Inflation is at Target

Trump exploded the deficit every year of his presidency before, during, and after covid, and Trump handed out $$trillions in fake money, and Trump had world record FED fake money printing, obviously that caused inflaiton.

Biden has destroyed that inflation as evident from all the economic data that I have posted.

With inflation destroyed, what do the republicans have to run on??
Corruption? lies? Riots? More spending and deficit explosion??

I can't think of any core issues that the Republicans can run on besides the border, which is not enough for people to overlook all of Trump's crimes and corruption, failure, hypocrisy, and lies.

No one believes your lies
Who else stopped at lower deficits? To think this guy is a "banker".
Everyday is opposite day for a leftist. Same as this guy's "Banker" handle. He's more likely a carwash attendant, in debt.

Probably a welfare parasite, who has never held an honest job in his life, and has no grasp at all of the experience of those of us who do, trying to meet increasing costs on an income that is not rising to keep up with the prices of things we need to buy.

How else could he believe the economy is doing well, when the experience of hard-working Americans proves very much otherwise?
lumber, for building houses, is extremely expensive and rising in price

Expect Another Rise in Lumber Prices — Here's Why - The …

WebAug 8, 2023 · After dealing with mid-pandemic price hikes that drove the cost of lumber to $1,400 per thousand board feet, prices fell to below $400. A slight jump occurred in mid-February. But overall, prices remained relatively stable through the first 23 weeks of the …
Biden inherited a massive $3+T/yr deficit from Trump, that is going to cause debt.

Trump and Bush(and their voters) both exploded the deficit and created all the debt we have.
Bush and Trump own our debt (and their voters own it)
If Presidents are responsible for all the debt incurred during their term then Biden is no different than anyone else. You dont get to have it both ways.
Trump exploded the deficit every year of his presidency before, during, and after covid, and Trump handed out $$trillions in fake money, and Trump had world record FED fake money printing, obviously that caused inflaiton.

Biden has destroyed that inflation as evident from all the economic data that I have posted.

With inflation destroyed, what do the republicans have to run on??
Corruption? lies? Riots? More spending and deficit explosion??

I can't think of any core issues that the Republicans can run on besides the border, which is not enough for people to overlook all of Trump's crimes and corruption, failure, hypocrisy, and lies.

Ain't they running on that "death to woke" stuff anymore?
Probably a welfare parasite, who has never held an honest job in his life, and has no grasp at all of the experience of those of us who do, trying to meet increasing costs on an income that is not rising to keep up with the prices of things we need to buy.

How else could he believe the economy is doing well, when the experience of hard-working Americans proves very much otherwise?
the banker is a die hard democrat........if you disagree with are defending republicans and of course love donald trump....thats all anyone needs to know about his mindset....
Biden inherited a massive $3+T/yr deficit from Trump, that is going to cause debt.

Trump and Bush(and their voters) both exploded the deficit and created all the debt we have.
Bush and Trump own our debt (and their voters own it)

banker why are you so liked here?....are you this much of a dick in real life?....hey just asking.....

What Banker fails to let you know, is there is a bunch of differences between Clinton and Bidens policies that doom his predictions to the dust bin; the biggest one is illegal immigration. Clinton TRIED to keep the border crossings at a minimum, while Biden has it wide open.

People who know economics, have 1 question on this matter---------->how many jobs do we need to create without stability in our population base? Let us say Biden created 6 million new jobs, a joke.....I know, but for the sake of debate, let us say he did! How many illegals has he let in through lapse borders? 10 million and growing? So, although we know that all illegals are NOT able bodied adults, we do know, many, or most, are young men. So what you have in the best case scenario is the job market as being static, while adding children to the government teat; and that is only IF you buy into the notion that Biden policy's created 6 million jobs. This 1 of the main reasons that Biden/Clinton can NOT be compared, and also why Trumps economy was seen as much more vibrant than the Zombie and Chiefs. Jobs Trump created went to Americans, not to just arrivals in the country. Add to that, illegals drive DOWN pay to workers, and this is a disaster during inflationary times.
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The World Economic Forum

2 charts that show the sharp rise in food prices - The World …

WebNov 9, 2023 · The FAO's Food Price Index has seen a sharp rise. The FAO Food Price Index measures the monthly change in global prices of a basket of food commodities. Figures for March show a 12.6% increase in global food prices compared to February, the highest price levels recorded in the index’s three-decade history. Year-on-year comparisons show index ...
banker does not care about none of these issues....
PPI comes in at -0.5% !! Deflation !!

yet again we get more incredible data on inflation, like every month!

Trump exploded the deficit, handed out $trillions to everybody, printed trillions in fake money and caused a massive surge in inflation. Republicans tried to blame that on Biden, like always.
Biden has destroyed inflation

This is great because it means the FED can cut rates and the economy will boom when they do, just like in 1995.

Joe Biden is about to Bill Clinton the economy and give us a another democrat Golden Age of Prosperity. All our economic success is under Democrats, all our recessions and deficit explosion is under republicans.

The PPI is kind of a goofy index for use in identifying deflation. Most economists would prefer the CPI or the PCE. Nevertheless, if you heart's set of saying we got deflation then go ahead & reap the millage you get.
the data proves me correct

ha ha facts rule everything and I am the king of facts

Are you checking your parent's budget? ... you're not paying your own way so how do you know where inflation is at? ... food is costing me 50% today than a year ago ... stupid ... that's not going away ...

The National debt is $5 trillion higher since 2021 ... Bidet will "print" as much money as it takes to win the election ... the economy can crash as long as Bidet's political allies get their cut ...

Yeah ... Republicans are the same way ... Pussy MAGA Mike caved to the Dwemocrats ... what a yellow-bellied coward ...

ETA: Plus everything Elektra said ...

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