Indictment Handed Down in J6 Investigation

How soft you all are? I feel like the whole nation is going to find that out when you Soys lay down without a fight. 😄
Feel in 1 hand, and poop in the other and see which one fills up first, you stupid faggot.

They're not getting this without a fight, that would dishonor our ancestors. Fuck that! And fuck you, too! :fu:
Not really. You cultists always make this mistake. Let's review, for the slow kids:

You: squealing cultist

Me: not in a cult

He has already been arrested twice ya fkn moron. Damn, son... try to keep your meth fantasies straight.
It's always the next time with internet tough guys like DukeU. We better not arrest him for a third time. (Though we will tomorrow). Big Dukey here might cry. 😄
How soft you all are? I feel like the whole nation is going to find that out when you Soys lay down without a fight. 😄
It is not the people it is the politicians that are supposed to represent us caving and running. Soft? People arrested fior J6 is solitary for a year are soft? People willing to speak out against corruption and lose their jobs are soft? GFY.

You come across like an entitled whiny asshole. There was a time when people like you were not produced in this country.
Feel in 1 hand, and poop in the other and see which one fills up first, you stupid faggot.

They're not getting this without a fight, that would dishonor our ancestors. Fuck that!
You sound like you're speaking from experience. I think I'll just take your word for it. :funnyface: I'll leave all the experiments that require shitting on to your own hand all to you.
It is not the people it is the politicians that are supposed to represent us caving and running. Soft? People arrested fior J6 is solitary for a year are soft? People willing to speak out against corruption and lose their jobs are soft? GFY.
Yes. Soft and stupid. What's the strategy in getting yourself locked up for nothing? They didn't even delay the vote for a day. 😄 That's awful strategy and use of resources.
You sound like you're speaking from experience. I think I'll just take your word for it. :funnyface: I'll leave all the experiments that require shitting on to your own hand all to you.
How many pushups can you do, soy boy queer? How fast do you run 50 yards?
It is not the people it is the politicians that are supposed to represent us caving and running. Soft? People arrested fior J6 is solitary for a year are soft? People willing to speak out against corruption and lose their jobs are soft? GFY.

You come across like an entitled whiny asshole. There was a time when people like you were not produced in this country.
There's about to be that X 1000s

They thought trying to get an investigation into the 2020 election was bad, let them see how pissed off so many people are.

They keep asking for it.
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How many pushups can you do, soy boy queer? How fast do you run 50 yards?
Why? You planning to challenge me to a push up competition to the death? 😄 What next cosplayer? You're going to prove you're more of a man than me by eating raw eggs and crushing beer cans on your forehead? What kind of grade school, primate pageantry is this and what does it have to do with whether or not you clowns have the tools and capabilities to carry out your goals?
Operation "Change the Subject" goes into high gear!
Why? You planning to challenge me to a push up competition to the death? 😄 What next cosplayer? You're going to prove you're more of a man than me by eating raw eggs and crushing beer cans on your forehead? What kind of grade school, primate pageantry is this and what does it have to do with whether or not you clowns have the tools and capabilities to carry out your goals?
STFU you stupid faggot. You like dick up your ass, that's all that needs to be known about you.

A lot of people have the tools and capabilities to end your sorry existence. It's tolerance that keeps them from doing so.

You're kinda stepping out of that "Live and let live" boundary, and it probably will not go well for you.
J6 is now nothing? C'mon drama queen you can do better.
Who said it was nothing? It was one of the most hilarious attempts at over turning democracy that I've ever seen. It was like watching entitled soccer moms try to over turn an election and then get surprised when one of their dumb ass friends gets shot. Yes bitch! What did you think was going to happen? 😄
Trump and his treasonous co-conspirators sought to overturn the election and keep Trump in power by destroying America’s democracy.

It’s clearly and factually documented in the indictment.
You Dem / Marxist conspiracy theory loons are a laughable joke.

You're like little, programmed bots who repeat the conspiracy theories they hear on the Joy Reid Clown Show.
STFU you stupid faggot. You like dick up your ass, that's all that needs to be known about you.

A lot of people have the tools and capabilities to end your sorry existence. It's tolerance that keeps them from doing so.

Why is it fake though guys always sound like they're writing dialog for their gay novellas every time they open their mouths to insult someone? They always go straight to dicks and assess. Are you trying to sound like Terry Crews in Friday 2?
Who said it was nothing? It was one of the most hilarious attempts at over turning democracy that I've ever seen. It was like watching entitled soccer moms try to over turn an election and then get surprised when one of their dumb ass friends gets shot. Yes bitch! What did you think was going to happen? 😄
Nobody was armed that day, on purpose.
Who said it was nothing? It was one of the most hilarious attempts at over turning democracy that I've ever seen. It was like watching entitled soccer moms try to over turn an election and then get surprised when one of their dumb ass friends gets shot. Yes bitch! What did you think was going to happen? 😄
You did.

What's the strategy in getting yourself locked up for nothing?

That is what you said. People were locked up. For nothing is about right.
You did.

What's the strategy in getting yourself locked up for nothing?

That is what you said. People were locked up. For nothing is about right.
For trying to make sure the 2020 election was legit. It wasn't for nothing. :nono:
Hmm? One day(!) after the Archer testimony.

Jack Smith, getting ready to make his personal appearance, and attempt to make us believe this isn't completely political

But yeah, again, an indictment immediately following bad news for Biden a day earlier.

Ever so true, excalibur.

The Georgia forewoman blabbered out secrets she pledged she wouldn't tell, and the whole thing should be thrown out due to her "get Trump" attitude. She made fun of how thrilled she would be to swear Trump in. She blew it. The DOJ is showing its fascination with baiting, hating, and destroying President Trump who is innocent until proven guilty. Her sharing too much information should get their nutcase fake hearing thrown out of court. The others indictments are based on screwing up the next election. They did it with boxes of mail-in votes written in the same person's handwriting to precincts in GA that were not in any kind of sync with the votes counted at the polls. That in and of itself is telling about a corrupt vote. Trump only wanted votes that he was given by the voter, and he was denied any semblance of justice the hidden cameras showed that a lot of hanky panky with public votes was going on in the favor of Basement Joe who had constant poor turn outs for his 'rallies' while Trump's rallies were cheerful for the thousands who showed up in support of his 2020 run that went with the tonnage of boxes containing gazillions of votes for the loser Biden has proved himself to be with his destruction of drilling, the oil and gas industry and its high-paying jobs, causing delivery cost on all fronts to double the prices on food and everything else. With all that loss, inflation went through the roof, and people are still paying double or even triple for a lot lower food prices we had before Joe Biden took his hatchet to destroy the American economy that opened borders to fentanyl poisons that are killing 100,000+ per annum for the past 3 years of Biden's war on the American people who happen to be Republicans. He projects the name-calling of people who voted for Trump as "fascists." Basement Joe is officially now Dividin' Biden because he has split this nation down the middle and wants to destroy Republicans every which way he can.

He's lost about 30% of the goodwill of people in his own party, and more and more of the Democrats are putting their money on conservatism. We're here for them, too.

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