Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

Let's get something straight here AA has not worked in the manner most whites think. Looking at these posts and others in other places like this, we will need the policy for at least another generation.

Nah, as the country turns more conservative, eventually somebody will get rid of it; maybe even Trump. Affirmative Action is nothing more than reverse discrimination.
Legal reverse discrimination. Isn't payback a bitch?
You mean you don't give a flying fuck about what the Constitution says.

If you don't care about equality before the law, then why should any white person care if someone discriminates against blacks?

Please explain.
We have equality before the law, mostly, but whites are still more equal.

You just said it was "payback." Now you claim it doesn't exist. You really aren't good with this logic and debate stuff, are you?
We have legal discrimination here. Is this news to you?
Let's get something straight here AA has not worked in the manner most whites think. Looking at these posts and others in other places like this, we will need the policy for at least another generation.

Nah, as the country turns more conservative, eventually somebody will get rid of it; maybe even Trump. Affirmative Action is nothing more than reverse discrimination.
Legal reverse discrimination. Isn't payback a bitch?
You mean you don't give a flying fuck about what the Constitution says.

If you don't care about equality before the law, then why should any white person care if someone discriminates against blacks?

Please explain.
We have equality before the law, mostly, but whites are still more equal.
Why are you whining about it? You just endorsed inequality before the law. Which do you want, equality or inequality?
I'd like equality but whitey is still getting a break.
... address what he actually complained .about...

I did.

Nope, he had specific complains about specific behaviors and their results.

You ignored that.

Not the post to which I replied.

Don't pretend to have entered the thread there, or to be unaware of his larger position.

You think he would be so passionate about this issue, if he had NOT been fucked to the tune of over half his equity in his house?

As his girlfriend you may be inclined to believe any bullshit story he spins, but I'm not.

A. There is nothing unbelievable about his story.

B. It is very self serving of you to disbelieve his story.

c. Attacking me personally instead of answering a honest and serious question, is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Ridicule, a common lefty tactic. Your post is invalid and you lose.

d. My question stands. You think he would be so passionate about this issue, if he had NOT been fucked to the tune of over half his equity in his house?
Nah, as the country turns more conservative, eventually somebody will get rid of it; maybe even Trump. Affirmative Action is nothing more than reverse discrimination.
Legal reverse discrimination. Isn't payback a bitch?
You mean you don't give a flying fuck about what the Constitution says.

If you don't care about equality before the law, then why should any white person care if someone discriminates against blacks?

Please explain.
We have equality before the law, mostly, but whites are still more equal.
Why are you whining about it? You just endorsed inequality before the law. Which do you want, equality or inequality?
I'd like equality but whitey is still getting a break.

Your denial of obvious and documented reality is nonsense.
Humans belong to the same species, not the same race. What you're trying to say is that a Doberman is the same as a Yorkshire Terrier. They are obviously different, but they can still interbreed.

You're spouting a bogus theory popular with leftwing academics, but's total bullshit.
Why is "race" important to the sole surviving species in the homo genus?

Look inward to find the answer there, Danny.

After all you side with the brown racist over the white child.
Means nothing to Hispanics. And, for your information, Spanish is the other, white European language.

It means everything to you, otherwise you would not side with rapist over his child victim.
says you? just lousy management. we could be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis via our Commerce Clause. only the right wing, "hates on capitalism as much as the poor", when it interferes with their socialism on a national basis.

Changing the subject with a load of word salad doesn't change the fact that you side with the brown rapist over his white child victim.

So, if you wonder why race is still so important, look inwards.
Legal reverse discrimination. Isn't payback a bitch?
You mean you don't give a flying fuck about what the Constitution says.

If you don't care about equality before the law, then why should any white person care if someone discriminates against blacks?

Please explain.
We have equality before the law, mostly, but whites are still more equal.
Why are you whining about it? You just endorsed inequality before the law. Which do you want, equality or inequality?
I'd like equality but whitey is still getting a break.

Your denial of obvious and documented reality is nonsense.
In the court whitey is king. What pisses you off, Hitler youth, is that's no longer true everywhere else.
Same with the asians over here in southern california. They work like the devil, their kids get top grades in school etc. and so on. It's the mindset. Ben carson is living proof of that. Living in a ghetto, no father, almost illiterate mother. All kinds of excuses for failure but the mother turned of the t.v. and make the kids study.

Absolutely. It's not about different people, it's about different ways some people act.

The obamas and clintons truly believe that blacks can't make it without the government's help. obama himself is black, but it's obvious he has no use for blacks other than during the election cycle.

The government helps poor people, dickwad. If you don't like it move to a country that doesn't.

You asshats act like only black people need & get help. So why don't poor white people vote Democrats? Racist fuck.

No, we'll just vote out the thieves who want to take our money. If you want to give your money away to other people, feel free to write them a check.
Your first mistake - thinking it's your money.

Says the asshole who uses false accusations of racism and discrimination to justify his use of political power to steal from white people.
You mean you don't give a flying fuck about what the Constitution says.

If you don't care about equality before the law, then why should any white person care if someone discriminates against blacks?

Please explain.
We have equality before the law, mostly, but whites are still more equal.
Why are you whining about it? You just endorsed inequality before the law. Which do you want, equality or inequality?
I'd like equality but whitey is still getting a break.

Your denial of obvious and documented reality is nonsense.
In the court whitey is king. What pisses you off, Hitler youth, is that's no longer true everywhere else.

What are you referring to, with your racist nonsense about "in the court whitey is king"?

Also, your godwin in noted, you fucking asshole, you lose.
Absolutely. It's not about different people, it's about different ways some people act.

The obamas and clintons truly believe that blacks can't make it without the government's help. obama himself is black, but it's obvious he has no use for blacks other than during the election cycle.

The government helps poor people, dickwad. If you don't like it move to a country that doesn't.

You asshats act like only black people need & get help. So why don't poor white people vote Democrats? Racist fuck.

No, we'll just vote out the thieves who want to take our money. If you want to give your money away to other people, feel free to write them a check.
Your first mistake - thinking it's your money.

Says the asshole who uses false accusations of racism and discrimination to justify his use of political power to steal from white people.
White people pay the same rates as - everyone else (if they aren't rich that is, who get away with fucking murder).
We have equality before the law, mostly, but whites are still more equal.
Why are you whining about it? You just endorsed inequality before the law. Which do you want, equality or inequality?
I'd like equality but whitey is still getting a break.

Your denial of obvious and documented reality is nonsense.
In the court whitey is king. What pisses you off, Hitler youth, is that's no longer true everywhere else.

What are you referring to, with your racist nonsense about "in the court whitey is king"?

Also, your godwin in noted, you fucking asshole, you lose.
Before the law, whitey gets a break and the darkies don't. What upsets you, Hitler youth (just embrace it) is that isn't true in all things and at all times. Not anymore, sucks to be you.
notice the crapping in the pants talk of multiculturalism when whitey t christian is now the minority in America

Nope, he had specific complains about specific behaviors and their results.

You ignored that.

Not the post to which I replied.

Don't pretend to have entered the thread there, or to be unaware of his larger position.

You think he would be so passionate about this issue, if he had NOT been fucked to the tune of over half his equity in his house?

As his girlfriend you may be inclined to believe any bullshit story he spins, but I'm not.

A. There is nothing unbelievable about his story.

B. It is very self serving of you to disbelieve his story....

Your loyalty to your boyfriend is laudable, but does not lend his bullshit little story any credibility. Racist shit-talkers talk shit all the time, and there is no way a racist coward would live where they had to face the terrifying prospect of seeing people who don't look like mommy on a regular basis.
You mean you don't give a flying fuck about what the Constitution says.

If you don't care about equality before the law, then why should any white person care if someone discriminates against blacks?

Please explain.
We have equality before the law, mostly, but whites are still more equal.
Why are you whining about it? You just endorsed inequality before the law. Which do you want, equality or inequality?
I'd like equality but whitey is still getting a break.

Your denial of obvious and documented reality is nonsense.
In the court whitey is king. What pisses you off, Hitler youth, is that's no longer true everywhere else.

And why is whitey king? Because whitey goes to court shaved with a fresh haircut. Whitey respects the court. Whitey dresses the best he can afford. Whitey shows remorse for his crimes.
Why is "race" important to the sole surviving species in the homo genus?

Look inward to find the answer there, Danny.

After all you side with the brown racist over the white child.
Means nothing to Hispanics. And, for your information, Spanish is the other, white European language.

It means everything to you, otherwise you would not side with rapist over his child victim.
says you? just lousy management. we could be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis via our Commerce Clause. only the right wing, "hates on capitalism as much as the poor", when it interferes with their socialism on a national basis.

Changing the subject with a load of word salad doesn't change the fact that you side with the brown rapist over his white child victim.

So, if you wonder why race is still so important, look inwards.
Only in right wing fantasy is having an actual solution, called "word salad".
We have equality before the law, mostly, but whites are still more equal.
Why are you whining about it? You just endorsed inequality before the law. Which do you want, equality or inequality?
I'd like equality but whitey is still getting a break.

Your denial of obvious and documented reality is nonsense.
In the court whitey is king. What pisses you off, Hitler youth, is that's no longer true everywhere else.

And why is whitey king? Because whitey goes to court shaved with a fresh haircut. Whitey respects the court. Whitey dresses the best he can afford. Whitey shows remorse for his crimes.
Because the courts are - run by whitey.

And as for remorse, not so much, Trump never has any at all.
You get (better than) equal treatment, in most cases. We have the stats to prove it.

But poor whitey, he just can't catch a break - in America.
Now we don't, moron. Unequal treatment is mandated by law.
In the courts of law, run by whitey, whitey does better. If you are offended by AA don't be. It worked so well we almost don't need it any longer. Still, places like universities will seek diversity. And that is their right.
No, "whitey" doesn't do better, and only a racist piece of trash would go around using terms like "whitey."

Whether AA "worked" is a matter of debate. Whether it's unconstitutional is a matter of fact. The constitution mandates equal treatment by the law, not special treatment for favored groups.
You get more than equal treatment under the law. We have the numbers to prove it so, just STFU.

The numbers prove that blacks are more criminal than whites, and that they don't perform as well in the job market. That's all they prove.

Why are you whining about it? You just endorsed inequality before the law. Which do you want, equality or inequality?
I'd like equality but whitey is still getting a break.

Your denial of obvious and documented reality is nonsense.
In the court whitey is king. What pisses you off, Hitler youth, is that's no longer true everywhere else.

And why is whitey king? Because whitey goes to court shaved with a fresh haircut. Whitey respects the court. Whitey dresses the best he can afford. Whitey shows remorse for his crimes.
Because the courts are - run by whitey.

And as for remorse, not so much, Trump never has any at all.

Trump isn't in court facing robbery charges and hoping for a break from a judge.
Look inward to find the answer there, Danny.

After all you side with the brown racist over the white child.
Means nothing to Hispanics. And, for your information, Spanish is the other, white European language.

It means everything to you, otherwise you would not side with rapist over his child victim.
says you? just lousy management. we could be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis via our Commerce Clause. only the right wing, "hates on capitalism as much as the poor", when it interferes with their socialism on a national basis.

Changing the subject with a load of word salad doesn't change the fact that you side with the brown rapist over his white child victim.

So, if you wonder why race is still so important, look inwards.
Only in right wing fantasy is having an actual solution, called "word salad".

Your word salad was not a solution, but to distract from the fact that you sided with the brown rapist over his white victim based on race.
Poor poor whitey, he just can't catch a break here.
I love the way you turds ridicule anyone who expects equal treatment under the law. Whenever given half a chance, you never fail to reveal your fascist cloven hoof.
You get (better than) equal treatment, in most cases. We have the stats to prove it.

But poor whitey, he just can't catch a break - in America.
Now we don't, moron. Unequal treatment is mandated by law.
In the courts of law, run by whitey, whitey does better. If you are offended by AA don't be. It worked so well we almost don't need it any longer. Still, places like universities will seek diversity. And that is their right.

Let's get something straight here AA has not worked in the manner most whites think. Looking at these posts and others in other places like this, we will need the policy for at least another generation.

Your desire to have discrimination in your favor is obvious and vile of you.

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