Inflation Plummeting Rapidly

LOL .. Biden and his administration will certainly dance a victory lap because rates are decreasing today .. while not taking into account the broader reality.

Of course they are, that is what politicians do. Can you name the last admin that did not do the same thing?
What will the repubs attack now? Oh yeah, there is always the guy named Hunter. Well, when the mysterious "whistle blower" comes out of hiding from the DOJ, maybe he can tell us something? You know, how he helped his employers, China get some Iranian oil, or how he profited from some illegal arms sales?

The repubs sure do pick some strange bed fellows. First Poootin and now this guy who is hiding from justice. BTW, the investigation into this guy began during the trump administration. Barr looked at his claims about the Biden family and dismissed them.

The repubs are desperate to find something that they can point to so that they can take pressure off the criminal named trump. ANYTHING would help. Then they can point fingers and say.....WHAT ABOUT.....?

But trump is still on the hook with multiple indictments. Plus, Georgia is days away and J6 may not be far behind. trump should do a deal, but he won't. He is too much of a flaming Narcissist.
J6 is a joke and people know it. GA. is the most corrupt state in the union.
I paid $7000 in cash (how many can pay in cash for a $30,000-$40,000 vehicle). I drive my cars until they die, always over 400,000 miles. Initial cost is irrelevant in the long term.
What does that have to do with inflation?
Like it or not
The President takes the blame and gets the credit for inflation rates
A year ago, repubs were whining about inflation. Now that the Fed and Biden are getting inflation under control, Biden is not given any credit. repubs want to point back to trump days. Let's do that:

Under Trump's excellent fiscal policies my taxes were cut significantly while the US poverty rate to an all time record low in the entire history of our country.

Now Biden et al have the poverty rate skyrocketing. And to make matters worse, recently Biden just drastically cut the food stamps of many of those most impoverished Americans. Some of them were cut off completely by Biden.
Who cares if it's paper money or not? The effect is the same. More money in the system equates to that money being worth less and inflation. Is a loaf of bread intrinsically worth more today than it was 50 years ago?

The average price of a loaf of bread in 1990 was 70 cents. Today it's about triple that. Is a loaf of bread today 3 times as valuable as it was in 1990 or is the money we are trading for the bread only worth a third.


Cant imagine where all this inflation comes from....
We came off the gold standard in 1971..
How? What's he doing that's a "bang up job?"


What is in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022?

The Inflation Reduction Act includes broad swaths of legislation targeting different sectors of the economy. Among its most prominent provisions are:

  • An expansion of Medicare benefits to include free vaccines, insulin prices capped at $35 a month, and a ceiling for prescription drug prices at $4,000 in 2024 and $2,000 in 2026
  • Cuts in the cost of home energy
  • Investments into clean energy and tax breaks meant to reduce carbon emissions 40% by 2030
  • A new 15% minimum corporate tax and a 1% fee on stock buybacks
  • Expanded IRS tax assistance and enforcement through investment of $80 billion over the next 10 years
  • Extension of the Affordable Care Act's federal subsidies to 2025. These subsidies lower the cost of premiums for enrollees.

The Inflation Reduction Act by the numbers

Figures produced by the Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation estimate investments and revenue raised.


  • $369 billion in Energy Security and Climate Change
  • $64 billion in Affordable Care Act Extension
Revenue raised:

  • $288 billion through Prescription Drug Pricing Reform
  • $124 billion IRS Tax Enforcement
  • $14 billion efforts to close the Carried Interest Tax loophole
  • $313 billion establishment of a 15% Corporate Minimum Tax
What is the Inflation Reduction Act? Everything to know about one of Biden's big laws

Biden-Harris Administration Announces $930 Million to Expand and Strengthen America’s High-Speed Internet Networks as Part of the Investing in America Agenda​

Biden-Harris Administration Announces $930 Million to Expand and Strengthen America’s High-Speed Internet Networks as Part of the Investing in America Agenda | BroadbandUSA

NATO Stands Together as Biden Reaffirms U.S. Commitment to Alliance​

June 15, 2021 | By Jim Garamone , DOD News
NATO Stands Together as Biden Reaffirms U.S. Commitment to Alliance


go dark brandon!!!

What is in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022?

The Inflation Reduction Act includes broad swaths of legislation targeting different sectors of the economy. Among its most prominent provisions are:

  • An expansion of Medicare benefits to include free vaccines, insulin prices capped at $35 a month, and a ceiling for prescription drug prices at $4,000 in 2024 and $2,000 in 2026
  • Cuts in the cost of home energy
  • Investments into clean energy and tax breaks meant to reduce carbon emissions 40% by 2030
  • A new 15% minimum corporate tax and a 1% fee on stock buybacks
  • Expanded IRS tax assistance and enforcement through investment of $80 billion over the next 10 years
  • Extension of the Affordable Care Act's federal subsidies to 2025. These subsidies lower the cost of premiums for enrollees.

The Inflation Reduction Act by the numbers

Figures produced by the Congressional Budget Office and the Joint Committee on Taxation estimate investments and revenue raised.


  • $369 billion in Energy Security and Climate Change
  • $64 billion in Affordable Care Act Extension
Revenue raised:

  • $288 billion through Prescription Drug Pricing Reform
  • $124 billion IRS Tax Enforcement
  • $14 billion efforts to close the Carried Interest Tax loophole
  • $313 billion establishment of a 15% Corporate Minimum Tax
What is the Inflation Reduction Act? Everything to know about one of Biden's big laws

Biden-Harris Administration Announces $930 Million to Expand and Strengthen America’s High-Speed Internet Networks as Part of the Investing in America Agenda​

Biden-Harris Administration Announces $930 Million to Expand and Strengthen America’s High-Speed Internet Networks as Part of the Investing in America Agenda | BroadbandUSA

NATO Stands Together as Biden Reaffirms U.S. Commitment to Alliance​

June 15, 2021 | By Jim Garamone , DOD News
NATO Stands Together as Biden Reaffirms U.S. Commitment to Alliance


go dark brandon!!!
repubs are mad cause Joe is helping middle America. They are more interested in their 1% donors getting a few tax breaks.

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