Ingraham Explains The Facts O'Life, Leftists Blanch At Reality

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I mean, what is incorrect about her statements?

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): People would argue that the whole world, and I would, that the whole world has been reshaped by people taking other people's land. I mean, it's called conquest....

They want to live in a fake world. As Trump always says, "You don't get do-overs." No do-overs, that's it. There was an argument, sometime -- I think it was the 1980s. There was a quote, you won, we lost, that's that. Describing world politics, we won, you lost, that's that. That's just the way it is.

Laura Ingraham on reparations: "It's called conquest ... we won, you lost, that's that"

Laura Ingraham Slams 'Preposterous' Reparations Calls: 'No Do-Overs. That's It.'

What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole. THAT’s the way of the 21st Century. We’re not in the Middle Ages anymore.

“Conquest” ended after WWII. Time for FOX to enter the 21st Century.
The only problem with your logic: No one alive today is responsible for enslaving anyone.
What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole. THAT’s the way of the 21st Century. We’re not in the Middle Ages anymore.

Utter bullshit is right. Your post is utter bullshit.

First of all, millions of white Union soldiers died trying to crush the slave states. Do their families get reparations?

Second, it was black Africans who sold their fellow Africans into slavery. Are they going to cough up some cash for this scheme?

Third, many blacks in America today do NOT come from former slave families. Do they get money from the white families of the fallen Union soldiers for nothing?

The whole thing is STUPID and anybody who supports reparations is a half-witted braindead imbecile.
Try and remain calm, they are only talking about setting up a commission to study reparations, brainwashed functional moron. Blacks in Africa have been ripped off for all their money by whites LOL. The actual solutions is to tax the rich more than everyone else percentage-wise for a change and give more opportunities to all the non rich. But thanks for this ridiculous mess of the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever, super duper.
A commission isn't needed to determine that no one living today is responsible for what happened to black people prior to the Civil War.

A "commission" is a propaganda organ funded by the taxpayers. That's one thing we definitely do not needed or wanted.
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Utter bullshit is right. Your post is utter bullshit.

First of all, millions of white Union soldiers died trying to crush the slave states. Do their families get reparations?

Second, it was black Africans who sold their fellow Africans into slavery. Are they going to cough up some cash for this scheme?

Third, many blacks in America today do NOT come from former slave families. Do they get money from the white families of the fallen Union soldiers for nothing?

The whole thing is STUPID and anybody who supports reparations is a half-witted braindead imbecile.
Try and remain calm..........

LOL. Says the freak with Tourette Syndrome
I mean, what is incorrect about her statements?

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): People would argue that the whole world, and I would, that the whole world has been reshaped by people taking other people's land. I mean, it's called conquest....

They want to live in a fake world. As Trump always says, "You don't get do-overs." No do-overs, that's it. There was an argument, sometime -- I think it was the 1980s. There was a quote, you won, we lost, that's that. Describing world politics, we won, you lost, that's that. That's just the way it is.

Laura Ingraham on reparations: "It's called conquest ... we won, you lost, that's that"

Laura Ingraham Slams 'Preposterous' Reparations Calls: 'No Do-Overs. That's It.'

What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole. THAT’s the way of the 21st Century. We’re not in the Middle Ages anymore.

“Conquest” ended after WWII. Time for FOX to enter the 21st Century.
The only problem with your logic: No one alive today is responsible for enslaving anyone.
True ,,Closest we come to that is how Trump has you republicans kissing his dirty ass Almost like slavery
when do we get to compare ourselves with other rich countries, not third world shitholes, brainwashed functional moron?
What do we get? Are you still so dim as to believe the purpose of gov't is to give you "free" stuff?"
WTF up, Mega-Dupe.
When the majority of our illegal immigrants start coming from First World countries. Besides, there’s nothing those other first world countries have that I want.
Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training 5 week vacation great infrastructure ID card to end illegal immigration? I do believe you are misinformed. Healthy family farms?
America has all those things except ID cards (which Dems vehemently oppose and we all know why).
We just do not have, do not want, and do not need expense federal mandates that shove one-size-fits-all solutions up the noses of our geographically and demographically diverse country. It is the job of state gov'ts - not the WashDC swamp - to determine what best serves each state's
and best reflects their values.
40 billion and more for farmers isn't free stuff?
So because we do something for farmers hurt by the tariffs intended to level the playfield means we must embrace socialism? Is that what you imply, Comrade, because it's both a remarkably STUPID POV and typical of how the socialist "mind" operates.
The point from which you deflect is that you lied again by claiming America lacks "Healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training 5 week vacation great infrastructure" and."Healthy family farms."
NO we can't embrace socialism but your kind, calling anything done to help those who have nothing. get ahead in life your asses call that socialism
Anything leftwingers have planned is socialism.
Your sympathy for the greedy idiot GOP rich and hate of the poor is noted, brainwashed functional moron. And screw the idiot poverty-stricken shithole GOP States and their racist anti poor anti women laws... I would prefer we just did away with States... Sure would make things a lot easier... And of course we would have had algor instead of the catastrophe Bush and Hillary instead of this idiot....

You need to see a psychiatrist dude, and lay off the crack.
any actual arguments, brainwashed racist anti poor anti-woman functional moron?

I don't argue with freaks like you. You are obviously sick in the head.

Oh, and by the way, I AM a woman you stupid dope. I can still probably kick your ass too.
Doesn't mean you don't vote against women's rights that's for sure. Republican voters are totally misinformed and brainwashed and vote against themselves all the time, that's all they do. I am 6 foot 4 200 and I do not fight women...
I mean, what is incorrect about her statements?

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): People would argue that the whole world, and I would, that the whole world has been reshaped by people taking other people's land. I mean, it's called conquest....

They want to live in a fake world. As Trump always says, "You don't get do-overs." No do-overs, that's it. There was an argument, sometime -- I think it was the 1980s. There was a quote, you won, we lost, that's that. Describing world politics, we won, you lost, that's that. That's just the way it is.

Laura Ingraham on reparations: "It's called conquest ... we won, you lost, that's that"

Laura Ingraham Slams 'Preposterous' Reparations Calls: 'No Do-Overs. That's It.'

What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole. THAT’s the way of the 21st Century. We’re not in the Middle Ages anymore.

“Conquest” ended after WWII. Time for FOX to enter the 21st Century.
The only problem with your logic: No one alive today is responsible for enslaving anyone.
True ,,Closest we come to that is how Trump has you republicans kissing his dirty ass Almost like slavery
Lame. Personal attacks are not an argument.
I mean, what is incorrect about her statements?

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): People would argue that the whole world, and I would, that the whole world has been reshaped by people taking other people's land. I mean, it's called conquest....

They want to live in a fake world. As Trump always says, "You don't get do-overs." No do-overs, that's it. There was an argument, sometime -- I think it was the 1980s. There was a quote, you won, we lost, that's that. Describing world politics, we won, you lost, that's that. That's just the way it is.

Laura Ingraham on reparations: "It's called conquest ... we won, you lost, that's that"

Laura Ingraham Slams 'Preposterous' Reparations Calls: 'No Do-Overs. That's It.'
She's still pissed about B. Clinton rejecting her advances, isn't she?
How many times have you objected to someone bringing up the Clintons in a thread where they're irrelevant?
I'm just pointing out why Ingraham is the way she is......a woman scorned.
She dodged a bullet by turning down Clinton.

Unless you somehow think it's a privilege for a woman to sleep with powerful men. Or does that apply only to powerful Democrat men?

"Unless you somehow think it's a privilege for a woman to sleep with powerful men. Or does that apply only to powerful Democrat men?"

a perfect example of "accusing your enemy of your own crimes".....

would you let trump grab YOUR wifes' pussy?
What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole. THAT’s the way of the 21st Century. We’re not in the Middle Ages anymore.

Utter bullshit is right. Your post is utter bullshit.

First of all, millions of white Union soldiers died trying to crush the slave states. Do their families get reparations?

Second, it was black Africans who sold their fellow Africans into slavery. Are they going to cough up some cash for this scheme?

Third, many blacks in America today do NOT come from former slave families. Do they get money from the white families of the fallen Union soldiers for nothing?

The whole thing is STUPID and anybody who supports reparations is a half-witted braindead imbecile.
Try and remain calm, they are only talking about setting up a commission to study reparations, brainwashed functional moron. Blacks in Africa have been ripped off for all their money by whites LOL. The actual solutions is to tax the rich more than everyone else percentage-wise for a change and give more opportunities to all the non rich. But thanks for this ridiculous mess of the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever, super duper.
A commission isn't needed to determine that no one living today is responsible for what happened to black people prior to the Civil War.

A "commission" is a propaganda organ funded by the taxpayers. That's one thing we definitely do not needed or wanted.
Only brainwashed fools like you think that reparations will ever be passed. The thing to do is to help all the middle-class and working-class by ending this GOP mess of the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever. Of course blacks do the worst of any considering how discriminated against they are..... On second thought they should give reparations to the descendants of slaves and maybe all of them also. The United States is a disgrace thanks to the GOP. And we need a commission to figure out the details of a plan. Then we'll see if the Democrats pass it. If they can that's democracy for you.
I mean, what is incorrect about her statements?

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): People would argue that the whole world, and I would, that the whole world has been reshaped by people taking other people's land. I mean, it's called conquest....

They want to live in a fake world. As Trump always says, "You don't get do-overs." No do-overs, that's it. There was an argument, sometime -- I think it was the 1980s. There was a quote, you won, we lost, that's that. Describing world politics, we won, you lost, that's that. That's just the way it is.

Laura Ingraham on reparations: "It's called conquest ... we won, you lost, that's that"

Laura Ingraham Slams 'Preposterous' Reparations Calls: 'No Do-Overs. That's It.'
She's still pissed about B. Clinton rejecting her advances, isn't she?
How many times have you objected to someone bringing up the Clintons in a thread where they're irrelevant?
I'm just pointing out why Ingraham is the way she is......a woman scorned.
She dodged a bullet by turning down Clinton.

Unless you somehow think it's a privilege for a woman to sleep with powerful men. Or does that apply only to powerful Democrat men?

"Unless you somehow think it's a privilege for a woman to sleep with powerful men. Or does that apply only to powerful Democrat men?"

a perfect example of "accusing your enemy of your own crimes".....

would you let trump grab YOUR wifes' pussy?
Pence would be president
Your sympathy for the greedy idiot GOP rich and hate of the poor is noted, brainwashed functional moron. And screw the idiot poverty-stricken shithole GOP States and their racist anti poor anti women laws... I would prefer we just did away with States... Sure would make things a lot easier... And of course we would have had algor instead of the catastrophe Bush and Hillary instead of this idiot....

You need to see a psychiatrist dude, and lay off the crack.
for my republican friends,,,since light travels faster than sound some people appear bright until you hear them speak Endeavor not to be one of those people.....A good place to start is not to speak unless spoken too

Take your own advice. So you best never post again.
I mean, what is incorrect about her statements?

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): People would argue that the whole world, and I would, that the whole world has been reshaped by people taking other people's land. I mean, it's called conquest....

They want to live in a fake world. As Trump always says, "You don't get do-overs." No do-overs, that's it. There was an argument, sometime -- I think it was the 1980s. There was a quote, you won, we lost, that's that. Describing world politics, we won, you lost, that's that. That's just the way it is.

Laura Ingraham on reparations: "It's called conquest ... we won, you lost, that's that"

Laura Ingraham Slams 'Preposterous' Reparations Calls: 'No Do-Overs. That's It.'

What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole.
Tell that to members of:
  • The Trojan War
  • The Roman Republic
  • The spread of Persia
  • Alexander the Great at Babylon
  • The Punic War
  • Hannibal
  • The Conquest of Greece
  • The Roman Empire
  • Julius Caesar
  • Caligula
  • Nero
  • The Visigoths
  • Arabian siege of Constantinople
  • Charlemagne
  • The Viking Conquests
  • Spaniard destruction of the Aztec Empire
  • The Ottoman Empire
  • Joan of Arc
  • The Dark Ages
  • The Mongols
  • The American Indian
  • The Soviet Union
  • Mao Zedong
  • The Nazis
What kind of BLABBERING, MINDLESS IDIOT are you to talk of "making people whole?" What makes the enslavement of other races for cheap labor centuries ago any worse or more deserving than these? And if this is the "Age of Reparations," why stop with just the Blacks? You really think they've been the only ones wronged?


Now that we have that out of our system, and everyone has paid back everyone else a Trillion Trillion Trillion dollars, let every Black alive today who has documented claim to a loss he has personally suffered due to slavery come forward and make his claim of the party who inflicted the injury, and I'll be 100% behind them!

THAT’s the way of the 21st Century.
Great. Next time someone suffers from slavery in the 21st Century, DO LET US KNOW.

MEANTIME: NOTHING STOPPING YOU from repaying reparations! How much have you repaid Blacks so far??????? ZERO? The least you could do is cook and clean for some Black family, maybe give them your house?

Reparations: Ain't never ever ever gonna happen. At best, it is a Fool's Idea of causing a NEW injustice inflicted on INNOCENT people just to make some other group feel better about themselves and create a whole new injustice all over. You CANNOT repay dead people for a crime committed them centuries after they are long dead and buried. You could never "repay" them even if they were still alive.
We have to stop electing Republicans to end War it seems. The only Wars now should be getting rid of totalitarian governments and establishing democracy everywhere. Civil Wars.

I don't believe in reparations I believe in taxing the rich and having cheap college and training good infrastructure and Health Care daycare etc like all other rich countries...

Much more opportunity and fairness. You know socialism.

It would be nice if the United States of America was a rich country, but it is not. It is $21+ Trillion in debt, with future unfunded liabilities of well over $100 Trillion.
What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole. THAT’s the way of the 21st Century. We’re not in the Middle Ages anymore.

Utter bullshit is right. Your post is utter bullshit.

First of all, millions of white Union soldiers died trying to crush the slave states. Do their families get reparations?

Second, it was black Africans who sold their fellow Africans into slavery. Are they going to cough up some cash for this scheme?

Third, many blacks in America today do NOT come from former slave families. Do they get money from the white families of the fallen Union soldiers for nothing?

The whole thing is STUPID and anybody who supports reparations is a half-witted braindead imbecile.
Try and remain calm, they are only talking about setting up a commission to study reparations, brainwashed functional moron. Blacks in Africa have been ripped off for all their money by whites LOL. The actual solutions is to tax the rich more than everyone else percentage-wise for a change and give more opportunities to all the non rich. But thanks for this ridiculous mess of the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever, super duper.
A commission isn't needed to determine that no one living today is responsible for what happened to black people prior to the Civil War.

A "commission" is a propaganda organ funded by the taxpayers. That's one thing we definitely do not needed or wanted.

I mean, what is incorrect about her statements?

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): People would argue that the whole world, and I would, that the whole world has been reshaped by people taking other people's land. I mean, it's called conquest....

They want to live in a fake world. As Trump always says, "You don't get do-overs." No do-overs, that's it. There was an argument, sometime -- I think it was the 1980s. There was a quote, you won, we lost, that's that. Describing world politics, we won, you lost, that's that. That's just the way it is.

Laura Ingraham on reparations: "It's called conquest ... we won, you lost, that's that"

Laura Ingraham Slams 'Preposterous' Reparations Calls: 'No Do-Overs. That's It.'

What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole. THAT’s the way of the 21st Century. We’re not in the Middle Ages anymore.

“Conquest” ended after WWII. Time for FOX to enter the 21st Century.
The only problem with your logic: No one alive today is responsible for enslaving anyone.
what about Jim Crow? What about the ridiculous discrimination they go through to this day?
Utter bullshit is right. Your post is utter bullshit.

First of all, millions of white Union soldiers died trying to crush the slave states. Do their families get reparations?

Second, it was black Africans who sold their fellow Africans into slavery. Are they going to cough up some cash for this scheme?

Third, many blacks in America today do NOT come from former slave families. Do they get money from the white families of the fallen Union soldiers for nothing?

The whole thing is STUPID and anybody who supports reparations is a half-witted braindead imbecile.
Try and remain calm..........

LOL. Says the freak with Tourette Syndrome
So you are a total troll then I get it.....
What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole. THAT’s the way of the 21st Century. We’re not in the Middle Ages anymore.

Utter bullshit is right. Your post is utter bullshit.

First of all, millions of white Union soldiers died trying to crush the slave states. Do their families get reparations?

Second, it was black Africans who sold their fellow Africans into slavery. Are they going to cough up some cash for this scheme?

Third, many blacks in America today do NOT come from former slave families. Do they get money from the white families of the fallen Union soldiers for nothing?

The whole thing is STUPID and anybody who supports reparations is a half-witted braindead imbecile.
Try and remain calm, they are only talking about setting up a commission to study reparations, brainwashed functional moron. Blacks in Africa have been ripped off for all their money by whites LOL. The actual solutions is to tax the rich more than everyone else percentage-wise for a change and give more opportunities to all the non rich. But thanks for this ridiculous mess of the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever, super duper.
A commission isn't needed to determine that no one living today is responsible for what happened to black people prior to the Civil War.

A "commission" is a propaganda organ funded by the taxpayers. That's one thing we definitely do not needed or wanted.

I mean, what is incorrect about her statements?

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): People would argue that the whole world, and I would, that the whole world has been reshaped by people taking other people's land. I mean, it's called conquest....

They want to live in a fake world. As Trump always says, "You don't get do-overs." No do-overs, that's it. There was an argument, sometime -- I think it was the 1980s. There was a quote, you won, we lost, that's that. Describing world politics, we won, you lost, that's that. That's just the way it is.

Laura Ingraham on reparations: "It's called conquest ... we won, you lost, that's that"

Laura Ingraham Slams 'Preposterous' Reparations Calls: 'No Do-Overs. That's It.'

What utter bullshit! You behave badly, you do someone harm, you make them whole. THAT’s the way of the 21st Century. We’re not in the Middle Ages anymore.

“Conquest” ended after WWII. Time for FOX to enter the 21st Century.
The only problem with your logic: No one alive today is responsible for enslaving anyone.
what about Jim Crow? What about the ridiculous discrimination they go through to this day?

Jim Crow ended 60 years ago, fool.

All the discrimination is in their favor, shit for brains. What do you imagine Affirmative Action is?
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