (your words: queers) to shit all over them

knock it off. you just like a whiner nowzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I can't stomach anymore...have at it

This is an interesting tactic you deploy when you don't want to answer a question. I understand your reluctance to answer it. Makes you a little uncomfortable doesn't it? Just like when you wouldn't answer the question about the Kansas Governor taking away employment protections from gay STATE employees.

I guess it works for you.
It's so they can spread more hate on people who show some "charity" for these poor folks that DIDN'T ask to be involved in the BS to began with....

We've seen a lot of small and petty people come out over this. and it's not conservatives

So the bigot owners of Memories Pizza make a public announcement that they will not do business with gays in the same way they would do business with straights and you call that not asking to be involved? They demanded to be "involved"...and now they are going to take your money and run.
They don't offer catering, the serve queers in their restaurant. So what's your outrage? They don't agree with you? Well tough shit.

Your language alone is a good case we need laws to get you people under control.
There you go, fuck the Bill of Rights, or imprison those who disagree with you.

I am wondering, how many divisions can the gays field if it comes to street war?

Where's the right to violate the civil rights of others in the Bill of Rights?
Indeed! What about the religious's rights?
These people are not only hateful evidently they are stupid also....

Anti-bigotry critics harass wrong pizzeria
Wisconsin eatery shares name with infamous Indiana pizza shop

Two years ago in a less turbulent time, Mike Premeau and Kathy Danke launched a small business, Memories Gourmet Pizza Co., in their Wisconsin town.

The two were successful in getting their line of frozen pizzas, including breakfast pizzas and gluten-free options, in stores across Nichols, west of Green Bay. They grew a base of loyal customers.

But all that was threatened this week when people began mistaking them for Memories Pizza of Walkerton, Indiana, which made national headlines after its owners said they would refuse to cater a same-sex wedding.

People posted angry comments on Memories Gourmet Pizza's Facebook page and called its phone number to protest. And almost overnight, Premeau and Danke found themselves thrust unwillingly into a national debate over Indiana's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

"My stomach was in my throat all afternoon," Danke told CNN affiliates WBND and WFRV.

Anti-bigotry critics harass wrong pizzeria Lifestyle - Home
Well if it was you who came in. I wouldn't either. so go to the store buy you damn pizza

Trust me won't find me in your lunch line. And don't you mean "your damn pizza"?

What if the store won't sell to the "queers" either Steph?
The pizza parlor owners welcomed queers in their establishment, as did the baker. They don't believe queers should be married, so the queers get their panties in a wad over an opinion.

They want to treat the "queers" differently than they treat the straights.

Hey, the restaurants let the blacks eat at their establishment...they just didn't think they were fully human and should be at the table with the Civil Rights Act was passed.

oh oh oh, cry us all a river sea. waaa waaa waa. they want to treat us different. but it's ok for us (your words: queers) to shit all over them

knock it off. you just like a whiner nowzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I can't stomach anymore...have at it

This is an interesting tactic you deploy when you don't want to answer a question. I understand your reluctance to answer it. Makes you a little uncomfortable doesn't it? Just like when you wouldn't answer the question about the Kansas Governor taking away employment protections from gay STATE employees.

I guess it works for you.
I would have to read it, the way liberals lie and queers act like 2 years olds. I don't believe it.

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