Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

Legal reverse discrimination. Isn't payback a bitch?
You mean you don't give a flying fuck about what the Constitution says.

If you don't care about equality before the law, then why should any white person care if someone discriminates against blacks?

Please explain.
We have equality before the law, mostly, but whites are still more equal.

You just said it was "payback." Now you claim it doesn't exist. You really aren't good with this logic and debate stuff, are you?
We have legal discrimination here. Is this news to you?
You're speaking out of both sides of your mouth, moron. On the one hand you claim that the government doesn't discriminate against whites, and they you go and admit that it does.

It discriminates against many and for good reasons. It's valid but before the law, meaning in the courts, whitey still gets a break.
The numbers prove that blacks under whitey law get hit harder by the courts.

No, because those are raw numbers with no detail; apples to oranges.

Two people in different states both get busted with 2 oz of coke. One is black and one is white, but the white guy got a more lenient sentence. Is it because the color of his skin?
Almost without exception. .
It has to do with economics under any form of Capitalism. Why not correlate with income.
To find out that poor and black means you are really going to get nailed? That we already know.

Wrong. Thugs tend to be poor and black. When you try make a living by robbing liquor stores, you are not headed for affluence.

In court the darkies and the poor get a beat-down. End of story.
Who earned it, asshole?
Who printed it, asshole? That ain't a free service.
ROFL! printing the notes does not equate to owning the wealth those notes represent. I probably hand less than $500 in cash during the year, but I earn many times that amount in a year.

It takes a special kind of primitive mind to equate printing the medium of exchange with owning everything people use that medium of exchange for.

Furthermore, government forces us to use it's currency. It's not optional.
Okay, first step. The government prints the money (and for that there is a fee) and the government allows for the market (and for that there is a fee). You'd be paying someone no matter what (and still bitching about it). The money you earn is that which you keep after paying up for - what allows you to earn money.

It's really no different than the bicycle you bought (so you could be a paperboy). There is no free lunch.

ROFL! I've come across this lame leftwing excuse many times for giving government the right to expropriate whatever proportion of my wealth it wants.

Where is the legislation that says there is a fee for using federal reserve notes? Where is the legislation that says using federal reserve notes gives government the right to take whatever it wants?

The money I earn is the money my employer or my clients give me in exchange for my services. Government played no part in that transaction. What I earn isn't what government allows me to keep. You have to be an utterly servile groveling tool to believe the that.

By posting this imbecile theory all you did is unmask yourself as an economic ignoramus.

The money you earn is what you are allowed to keep after paying for the system that allows you to earn a living. Without that system you'd be back hunting and gathering. What gets paid out to support the system will never be up to you nor will you ever approve. Deal with it, snowflake.

Of course it's up to you. That's why we vote. The "system" we have is called capitalism, not government. You didn't build that. Our financial success was not built off of welfare systems, it was built by encouraging investments and taking risks.
All you have to do is look it a man from Sweden and a man from Ethiopia or China to see there's a difference. Just like all genetic change, it occurred over thousands of years
Some East Indians are as
black or blacker than any African but your pseudo-science made them Caucasoids.

DNA evidence supports that India is a mix of Caucasoids, and a Andmanese Islander type population.
Who told you that? Whoever constructed that lie doesn't know a damn thing about India or genetics.
Who printed it, asshole? That ain't a free service.
ROFL! printing the notes does not equate to owning the wealth those notes represent. I probably hand less than $500 in cash during the year, but I earn many times that amount in a year.

It takes a special kind of primitive mind to equate printing the medium of exchange with owning everything people use that medium of exchange for.

Furthermore, government forces us to use it's currency. It's not optional.
Okay, first step. The government prints the money (and for that there is a fee) and the government allows for the market (and for that there is a fee). You'd be paying someone no matter what (and still bitching about it). The money you earn is that which you keep after paying up for - what allows you to earn money.

It's really no different than the bicycle you bought (so you could be a paperboy). There is no free lunch.

ROFL! I've come across this lame leftwing excuse many times for giving government the right to expropriate whatever proportion of my wealth it wants.

Where is the legislation that says there is a fee for using federal reserve notes? Where is the legislation that says using federal reserve notes gives government the right to take whatever it wants?

The money I earn is the money my employer or my clients give me in exchange for my services. Government played no part in that transaction. What I earn isn't what government allows me to keep. You have to be an utterly servile groveling tool to believe the that.

By posting this imbecile theory all you did is unmask yourself as an economic ignoramus.

The money you earn is what you are allowed to keep after paying for the system that allows you to earn a living. Without that system you'd be back hunting and gathering. What gets paid out to support the system will never be up to you nor will you ever approve. Deal with it, snowflake.

Of course it's up to you. That's why we vote. The "system" we have is called capitalism, not government. You didn't build that. Our financial success was not built off of welfare systems, it was built by encouraging investments and taking risks.
Capitalism requires good government. For that there is a price to be paid and that price is not set by morons like Bripat.
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Experts can tell race by a DNA sample, or by skeletal remains.
So, how do you figure that?

I Guess people like Obama drives experts crazy. But here is something even more enlightening.
The proportion of human genetic variation due to differences between populations is modest, and individuals from different populations can be genetically more similar than individuals from the same population.
Genetic Similarities Within and Between Human Populations
Note that my link substitutes the word "populations" in place of "races." I agree because the differences between humans aren't great enough to classify those differences as races.

There's also sweep disparities between races in genetic characteristics
Impossible. All humans belong to the same race. Supremacists have tried hard to create a racial hierarchy with white people at the top and blacks at the bottom but scientific evidence isn't on their side. All living humans are Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

In fact, sometimes a gene can be limited to a single ethnic group even, such as the Chinese genetic allele for DAB1 causing larger, and more developed brains, or the Finnish genetic allele HTR2B Q20 causing impulsivity.
That Chinese gene can be passed on to any other human group on the planet via sex. No group of humans have genes that can't be
shared with other humans.and believe me...they will find a way.
Humans belong to the same species, not the same race. What you're trying to say is that a Doberman is the same as a Yorkshire Terrier. They are obviously different, but they can still interbreed.

You're spouting a bogus theory popular with leftwing academics, but's total bullshit.
Bullshit. When did the Human Race become the Human Races? Hint: it never did.
But lets look at your trite dog analogy. A dog is still a dog no matter what natural or artificial breed it can call each variety a species i.e. collie..snoopy...beagle..whatever...they are all belong to the " race" of dogs. I used quotes around race because it doesn't really exist among dogs or humans. Race is NOT a biological's a social construct.
One created by a German wanting to establish a social heirarchy based on superficial differences in humankind.

My observations on this matter are not something I made up. For further reading and understanding I suggest those interested read the following book on the subject:View attachment 132077

If you can't tell a Nigerian, from a Swede, or Chinaman, god help us.

I think anti-Racism is a ideology for sub-Humans.

The anti-Racist seems to not be intelligent enough to pick up on differences, important differences.
Well, frankly a black person could be a Swede or a Chinaman...depending on where he was born or where he lives. The terms Swede and Chinaman denotes nationality not race. Blacks living here are Americans..those living in Britain are Brits.
I thought you knew that.
you're using recent demographic changes to push a lie. You know damned will that no black person has a great great great grandfather who was born in Sweden. Almost all his ancestors were born in Africa. Likewise, the ancestor of the Swede with straight blond hair and light skin were all born in Sweden.

The terms negroid and mongoloid denote race. We don't use the names of countries to denote race, although there is often a close correspondence.

Your use of the term "blacks" shows that you accept the concept of race. Otherwise, how do you distinguish blacks from other Americans?
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Who earned it, asshole?
Who printed it, asshole? That ain't a free service.
ROFL! printing the notes does not equate to owning the wealth those notes represent. I probably hand less than $500 in cash during the year, but I earn many times that amount in a year.

It takes a special kind of primitive mind to equate printing the medium of exchange with owning everything people use that medium of exchange for.

Furthermore, government forces us to use it's currency. It's not optional.
Okay, first step. The government prints the money (and for that there is a fee) and the government allows for the market (and for that there is a fee). You'd be paying someone no matter what (and still bitching about it). The money you earn is that which you keep after paying up for - what allows you to earn money.

It's really no different than the bicycle you bought (so you could be a paperboy). There is no free lunch.

ROFL! I've come across this lame leftwing excuse many times for giving government the right to expropriate whatever proportion of my wealth it wants.

Where is the legislation that says there is a fee for using federal reserve notes? Where is the legislation that says using federal reserve notes gives government the right to take whatever it wants?

The money I earn is the money my employer or my clients give me in exchange for my services. Government played no part in that transaction. What I earn isn't what government allows me to keep. You have to be an utterly servile groveling tool to believe the that.

By posting this imbecile theory all you did is unmask yourself as an economic ignoramus.

The money you earn is what you are allowed to keep after paying for the system that allows you to earn a living. Without that system you'd be back hunting and gathering. What gets paid out to support the system will never be up to you nor will you ever approve. Deal with it, snowflake.

That's your opinion, not a fact. My income is a result of a transaction and other persons. Taxation comes after the fact of earning.
Who printed it, asshole? That ain't a free service.
ROFL! printing the notes does not equate to owning the wealth those notes represent. I probably hand less than $500 in cash during the year, but I earn many times that amount in a year.

It takes a special kind of primitive mind to equate printing the medium of exchange with owning everything people use that medium of exchange for.

Furthermore, government forces us to use it's currency. It's not optional.
Okay, first step. The government prints the money (and for that there is a fee) and the government allows for the market (and for that there is a fee). You'd be paying someone no matter what (and still bitching about it). The money you earn is that which you keep after paying up for - what allows you to earn money.

It's really no different than the bicycle you bought (so you could be a paperboy). There is no free lunch.

ROFL! I've come across this lame leftwing excuse many times for giving government the right to expropriate whatever proportion of my wealth it wants.

Where is the legislation that says there is a fee for using federal reserve notes? Where is the legislation that says using federal reserve notes gives government the right to take whatever it wants?

The money I earn is the money my employer or my clients give me in exchange for my services. Government played no part in that transaction. What I earn isn't what government allows me to keep. You have to be an utterly servile groveling tool to believe the that.

By posting this imbecile theory all you did is unmask yourself as an economic ignoramus.

The money you earn is what you are allowed to keep after paying for the system that allows you to earn a living. Without that system you'd be back hunting and gathering. What gets paid out to support the system will never be up to you nor will you ever approve. Deal with it, snowflake.

That's your opinion, not a fact. My income is a result of a transaction and other persons. Taxation comes after the fact of earning.
Before, after, during, in matters not a damn. There is a price to be paid to those who made what you use to make money regardless. That systems wasn't built by you but you owe no matter what. Just be a man and deal with it.
No, because those are raw numbers with no detail; apples to oranges.

Two people in different states both get busted with 2 oz of coke. One is black and one is white, but the white guy got a more lenient sentence. Is it because the color of his skin?
Almost without exception. .
It has to do with economics under any form of Capitalism. Why not correlate with income.
To find out that poor and black means you are really going to get nailed? That we already know.

Wrong. Thugs tend to be poor and black. When you try make a living by robbing liquor stores, you are not headed for affluence.

In court the darkies and the poor get a beat-down. End of story.
Horseshit. Their plight is the result of their upbringing, not the judicial system.
ROFL! printing the notes does not equate to owning the wealth those notes represent. I probably hand less than $500 in cash during the year, but I earn many times that amount in a year.

It takes a special kind of primitive mind to equate printing the medium of exchange with owning everything people use that medium of exchange for.

Furthermore, government forces us to use it's currency. It's not optional.
Okay, first step. The government prints the money (and for that there is a fee) and the government allows for the market (and for that there is a fee). You'd be paying someone no matter what (and still bitching about it). The money you earn is that which you keep after paying up for - what allows you to earn money.

It's really no different than the bicycle you bought (so you could be a paperboy). There is no free lunch.

ROFL! I've come across this lame leftwing excuse many times for giving government the right to expropriate whatever proportion of my wealth it wants.

Where is the legislation that says there is a fee for using federal reserve notes? Where is the legislation that says using federal reserve notes gives government the right to take whatever it wants?

The money I earn is the money my employer or my clients give me in exchange for my services. Government played no part in that transaction. What I earn isn't what government allows me to keep. You have to be an utterly servile groveling tool to believe the that.

By posting this imbecile theory all you did is unmask yourself as an economic ignoramus.

The money you earn is what you are allowed to keep after paying for the system that allows you to earn a living. Without that system you'd be back hunting and gathering. What gets paid out to support the system will never be up to you nor will you ever approve. Deal with it, snowflake.

Of course it's up to you. That's why we vote. The "system" we have is called capitalism, not government. You didn't build that. Our financial success was not built off of welfare systems, it was built by encouraging investments and taking risks.
Capitalism requires good government. For that there is a price to be paid and that price is not set my morons like Bripat.

Okay, but don't we all benefit from good government? The ability to get a job, the ability to earn a living, the ability to get a higher education for higher income, the ability to invest and secure a good retirement?

Yet nearly half of the people in this country pay no income tax whatsoever. If we all benefit from good government, shouldn't we all be paying into that good government and not just the fortunate?
Almost without exception. .
It has to do with economics under any form of Capitalism. Why not correlate with income.
To find out that poor and black means you are really going to get nailed? That we already know.

Wrong. Thugs tend to be poor and black. When you try make a living by robbing liquor stores, you are not headed for affluence.

In court the darkies and the poor get a beat-down. End of story.
Horseshit. Their plight is the result of their upbringing, not the judicial system.
Social Darwinism - save it, not interested.
Okay, first step. The government prints the money (and for that there is a fee) and the government allows for the market (and for that there is a fee). You'd be paying someone no matter what (and still bitching about it). The money you earn is that which you keep after paying up for - what allows you to earn money.

It's really no different than the bicycle you bought (so you could be a paperboy). There is no free lunch.

ROFL! I've come across this lame leftwing excuse many times for giving government the right to expropriate whatever proportion of my wealth it wants.

Where is the legislation that says there is a fee for using federal reserve notes? Where is the legislation that says using federal reserve notes gives government the right to take whatever it wants?

The money I earn is the money my employer or my clients give me in exchange for my services. Government played no part in that transaction. What I earn isn't what government allows me to keep. You have to be an utterly servile groveling tool to believe the that.

By posting this imbecile theory all you did is unmask yourself as an economic ignoramus.

The money you earn is what you are allowed to keep after paying for the system that allows you to earn a living. Without that system you'd be back hunting and gathering. What gets paid out to support the system will never be up to you nor will you ever approve. Deal with it, snowflake.

Of course it's up to you. That's why we vote. The "system" we have is called capitalism, not government. You didn't build that. Our financial success was not built off of welfare systems, it was built by encouraging investments and taking risks.
Capitalism requires good government. For that there is a price to be paid and that price is not set my morons like Bripat.

Okay, but don't we all benefit from good government? The ability to get a job, the ability to earn a living, the ability to get a higher education for higher income, the ability to invest and secure a good retirement?

Yet nearly half of the people in this country pay no income tax whatsoever. If we all benefit from good government, shouldn't we all be paying into that good government and not just the fortunate?
For one to pay income tax, in a progressive tax system, one must earn enough income to - tax.
ROFL! printing the notes does not equate to owning the wealth those notes represent. I probably hand less than $500 in cash during the year, but I earn many times that amount in a year.

It takes a special kind of primitive mind to equate printing the medium of exchange with owning everything people use that medium of exchange for.

Furthermore, government forces us to use it's currency. It's not optional.
Okay, first step. The government prints the money (and for that there is a fee) and the government allows for the market (and for that there is a fee). You'd be paying someone no matter what (and still bitching about it). The money you earn is that which you keep after paying up for - what allows you to earn money.

It's really no different than the bicycle you bought (so you could be a paperboy). There is no free lunch.

ROFL! I've come across this lame leftwing excuse many times for giving government the right to expropriate whatever proportion of my wealth it wants.

Where is the legislation that says there is a fee for using federal reserve notes? Where is the legislation that says using federal reserve notes gives government the right to take whatever it wants?

The money I earn is the money my employer or my clients give me in exchange for my services. Government played no part in that transaction. What I earn isn't what government allows me to keep. You have to be an utterly servile groveling tool to believe the that.

By posting this imbecile theory all you did is unmask yourself as an economic ignoramus.

The money you earn is what you are allowed to keep after paying for the system that allows you to earn a living. Without that system you'd be back hunting and gathering. What gets paid out to support the system will never be up to you nor will you ever approve. Deal with it, snowflake.

That's your opinion, not a fact. My income is a result of a transaction and other persons. Taxation comes after the fact of earning.
Before, after, during, in matters not a damn. There is a price to be paid to those who made what you use to make money regardless. That systems wasn't built by you but you owe no matter what. Just be a man and deal with it.

90% of what I pay goes to feed ticks on the ass of society. It did nothing to make it possible for me to earn money. In fact it often positively harmed my ability to make money.
ROFL! I've come across this lame leftwing excuse many times for giving government the right to expropriate whatever proportion of my wealth it wants.

Where is the legislation that says there is a fee for using federal reserve notes? Where is the legislation that says using federal reserve notes gives government the right to take whatever it wants?

The money I earn is the money my employer or my clients give me in exchange for my services. Government played no part in that transaction. What I earn isn't what government allows me to keep. You have to be an utterly servile groveling tool to believe the that.

By posting this imbecile theory all you did is unmask yourself as an economic ignoramus.

The money you earn is what you are allowed to keep after paying for the system that allows you to earn a living. Without that system you'd be back hunting and gathering. What gets paid out to support the system will never be up to you nor will you ever approve. Deal with it, snowflake.

Of course it's up to you. That's why we vote. The "system" we have is called capitalism, not government. You didn't build that. Our financial success was not built off of welfare systems, it was built by encouraging investments and taking risks.
Capitalism requires good government. For that there is a price to be paid and that price is not set my morons like Bripat.

Okay, but don't we all benefit from good government? The ability to get a job, the ability to earn a living, the ability to get a higher education for higher income, the ability to invest and secure a good retirement?

Yet nearly half of the people in this country pay no income tax whatsoever. If we all benefit from good government, shouldn't we all be paying into that good government and not just the fortunate?
For one to pay income tax, in a progressive tax system, one must earn enough income to - tax.

Why? If you are taking advantage of this good government you speak of, it shouldn't matter whether you make 20K or 20 million a year. If government is responsible (as you say it is) for the ability of capitalism, isn't government also responsible for the ability to create income of any kind?
It has to do with economics under any form of Capitalism. Why not correlate with income.
To find out that poor and black means you are really going to get nailed? That we already know.

Wrong. Thugs tend to be poor and black. When you try make a living by robbing liquor stores, you are not headed for affluence.

In court the darkies and the poor get a beat-down. End of story.
Horseshit. Their plight is the result of their upbringing, not the judicial system.
Social Darwinism - save it, not interested.
You are not interested in truth and facts because they don't let blacks off the hook for their dysfunctional behavior.
The money you earn is what you are allowed to keep after paying for the system that allows you to earn a living. Without that system you'd be back hunting and gathering. What gets paid out to support the system will never be up to you nor will you ever approve. Deal with it, snowflake.

Of course it's up to you. That's why we vote. The "system" we have is called capitalism, not government. You didn't build that. Our financial success was not built off of welfare systems, it was built by encouraging investments and taking risks.
Capitalism requires good government. For that there is a price to be paid and that price is not set my morons like Bripat.

Okay, but don't we all benefit from good government? The ability to get a job, the ability to earn a living, the ability to get a higher education for higher income, the ability to invest and secure a good retirement?

Yet nearly half of the people in this country pay no income tax whatsoever. If we all benefit from good government, shouldn't we all be paying into that good government and not just the fortunate?
For one to pay income tax, in a progressive tax system, one must earn enough income to - tax.

Why? If you are taking advantage of this good government you speak of, it shouldn't matter whether you make 20K or 20 million a year. If government is responsible (as you say it is) for the ability of capitalism, isn't government also responsible for the ability to create income of any kind?
The government allows for the system and the system takes it from there. What you seem to want is a flat tax and that is regressive so we have a progressive tax instead. Focusing on income taxes is dumb. That's mostly paid by the well-to-do and the wealthy who can afford it.
To find out that poor and black means you are really going to get nailed? That we already know.

Wrong. Thugs tend to be poor and black. When you try make a living by robbing liquor stores, you are not headed for affluence.

In court the darkies and the poor get a beat-down. End of story.
Horseshit. Their plight is the result of their upbringing, not the judicial system.
Social Darwinism - save it, not interested.
You are not interested in truth and facts because they don't let blacks off the hook for their dysfunctional behavior.
There are kids from all walks of life, all races, all religions, with all kinds of upbringings and educations sitting in the prisons. And I don't let people off the hook. I also don't hang them from the trees.
Of course it's up to you. That's why we vote. The "system" we have is called capitalism, not government. You didn't build that. Our financial success was not built off of welfare systems, it was built by encouraging investments and taking risks.
Capitalism requires good government. For that there is a price to be paid and that price is not set my morons like Bripat.

Okay, but don't we all benefit from good government? The ability to get a job, the ability to earn a living, the ability to get a higher education for higher income, the ability to invest and secure a good retirement?

Yet nearly half of the people in this country pay no income tax whatsoever. If we all benefit from good government, shouldn't we all be paying into that good government and not just the fortunate?
For one to pay income tax, in a progressive tax system, one must earn enough income to - tax.

Why? If you are taking advantage of this good government you speak of, it shouldn't matter whether you make 20K or 20 million a year. If government is responsible (as you say it is) for the ability of capitalism, isn't government also responsible for the ability to create income of any kind?
The government allows for the system and the system takes it from there. What you seem to want is a flat tax and that is regressive so we have a progressive tax instead. Focusing on income taxes is dumb. That's mostly paid by the well-to-do and the wealthy who can afford it.

Taking money from people because they "can afford it" is the moral code of a thief.
Okay, first step. The government prints the money (and for that there is a fee) and the government allows for the market (and for that there is a fee). You'd be paying someone no matter what (and still bitching about it). The money you earn is that which you keep after paying up for - what allows you to earn money.

It's really no different than the bicycle you bought (so you could be a paperboy). There is no free lunch.

ROFL! I've come across this lame leftwing excuse many times for giving government the right to expropriate whatever proportion of my wealth it wants.

Where is the legislation that says there is a fee for using federal reserve notes? Where is the legislation that says using federal reserve notes gives government the right to take whatever it wants?

The money I earn is the money my employer or my clients give me in exchange for my services. Government played no part in that transaction. What I earn isn't what government allows me to keep. You have to be an utterly servile groveling tool to believe the that.

By posting this imbecile theory all you did is unmask yourself as an economic ignoramus.

The money you earn is what you are allowed to keep after paying for the system that allows you to earn a living. Without that system you'd be back hunting and gathering. What gets paid out to support the system will never be up to you nor will you ever approve. Deal with it, snowflake.

That's your opinion, not a fact. My income is a result of a transaction and other persons. Taxation comes after the fact of earning.
Before, after, during, in matters not a damn. There is a price to be paid to those who made what you use to make money regardless. That systems wasn't built by you but you owe no matter what. Just be a man and deal with it.

90% of what I pay goes to feed ticks on the ass of society. It did nothing to make it possible for me to earn money. In fact it often positively harmed my ability to make money.
B.S. You have no idea what you pay or where it goes.
Of course it's up to you. That's why we vote. The "system" we have is called capitalism, not government. You didn't build that. Our financial success was not built off of welfare systems, it was built by encouraging investments and taking risks.
Capitalism requires good government. For that there is a price to be paid and that price is not set my morons like Bripat.

Okay, but don't we all benefit from good government? The ability to get a job, the ability to earn a living, the ability to get a higher education for higher income, the ability to invest and secure a good retirement?

Yet nearly half of the people in this country pay no income tax whatsoever. If we all benefit from good government, shouldn't we all be paying into that good government and not just the fortunate?
For one to pay income tax, in a progressive tax system, one must earn enough income to - tax.

Why? If you are taking advantage of this good government you speak of, it shouldn't matter whether you make 20K or 20 million a year. If government is responsible (as you say it is) for the ability of capitalism, isn't government also responsible for the ability to create income of any kind?
The government allows for the system and the system takes it from there. What you seem to want is a flat tax and that is regressive so we have a progressive tax instead. Focusing on income taxes is dumb. That's mostly paid by the well-to-do and the wealthy who can afford it.

No, I'm for a consumption tax for federal income tax. After all, if we all take advantage of the system, we should all pay into the system.

Focusing on income tax is not dumb because it's income tax that pays all our federal bills. It's income tax that supports our many social services the wealthy never have a use for. It's income tax that supports our military that protects our country.

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