Infection fatality rate of COVID-19 : 0,05 %: WHO


Nov 14, 2012
If you contracted Corona, 0,05 % is your likelihood, 0,23 % if you are over 70.

"I included 61 studies (74 estimates) and eight preliminary national
estimates. Seroprevalence estimates ranged from 0.02% to 53.40%. Infection fatality rates
ranged from 0.00% to 1.63%, corrected values from 0.00% to 1.54%. Across 51 locations,
the median COVID-19 infection fatality rate was 0.27% (corrected 0.23%): the rate was
0.09% in locations with COVID-19 population mortality rates less than the global average
(< 118 deaths/million), 0.20% in locations with 118–500 COVID-19 deaths/million people
and 0.57% in locations with > 500 COVID-19 deaths/million people. In people < 70 years,
infection fatality rates ranged from 0.00% to 0.31% with crude and corrected medians of

Don´t get it wrong, it still can be dangerous if it has good pre-conditions. But if you are an average person, you can even inhale it for fun.

COVID-19. Conservative figure is 400,000 by next spring.
Take all your masks off and have a massive rave party and it's 4,000,000
Trump has REDUCED THE COVID MORTALITY RATE 90% since last April. Incredibly, I don't think that has been mentioned in any of these debates or town halls so far.

Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
National Center for Health Statistics
Did he tell the first wave to go away miraculously?

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