Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

Having allies is not the same thing as provoking war, supporting war, and spending billions on war while millions of Americans suffer in or near poverty.

THINK….if at all possible.
You’re obsessed with blaming the victim and making excuses for the aggressor.

Wanting peace and prosperity is not provokation.
You’re obsessed with blaming the victim and making excuses for the aggressor.

Wanting peace and prosperity is not provokation.
Yeah and war is peace and truth is lies.

Orwell was so right about you.


Yes, I know he's a "Socialist" so you're comfortable not even reading what he's saying. But the facts he's tweeting are facts. Sorry about that.

Now explain why the profits are so high. Intelligently, please!

And yet, even knowing that he's a socialist, you're still taking his word for granted.

Just as every other leftists, he's telling half-truth. While is truth that oil companies are posting record profits, he's steering you away from the the truth about whose at fault for inflation, high prices, stagnating real wages. Again, seeing that you're approving socialist policies, you're too dumb to understand economics, but hey, at least you know there are 62 genders...
WHAT !!!

I posted factual data clearly showing inflation easing

Are you retarded??
You are stupid to read data??

You people are a total joke, you live in a fantasy land.

Inflation being at the same level as previous months isn't easing. I hope you know what the definition of insanity is.

In fact, inflation around the world isn't going away and central bankers have no idea what to do beyond what they have been all along, printing more money. They're creating more panic rate hikes in the dark, with hopes to create stagflation, with completely opposite effect of what they intended.

In the past few days the Bank of England hiked another 50 basis points, Norway also hiked 50 to defend their sliding currency (in other words, domestic inflation), Switzerland piled another 25 points (their 11th hike in a row), Turkey hiked 625 points to defend their hopeless lyra, both, Australia and Canada imposed how they call it "surprising" hikes, and EU central bank just raised rates. Along with the US Feds, they're all doing exactly the same thing without any good results in sight. If what you saying is true, and if what they're doing is working, why would they keep raising rates?

Despite what government and media want you to believe, and you clearly believe in it, the results show different story, because Feds just told us there are more hikes to come. The core US inflation has been stuck for six months straight, the EU and UK are even worse, and across OECD group (38 richest countries) the inflation has been above 7% for almost a year now, and yet rates have been soaring all around the world. The only thing rate hikes have managed to slow is the economy, not inflation. The Eurozone just entered "technical" recession, while US growth has been negative in four out of 5 past quarters.

The "stuck" inflation is the central bankers worst dream. They know that inflation is how they're graded by voters, which means if inflation is too high for too long they will lose their independence and be taken over by the legislature, hence panic hikes to show they're "doing something". Only problem is that inflation in the US and worldwide has been driven by ever increasing government spending of the money they don't have (borrowed money), and central banks are trying to cancel it, not by telling governments to live within their means, but by crashing the private sector. At this point the challenge to central banks is that on one hand they're desperate to kill inflation, but they also know there is a long lag on hikes, it can take couple of years for rate hikes to show up in the economy, so they're risking going too far too fast. Essentially they're driving in dark with no headlights, but they're desperate to stomp on accelerator and hoping for the best.

The 500 years of classic economics, today known as Austrian economics sees things very differently from what central bankers are doing now. The durable inflation is not mass illusion, it's not Putin, or stuck boat in the Suez, it is simply printing metric tons, after tons, after tons of money. The rich world did this to buy COVID lockdowns, took out many sweetheart loans, and public handouts to by public support for lockdowns, and at this point, although the printers did slow down, a lot of that fresh money, about $9 trillion worth, is gradually bleeding out into circulation, meaning inflation. Unless all those trillions are soaked up by slashing government spending, and central banks selling off government debt, it will keep leaking out while central banks keep panic hiking into an abyss.
The Wagners would not stand a chance against Russian armaments.
They certainly had Uncle Pooty shitting his pants as they shot down six helicopters and one plane while marching to easily capture the Russian equivalent of the pentagon and stopping only 100 mi from Moscow. :rolleyes:
And yet, even knowing that he's a socialist, you're still taking his word for granted.

Just as every other leftists, he's telling half-truth. While is truth that oil companies are posting record profits, he's steering you away from the the truth about whose at fault for inflation, high prices, stagnating real wages. Again, seeing that you're approving socialist policies, you're too dumb to understand economics, but hey, at least you know there are 62 genders...
Show where he's wrong in the facts that he's presenting.

If you don't, then the Socialist wins. Your choice.

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