Inflation slows to 7.1% as economy cools off

The Biden administration and the Fed are doing their job. Good times ahead!
There are tings beyond the comprehension of those
who know less than nothing about Finance.Like take a
Potus Jimmy Carter.He used a brilliant Financial expert,albeit
of great height { 6'5" } Paul Volcker and the 12th Federal Reserve
Chairman's intuitive intelligence to advise Jimmy Carter who was
entering an historic downturn in our Economy.Where Stagflation
was all the buzz.Volcker w/o any hesitation advised Carter on
the Economy allowed his Fed { who has the right to Print Money
BUT Not spend Money } to effect Monetary Policy.
With Double Digit interest rates in the balance.
Jimmy Carter { a Peanut Farmer from Georgia } never batted
an eye and guess what ensued.Volcker needed to curb the
economy.The best way possible.So since an economy has to answer
to the the debt and use of Derivatives which MUST be backed
by Collateral or Securities.
So Guess what happened. T-Bills ; Treasurry Bills ended up
at 21 %. A Fantastic rate for those who wanted to buy a security
with a phenomenal Return.
Now currently T-Bills are offering a nice short term return.
Around 4.5 % for just 6 month.2 Year T-bills about the same.
Meaning the Government is desperate to sell securities.
Now why is that.Because they Need Collateral.
They are desperate.
It's a "stealth recession." If you don't believe we're in a recession, then it doesn't exist.

The Democrats count the economic numbers the same way they counted the votes. :laughing0301:
It can only be prudently explained by those who Know
money.Like a Financial Wizard { American } who moved to China
the last decade past.Jim Rogers.
We are currently in a Demand -Pull Inflation.Since High prices
themself destroy demand.When Demand lessens the price
of goods and services also lessens.But Banks are where money
sits and get created to those needing it.But Banks have a worry.
They are beholden to what is known as Collateral Calls.
That was what transpired in 2007-2008.The Crash.
Lehman Bros. was the apparent victim.
I realize Trumpsters are economically illiterate and ideologically sheltered, but the last GDP reading was +2.9%.

With Trump, it was at +2.1% when the virus hit.

And this is WITHOUT the trillions of Fed stimulus Trump received. And he BEGGED FOR MORE.

Fake news, right?

Such pathetic Lies.As if Trumpsters like Larry Kudlow and Ted Cruz
are little more than punch-drunk rummies.
Or Ron DeSantis { a former Trumpster } being push-pulled to
hate on Trump.
Again ... There is One Manifest Indisputable fact concerning
Donald Trump.His unbelievable Name Recognition.His name
is arguable the most known throughout planet earth more than
any other Human.And that was probably just as true before he
was President.
He accomplished that all by his lonesome.
The Federal Reserve has increased interest rates and shrunk the money supply to reduce inflation.
Explain how a Money supply gets Reduced.As I posted in earlier
the Fed and only the Fed can Print money.Not Spend money but print
Money.Spending is sole purview of our Congress.
Not triggered, just shocked.

Shocked that liberals consider inflation 7 x higher than it was under Trump good news.

And the sad part is, that IS a lowering of inflation. That's just an indication of how bad things really are.
No that's not really stated well. Our inflation is the sign of an overheated economy. A growing and hot economy is a good thing. So what we have here is too much of a good thing.
A video you never watched by Sean Spicer is "truth"? Thas a special religion you have.
You are a brainwashed fool.... we still have inflation and job stagnation has begun... the number of contributors to the national treasury is shrinking... McDonald's jobs won't cut it... fixed income retired folks will see a reduced standard of living very quickly... I presume that includes you and most of the libs here....
You are a brainwashed fool.... we still have inflation and job stagnation has begun... the number of contributors to the national treasury is shrinking... McDonald's jobs won't cut it... fixed income retired folks will see a reduced standard of living very quickly... I presume that includes you and most of the libs here....
So you think you just broke off some wisdom tha any moron can't read for themselves in the news?

What even was that? Some sort of spastic siezure?
So you think you just broke off some wisdom tha any moron can't read for themselves in the news?

What even was that? Some sort of spastic siezure?
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Explain how a Money supply gets Reduced.As I posted in earlier
the Fed and only the Fed can Print money.Not Spend money but print
Money.Spending is sole purview of our Congress.
The Fed can manipulate the money supply by buying and selling Certificates of Deposit. Buying them adds to the money supply and selling them pulls money out. The Fed does not print money. Only the Treasury Dept does that.

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