Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

In the courts of law, run by whitey, whitey does better. If you are offended by AA don't be. It worked so well we almost don't need it any longer. Still, places like universities will seek diversity. And that is their right.
No, "whitey" doesn't do better, and only a racist piece of trash would go around using terms like "whitey."

Whether AA "worked" is a matter of debate. Whether it's unconstitutional is a matter of fact. The constitution mandates equal treatment by the law, not special treatment for favored groups.
You get more than equal treatment under the law. We have the numbers to prove it so, just STFU.

The numbers prove that blacks are more criminal than whites, and that they don't perform as well in the job market. That's all they prove.
The numbers prove that blacks under whitey law get hit harder by the courts.
No they don't. They prove that more black people are thugs than white people.
I'm not interested in your Hitler youth-lite, Bripat.
Everyone deserve protection and freedom. Too bad conservatives wish to take that away from everyone besides the upper class.

Except the RIght, today is arguing for equal treatment and protection and freedom for everyone and it is the Left that is making excuses for policies that discrimination against whites.
Poor poor whitey, he just can't catch a break here.
I love the way you turds ridicule anyone who expects equal treatment under the law. Whenever given half a chance, you never fail to reveal your fascist cloven hoof.
You get (better than) equal treatment, in most cases. We have the stats to prove it.

But poor whitey, he just can't catch a break - in America.
Now we don't, moron. Unequal treatment is mandated by law.

That's a m-f lie.

Except the RIght, today is arguing for equal treatment and protection and freedom for everyone and it is the Left that is making excuses for policies that discrimination against whites.
Poor poor whitey, he just can't catch a break here.
I love the way you turds ridicule anyone who expects equal treatment under the law. Whenever given half a chance, you never fail to reveal your fascist cloven hoof.
You get (better than) equal treatment, in most cases. We have the stats to prove it.

But poor whitey, he just can't catch a break - in America.
Now we don't, moron. Unequal treatment is mandated by law.
In the courts of law, run by whitey, whitey does better. If you are offended by AA don't be. It worked so well we almost don't need it any longer. Still, places like universities will seek diversity. And that is their right.

Let's get something straight here AA has not worked in the manner most whites think. Looking at these posts and others in other places like this, we will need the policy for at least another generation.
Diversity only happens in White countries

There's no such thing as a "white country" but, the US is the exact opposite.

What the US needs is open season on knuckle dragging, inbred, cracker trailer trash. We could make it a holiday, like the movie "Purge". Yep, I do believe I'm on to something with this.


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Now you're openly advocating killing white people.

And you claim you're not a racist?

Are all white people knuckle dragging, inbred, cracker trailer trash?


Therefore no racism.
Poor poor whitey, he just can't catch a break here.
I love the way you turds ridicule anyone who expects equal treatment under the law. Whenever given half a chance, you never fail to reveal your fascist cloven hoof.
You get (better than) equal treatment, in most cases. We have the stats to prove it.

But poor whitey, he just can't catch a break - in America.
Now we don't, moron. Unequal treatment is mandated by law.
In the courts of law, run by whitey, whitey does better. If you are offended by AA don't be. It worked so well we almost don't need it any longer. Still, places like universities will seek diversity. And that is their right.

Let's get something straight here AA has not worked in the manner most whites think. Looking at these posts and others in other places like this, we will need the policy for at least another generation.
AA has worked well enough to let it (and the morons against it) die off. This will be a non-issue in short order as the troglodytes (like Bripat) die off and the pace accelerates.

The end is near for the last of the Whiny Whitey Male.
It's a theory advanced as precedent fact that multiculturalism is entirely or mostly beneficial to ALL parties concerned
Poor poor whitey, he just can't catch a break here.
I love the way you turds ridicule anyone who expects equal treatment under the law. Whenever given half a chance, you never fail to reveal your fascist cloven hoof.
You get (better than) equal treatment, in most cases. We have the stats to prove it.

But poor whitey, he just can't catch a break - in America.
Now we don't, moron. Unequal treatment is mandated by law.
In the courts of law, run by whitey, whitey does better. If you are offended by AA don't be. It worked so well we almost don't need it any longer. Still, places like universities will seek diversity. And that is their right.

Let's get something straight here AA has not worked in the manner most whites think. Looking at these posts and others in other places like this, we will need the policy for at least another generation.

Nah, as the country turns more conservative, eventually somebody will get rid of it; maybe even Trump. Affirmative Action is nothing more than reverse discrimination.
I love the way you turds ridicule anyone who expects equal treatment under the law. Whenever given half a chance, you never fail to reveal your fascist cloven hoof.
You get (better than) equal treatment, in most cases. We have the stats to prove it.

But poor whitey, he just can't catch a break - in America.
Now we don't, moron. Unequal treatment is mandated by law.
In the courts of law, run by whitey, whitey does better. If you are offended by AA don't be. It worked so well we almost don't need it any longer. Still, places like universities will seek diversity. And that is their right.

Let's get something straight here AA has not worked in the manner most whites think. Looking at these posts and others in other places like this, we will need the policy for at least another generation.

Nah, as the country turns more conservative, eventually somebody will get rid of it; maybe even Trump. Affirmative Action is nothing more than reverse discrimination.
Legal reverse discrimination. Isn't payback a bitch?
You get (better than) equal treatment, in most cases. We have the stats to prove it.

But poor whitey, he just can't catch a break - in America.
Now we don't, moron. Unequal treatment is mandated by law.
In the courts of law, run by whitey, whitey does better. If you are offended by AA don't be. It worked so well we almost don't need it any longer. Still, places like universities will seek diversity. And that is their right.

Let's get something straight here AA has not worked in the manner most whites think. Looking at these posts and others in other places like this, we will need the policy for at least another generation.

Nah, as the country turns more conservative, eventually somebody will get rid of it; maybe even Trump. Affirmative Action is nothing more than reverse discrimination.
Legal reverse discrimination. Isn't payback a bitch?

There is no such thing as reverse discrimination.
I love the way you turds ridicule anyone who expects equal treatment under the law. Whenever given half a chance, you never fail to reveal your fascist cloven hoof.
You get (better than) equal treatment, in most cases. We have the stats to prove it.

But poor whitey, he just can't catch a break - in America.
Now we don't, moron. Unequal treatment is mandated by law.
In the courts of law, run by whitey, whitey does better. If you are offended by AA don't be. It worked so well we almost don't need it any longer. Still, places like universities will seek diversity. And that is their right.

Let's get something straight here AA has not worked in the manner most whites think. Looking at these posts and others in other places like this, we will need the policy for at least another generation.
AA has worked well enough to let it (and the morons against it) die off. This will be a non-issue in short order as the troglodytes (like Bripat) die off and the pace accelerates.

The end is near for the last of the Whiny Whitey Male.

It has worled so well that whites are crying about reverse discrimination while they are the major benefactors of this policy while blacks and other non whites face the same rates relative to employment and earnings to whites they did before AA was the law.
Now we don't, moron. Unequal treatment is mandated by law.
In the courts of law, run by whitey, whitey does better. If you are offended by AA don't be. It worked so well we almost don't need it any longer. Still, places like universities will seek diversity. And that is their right.

Let's get something straight here AA has not worked in the manner most whites think. Looking at these posts and others in other places like this, we will need the policy for at least another generation.

Nah, as the country turns more conservative, eventually somebody will get rid of it; maybe even Trump. Affirmative Action is nothing more than reverse discrimination.
Legal reverse discrimination. Isn't payback a bitch?

There is no such thing as reverse discrimination.
Sure there is. It's what happens when the group holding the others down now can't get away with it. Discrimination can be perfectly legal. Whitey made it so and then, the worm turned.
The numbers prove that blacks under whitey law get hit harder by the courts.

No, because those are raw numbers with no detail; apples to oranges.

Two people in different states both get busted with 2 oz of coke. One is black and one is white, but the white guy got a more lenient sentence. Is it because the color of his skin? No.

A judge looks at the entire case and not just the offense alone. For instance, how much respect did the suspect give the police officers? Did he run away, fight with them, lie to them? How about while the suspect was being booked? How did the suspect dress for court? Is he disrespecting the court during trial, rolling his eyes, shaking his head, being disruptive? What was his past criminal history and how likely would it be he's back in court after he gets out?

There are a lot of things a judge takes into consideration when handing out sentences. What your numbers tell you (wherever you got them from) is that black suspects get harsher sentences, so in your race bating mind, it must be because the color of their skin. If you get some time today, go to Spike TV and record some C.O.P.S. episodes, and take note of how black suspects behave with police compared to white suspects. That will burst your bubble.

On a different side of the story, I asked a friend of mine who works for the court system downtown whether he thinks blacks get harsher sentences than whites. He said there is no documentation of that, but in his opinion, yes they do. But guess what? Those harsher sentences come from BLACK judges.

It makes sense too. Black judges live in the black community. If not, they have friends or relatives there. They want to get rid of the problem makers for as long as they can. On the other hand, the worst thing a white judge can do to the black community if he hates blacks so much is give blacks lighter sentences. For him, it's way more destructive to put those criminals back out into those black communities to destroy them even more.
All you have to do is look it a man from Sweden and a man from Ethiopia or China to see there's a difference. Just like all genetic change, it occurred over thousands of years
A man from southern italy looks different from a man from Sweden too but your ilk say both are white. Some East Indians are as
black or blacker than any African but your pseudo-science made them Caucasoids.
So called racial differences don't seem to be an issue in those examples..

Be careful. If you delve into genetic differences I 'll be forced to tell you how a good hump in the hay between a man or woman of any human group can undo in 5 minutes what it took thousands of years for natural selection to do. Potentially, such unions make the human race stronger.

Here is a caveat to that mode of thought. Global hominid populations have been intermingling. at least as far back as the time when modern humans and Neanderthals co-existed. If nothing else, that's a good starting point.

Only a moron would claim there are no genetic difference between a Great Dane and a Chitzu. If there was no difference between breeds, then breeding wouldn't work, but every rancher kno
Only a moron would label minor genetic differences among isolated human something racial. But it is the idiot making comparisons between dog breeds and humans that stands out. BTW...I have said, race is a social construct. Dogs only see another dog as a dog regardless of breed. And breeding worked thousands of years before man discovered how to manipulate the process and create breeds that never existed in nature. But a dog remains a dog no matter how you juggle their DNA....A dog and a cat are two different...____I'll let you fill in the blank. So if what you put in the blank is true. What do you logically label two dogs of different breeds?

Hitler didn't invent the concept of race, asshole. And whether the differences are superficial is the subject of debate,

The categorization of humans into the pseudo-scientific concept of race orinated in Germany well before Hitler was born.
There is nothing scientific about it.

In the case of the Great Dane and the Chitzu, the differences clearly aren't superficial.
Both are still dogs. Different breeds but still dogs.

The fact that you didn't make up your bad science proves nothing other than that you are able to regurgitate what some other idiot made up.
No human made up my "bad science." God did. it just takes a sharp observer to recognize it.
The numbers prove that blacks under whitey law get hit harder by the courts.

No, because those are raw numbers with no detail; apples to oranges.

Two people in different states both get busted with 2 oz of coke. One is black and one is white, but the white guy got a more lenient sentence. Is it because the color of his skin?
Almost without exception. .
In the courts of law, run by whitey, whitey does better. If you are offended by AA don't be. It worked so well we almost don't need it any longer. Still, places like universities will seek diversity. And that is their right.

Let's get something straight here AA has not worked in the manner most whites think. Looking at these posts and others in other places like this, we will need the policy for at least another generation.

Nah, as the country turns more conservative, eventually somebody will get rid of it; maybe even Trump. Affirmative Action is nothing more than reverse discrimination.
Legal reverse discrimination. Isn't payback a bitch?

There is no such thing as reverse discrimination.
Sure there is. It's what happens when the group holding the others down now can't get away with it. Discrimination can be perfectly legal. Whitey made it so and then, the worm turned.

l there is no reverse discrimination and that's a fact. What you describe is called ending racial discrimination.
The numbers prove that blacks under whitey law get hit harder by the courts.

No, because those are raw numbers with no detail; apples to oranges.

Two people in different states both get busted with 2 oz of coke. One is black and one is white, but the white guy got a more lenient sentence. Is it because the color of his skin? No.

A judge looks at the entire case and not just the offense alone. For instance, how much respect did the suspect give the police officers? Did he run away, fight with them, lie to them? How about while the suspect was being booked? How did the suspect dress for court? Is he disrespecting the court during trial, rolling his eyes, shaking his head, being disruptive? What was his past criminal history and how likely would it be he's back in court after he gets out?

There are a lot of things a judge takes into consideration when handing out sentences. What your numbers tell you (wherever you got them from) is that black suspects get harsher sentences, so in your race bating mind, it must be because the color of their skin. If you get some time today, go to Spike TV and record some C.O.P.S. episodes, and take note of how black suspects behave with police compared to white suspects. That will burst your bubble.

On a different side of the story, I asked a friend of mine who works for the court system downtown whether he thinks blacks get harsher sentences than whites. He said there is no documentation of that, but in his opinion, yes they do. But guess what? Those harsher sentences come from BLACK judges.

It makes sense too. Black judges live in the black community. If not, they have friends or relatives there. They want to get rid of the problem makers for as long as they can. On the other hand, the worst thing a white judge can do to the black community if he hates blacks so much is give blacks lighter sentences. For him, it's way more destructive to put those criminals back out into those black communities to destroy them even more.

You're wrong Ray.
Let's get something straight here AA has not worked in the manner most whites think. Looking at these posts and others in other places like this, we will need the policy for at least another generation.

Nah, as the country turns more conservative, eventually somebody will get rid of it; maybe even Trump. Affirmative Action is nothing more than reverse discrimination.
Legal reverse discrimination. Isn't payback a bitch?

There is no such thing as reverse discrimination.
Sure there is. It's what happens when the group holding the others down now can't get away with it. Discrimination can be perfectly legal. Whitey made it so and then, the worm turned.

l there is no reverse discrimination and that's a fact. What you describe is called ending racial discrimination.
We made a conscious decision to give the darkie ____, female ___, non-white-male ____ a nod if we could. It was a perfectly rational thing to do and for some, it changed their lives. No one ever said life was going to be fair.
The numbers prove that blacks under whitey law get hit harder by the courts.

No, because those are raw numbers with no detail; apples to oranges.

Two people in different states both get busted with 2 oz of coke. One is black and one is white, but the white guy got a more lenient sentence. Is it because the color of his skin? No.

A judge looks at the entire case and not just the offense alone. For instance, how much respect did the suspect give the police officers? Did he run away, fight with them, lie to them? How about while the suspect was being booked? How did the suspect dress for court? Is he disrespecting the court during trial, rolling his eyes, shaking his head, being disruptive? What was his past criminal history and how likely would it be he's back in court after he gets out?

There are a lot of things a judge takes into consideration when handing out sentences. What your numbers tell you (wherever you got them from) is that black suspects get harsher sentences, so in your race bating mind, it must be because the color of their skin. If you get some time today, go to Spike TV and record some C.O.P.S. episodes, and take note of how black suspects behave with police compared to white suspects. That will burst your bubble.

On a different side of the story, I asked a friend of mine who works for the court system downtown whether he thinks blacks get harsher sentences than whites. He said there is no documentation of that, but in his opinion, yes they do. But guess what? Those harsher sentences come from BLACK judges.

It makes sense too. Black judges live in the black community. If not, they have friends or relatives there. They want to get rid of the problem makers for as long as they can. On the other hand, the worst thing a white judge can do to the black community if he hates blacks so much is give blacks lighter sentences. For him, it's way more destructive to put those criminals back out into those black communities to destroy them even more.
why not correlate with income?

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