Inflation drives voters to the polls in November

At this point of his demonic selfish Presidency, Biden would
easily have flunked 6th grade civics,7th grade mathematics and
8th grade animal husbandry due to no livestock or farm animals
would get near enough the guy.For good reason.Judging by the
looks on said animals faces ... Lebenslauf ?
Perhaps he would have flunked everything. But he is still the POTUS, and the Federal Reserve, not the President, is the one intervening in the economy in a heavy handed way to try to wreck it in the name of fighting inflation.
Dint I see a segment on how during as drought use of Ethanol
gasoline was beneficial to outside plants.How much I'm not sure.
But a little helps outdoor plants survive a drought where plain
water falls short.
Not sure about that, but gasoline on any plant life doesn't seem healthy at all to me. No expert or even an amateur on something like that.
Perhaps he would have flunked everything. But he is still the POTUS, and the Federal Reserve, not the President, is the one intervening in the economy in a heavy handed way to try to wreck it in the name of fighting inflation.
Say what ? So you attempt to shield Biden while blaming Trump for everything ? Sad little fella you are.
My view is that the dems want inflation to become the "new normal" just like higher crime, fuel prices, and the host of other ills that have befell us in less than two years.
this is an incomplete comment because you left out the part about how.. they only want this for POTs, as I call them

persons other than themselves

It's communism all over again: a system where the elites own and control everything, the little people have everything confiscated from them.. guns, property, everything.. and if any dimrat out there thinks Surely my party will share some of the spoils with me..(?) all I can say is

ha ha... that's hilarious

this is an incomplete comment because you left out the part about how.. they only want this for POTs, as I call them

persons other than themselves

It's communism all over again: a system where the elites own and control everything, the little people have everything confiscated from them.. guns, property, everything.. and if any dimrat out there thinks Surely my party will share some of the spoils with me..(?) all I can say is

ha ha... that's hilarious

Well I did say "a host of other ills". ;)
Yes that will be a factor but an even bigger factor will be the women of America now organizing to vote out the Republicans who made them second-class citizens in 14 or so states.
only an issue in blue states where murder of children is accepted
Inflation will certainly be #1 on many voters' list; however, treason will also factor into which wing of the Corporate Party controls DC:

Here’s What Americans with Security Clearances Are Saying About Trump’s Stash of Top Secret Documents at His Resort Hotel, Mar-a-Lago

"The FBI’s raid of Mar-a-Lago on August 8 followed months of stonewalling by Trump to return government records he had illegally retained after leaving the White House..."

"There had already been an outpouring of disgust on Twitter over Trump’s illegal taking of classified documents to an oceanfront resort that functions as an event venue for thousands of people each year..."

"Four Star US Army General Ret. Barry McCaffrey Tweeted the following overtop the photo:

"'(I first received a security clearance at age 17. Over the decades I’ve been cleared for the most sensitive compartmented secret material. Trump created a massive threat to US security.)'

"Congressman Ted Lieu of California Tweeted:

"'I had a security clearance prior to being in Congress. And as a Member of Congress, I have a top secret security clearance. Let me be clear: if I went through classified documents and kept 300 of them in my home, I would be arrested immediately and indicted.'

"Tom Nichols, a staff writer at the Atlantic posted this on Twitter:

"'I had a security clearance for most of the past 30 years. I know I’d have been frog-marched out and held for doing a fraction of what Trump did.'"
only to idiots that don't understand how childish, insecure, and stupid the leftwing party has become
only for whores that aren't smart enough to use contraception
You are funny.

But also kinda stupid and clueless.

This issue is about ALL women and their legal status as independent, autonomous human beings with the SAME human rights and control over their own bodies as say.....any white male.
As opposed to chattel.

And THIS issue is shaping up to be a MAJOR driver of this November's election.
Not just with "whores"......but with suburban soccer moms, and pretty much ALL women.

And not just women either.
You are funny.

But also kinda stupid and clueless.

This issue is about ALL women and their legal status as independent, autonomous human beings with the SAME human rights and control over their own bodies as say.....any white male.
As opposed to chattel.

And THIS issue is shaping up to be a MAJOR driver of this November's election.
Not just with "whores"......but with suburban soccer moms, and pretty much ALL women.

And not just women either.
Except….there’s another life ar stake. It’s not that simple.
You are funny.

But also kinda stupid and clueless.

This issue is about ALL women and their legal status as independent, autonomous human beings with the SAME human rights and control over their own bodies as say.....any white male.
As opposed to chattel.

And THIS issue is shaping up to be a MAJOR driver of this November's election.
Not just with "whores"......but with suburban soccer moms, and pretty much ALL women.

And not just women either.
It should never be legal do take another human life, they have full control of their bodies before they get pregnant, why not hold them accountable then. Fuck the stupid bitches if they aren't smart enough not to get pregnant.
You are funny.

But also kinda stupid and clueless.

This issue is about ALL women and their legal status as independent, autonomous human beings with the SAME human rights and control over their own bodies as say.....any white male.
As opposed to chattel.

And THIS issue is shaping up to be a MAJOR driver of this November's election.
Not just with "whores"......but with suburban soccer moms, and pretty much ALL women.

And not just women either.
Suburban soccer mom's eh ?? ROTFLMBO 😂

Uhhh good luck with your wild eyed assumptions about who supports and who don't on these issue's.

Motherhood is the complete opposite of certain women and their being being ok with abortion or that of being ok with the leftist ideology or stance on such issue's.
I think they’re being naive if they think roe v wade is going to be the deciding factor.

It’s the economy. It’s always the economy. Insane price hikes for rent and groceries is what worries 99% of America.
The U.S. is just over two months away from the Midterm election and voters across the country are eager to get to the polls. Something that’s driving many voters – inflation.

With control of the House and Senate up in the air, swing states like Pennsylvania are important for both parties.

Bob Hamilton is a Republican and has lived in Pennsylvania his whole life. Hamilton says inflation is out of control.

"How much more can we handle? I’m on social security, I’m on a fixed income," said Hamilton.

Not everyone wants to pay the inflated costs forever! California, New York, and Illinois enjoy mistreating their citizens and the sad thing is many of them are too stupid to realize just how bad their costs are compared to the rest of the country.-OG

The Democrats know this, are desperate, and have pulled out their last card: Republicans are fascists.

Meanwhile I went to the grocery store today and couldn't believe the prices. Still sky-high. Unless the Democrats can work a miracle in the next two months, they are in big, big trouble
You are funny.

But also kinda stupid and clueless.

This issue is about ALL women and their legal status as independent, autonomous human beings with the SAME human rights and control over their own bodies as say.....any white male.
As opposed to chattel.

And THIS issue is shaping up to be a MAJOR driver of this November's election.
Not just with "whores"......but with suburban soccer moms, and pretty much ALL women.

And not just women either.

You know who is showing the most enthusiasm to vote?

Republican men

You're toast
I think they’re being naive if they think roe v wade is going to be the deciding factor.

It’s the economy. It’s always the economy. Insane price hikes for rent and groceries is what worries 99% of America.


The abortion harpies have gone pretty quiet since it has sunk in to most Americans that abortion simply goes to the states. Despite all the clamor from the Left, abortion has not been "outlawed". It's just a states-rights issue as it should have been all along. And it's not a daily issue.

Gas prices, inflation, job security, the economy--this will drive people to the polls. And the Democrats know this.

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