Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

If he does, many will die in America.

I do not want to see genocide of Democrats. I wish they would stop with the bullshit.
Oops, another confused cultist.

You fat morons will mostly stay home. Those who don't will have their fat assess mopped up with squeegees and buckets, as what you think are "liberals" are normal Americans, and we have the law and law enforcement on our side.
It's not so hard to understand you Bingo. The very Miranda rights that the police recite to you when they slap the cuffs on go, "anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law". Your freedom to say whatever you want imparts on you the responsibility to make sure that your words aren't used in the furtherance or the incitement of a crime. There is no freedom without responsibility.
Well then it can join American justice. There is none of that going on.
If he does, many will die in America.

I do not want to see genocide of Democrats. I wish they would stop with the bullshit.
The best thing for everyone would be if trump would simply shut up and get out of politics. It's not possible for put country first. And threats of violence do not go unnoticed on here. Hate to be you. You're one sicko to be thinking like that.
And it was nothing but a total fabrication.
Too much has come to light since those assholes held those hearings that blows their claims out of the water.
They presented doctored evidence and 3rd person hearsay testimony.
Going back to the Trump minion's original statement, "Trump is not guilty because his attorney's said it was legal".
Just because an attorney says it is legal or not does not make it so.
Many more attorneys think Trump is guilty than think he is not but the ultimate determination of guilt will be determined in a court room.
Too many MAGA minions think Trump and the MAGA minions will determine if he is guilty.
That is against our Constitution.
Ask anyone. He acts like a retarded cartoon character. And he does so because that's how he connects with his low IQ cult.
Probably very entertaining to them. Think about that, they'd rather be entertained by a total fraud for their president. Not caring enough to investigate how honest and sincere he is to serve our nation.
No you don't, and we outnumber fucktards like you, and are armed, and know how to shoot.
No fatass, you don't. And most of your fat, low IQ cult will stay glued to their couches, as they always do.

And any of you fat morons who put on your little princess soldier cosplay gear will be quickly turned to paste by law enforcement, while we elite and successful liberals drink margaritas on the beach and laugh.
No you don't, and we outnumber fucktards like you, and are armed, and know how to shoot.

You better fuckin' wake up before it's too late. Keep pushing and there's no way I could stop what will happen to you.
Just reported you for threatening behavior. Deal with it, idiot ! Don't shoot yourself in the foot, aim for your eye ; don't worry you won't hurt your peewee brain. It's not in the usual place, it's on your ass.
If you believe this, you might be in a cult!

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"If you believe this, you might be in a cult!" Who is Will Hurd? A leftist righteous judge? He just projected the Biden Crime Family's world on President Trump who doesn't lie and who doesn't pay to play.

AS far as I'm concerned, Joe Biden spent his 40-something years as Senator of Delaware and VPOTUS milking the countries about to receive Foreign Aid Packages of around 30% of their package with the threat that if they didn't give him millions in less than 6 hours, he'd use his committee membership/Vice Presidency to make sure their country got nothing instead of millions. All toll, the Biden family's pay-to-play garnered $50 million using the Foreign Aid Pkg. to launder the money being sent to a dozen family members cash who had to give the majority of the windfall to the Big Guy. By the time his viral video showed him bragging about the Ukrainian Foreign Aid Package rout, he had his modus operandi down to a science that very effectively got him rich quick, because part of the deal was it had to be Cash up front in the very short time he was paid in.

Furthermore, every cent he extorted belonged to the American taxpayer, and I'll give the bum 6 hours to put his $50 million jolly dollars into the US Treasury that was stolen from the American people's government. The Constitution disallows federal employees from taking anything from foreign countries. That includes extortioning third world countries getting foreign aid from the hard-earned payments to the IRS made by the American people by money removed from their paychecks every month that goes directly to the Treasury of the United States by way of the IRS. All of them who took this horrific money amount should pay back what they illegally got, or face several years in jail per million they got. Joe Biden owes the most, and he owes his son an apology for using him as his pickpocket, for which he took about 30% of his son's "share" of the ill-gotten gains. :cranky:
"If you believe this, you might be in a cult!" Who is Will Hurd? A leftist righteous judge? He just projected the Biden Crime Family's world on President Trump who doesn't lie and who doesn't pay to play.

AS far as I'm concerned, Joe Biden spent his 40-something years as Senator of Delaware and VPOTUS milking the countries about to receive Foreign Aid Packages of around 30% of their package with the threat that if they didn't give him millions in less than 6 hours, he'd use his committee membership/Vice Presidency to make sure their country got nothing instead of millions. All toll, the Biden family's pay-to-play garnered $50 million using the Foreign Aid Pkg. to launder the money being sent to a dozen family members cash who had to give the majority of the windfall to the Big Guy. By the time his viral video showed him bragging about the Ukrainian Foreign Aid Package rout, he had his modus operandi down to a science that very effectively got him rich quick, because part of the deal was it had to be Cash up front in the very short time he was paid in.

Furthermore, every cent he extorted belonged to the American taxpayer, and I'll give the bum 6 hours to put his $50 million jolly dollars into the US Treasury that was stolen from the American people's government. The Constitution disallows federal employees from taking anything from foreign countries. That includes extortioning third world countries getting foreign aid from the hard-earned payments to the IRS made by the American people by money removed from their paychecks every month that goes directly to the Treasury of the United States by way of the IRS. All of them who took this horrific money amount should pay back what they illegally got, or face several years in jail per million they got. Joe Biden owes the most, and he owes his son an apology for using him as his pickpocket, for which he took about 30% of his son's "share" of the ill-gotten gains. :cranky:


You whore for a criminal because you’re in an alternative reality precious snowflake cult

Not anymore it isn't. Stop kidding yourself and stop thinking this is justice. It clearly isn't.
Who's kidding who? You delusional Bingos are going to watch a whole ass trial take place right before your eyes and you're still not going to believe it even as Trump is frog marched to prison. The will for ignorance is strong in you. 😄

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