Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

Democrats via Fauci and Birx over ran the Trump administration using Bureaucratic power. They ran Scott Atlas, a colleague out, because he disagreed with masking and treatment. They framed him as a nut and CNN followed suit with the rest of the media. Turns out he was and is correct. None of the shut-downs were needed, we didn't need to vaccinate the whole population and there WERE successful therapies. One wonders how many unnecessary deaths these ghouls caused and why anyone would be so ignorant as you.
Yes, yes, yes. I’m very ignorant.

When was Biden elected?
Spending is not out of control. What is out of control is our low tax revenue.

Another one you pulled out of your ass.

Revenues received by the federal government in 2022 totaled $4.9 trillion, of which more than half was receipts from individual income taxes, which were the highest ever as a percentage of gross domestic product.
I was at a dealership today looking for a vehicle. The lot was empty. The salesman said that there is a shortage of computer chips.
I don't remember any chip shortage under Trump. So why is there a chip shortage? Is this a backdoor way to force EVs on people?

p.s. Biden looked horrible today trying to explain why his promise to forgive student loans was illegal, just like Nancy Told him
Derp…you’re out of date with that diddy.

New Car Market: Prices Are About To Plummet Due to Oversupply​

because the national average is the metric that is used for the price of gas ! most people are paying nearly 50% more than what you posted .
So what?
Cheap gas isn’t a right. Drive less.
I haven’t seen fewer cars on the road.
Mofos idling in drive thrus for 30 min bitching about gas. ( always thought that was stupid) Park and go inside instead.
Why are you blaming higher grocery prices on inflation? Do you have any proof?
Are you now brain dead? If the price of gas goes up due to inflation, the cost of products at the pumps goes up. And worse, the price of other stuff goes up too because products need to be transported from points of origin to various diverse locations.

There’s a a lot more to it, of course.

Maybe consider reading an into book to economics.
Extremely Great inflation data this morning.

PCE is the FEDs preferred inflation gauge and it came in great across the board, increasing a meager 0.1% MoM and only 3.8% YoY, which is very close to the FED acceptable range.

Core PCE came in at just 0.3% MoM, which is getting very close to the FED's acceptable range.

Inflation is easing and the main causes, Putin's war and supply chain issues, are easing big time.

Commodities surged 80-100% in weeks, after the Putin war. Nat gas surged from $3 to $10+ and all commodities surged massively, that will cause inflation. The supply chain has finally been fixed and covid gone from china, and inflation is easing because of it.

PPI inflation has plummeted and is in deflation indicating more easing coming !

Personal income rose 0.4%, in another big positive.

Expect more easing of inflation, but continued strength in the economy with the best labor market in US history, and still a large amount of job openings with good pay supporting Americans. Build Back Better will also keep the labor market very strong.

What's housing costing Americans these days, you fuckin' retarded fuck?

How about the power bill and food, hmm?
Just as every typical leftist, you're still clueless about economy.

The recent "record profits" are result of inflation, in combination with accounting magic, and not because businesses are doing great.

Corporate profits are down $400B from year ago, although still $200B above "pre-pandemic" trend. All thanks to Jerome's printing press.

The past two years Democrats have been scapegoating those profits for inflation, while in reality it couldn't be further from the truth. Corporate profits are not causing inflation, in fact it's the opposite, inflation causes the increased profits for several reasons. For example, there is too much money chasing too few goods, especially during lockdowns. Since the "pandemic" the major central banks printed $9 trillion to finance lockdowns, even those same lockdowns were reducing the amount of products available for sale. Supply chains were choked, and services were literally non existent. This resulted too much money chasing remaining few goods, meaning we end up paying more dollars for remaining goods. In the kingdom of too much money, and no enough production the one eye factory is king.

Then, there was some very intuitive accounting. Inventories made before the pandemic were paid by old prices. Your boyfriend bought you a dildo for $10 last year, from a supplier that bought it for $9, and profited $1. If all prices went up 10%, your dildo supplier is now buying it for $10 and it cost you $11 to buy one for your boyfriend for a pride month. Your favorite store is not any healthier then year before, they still made only a $1, but they have one time accounting profit because the old inventory was cheap. With old inventories gone, the shop will pay much more to resupply, which means that you and your boyfriend will have to pay $20 for a new one, and since real wages went down, you'll be able to afford only one, and share it.

There is one more reason for inflation, and it's called uncertainty. With recession on the horizon, which it was when the half of the economy was on lockdown, businesses tend to pause investing, because they're trying to survive. They cut on expenses, maintenance, advertising, etc, which cut their costs for the moment, and raises their profits in the moment, at the expense of their future growth. Early in COVID, the investments plunged by 22%, and currently is crawling around 7% lower than pre-COVID average. That difference goes straight to accounting, which show more profits, but it doesn't make that business any healthier. Rising corporate profits in the past three years have been result of, not a cause of, money printing, which our government is simply addicted to.
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Yes, yes, yes. I’m very ignorant.

When was Biden elected?
Biden was never really elected. His election was fraudulent. No one voted for this shit. High interest rates, wars, supply chain problems, high prices, foisting abnormal sex on minors just to name a few. Tell me you voted for this shit.
You must be blaming higher inflation on greedy grocery stores.
Have you read the thread?

Have you read the thread?


With energy prices today almost 40% higher than before Biden took office, everything else is going to be more expensive.
With small businesses failing, big business are thriving. Grocery stores profit margin is at 2.6%, the same as before, but with competition gone, they getting a bigger share of business.

But no, Elizabeth Warren said that prices going up have nothing to do with Democrats shitty policies, but with greedy white rich guy, and you moron took her words for granted.
Ukraine may have a corrupt leader and it may have a problem with idiots who still place any value on Nazis. And it may have high levels of official corruption.

But Ukraine didn’t invade Russia or itself. Russia invaded Ukraine. And Russia has waged its war of aggression against the civilian population to a large degree committing obvious and indefensible war crimes along the way. Putin belongs under a prison. For life.

One can question the wisdom of the United States engaging in this war, either way. But let’s not start off on the dishonest pretense that Putin has any clean hands. He doesn’t.

And questioning our involvement doesn’t make anybody pro Putin.
You still have a bit of neo-con left in you. But you're not wrong. Until you're last sentence. There's no real reason to question our involvement. Like in so many other situations, the U.S. is the indispensable nation. If we do not lead, others rarely do. And 5% of our military budget is chickenfeed for toppling Russia's dictatorship, or at least severely weakening it. And the CIA has been given a golden opportunity that must not be squandered by the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene.
With energy prices today almost 40% higher than before Biden took office, everything else is going to be more expensive.
With small businesses failing, big business are thriving. Grocery stores profit margin is at 2.6%, the same as before, but with competition gone, they getting a bigger share of business.

But no, Elizabeth Warren said that prices going up have nothing to do with Democrats shitty policies, but with greedy white rich guy, and you moron took her words for granted.
Ok, try to concentrate. The tweet I posted to you doesn't talk about things being more expensive. It talks about record profit, and CEO pay as a result of record profit - not record revenue from things being more expensive.
If the price of gas goes up due to inflation, the cost of products at the pumps goes up.
Once more for the terminally stupid:

Exxon Mobil: highest profit in 7 years
Chevron: highest profit in 7 years
Shell: highest profit in 7 years
BP: highest profit in 8 years


ABSORB what he is saying in that tweet, and tell me why the profit is so much more. Is it because, while oil prices per barrel are the same, they are charging more per gallon at the pumps? Why, YES, that's the reason!!!

You do know the difference between revenue and profit, don't you?

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