Inflation slows to 7.1% as economy cools off

No the fake is what Biden and his handler's keeps doing to you bunch of knucklehead's, otherwise to you all that keep on shielding this disaster of a president for your own selfish reasoning.

He attacked this nation on day one, and he did it for his handler's all for making his dumb ace the president. Anyone can go back to his signature signing executive order folly, and watch the stupid crap go down.

He had to try and make Trump's triumph's over the Leftist idiocy look as if they were disasterous for the American people, but the good previous numbers didn't lie, and the leftist agenda was being crushed, so they had to fight back somehow.

Then came the boasting by Schumer and all other's guilty of a real but very methodically drawn out "coup" that started springing up in evidence of by them saying things like "all options are on the table", otherwise anything it took to get the bull out of their perceived part of the china shop, and they were willing to do it.

Wonder what all was part of those options ??? A lot of people are thinking that a lot of things were.

Now isn't that a shame, otherwise if a lot of those so called options were true, just like the suppression to kill conservative voices in order to effect the outcomes of an election were true ?? Oh wait, that's turning out to be true, and worse it was to the nation's horror just like it might be found out if the other options were just as true.

I think all legal options and investigation's should be on the table, otherwise for the finding out of just how far the leftist took it, and not only here, but throughout the world in order to get it's way ???
Wow, look at all that.

2.9% with no stimulus vs. 2.1% with huge stimulus. Facts.
And yet our leaders fiddle while Rome burns

Vee haz peneetrateed zee cabeenets...


$9 Trillion in Fed stimulus plus collapsed global supply chains when demand exploded. Massive global inflation.

Did Trump's economy benefit significantly from trillions in stimulus? Yes. Did he beg for more? Yes.

These are just facts. Your adoration and your loyalty and your ignorance and your insults can't change that.
No, your misinterpreting of everything rant, along with the cover ups can't change the true fact's involved in it all, but keep on being a Biden amazed leg humper.
No, your misinterpreting of everything rant, along with the cover ups can't change the true fact's involved in it all, but keep on being a Biden amazed leg humper.
Analyzing and acting this stuff on behalf of clients with zero (0) adherence to partisan politics is my profession, 22+ years.

You're just another mindless Trumpster. Sorry.
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You are a brainwashed fool.... we still have inflation and job stagnation has begun... the number of contributors to the national treasury is shrinking... McDonald's jobs won't cut it... fixed income retired folks will see a reduced standard of living very quickly... I presume that includes you and most of the libs here....
Many people have commented that the Democrats do not understand Economics. I have noticed that.
7.1% inflation is disastrous.

Only stupid uneducated Moon Bats would brag about it.
Low interest rates (during Trump) caused a boom in the mortgage market. People had more buying power and started snapping up homes. The market was trying to keep up by building new dwellings. Suddenly, Biden cut our energy sector which affected all our markets negatively. Now we are paying high interest rates and inflation is rampant. He should be impeached at the very least and held liable for his son's treasonous actions.

Well the era of interest free money is over, it was never going to last, and I don't see the Fed rates as 'excessive'; interest rates should always be higher than the inflation rate. The problem lies elsewhere, not in interest rates, which as you said fueled a fake artificial boom in house buying when rates were essentially free and most of the world was paying negative interest rates to savers, punishing them for being frugal, and rewarding Blue Sky gamblers. The largest demographic of buyers is real estate companies buying up houses for rental properties, not individual people buying houses to live in, and flippers. at least that is the case in the Dallas metroplex region.

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