Inflation slows to 7.1% as economy cools off

No that's not really stated well. Our inflation is the sign of an overheated economy. A growing and hot economy is a good thing. So what we have here is too much of a good thing.

No, it's the sign of an idiot president that plugged the Keystone they day he came into office, causing the price of diesel to double within 8 months and triple within 18. This caused the price of goods to skyrocket as shipping companies like mine had no choice but to pass on our 300% fuel cost increase to our customers, the people who sell you YOUR crap.

An overheated economy isn't in a recession and two consecutive quarters of negative GDP proved that.

Trump had 3.5% unemployment and 1.5% inflation, lowest unemployment for blacks and Hispanics in over 50 years. THAT'S what an economy on fire looks like. Bidens economy is just burning down. No wonder liberals said Trump hated Blacks, he put them to work.
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The Fed can manipulate the money supply by buying and selling Certificates of Deposit. Buying them adds to the money supply and selling them pulls money out. The Fed does not print money. Only the Treasury Dept does that.
Without the Federal Reserve the Treasury is hamstrung.Yes,the
Treasury is responsible for the Physical printing of money.
But the supply chain is completed by the Federal Reserve.

The Biden administration and the Fed are doing their job. Good times ahead!
Been shopping lately? BTW--7.1% SUCKS. PS--Gas prices came down a bit because Biden is raiding our Emergency reserve. What happens when that stops? The Saudis won't commit to Biden The Jihad Squad won't let him drill HERE. The Interest rate will slow down housing. And Biden is busy signing Gay Rights Bills.
The mortgage lending industry is collapsing due to high loan interest rates and soon the housing market will collapse as well.

More like nobody can afford the Californication of housing prices. Contrary to popular fantasies, replacing skilled Americans with cheap criminal illegal alien labor doesn't mean builders ever passed on those savings to buyers, they still charge whatever they can get in a shortage.
More like nobody can afford the Californication of housing prices. Contrary to popular fantasies, replacing skilled Americans with cheap criminal illegal alien labor doesn't mean builders ever passed on those savings to buyers, they still charge whatever they can get in a shortage.
Low interest rates (during Trump) caused a boom in the mortgage market. People had more buying power and started snapping up homes. The market was trying to keep up by building new dwellings. Suddenly, Biden cut our energy sector which affected all our markets negatively. Now we are paying high interest rates and inflation is rampant. He should be impeached at the very least and held liable for his son's treasonous actions.
I realize Trumpsters are economically illiterate and ideologically sheltered, but the last GDP reading was +2.9%.

With Trump, it was at +2.1% when the virus hit.

And this is WITHOUT the trillions of Fed stimulus Trump received. And he BEGGED FOR MORE.

Fake news, right?

No the fake is what Biden and his handler's keeps doing to you bunch of knucklehead's, otherwise to you all that keep on shielding this disaster of a president for your own selfish reasoning.

He attacked this nation on day one, and he did it for his handler's all for making his dumb ace the president. Anyone can go back to his signature signing executive order folly, and watch the stupid crap go down.

He had to try and make Trump's triumph's over the Leftist idiocy look as if they were disasterous for the American people, but the good previous numbers didn't lie, and the leftist agenda was being crushed, so they had to fight back somehow.

Then came the boasting by Schumer and all other's guilty of a real but very methodically drawn out "coup" that started springing up in evidence of by them saying things like "all options are on the table", otherwise anything it took to get the bull out of their perceived part of the china shop, and they were willing to do it.

Wonder what all was part of those options ??? A lot of people are thinking that a lot of things were.

Now isn't that a shame, otherwise if a lot of those so called options were true, just like the suppression to kill conservative voices in order to effect the outcomes of an election were true ?? Oh wait, that's turning out to be true, and worse it was to the nation's horror just like it might be found out if the other options were just as true.

I think all legal options and investigation's should be on the table, otherwise for the finding out of just how far the leftist took it, and not only here, but throughout the world in order to get it's way ???
More like nobody can afford the Californication of housing prices. Contrary to popular fantasies, replacing skilled Americans with cheap criminal illegal alien labor doesn't mean builders ever passed on those savings to buyers, they still charge whatever they can get in a shortage.
Yep that's another huge issue returning once again, and sadly after Trump was fixing that issue as well. But nooooooooo the left had to influence Biden to ignore the border so they could flood the nation with illegals once again, and it's all in order to make the rich get richer, and the hard working American middle class working dreamers to get crushed once again. Already seeing it in the real world, not in the fake world the Democrat's want us to live in.

The Biden administration and the Fed are doing their job. Good times ahead!
I wish the future was more predictable. Especially in these terms, everything seems to be spinning out of control. I don't see how things are going to change in the modern world unless we all come together to tackle all the problems. And by all, I mean the whole world. It seems like nation states are losing their ability to function independently in the global economy and well-being of the human race. Will adversely become strong enough to force us into constructive actions that serve all. Time will tell how good and smart human beings are. We are standing on a precipice, it can go either way and there's no third door.
Just what exactly did Biden do to lower inflation?
Next year his spending kicks in, that will increase inflation
He did everything you are not supposed to do in order to attempt to stave off inflation, because first of all what he did on day one was that he started inflation sky rocketing by immediately attacking the nation's energy industry for a bunch of sadistic treasonous leftist who hate America.

He was happy to do it so he could say that it was Trump's policies catching up to us (a damned lie), and thank God the American people aren't that gullible.

We know what and who was involved in the coup, and we didn't need Elon Musk to prove it to us, but the Americans are certainly glad he's pissed at the Democrat's enough that he outed their sorry ace's with the fact's.
Such pathetic Lies.As if Trumpsters like Larry Kudlow and Ted Cruz
are little more than punch-drunk rummies.
Or Ron DeSantis { a former Trumpster } being push-pulled to
hate on Trump.
Again ... There is One Manifest Indisputable fact concerning
Donald Trump.His unbelievable Name Recognition.His name
is arguable the most known throughout planet earth more than
any other Human.And that was probably just as true before he
was President.
He accomplished that all by his lonesome.
Name recognition? And?
Great to see ??... Pffffftttt... And whose dam fault was it to begin with ?? Don't you say Trump, because if you do, then you ain't going to do anything but show everybody what kind of lying piece of scumbag you always try to be.
$9 Trillion in Fed stimulus plus collapsed global supply chains when demand exploded. Massive global inflation.

Did Trump's economy benefit significantly from trillions in stimulus? Yes. Did he beg for more? Yes.

These are just facts. Your adoration and your loyalty and your ignorance and your insults can't change that.

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