Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

Markle is being a boob.

Latest inflation data is very, very encouraging for the economy,
All these trash can do is post memes.

They are rooting for the country to fail, like it did under Bush and Trump, and there are very unhappy that inflation is easing, the economy is solid, and we have the best jobs market in US history.

These people are traitors and they have American success under Biden.
A day after CPI came in at only a 0.1% inc, which is extremely low, PPI puts up a banger !

PPI is negative !!!!! -0.3% !!!!
PPI is in deflation
prices are going down !!!

Go Joe!
The Inflation reduction act is working !!
The bulk of inflation was due to supply chain problems, Trump's best buddy Putin's war, and all of the mega massive debt and deficit and FED fake money printed under Trump.

Producer price inflation falls more than expected in May

May Producer Price Index: -0.3% vs. -0.1% consensus and +0.2% in April (unchanged).

Check the date, Shitty Lawyer! 2004

Bush Supports Shift of Jobs Overseas

The movement of American factory jobs and white-collar work to other countries is part of a positive transformation that will enrich the U.S. economy over time, even if it causes short-term pain and dislocation, the Bush administration said Monday.

The embrace of foreign outsourcing, an accelerating trend that has contributed to U.S. job losses in recent years and has become an issue in the 2004 elections
, is contained in the president’s annual report to Congress on the health of the economy.

“Outsourcing is just a new way of doing international trade,” said N. Gregory Mankiw, chairman of Bush’s Council of Economic Advisors, which prepared the report. “More things are tradable than were tradable in the past. And that’s a good thing.”

The report, which predicts that the nation will reverse a three-year employment slide by creating 2.6 million jobs in 2004, is part of a weeklong effort by the administration to highlight signs that the recovery is picking up speed. Bush’s economic stewardship has become a central issue in the presidential campaign, and the White House is eager to demonstrate that his policies are producing results.

You’re delusional. Wtf does that have to do with your idiotic claim, you asshole? Your idiotic claim was that they passed laws for that purpose.

Don’t imagine you can ever win. You never have. You never will. You’re both dishonest and very very stupid.

Don’t dare imagine that you’re smart.
Just as it is in Ukraine, but with the added aspect of Nazism. Why do you support Nazis? Do you hate Jews and Blacks?

Yeah Ukraine wanted peace, but they murdered 14k people in the Donbas, lied about the Minsk Accords, all while building an army to fight Russia…but we know this is news to you.

PS. Have you looked at what the USG does to those who oppose? Ever heard of Assange and Manning?
Ah yes. The Nazis in Ukraine being led by the Jewish president.

For someone that defies state run media, why do you constantly perpetuate the propaganda from Russian state run media? Maybe it’s just a coincidence.

They wouldn’t have built an army if Russia hadn’t been threatening their very existence.
You’re delusional. Wtf does that have to do with your idiotic claim, you asshole? Your idiotic claim was that they passed laws for that purpose.

Don’t imagine you can ever win. You never have. You never will. You’re both dishonest and very very stupid.

Don’t dare imagine that you’re smart.
My constant winning triggers you terribly. This makes me very happy.
Ah yes. The Nazis in Ukraine being led by the Jewish president.

For someone that defies state run media, why do you constantly perpetuate the propaganda from Russian state run media? Maybe it’s just a coincidence.

They wouldn’t have built an army if Russia hadn’t been threatening their very existence.
Must you always post state run media talking points?
You do know that the Russian government controls their media, not ours.
Yes and our government controls our corporate media. Why have you chosen to ignore the long history of lies and believe they are telling you the truth this time?
Yes and our government controls our corporate media. Why have you chosen to ignore the long history of lies and believe they are telling you the truth this time?
Yes. And you think Russia doesn’t control their media.

It goes along with the rest of your backwards thinking.

Russia is the victim of western aggression.
Every aspect of a republican is a lie, and republicans are too weak to accept the truth. Republicans just make up lies so they don't have to deal with reality, because reality is too harsh to accept.

Clearly you had a great deal of information to back up your claims that you mean to post.

But it somehow got left off.

Simple oversight.

Please post it when you get a chance.
Yes. And you think Russia doesn’t control their media.

It goes along with the rest of your backwards thinking.

Russia is the victim of western aggression.
Where have I said Russia doesn’t control their media? Plus this has nothing to do with your ignorance of the causes of this PROVOKED war. Stop trying to change the subject.

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