Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

He is trying to make it sound like it only went up 0.2%, that is why he used that number.

In reality it went up 3%. He is a lying propagandist that has to do everything possible to spin it like it is good news and that the economy is strong.

No, he said, "core inflation." And he was right.

He's not a liar just because you're an idiot.
Inflation is cumulative .. and while the current patterns are indicating a downtrend .. there are over 2 years worth of cumulative effect that are being ignored. Compounded damage already introduced remains .. and with the food and energy market volatility .. the direction can change rapidly. Bidenflation is still a problem
It's Trumpinflation and worldinflation. Biden has done a great job in fighting it.
“Real weekly earnings are down 4.6% since January 2021 and prices are up 16% over that same time. Annual inflation has outpaced earnings gains for 26 of the last 30 months,” Antoni added. “Even more worrisome is the fact that inflation has settled at 3%, which is about 50% higher than either the two percent target or the 1.8% average we saw from 2009 until the Biden administration.”
True. They're practically giving eggs away.

Pretty close...

Who is ignoring it? Yes it was bad, now it is better. Why can we all not be happy about that? Do you worry that your tribe will banish you if you say something good about the world while there is a Dem in the White House
LOL .. Biden and his administration will certainly dance a victory lap because rates are decreasing today .. while not taking into account the broader reality.
That’s not true.
Increasing the money supply (sometimes inaccurately called “printing money”) means that the Fed lends the US government or select banks money it essentially creates out of thin air.

Those are loans and once paid back that money goes poof… back to thin air.
Can you explain exactly how that process works? Thanks.
Used car prices are inflated as well. Im not sure how you can get around a currency losing value which is what inflation is. You paid almost 10k for a 20 year old car.
I paid $7000 in cash (how many can pay in cash for a $30,000-$40,000 vehicle). I drive my cars until they die, always over 400,000 miles. Initial cost is irrelevant in the long term.
What will the repubs attack now? Oh yeah, there is always the guy named Hunter. Well, when the mysterious "whistle blower" comes out of hiding from the DOJ, maybe he can tell us something? You know, how he helped his employers, China get some Iranian oil, or how he profited from some illegal arms sales?

The repubs sure do pick some strange bed fellows. First Poootin and now this guy who is hiding from justice. BTW, the investigation into this guy began during the trump administration. Barr looked at his claims about the Biden family and dismissed them.

The repubs are desperate to find something that they can point to so that they can take pressure off the criminal named trump. ANYTHING would help. Then they can point fingers and say.....WHAT ABOUT.....?

But trump is still on the hook with multiple indictments. Plus, Georgia is days away and J6 may not be far behind. trump should do a deal, but he won't. He is too much of a flaming Narcissist.
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