Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

Jeffery Clark’s actions were particularly treasonous and reprehensible.

When deputy White House counsel Patrick Philbin told Trump and Clark that if Trump tried to lawlessly remain in office after January 20th, the American people would rise up against Trump – to which Clark replied that Trump would invoke the Insurrection Act as ‘justification’ to use the military to take control of the government, ending America’s democracy forever.

Trump and his henchmen were not only plotting to overturn a fair, honest, lawful, accurate, and Constitutional election, they were plotting to destroy America’s democratic institutions to be replaced with a dictatorship with Trump as autocrat and despot.
Your conspiracy theories are a total hoot.
No wonder you're so.messed up.
It really pisses you deep staters off that the truth comes out about the Biden Crime Family et al.
Your little trolling critique proves it. You don't want to hear the truth, so you marginalize the person who tells it. Sean Hannity was trained as a Christian Jesuit. He tell no lies, honeybunch. I'm proud he tells the truth and to watch it when he's on.

It really pisses you deep staters off that the truth comes out about the Biden Crime Family et al.
Your little trolling critique proves it. You don't want to hear the truth, so you marginalize the person who tells it. Sean Hannity was trained as a Christian Jesuit. He tell no lies, honeybunch.

If you believe this, you might be in a cult!

Who gives a shit? If your attorney advises you to do something illegal and you do it then that's on you. By the way all those attorneys are his co-conspirators so unless they start cooperating with Jack Smith they will also be federally fucked. 😄
You understand what you are saying? You are a jerk who simply does not think.
Said exactly how Donald Trump would want you to define an anti-Trump person.
You are a very good and loyal cult minion. You are stepford wife like. Like a very obediant animal. Trump loves your kind.
You do not think the government is corrupt? You have no place in this conversation you are just to fucking dumb.
You understand what you are saying? You are a jerk who simply does not think.
It's not so hard to understand you Bingo. The very Miranda rights that the police recite to you when they slap the cuffs on go, "anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law". Your freedom to say whatever you want imparts on you the responsibility to make sure that your words aren't used in the furtherance or the incitement of a crime. There is no freedom without responsibility.
If he consulted an attorney it must be alright. If any attorney says it is OPK, then it is legal.
Listen, Trump minion, the investigating committee is made up of many high quality attorneys. In their opinion it was illegal.
How do you square that, if an attorney says it is so, it must be so.
Many high quality ass kissers and dick suckers. Next.
Yeah.....Trump had no right to say he was robbed. Hillary said she was robbed by Trump, so Trump had no right to it.
Trump had no right to explore legal ways to get a recount.
Questioning the election is something only Democrats can get away with.
Democrats can do anything they want....and if a Republican tries the shit Democrats pulled, that Republican should be arrested and executed. :iagree:
Read the indictment.

Stop being a willfully ignorant blind partisan hack.

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