Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

9 or the 10 poorest states are Republican controlled and have been for years or decades. Why haven't Republican fiscal policies made those states rich?
Which has not a thing to do with inflation, you simpleton.
Republicans are in no position to criticize Democratic policies.

Of course they are. We see the Dim policies not just for what they are but for what they seek. We reject it.
Inflation was a natural result of a roaring economy after being shut down from the pandemic.
The economy isn’t exactly roaring. But of course it improves after the pandemic policies got lifted.
Inflation was also a natural result of supply chain issues, since Republicans offered huge tax breaks to companies decades ago to move their manufacturing to China,
An absolute flat out lie. But then, I am conversing with Syndi.

You are truly an ongoing waste of electrons.
No fanboi. That’s just your petty label. And your effort to convert support for particular candidates and officials into a definition for “neo con” is bullshit. It’s just you lying some more. Nothing new.
Yet when I support Bernie, or AOC, you have no problems labeling me a Socialist. Funny that.

You should be more consistent and less hypocritical.
Which has not a thing to do with inflation, you simpleton.
No, it has to do with the failure of Republican fiscal policy, conducted in the laboratories of individual states, as Republicans like to say. Alabama and Mississippi and Missouri and Tennessee and South Carolina have been able to implement Republican fiscal policy for decades with no Democrats getting in their way. Why have they failed, while Washington, California, Massachusetts have flourished?
An absolute flat out lie.
Why do you insist on challenging me, when you always lose? Is it a mental condition, like masochism?



And don't even try to disparage Politifact. That's the loser, retard move.
Yet when I support Bernie, or AOC, you have no problems labeling me a Socialist. Funny that.
Not at all funny. Both of them are socialists. First last and always.
You should be more consistent and less hypocritical.
You should heed your own advice rather than just mouth that advice to others who don’t need it.
No, it has to do with the failure of Republican fiscal policy, conducted in the laboratories of individual states, as Republicans like to say. Alabama and Mississippi and Missouri and Tennessee and South Carolina have been able to implement Republican fiscal policy for decades with no Democrats getting in their way. Why have they failed, while Washington, California, Massachusetts have flourished?
I don’t have time for your make-believe.
Not at all funny. Both of them are socialists. First last and always
And if I support their policies, you say I'm a Socialist.

Why doesn't that logic hold when Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld are Neo-Cons, and you support their policies?

This is what I mean by consistency and hypocrisy.

Take your time trying to contort yourself. I'll be here.
Why do you insist on challenging me, when you always lose? Is it a mental condition, like masochism?

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And don't even try to disparage Politifact. That's the loser, retard move.
I challenge you because you’re generally wrong as you are in this case. What the law “permitted” isn’t the same as what you had just finished claiming — you intentionally obtuse jerk off.

And although politifake may be occasionally right, it is hardly support for anything you shit out.

I think you do this because you don’t mind being constantly exposed as an empty barrel.
Red hot economy causes inflation.
Lots of things cause inflation. Red hot economies aren’t necessarily the cause.
In your course-work in the libtard belief systems, did you ever hear of “stagflation?” You twit.
Raising interest rates cools inflation.
That is the theory. And?
You'll get it eventually, when you stop spewing. Wipe the spittle from your screen if that helps you see the truth better.
You’ll never get it. You are pre-programmed to always spew mindless leftwing beliefs devoid of any reliance on truth or reality.
People are jailed in Russia for merely speaking out against this war (or even calling it a war).

Putin’s critics are jailed and often die in horrible conditions on fabricated charges.

Defectors are murdered.

The government steals from the people.

They protect the oligarchs.

The state runs the media.

And there’s no hope for reform because the elections have predetermined outcomes.

Russia chose this war. Ukraine wanted peace and prosperity.
Just as it is in Ukraine, but with the added aspect of Nazism. Why do you support Nazis? Do you hate Jews and Blacks?

Yeah Ukraine wanted peace, but they murdered 14k people in the Donbas, lied about the Minsk Accords, all while building an army to fight Russia…but we know this is news to you.

PS. Have you looked at what the USG does to those who oppose? Ever heard of Assange and Manning?
You have no mantle. And you e never “won” in our discussions. You’re a fantasist.

Check the date, Shitty Lawyer! 2004

Bush Supports Shift of Jobs Overseas

The movement of American factory jobs and white-collar work to other countries is part of a positive transformation that will enrich the U.S. economy over time, even if it causes short-term pain and dislocation, the Bush administration said Monday.

The embrace of foreign outsourcing, an accelerating trend that has contributed to U.S. job losses in recent years and has become an issue in the 2004 elections
, is contained in the president’s annual report to Congress on the health of the economy.

“Outsourcing is just a new way of doing international trade,” said N. Gregory Mankiw, chairman of Bush’s Council of Economic Advisors, which prepared the report. “More things are tradable than were tradable in the past. And that’s a good thing.”

The report, which predicts that the nation will reverse a three-year employment slide by creating 2.6 million jobs in 2004, is part of a weeklong effort by the administration to highlight signs that the recovery is picking up speed. Bush’s economic stewardship has become a central issue in the presidential campaign, and the White House is eager to demonstrate that his policies are producing results.

Extremely Great inflation data this morning.

PCE is the FEDs preferred inflation gauge and it came in great across the board, increasing a meager 0.1% MoM and only 3.8% YoY, which is very close to the FED acceptable range.

Core PCE came in at just 0.3% MoM, which is getting very close to the FED's acceptable range.

Inflation is easing and the main causes, Putin's war and supply chain issues, are easing big time.

Commodities surged 80-100% in weeks, after the Putin war. Nat gas surged from $3 to $10+ and all commodities surged massively, that will cause inflation. The supply chain has finally been fixed and covid gone from china, and inflation is easing because of it.

PPI inflation has plummeted and is in deflation indicating more easing coming !

Personal income rose 0.4%, in another big positive.

Expect more easing of inflation, but continued strength in the economy with the best labor market in US history, and still a large amount of job openings with good pay supporting Americans. Build Back Better will also keep the labor market very strong.

A day after CPI came in at only a 0.1% inc, which is extremely low, PPI puts up a banger !

PPI is negative !!!!! -0.3% !!!!
PPI is in deflation
prices are going down !!!

Go Joe!
The Inflation reduction act is working !!
The bulk of inflation was due to supply chain problems, Trump's best buddy Putin's war, and all of the mega massive debt and deficit and FED fake money printed under Trump.

Hunter, Hunter, Hunter. Yes, we understand that you want you father re-elected.

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