Inflation hits new 40-year high as gas, food rent costs surge. Another big rate hike appears likely

FYI: The U.S. President nominates the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. And then they are confirmed by the U.S. Senate
So..? Any Fed chair would be raising rates. Remember when your orange lard and master had a Grade A hissy fit over the Fed raising rates, as they should have?

Sounds like he didn't have much power over them, right?

Join us in reality.
You are insane and are willing to say any ridiculous, insane thing to be a human shield for the orange pile of shit.

Every economist on earth not in your cult contradicts your lies.

Peddle them to someone dumber. Anyone in your cult, for starters

Meanwhile, the left continues to burn down cities, homelessness continues to rise, drug infested cities with needles galore in Starbuck bathrooms, inflation 8% higher since Biden took office, a recession, less people employed that when Biden took office and before the shutdowns, incomes decreasing, polarizing Joe doing more damage, Biden shakes more hands of ghosts in Israel, commercials on TV reminding New Yorkers how to conduct themselves in a Nuclear attack, a crashing stock market, Putin starts a war in Ukraine as soon as Trump is out of office and on and on and on.
So, your economists have been wrong, wrong, wrong from day one concerning Trump. And, you continue to back Biden who shakes hands with ghosts. The facts are the facts. Putin invaded Ukraine twice now. First, when Obama was President and Biden was Vice-President and second when Biden is President. Nothing in between when Trump was President. Your side isn't winning the arguments that are pushed by left wing media. CNN viewership is down 47% while MSNBC is down 33%. Yet, Fox News is up 12%. Blacks and Hispanics are moving big time to the Republicans away from Democrats. Buyer's remorse has set in with Biden and the Democrat Congress. Keep playing ostrich. You will see Trump back in 2024. Personally, because of age, I'd rather see DeSantis...
The Feds will really increase the borrowing rates to help counter act Biden's inflation.

When these high interest rate home mortgages hit the market it is going destroy affordable housing for many Americans.

Just another kind of damage done by Joe Potatohead.

Of course that will also increase finance charges on autos and just about everything else.

One thing about Democrats. When they set out to destroy this country they don't fuck around.
Doesn't matter. You are too terrified of your own cultism to talk about anything g but the 3 or 4 topics prescribed to you by Tucker. Enjoy.
I haven't watched Tucker in years. Do you? No? So, how do you know what he talks about? I'm not terrified about any of it. My faith in Christ allows me to overcome fear. But, I do want peace and a great life for my children and grandchildren. They can't have it right now because of the bungling Biden and Democrats leading Congress, Blue states and major cities and counties. So, it does matter. And, you have not the balls to admit that I'm right. Which city do you want to start with? How about San Francisco then where children are let off school buses into a den of drug users as caught and shown on TV? Time to realize how bad Democrats are. They use their liberal subjects to put lies into their heads. I noticed that AO-C just admitted that it was the Capitol Police that let the people in on January 6th. You want to defend this too?
Meanwhile, the left continues to burn down cities, homelessness continues to rise, drug infested cities with needles galore in Starbuck bathrooms, inflation 9% higher since Biden took office, a recession, less people employed that when Biden took office and before the shutdowns, incomes decreasing, polarizing Joe doing more damage, Biden shakes more hands of ghosts in Israel, commercials on TV reminding New Yorkers how to conduct themselves in a Nuclear attack, a crashing stock market, Putin starts a war in Ukraine as soon as Trump is out of office and on and on and on.
Hard to believe Biden, his crew, and their media are COMPLETELY ignoring this to focus 100% on their J6 Reality Show for Idiots. It's like they want to lose power.
Good point.

But I think Biden and the Dems are deliberately focusing on this to try and get people to ignore the economy.
And the pathetic thing is - the Reps in Congress are getting caught up in it.
And instead of ignoring it and screaming about the economy?
They are letting themselves get dragged into this Trump nonsense.

IMO, neither side is doing their job on the economy.

And the MSM?
All of TOTALLY useless.
And when it comes to macroeconomics?
They are beyond pathetic.
They didn't scream out about the crash coming.
Or the Great Recession coming.
Basically, if the government and the Fed are not telling everyone to panic?
They won't report it.
Clue dildo for brains, gasoline should never have gone up so much in price in the first place!
Was checking out some video's showing the gas prices in Russia in spite of the sanctions, and in spite of the war effort in Ukraine, and they weren't no where near what happened to us here. Why maybe ? I'm guessing because Russia is oil and gas resource rich just like us, so all they had to do is turn their resources within, and that way they can sustain for who knows how long against all the outside pressure's against it.

So why have we been subjected to the woes of the world when we are a blessed nation like we've been ??? It's because we are being lied too by corrupt politician's is why... Globalism has got us by the short hairs, when it appears that Russia has broken the grip that globalist may have wanted or they may have had on it's economy, otherwise after complete war has since broken out.

Many things are learned during crisis, and we've learned things that we didn't really want to know.
You are insane and are willing to say any ridiculous, insane thing to be a human shield for the orange pile of shit.

Every economist on earth not in your cult contradicts your lies.

Peddle them to someone dumber. Anyone in your cult, for starters.
Please put shoes on before next lying in the street chrying about how hard it is to live in land where one might have freefom of thought.

An, wait! You wanted Mommy ordered by government to getyou shoes, pretty red shoes!
So we're supposed to be cheering that gas has dropped from 5.50 to 4.75. Fucking idiots.
So we're supposed to be cheering that gas has dropped from 5.50 to 4.75. Fucking idiots.
Filled two 5 gallon jugs up for the lawn mowers yesterday, and it is unbelievable what we are being charged for gas in our oil and natural gas rich country. Fossil fuels have driven nation's to become the strongest most secure nation's in the world, and then comes along a complete idiot and his merry band of bigger idiot's to undermine our strength with some kind of fantasy unrealistic move towards the elimination of our energy overnight, and then doing so in favor of something not yet proven to be sustainably reliable in all types of scenarios or situations that call for energy on demand when we need it. When we awaken from this stupor, it'll be soon enough for me and hopefully 329.999.9 million more.
Filled two 5 gallon jugs up for the lawn mowers yesterday, and it is unbelievable what we are being charged for gas in our oil and natural gas rich country. Fossil fuels have driven nation's to become the strongest most secure nation's in the world, and then comes along a complete idiot and his merry band of bigger idiot's to undermine our strength with some kind of fantasy unrealistic move towards the elimination of our energy overnight, and then doing so in favor of something not yet proven to be sustainably reliable in all types of scenarios or situations that call for energy on demand when we need it. When we awaken from this stupor, it'll be soon enough for me and hopefully 329.999.9 million more.
Remember, Democrats are for the little guy. Fucking criminals.

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