Inflation is at Target

Yeah and they nailed it the last 2 years, right? I mean once you bake 15% increases into the mix, then settle for 2% on top, right?

It is where it is now. There is no undoing the past two years, all they can do is effect the future.
Bye Bye inflation, you will be missed as much as another Jan 6th Insurrection.

Inflation came in at +0.2% MoM in core and +0%, that's right 0% MoM non core !!

The inflation reduction act is working perfectly.
The FED will be able to cut rates, soft landing on deck.

Joe "Bill CLinton 2.0" Biden is going to give us another Bill Clinton Golden Age of Prosperity.

4 more years for Joey B
4 years in the FEDs for Donny T

All our prosperity is always under democrat president, all our recessions, deficit explosions, and economic crashes are always under republican presidents.

The inflation reduction act is working perfectly.

Which part(s) are reducing inflation? How? Be specific.
You must be so mad today that Biden is fixing the mess caused by your failed GOP.

The pattern continues, your beloved Republicans destroy America, and then the democrats have to fix the gOP caused mega mess.
Dims made the mess, dumbass. No one is swallowing your attempt to blame it on Trump.
The disease was responsible for cases and so many death in hospitals that refrigerator tractor trailers had to be moved in as temporary morgues. The shear volume of patients on ventilators taking up beds in ICU wards and nurse time to care for them squeezed out others in need of emergency medical care. Without NMI the death rate would have been much higher.

This is what it looks like when one is too stupid and cowardly to open his eyes and see for himself, and instead just blindly believes and obeys every lie that Big Brother tells him to believe and obey.

At the start of the #CoronaHoax2020, I was recovering from a broken leg, and spent a fair amount of time visiting two different hospitals on a regular basis. The claims about hospitals being crowded and overwhelmed by #CornaHoax patients are pure bullshit.

As the #CoronaHoax took deeper and deeper root, both hospitals became more like ghost towns, with many of their services being shut down for the time being. Most, but not all of the services that I needed were deemed essential enough for the relevant parts of the hospitals to be kept open, and for me to receive those services, but some of the services that I needed were unavailable. Not because the resources to offer those services were redirected to any nonexistent tide of #CoronaHoax patients, but because unfounded fear of an exaggerated common cold outbreak caused services deemed to be “nonessential” to be shut down, and the workers that would have provided these services stayed home instead of going to work.

This is what it looks like when one is too stupid and cowardly to open his eyes and see for himself, and instead just blindly believes and obeys every lie that Big Brother tells him to believe and obey.

At the start of the #CoronaHoax2020, I was recovering from a broken leg, and spent a fair amount of time visiting two different hospitals on a regular basis. The claims about hospitals being crowded and overwhelmed by #CornaHoax patients are pure bullshit.

As the #CoronaHoax took deeper and deeper root, both hospitals became more like ghost towns, with many of their services being shut down for the time being. Most, but not all of the services that I needed were deemed essential enough for the relevant parts of the hospitals to be kept open, and for me to receive those services, but some of the services that I needed were unavailable. Not because the resources to offer those services were redirected to any nonexistent tide of #CoronaHoax patients, but because unfounded fear of an exaggerated common cold outbreak caused services deemed to be “nonessential” to be shut down, and the workers that would have provided these services stayed home instead of going to work.
Right right. I think I'll believe the doctors and nurses who were there during the crisis that treated me last summer when Covid tried to kill me with pneumonia, over a hoaxer like yourself.
I guess it is no coincidence that “blind” is part of your username.

I know right, he for sure should trust some partisan drone on a political forum over his own doctors.

I mean, who wouldn't after all! :itsok:
The inflation reduction act is working perfectly.

Which part(s) are reducing inflation? How? Be specific.
Suck it you whiny little punk bitch, inflation is plummeting and the FED will cut rates (Bond market signaled that today), and the soft landing is setting up perfectly.

Joe Biden is about to Bill Clinton the economy, and give us another Democrat Golden Age of Prosperity.

Trump exploded the deficit and gave us debt, inflation, riots at the Capitol, and crimes and corruption.

Republicans have been a total failure and the party of repeated recessions. The democrats have been the party of repeated prosperity.
Suck it you whiny little punk bitch, inflation is plummeting and the FED will cut rates (Bond market signaled that today), and the soft landing is setting up perfectly.

Joe Biden is about to Bill Clinton the economy, and give us another Democrat Golden Age of Prosperity.

Trump exploded the deficit and gave us debt, inflation, riots at the Capitol, and crimes and corruption.

Republicans have been a total failure and the party of repeated recessions. The democrats have been the party of repeated prosperity.

So which parts? How?

Ask a real banker.
There are a lot of parallels to 1994/5 right now.
1994/5 Bill Clinton was able to lower deficits, lower inflation, allow the FED to cut rates before a recession hit, but still keep the economy strong all throughout and then give us a mega boom on the strength of democrat supported technology and blue collar jobs.
Right now Joe Biden has done all those things, lowered the deficit from the massive Trump level, lowered inflation from the Trump caused inflation (due to all the money Trump handed out), has the economy and FED on pace to cut rates, and has a strong economy that could get much stronger when rates are cut with booming jobs numbers, strength in technology, and his Build Back Better providing very good blue collar jobs.

Bill Clinton gave us the best economy in US history, but Joe Biden might challenge Bill Clinton for best economy of the modern era. All while lowering the deficit.

So which parts? How?

Ask a real banker.
Joe Biden is about to Bill Clinton the economy


Another democrat economic boom, just watch. so it will be 2 GOP failures vs 2 democrat mega booms...
you people are a joke, you're traitors to our country.

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